
Chapter 580

Chapter 580

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Chapter 580

The evening dinner of the imperial family, who could never be described as congenial, appeared surprisingly peaceful at first glance.

Dishes masterfully crafted by the palace chefs, meticulously considering each person's health and preferences, lined the table. Because Yuder was inadvertently accompanying them, he had the chance to discern the culinary tastes of the imperial family members.

The Emperor, still not fully recovered, primarily consumed food that was gentle on the stomach and smooth. The Empress seemed to prefer dishes laden with flowers, mostly focusing on simple vegetables and fruits. Katchian picked at a few dishes as if he were a picky eater, although Yuder knew he didn't typically have such tendencies.

However, continuously consuming only specific dishes meant...

'Hes being cautious while pretending not to be.'

Kishiar was the complete opposite of Katchian. He had no qualms about eating anything and managed to consume all kinds of food gracefully. Some might say that he was so naive as to not even consider the possibility of poison, but from Yuder's perspective, it was the complete opposite.

Kishiar was clearly enjoying his meal more boldly than usual, aiming for somethingor someone.

And that someone was most likely Katchian.

'What kind of reaction is he trying to elicit by doing this?'

At the moment when Yuder was privately curious, Katchian was swallowing his extreme discomfort beneath a stoic facade.

"Your Majesty. This chicken dish is quite tender and tasty. Would you care to try some? I believe it would suit your palate."

"Very well. If the Duke recommends it, then I shall try."

"Your Majesty, Empress. Please consider adding this herb to the salad dressing you're currently having. I once had it that way in the West, and it added a delightful layer of flavor."

"Is that so? Im not familiar with Western cuisine, but if Duke Peletta recommends it, I can trust it."

The invitation to the dinner at the Sun Palace had come from the Empress that very morning. At first, Katchian had been skeptical of the messages true intent, but he remembered that similar dinners had occurred when the Emperor was healthier and accepted the invitation.

'There was originally a dinner planned during the Harvest Festival as well, though it was ultimately canceled.'

The reason for the cancellation had been the fool from the Apeto family, whom he had sent to the afterlife by way of poison. But that detail was irrelevant to Katchian. What mattered to him were the terrifying assassination attempts he had faced since then and the days of suffering that followed.

To determine whether the Emperor's condition had improved or worsened, he had to take risks. And to survive in such a setting, he reluctantly had to put up Diarca as a shield.

Fortunately, Kiolle da Diarca, who was appointed as the Crown Prince's watcher, was an absolute fool compared to Duke Diarca, making him very easy to manipulate. Knowing Kioles secret weaknessthat he was secretly engaged in homosexual relationships without his parents knowledgeKatchian had chosen him as his companion without hesitation.

But the dynamics at the dinner table... they made it exceedingly difficult for him to obtain the information he sought.

"Cough, cough."

"Your Majesty! Are you alright? Here's some water"

"I am fine, my Empress. It was just an unfortunate coincidence that the chicken had the leek sauce that I do not particularly enjoy. Theres no need for concern."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, indeed."

"My apologies, Your Majesty. I had momentarily forgotten about that. However, leek sauce is good for your health, so please do not worry."

Kishiar had been observing the Emperor as he ate his favorite chicken dish when, all of a sudden, the Emperor began to cough violently. The Empress looked visibly alarmed. She had thought the Emperor might be on his deathbed, but it turned out it was just a sauce that hadn't agreed with him.

Wiping his mouth, Kishiar turned toward the now noticeably pale Emperor, his expression steeped in exaggerated concern. It was impossible for Katchian to tell whether Kishiar was genuinely worried or just putting on a show. Although the Emperor's gaze hardened slightly, he refrained from scolding Kishiar and simply took another sip of water.

The Emperor called for the chief attendant in the midst of his meal and took a pill of some medicine. After that, he ate with a touch more enthusiasm than before.

Taking medicine implies poor health, but eating more than usual suggests the opposite. Just what condition was the Emperor in? Katchian felt as if everyone was either making fun of him or not; it seemed as though the symptoms he had managed to keep at bay were now breaking through.

Unease filled him. In the reflection of his cup, he thought he saw the ghastly red scar that marred his face once again. No matter how much he tried to convince himself that it wasn't real, how could he dismiss what he so vividly saw?

Katchians gaze pierced through the transparent glass. He felt as if he heard a voice from long ago, back when he was much younger.

"Blond hair and red eyes, undoubtedly. The colors may be a bit tainted, but your skin is pure. Keep it that way; it's the only weapon you'll have for survival"

The strongest evidence of his imperial bloodline was his hair and eyes, and skin as unblemished as untouched snow.

He couldn't afford to lose any of them... not even one...

As he nervously bit his lip, Katchian suddenly felt someone's gaze upon him. Behind the smiling Kishiar, he saw a man with black hair staring at him intently.

The moment their chillingly cold eyes met, the voices that had been swirling in his head vanished without a trace.

"Yuder. Yuder Aile... the Baron."

No emotion could be read from the man's dark eyes. They were disturbing, as impenetrable as darkness, yet strangely captivating.

Katchian had never expected to encounter the man he had seen at the party again here. But on second thought, it made sense. The man was accompanying Duke Peletta, who had stirred up unprecedented events by dancing at the palace. Of course, the Duke wouldn't leave out his confidant and advisor for such an occasion.

Katchian had heard the rumors that Yuder Aile was the confidant and right-hand man of Duke Peletta. At first, he found it laughable. But after seeing the man dance in the arms of Duke Peletta at the party, and then stand defiantly even in front of Duke Diarca, Katchian changed his mind completely.

Despite his humble background, the man acted as if receiving Duke Peletta's attention was his birthright. Even Duke Diarca was humiliated in front of him, appearing no different from any other. It was truly odd.

Yuder Aile's abilities were already proven by the massive monster head displayed in the Sun Palace. But was his unapologetic confidence also part of those abilities? Or did he possess something more that was hidden?

Katchian couldnt tell. And that uncertainty only deepened his interest in the man.

What if he could make him his own?

How would it feel to see a scene like today's, but this time with Yuder Aile in his own grasp, being the one shaken and stirred?

Could he not overcome obstacles like the bothersome Duke Peletta and the suffocating Duke Diarca?

It was a thought that naturally came to mind

"Your Highness, Crown Prince."

At that moment, Kishiar called out to Katchian. His voice carried a peculiar weight, making it impossible not to look at him. Simultaneously, their brief eye contact was averted, as if Kishiar had never been looking at Katchian in the first place.

"When will you answer the question I just asked?"

Kishiar asked with a smile. However, Katchian felt a little embarrassed because he couldnt remember what Kishiar had said. He looked back at Kiolle, who stood behind him, for some assistance, but Kiolle was of no help, simply offering a clueless expression as if he didnt know why he was being looked at.

To think that such a fool who can't even offer a helpful word in situations like this is a knight escort.

Grinding his teeth, Katchian responded politely. After all, being distracted during a meal was a breach of etiquette.

"I apologize, but I didn't hear you. What did you say?"

"It's alright. In hindsight, it wasn't such an important question. I anticipated that you might not find this gathering particularly pleasant, Your Highness. Perhaps my conversation has been rather dull."

Could Duke Peletta really employ such a tacticskillfully lowering himself to attack his opponent?

A mix of suspicion and discomfort stirred within Katchian's mind.

Even when others considered Duke Peletta to be inconsequential, he had never let his guard down. While Kishiar La Orr often seemed devoid of thoughts, Katchian knew that was hardly the sum of the man.

After becoming the Crown Prince, Katchian had heard stories about Emperor and Kishiar's past as a prince from the courtiers. Unlike the public's opinion that painted Kishiar as a wastrel, many long-standing courtiers held an absolute faith in the 'Second Prince who became a Duke.'

This odd faith held by people within the palace was something outsiders would never understand.

Having been groomed to become the new Emperor, Katchian had always felt a sense of crisis and defeat within the bonds of these courtiers. Was it because he had experienced such feelings too many times even before properly meeting Duke Peletta? Even after meeting Kishiar in person, Katchian frequently felt that Kishiar was not as thoughtless as he appeared to be.

No matter what Duke Diarca said about there being no need for caution, this intuition had never faded.

And today, that intuition was blossoming like a flower, emitting a bright red hue.

Was it wise to have attended this gathering today?

'Your Highness, do not worry. No one can penetrate your thoughts. Remember that your heart is fortified with innate strength. Stand confidently. Trust in me, and all that you seek will be within your grasp.'

At that moment, as if he had been waiting for it, a voice echoed in Katchian's mind.

It was the voice of the healer who had greatly aided Katchian in coming here. As he recalled that slow and polite voice, Katchian surprisingly quickly regained his composure. His mind eased, and the reason for his presence here became abundantly clear.

'Yes, nothing can shake me.'

No situation had yet turned completely against him. Katchian decided to speak directly and ask.


"Your Majesty, if this pleases you, I will arrange to send more next time."

"There's no need for that."

However, just then, Kishiar interjected, speaking to the Emperor, causing Katchian's first attempt to be thwarted.

"I apologize, but"

"Ah, just as the Duke said earlier. It seems fine."

Katchian raised his voice once more. However, this time it was the Empress who responded to Kishiar, causing him to be drowned out again. It was a frustrating moment.

'Damn that Duke Peletta! Is this really unintentional?'

Annoyed, Katchian was about to raise his voice again when Kishiar turned his head.

"Crown Prince, did you have something you wanted to say?"


Katchian exhaled heavily, attempting to grasp the atmosphere that was not going in the direction he wanted.

"Actually, I was concerned when Her Majesty suddenly proposed a meal today. I wondered if there were urgent matters to be discussed in such a setting. Especially considering that both of you had appeared together at several official occasions recently. If my concerns are unfounded, then that's good but..."

He almost expressed his slight annoyance, questioning why he was even invited if nothing was going to be said.

Though he was speaking diplomatically, he intended to keep probing for information about the Emperor's health. Emperor Keilusa was never an easy figure to deal with, but the comparatively tender-hearted Empress was easier to target. His plan was to try and get answers from her as easily as possible.

However, it wasn't the Empress sitting across from Katchian; it was Kishiar. The perfectly crafted sentences in his mind scattered the moment they met those red eyes.

Kishiar was smiling. But at the same time, an inexplicable, instinctual fear sounded an alarm in Katchians mind. It was a sensation that was both chilling and overwhelming, as if a weight was pressing down on him. For a moment, he hesitated and closed his mouth.

Then, he simultaneously felt both doubt and shame about his own hesitation.

"Why did you stop speaking?"

With a smiling face, Duke Peletta kindly asked Katchian.


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