Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 9: The Shyair Estate

The wind rushes past my face as we race through the streets. I still cling tightly to Athena, not out of fear of falling off. I’ve been riding on Fenris’ back for a couple years now and never once have fallen off.

No, I’m still reeling over the fact that I’m racing through the streets on the back of a wolf bonded to my ancestor. To say my nervousness and anxiousness were standing on a knife’s edge would be an understatement.

For the past few minutes, Celestine hasn’t spoken at all. She simply holds onto me, making sure that I don’t fall off. It feels incredibly weird the way she’s holding me. It's…natural, as though we’ve done this countless times, yet my nervousness is still high. The way she’s holding me is akin to an older sibling. My cheeks turn hotter, again wondering why she feels so much like my sister, yet isn’t.

Within my shadow, I can feel Fenris growing more and more restless. He really doesn’t like the fact that I’m riding another wolf, while at the same time, is in awe of being so close to one. I know he wants to leap out and have me ride on him, one of his favorite things to do. I don’t blame him. I love riding on my bonded’s back.

I sigh to myself, thinking of Ember, the horse my mother gave me the first time I visited the Estate. Just thinking of the rivalry between him and Fenris over who carries me on their back is present in my mind.

I smile down into my shadow, “Please be patient, Papa Wolf. Hopefully you can come out when it’s safe.”

I feel my shadow rumbling softly, similar to a low sigh, “Very well, Little Aria. I shall wait.”

My smile widens. I look up, watching as the scenery passes us by. It slowly changes as the forests begin to overtake the buildings the further away from the city we travel. My eyes constantly scan the area, recognizing more and more from my dream. It’s becoming more and more uncanny.

Fewer and fewer people are visible walking the streets until they soon are no longer present. Soon all there is, is only forest. The trees shoot high into the sky, maybe sixty to seventy feet in height. If I were home or in Japan this would be perfect to run through, leaping from branch to branch.

I peer up seeing bridges dotting through forest canopy. They’re thin, with numerous looping arches that seem to spring up from the ground. Upon further examination I soon discover that they’re in fact aqueducts. The scent of distant, flowing water fills my nose.

I ease my tense grip somewhat, feeling strangely at home while running through the forest. The further away from the city we travel, the more at peace I feel.

Around me I start to see parks, or something along those lines, coming into view. Benches and walkways are present, yet no one is around. I know that Rome at this time has parks, but a city this far east? Again, just how advanced is this society?

I feel a ripple within my shadow. I giggle to myself, knowing Fenris is again getting agitated, wanting to leap out and hoist me into his back. His jealousy is growing the further along we go. I grin softly, wanting to do the same.

Athena looks back at me, her eyes possessing a motherly glint. I resist the urge to pet her again, not wanting Fenris to become ever more jealous. All the same, it’s strange how this wolf took so quickly to me.

Celestine holds me tighter to her as we finally exit the outskirts of the city. My heart thumps wildly in my chest as I blush softly. Part of me wants to simply lean back into her, letting her embrace me like a child. The other part is still wary of what to make of her. I know she’s my ancestor, yet the way she’s holding me feels familial, not motherly, more sisterly. A thousand thoughts run through my mind, creating a torrent within me.

We soon arrive at set of tiered gardens. To my right I see the forest rise high up the hills, completely obscuring anything from sight. I peer over to see more aqueducts in the distance, no doubt feeding water to the home hidden away at the top of the hill.

Athena then leaps onto the second tier, jolting me from my admiration and awe. She then quickly turns and races up the stairs, leading into the heavily-forested hill. Trees race past my face in a never-ending parade. We’re moving so quickly it’s as a blur. The forest seems to meld into a single form of trees and foliage.

My heart pounds heavily within my chest once more, now fully recognizing where Celestine is taking me. I glance up at her, seeing her staring unfazed forward while her hand still holds onto me. My hands clench tightly to Athena’s fur as we race up the stairs. All around me I can hear the sound of wind as it rustles against the trees. My eyes pan around, feeling as though I back in that dream once more.

We finally hop into the final level. I look up to see the crest of Shyair emblazoned on the front gate. In the dream, I only made as far as to open the door before being pulled away from it. So whatever lies beyond the threshold is unknown to me.

Celestine slides off of Athena, extending a hand to me. I shakily take it. The ride while all too common for me, was a long and tense one. I nervously take it as I too slide off of the wolf’s back.

Her hand is warm and gentle, yet feeling coarse callouses within her palm. I want smile, knowing all too well of their meaning. She’s a swordswoman, no doubt having undergone years of training.

She smiles softly to me, and turns for the gate. The guards present bow to her. “Welcome home, Princess Celestine.”

She smiles, “Thank you, guardsmen.” The pair then turns their attention towards me. She smiles, “She is with me.” Again they bow, opening the gate.

She finally lets go of my hand and enters. I follow suit with Athena bringing up the rear. We stroll through the grounds, noticing how the forest completely encompasses the estate. I pan around, seeing buildings strewn about with more trees within the walls. At a cursory glance, I get the feeling the estate is at least bigger than the larger portion of my old complex. I won’t really know unless I can fully explore it.

The buildings are all of the same architecture as the outpost, but appearing more and more in line with the city we just left. Two-story and three-story buildings surround me, forming a complex of sorts. My eyes then are set on a swivel.

My heart rate quickens, knowing of yet another fact of while I’m here. Orga and Kateryna, my knights. This was their home before coming to me so no doubt they’re here. To me, I just saw them for dinner last night, but here, they don’t know me. So I really hope that I don’t run into them while here. Time paradoxes are a real bitch.

Celestine continues to lead me on through the estate until we arrive at what I think is the main house. I look up at it the closer we approach. It’s about the same size as the Outpost, maybe a little smaller with it being two stories tall. It’s gleamed in soft white stone with large bracketed windows. Again I take in the architecture. It feels less organic than the Outpost, yet still strangely inviting.

As we walk up the stairs, I become even more nervous with each step. I feel my heart wanting to seize up. My stomach churns heavily, wanting to bring up what remains of my lunch. My legs feel wobbly, ready to give out. I either am about to collapse or puke. Given my run in with Drakthul and now this, so much wants to happen all at once.

Easy, little Aria,” I hear Fenris speaking to me. “Calm your heart and know that I am still with you.”

I smile softly, taking in several long breaths. Now I really wish him leap out of my shadow and walk with me. I want to cling to his fur, helping to ease my growing apprehension.

We enter the house, strolling through the hallways. I stay close to Celestine. I know I won’t get lost, not with Athena right behind me. I feel her pressing her nose against my back. I turn and smile to her, feeling the urge to reach out and touch her. I resist it, but still grateful for her trying to help me. I peer down at my shadow, feeling it ripple softly against the floor. Knowing my bonded is with me.

I look around, taking in my ancestral home. It, like the Outpost, feels homely, comfortable. I can’t help but smile, remembering scenes from the live-action Lord of the Rings movies and their portrayal of Rivendell. I’m starting to like this place, if not for the still-lingering sense of nervousness hanging over me.

The walls are a soft alabaster mixed with wood paneling which seems to blend perfectly together. I walk past more portraits of people and their wolves, or of places. The floors are covered in ornate rugs that seem to go on forever. I again take notice of how the hallways are big enough to easily accommodate a full-form Uldulvan wolf along with people. This family really thought of everything.

The more I examine the home, the more I feel it too seems out of place within this era. The rest of Europe during this time doesn’t have anything remotely the same. Well, human-made that is. I feel a constant steady stream of airflow over me. I look up, thinking Dewlourans really must have invented air-conditioning.

We pass by a servant who turns and bows to Celestine. “Welcome home, Your Highness,” he greets.

Celestine smiles, “Thank you. Do you know by chance where my mother is?”

The servant stands up, “Her Grace should still be within the study. I was there less than half an hour ago.”

Celestine nods, “Thank you.” The servant bows as we pass him.

We spend the next few minutes walking down the corridors until we come upon a pair of wooden doors. Celestine raises her hand and knocks three times on one of the doors.

“Enter,” sounds a voice from the other side.

Celestine then opens the doors, and walks in. We find a woman sitting behind a desk. in front of her rest several stacks of papers, open books, and slab made of crystal, no bigger than an IPad with small squares at the corners.

I gaze at her, the woman couldn’t be any older than her late mid to late forties with shoulder-length blonde hair with a long braid on the left side of her face which reaches down past her chest. I am in awe of how pretty she is. While older in appearance to Mom, she’s still no less beautiful than her.

She looks up, “Welcome home, Celestine,” brandishing a gentle smile.

“Thank you, Mother,” replies her daughter.

The woman then peers to me. Celestine softly ushers me in. I take a deep breath and walk into the study.

My eyes quickly scan the room, seeing built-in shelves full of books lining nearly every wall. In the center of the rests two couches, each are facing the other with a table in between. To my right sits a small fireplace. My ears are filled with the crackling of burning logs. The room as a whole is fairly big, maybe sixteen or seventeen feet from wall to wall.

I peer back to the woman, noticing she too bears the same eyes as Celestine and me. Behind her rests a large, bluish-silver wolf, lying curled up on the floor. It’s bigger than Athena yet possibly still smaller than Fenris, and obviously older.

I feel myself becoming more and more nervous again, wanting to bolt out of the room. I bite it back, standing still like the fox that I am. Athena soon steps to my right, sitting down next to me. I feel her wrapping one of her tails around me, comforting me.

The woman sees this and tilts her head slightly. “She never does this with strangers,” she says softly. She then peers down at my shadow. “I will not have anyone hiding themselves within my home.”

My heart shudders, How…how do you know he’s there? Are you able to sense him too?

I look down at my shadow, “Guess, you can finally come on out.” My shadow ripples softly as Fenris leaps out of my shadow, landing beside me on my left.

Both women pull back as they stare at him. The woman’s face is agate with shock. Celestine looks on with utter surprise.

“A black Uldulvan wolf,” says her mother.

I knew this was the reaction I waiting for, Dewlourans in shock at the sight of my bonded. Granted, I’m grateful it’s here and not back in the city.

The wolf behind her raises its head, letting out a soft growl. I look at it, seeing the age in its eyes, a wisdom and maturity.

Fenris steps in front of me, returning the growl with his own. Both wolves stare each other down, readying for anything.

The woman sees this and turns, resting her hand onto her wolf’s head, stroking it. “Easy, Rhea.”

I reach up and finally cling onto my bonded’s fur. “It’s okay, Fenris.” My voice sounds shaky, scared. Both wolves settle down with Fenris still standing in front of me.

The woman continues to watch this and shakes her head. She then looks to me, “Do forgive my rudeness for not introducing myself. I am Serasfall Nochell Shyair. Matriarch and Lady of House Shyair.”

While not showing it outwardly, I can’t believe that I’m actually standing in front of the woman Kateryna told me about. A woman she revered and admired, someone who was incredibly intelligent.

“Might I have the pleasure of your name, my dear,” she asks.

I step back and curtsy. “I am Aria, my Lady.”

She tilts her head, “Just Aria? Why not give me your full name?”

I look to her, “I…I can’t,” looking away. “I don’t want to screw things up while here,” mumbling softly. That’s saying it mildly. I then feel something rolling down my face.

She continues to stroke her wolf, looking to mine. “This is Rhea, my bonded and mate of the alpha here.”

I lean into mine, “This is Fenris, my bonded wolf.” Both women exchange glances, no doubt thinking the same. Rhea and Fenris continue stare at each other.

The alpha female then nods softly to him. Mine does the same. I’m not really sure of the dynamics between Uldulvan wolves and if they are the same as normal wolves. I know Fenris isn’t going to challenge Rhea for anything if only in defense of me. Yet for now, there’s peace.

Serasfall rises from her chair, and slowly walks over to me. I take note that she’s slightly taller than her daughter, maybe five foot ten? Fenris stares at her, still standing in front of me.

The woman holds up her hands, “I mean her no harm.”

I look up at her, and then stroke his fur, “Let her pass, Papa Wolf.”

This catches the woman off-guard slightly. Fenris looks to her, and then slowly steps back. I know he’s just trying to protect me after what happened earlier.

I stand completely still as Serasfall kneels before me, catching her eyeing my attire. I say nothing as she examines me.

“Where are you from, young lady?” she asks.

I take a soft yet short breath, “I come from a land far, far to the west.”

She nods softly then stares up into my eyes. Her gaze is piercing yet gentle. I dare not look away, either not wanting to offend her or simply to maintain eye contact.

“Where did you find her, Celestine?” she asks, looking to her.

“I discovered her being protected by Athena,” her daughter replies. “Little Aria here ran afoul of Drakthul. They accused her of many things; spy, thief. Yet the primary accusations were of her not saying them respect as their masters paraded through the streets, along with the wolves showing her respect.”

Serasfall turns back to me, then eyes the blood running down the side of my face. “While a great house, Drakthul and by extension their servants, often act as barbarians to others.” She then holds up her hand to me, watching it glow a soft green.

I take a slight step back from her.

“I am not going to hurt you, little one,” she says, speaking softly and assuredly.

I retake my place in front of her. She reaches up and begins to heal my face. She then summons a handkerchief and wipes away the blood on my cheek.

I cling tightly to my bag, still guarding the contents held within. While these are my ancestors, how can I explain this to them? Also, how am I explain that I’m carrying one of the most important artifacts belonging to their kingdom? Can I really trust them? I just don’t know.

My grip tightens to a near death grip, listening to the sound of the straps creaking. The woman’s eyes twitch slightly at the sound.

She then stands up and looks to her daughter. “Why do you go find her and Fenris a room?”

Celestine nods and walks over to me, gently tapping my shoulder, “This way.”

A room? I barely just met you and you’re giving me a room? This is nuts!

I nod as we both turn to leave. I turn back and look at Serasfall as walk out of the study and into the hall.

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