Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 6: Blasting into the past

The fog finally clears within my mind, feeling free once more. I open my eyes, which quickly reveals that I’m no longer in the library. My heart starts to race, discovering that I’m in some alleyway.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I repeat as I start to panic. “How the hell could this happen?” I turn around, feeling my panic rising. The alley is darkened, yet light filters in from the sky above. I peer up to see grey skies as clouds roll on by.

My ears then train to the sound of people walking about. I pan over, glimpsing the source, watching people walking and talking. I should at least be grateful that I’m at least forty to fifty feet from the mouth of the alley. This way no one can see me unless they actually turn and look at me. Plus there are some crates and other things obscuring their view of me.


I turn to see Fenris standing behind me. I quickly run to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and clinging to his fur.

“You fell into a trance, activating a portal within the library,” he says gently. “When you stepped through, I followed after.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Papa Wolf,” I say, nuzzling his face.

He grumbles softly. The sound of his tails swishing against the stone paving echoes in my ears, causing me to smile. I look up at him, staring into his gentle eyes.

I pull back and inch towards the mouth of the alley and peer out. Shock soon comes over as I see dragons flying up above, some in their full forms while others in their half forms.

I pan over to see elves, goblins and dwarves bickering in the streets. A soft smile strangely forms on my face as I hear Elven and Dragonic being openly spoken. I nervously giggle to myself, thinking it’s odd yet refreshing.

People walk past the alley, seemingly oblivious to my presence. More elves and dwarves pass by me, with dragons and humans mixed in with the crowds. The streets before me are a bustle with life, watching hundreds upon hundreds of people going about their daily lives.

A light then shimmers off of buildings. I look up beyond the crowds to see towering white towers and building in the distance. The buildings slope and curve, seeming both organic and still made by hand. Bridges and other walkways connect even more buildings together, forming tiered terraces.

A massive city lies beyond the buildings. It’s incredibly densely packed, yet at the same time, open and welcoming.

Trees are spread everywhere, mixed in with buildings, as though the city and forest grow together. My breath nearly escapes me as I see islands floating in the sky. I’m too far away to make out any real discernible features, yet the fact remains that are floating islands right in front of me.

Nearer still, I see many of the buildings filled with glass windows. Within them are people moving about. I think I’m in a shopping district or something. Over the cacophony of people speaking and the plethora of different races, the smell of fresh baked goods fills my nose. Wherever we are, this place can’t be real.

Somehow, everything seems familiar to me, as though I’ve been here before. In fact…the architecture should be familiar to me. I was just in a place that’s exactly like this.

My eyes then grow wide again, I know where I am!!

Dewloura,” I whisper. Yet the even more pressing truth is clearly evident to me. Not only am I in Dewloura, I’m also in the past!!

I continue to watch as the people walk about, still oblivious to our presence. My eyes still dart about, trying to comprehend where and when I now am. I still can’t fully believe or accept that I’m actually in the city that so many have spoken about for years. A place that people have been trying to kill me over. And yet…the truth is that I’m really here in the lost and fallen city. At least in the future it is.

I quietly slip back and run over to Fenris. My eyes peer up, hoping the portal might still be there and we can just hop back into it. My heart crashes into my stomach when it’s not. I look to Fenris, feeling the joy and surprise fade away, soon replaced with fear.

“How are we going to get back?” I ask him, my voice sounding panicked and worried. “This isn’t like Back to the Future, I don’t have a time machine like Marty.”

Fenris gently wraps his tails around me, pulling me close to him once more. “Calm yourself, daughter. I am still with you.” I cling tightly to his fur. “There must be a way to return, we merely have to discover it. And we shall, together.”

I hug him tightly, “Thank you. Fenris.” I then giggle, feeling his warm wet tongue lapping the side of my face. He’s right, there has to be a way to get home. So staying here in an alleyway sure isn’t helping matters.

I peer down, seeing the Xur’canah still in my hand. I roll my eyes, realizing that I’ve been carrying the stupid thing as I ran up and down the alleyway. To my surprise it’s now completely dark, devoid of most of the magic it normally does. I peer back out towards the entrance. If anyone knew I had this, it’d be extremely dangerous for everyone.

I pull my bag around and open it. I tap the panels on the lantern, collapsing it back into its disc form, stuffing it into my bag. I first place a concealment spell over the artifact, and then another over the first. Hey, why just bury something in the ground when you can also drop a hill and forest onto it?

My fingers wave over the bag, finally completing the spell. When done, I pick it up and place onto my back, looping my arms into the straps.

I stroke them softly, remembering the Never-Remove spell I placed on my bag months ago. It’s a spell in which only I can remove. It’s also being the same spell which my mother placed on my necklace three years ago.

I take a long slow breath, letting my heart calm down. Can’t really think if my heart is pounding in my ears now can I?

I once more return to the mouth of the alley, peering out. The white noise of the street is now deafening silence. I watch as many on the sidewalks are now facing the streets, bowing low. My ears then train onto the sounds of heavy wheels as they roll over the streets.

Preceding the heavy sounds, I see massive, silver-furred forms walking on the streets. Uldulvan wolves. My eyes grow huge as half a dozen wolves are literally walking past me. They look absolutely incredible, standing tall, heads held high, with tails out and level to the ground. I never thought I’d be able to see this many in my life.

My heart churns however as they all are wearing cumbersome collars around my neck. I feel so sorry for them. I was told the wolves were sacred, and yet here they are, simply being paraded around like some sort of trophy. It’s utterly disgusting if you ask me.

A shadow appears over my head, peering up to see Fenris poking his nose out to see. His eyes are full of amazement yet also disgust, the same as me. I know he’s excited to see more of his kin for the first time in ages, yet only now in what you might call disgrace. I reach up and hold onto him, knowing he might do something. Lord knows I do.

But this feels familiar, like I’ve seen it before. I then retrieve my bag, pulling out my Dewloura journal and open it. I pour through the pages, finding the passage about this with my dream. I look back up, knowing it's similar, yet not exactly the same. Was it a memory I saw in that dream or something else? Never been able to figure it out.

The heavy rolling sounds now fill the streets. I peer through a crack in the crowd to see a carriage-like vehicle strolls into view. Surrounding it are numerous guards all on horseback, clad in partial armor. Parade attire I think. Within the carriage reside three people, a girl, a boy and a woman. The children appear to be my age with the woman being in her early thirties.

It’s at least twenty feet long, looking ostentatious and a bit gaudy, with swirling patterns within the construction and gold embossments. A feature which is striking to me is that it’s not being driven by horses. In fact, it’s rolling along the streets like a car from my era. Glowing crystals adorn the wheels, helping to propel the carriage along.

Again…just really how far along was this empire? I know they had knowledge from Nerazon and Rome, but how far were they able to take their development? Then there’s the fact that the city rests upon the intersection of two critical leylines. This also helped further their development. But still, this is crazy!!!

As the carriage passes by me, I get a clear look at the crest which adorns one of the doors. A dragon encircling a tree with its wings splayed out. It rested within a red shield border with silver. My eyes narrow as my shoulders slump, recognizing the crest.

“Drakthul,” I whisper, sounding a little pissed. I still clearly remember all of my issues with this house’s descendants. Lana…you can go to hell for all I care.

During the two weeks after my first battle with Diana, Viktor Titalos remained at the Estate to watch over my recovery and to hear my report from that night. During that time, he further gave me information on Dewloura and its people. Granted he had a lot more time in order to do so.

Now, my Lady,” he starts, “I will tell you of the house crests of the other three Great Houses. First is on Drakthul, a dragon circling a tree. The second is Laevatain, a serpent coiled over a book, mouth open. The last is Nethune, a phoenix grasping a sword.”

I nod as I listen.

He sighs, yet lets out a soft chuckle, “Ironic that the crest of Nethune is a phoenix, given their use necromancy.”

Yeah…he’s right. I sigh, knowing that Nethune is here too. Lovely.

The caravan continues to move down the street, apparently wanting to prolong their “exposure” to everyone. I sigh, pompous asses.

I glance up at Fenris, “Hey, you might want to hop into my shadow.” I smile slightly, “Not really sure how people are going to react to seeing a black Uldulvan wolf walking around.”

He looks to me, “Absolutely not,” he protests. “I should be present in the open to protect you.”

I smile, stroking his face. “Thanks Fenris, but you really should hide away. I doubt even in your dog form you could hide away who you are.”

Normally I’d gladly let him stroll with me, but not here. The “Blacks” (as Viktor sometimes referred to them as) were known to be wolves of great change and of kings. Mom even told they only appeared once every three to four generations, if ever at all. So yeah, having one strolling down the streets of Dewloura would definitely not be a good idea. No doubt starting a panic, if not worse.

He gazes deeply into my eyes, then sighs, drooping his head, “Very well, Little Aria. I shall do as you ask.”

I grin, “Thanks, Papa Wolf.”

“Remain ever vigilant. I will be ready to emerge if the need arises.” He lips then form into a deep wolfish grin, “I know what you have in mind. For it too is reckless.”

I giggle, “I will, Fenris.”

He licks my face before hopping into my shadow. I smile, watching as he does. Another fun fact that I’ve learned ever since bonding to Fenris, is that he can’t be easily sensed by others if he’s in my shadow.

During my first Summer Gathering with my coven, Fenris actually hid there until I told him appear. Miriam, while knowing of him, couldn’t sense him at all. So it’s been the perfect place for him to hide.

However, Lady Sabine did detect him while Mom and I were at Court. Heh, Drakon didn’t until I pointed Fenris out to him. Yet even still I have no idea who else is able to. So many questions that neither of us have answers to.

I peer out again, seeing the crowds having lessened somewhat. The caravan must’ve gone further down the street than I thought. I nod, readjusting my bag. I sigh softly, really grateful in not having to deal with Drakthul right off the bat. If seeing a black Uldulvan wolf would cause a stir, just imagine seeing a kitsune in the heart of Dewloura.

I take a deep breath and slip out from the alleyway and into the crowd. I really do hope there’s a way to get home. I sigh. Time travel, while interesting in stories, can be a real pain in the ass the more you think about it.

Something then piques my senses, something that’s unsettling me. I feel slightly nauseous, yet not outright sick. It does however feel familiar, but it’s weak. Almost too weak to fully discern what exactly I’m sensing.

I’ve always been told I have sharp eyes, while also sharp instincts. Yet whatever I’m sensing is far too dull and numb to pinpoint. I look around, trying to hone in on the source, only to find nothing.

I let out another sigh. I look forward. Whatever I felt, it’s no use dwelling on it at the moment. So for now (and I know stupidly) I’m just going to ignore it.

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