Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 55: A Greater Purpose

The ground shakes under us again, nearly throwing our wolves off of their rhythm. They quickly recover and adjust. I can feel the corruption as it spreads, and it’s now even stronger than before the closer we race towards the citadel itself. However, even with the labs we discovered are destroyed, it only makes me wonder if those were the only ones.

I wish we could hunt down the others, but we simply don’t have the time. With each quake, the time left in the city grows shorter. It’s been building up for years, only being concealed and suppressed. Yet now those restrictions have been lifted and removed, meaning the deterioration has accelerated at a faster and uncontrollable rate.

We finally reach the third tier, finding the gates wide open. This fact alone raises tons of red flags for me.

I am proven correct as we near the palace. Standing in our way is Selene with a full platoon of heavily-armored men. The stench of undeath reeks from them. We come to a complete stop some ten yards from them.

“You disappoint me, dear sister,” calls out Selene. “You being here is tantamount to rebellion against the crown.”

I finally see the true mask of the woman I always cringe from fall off. She stands there, appearing as arrogant and cruel as I have always known her. This also makes me really wonder why Selene has become so interested in me. Each time she’s played nice, if not creepily.

The woman crosses her arms, “Shyair always does seem to meddle in affairs they never should. Always preventing this city from reaching the glory and ambition we of Nethune can offer it.”

Celes grips tightly to Athena. For the moment, Selene is ignoring Fenris and me. Although that all can change in an instant.

The woman then sighs, “How could my beloved little sister betray me? Have I not been kind and generous towards you?” She looks to my sister, “You could have joined me, sharing in this glory that we are on the cusp of obtaining.”

She then shakes her head, sighing, “Alas, as much as I would desire such a thing, I know you to be far too idealistic and honorable to do so.”

I feel my tails swish softly yet angrily behind me.

“I would never, ever join you, Selene!” shouts Celes. “You risk our home, our future for what, power? Glory? Such things are meaningless to me. I care not for myself, only for my family and people of the city.”

She stares down Selene, “You and I are no longer sisters, nor have we truly been for some time.” A proud and caring smile stretches across her face. “In the last few months, I have found my true sister. One who while not of this city, I love with all my heart.” She then glances over to me.

I blush softly from under my mask. To be honest, this is what I’ve been wanting to shout out to Selene during our previous two encounters, that Celes and I are sisters. But now it’s out in the open.

Selene huffs, “Such utter nonsense.” She then peers to me, her face contorting into that of pure rage. “You, I still remember you from that day at court,” she says angrily. “To think a spirit would come and interfere as you did is detestable.”

She spits onto the ground, “Nothing more than a filthy fox, sticking your little nose where it doesn’t belong.”

I smirk, “Say what you will, Selene of Nethune,” resuming staged voice, “but I stand with Shyair and shall prevent your ambitions from truly taking root.” I stare at her through my mask, “On this day, we have accomplished far more than when I stopped your family from manipulating the others into slaying Shyair.”

My smirk then stretches into a grin, “We discovered the labs, and destroyed them.” I watch as nerve twitches in Selene’s temple while at the same time maintains her outwardly composure.

My smile then drops as I growl to her, “We found all of the innocents held, human and wolves. How could you have lied to them? You even did this to your own family.”

She huffs, while still smiling, “If you are referring to rumors of those being “chosen”, that was not a lie. They indeed were chosen, chosen to be useful to Nethune. Blood does not even matter to us, only to see our ambitions fulfilled.”

I glare at her, not even family matters to her. However this is different in relation to her and Diana. Did something change after she brought back my birthmother? Now I really pity Fennec.

We stand there for a moment in utter silence. Neither making any moves.

Selene’s eyes then flare with sickening green light as she hurls felfire at me. I roll off of Fenris as its speed is insanely fast.

“Take them,” she orders.

The undead soldiers rush towards us, none grunt or roar, merely charge. I snort and rush into them, grabbing several with my tails. While still twirling in midair, I slam them into the ground, incinerating them with foxfire. I feel their bodies turning to ash as they fade away. I turned up the heat even hotter than the first time I encountered these creatures, so that nothing would remain.

Several more charge at me only to be intercepted by Celes and Athena, who rip and tear my attackers. Fenris slips back and peels to the left, carrying several more with his tails. I watch as he throws them into his shadows only to reemerge near Athena, who proceeds to freeze and shatter them.

My bonded smiles, charging towards a half dozen more, catching several within his shadows, and slaying two instantly as his rips their heads clean off.

Selene rushes towards me with a speed that normal humans, not even most magical beings possess. I barely have enough time to draw my sword and parry it, watching as sparks fly as her blade sheens off of mine.

I push her away as she resumes her assault, thrusting and slashing at me with her rapier. Her speed and precision are unreal as her strikes seem flawless. I dodge and spin, parrying with blade and gauntlet. It’s like dueling against my mother in terms of skill, only without compassion and possessing a coldhearted malice.

As we shuffle around the street, it’s clearly evident her abilities easily eclipse that of Fennec. She constantly switches from offense to sheer ruthlessness as her strikes seem as a blur. I counter with the same level of speed, attempting to match hers. I block with every inch of sword, hilt, guard, pummel, all are in effect to stop her vicious assaults.

However, I’m slowly finding that it’s becoming difficult to do so. I’ve fended off others with a blade, but her level of skill eclipses those. I try and slow down my perception of the fight, to find her rhythm and analyze her fighting style. My eyes track her blade, only to discover that it changes direction faster than I can perceive it.

Sparks fly as our blades clash, our speed of attack and parry increases. To anyone watching, it would appear that our bodies are but a slight mirage.

Celes finally is able to reach me, thrusting her sword toward Selene. She and Selene clash, with fire magic swirling around them with every strike and slash.

I step back as I hear armored footsteps approach me. I twirl to find undead soldiers staring down at me. When they attempt to slash at me with their swords, I slash my sword at them, freezing them solid. I then slam my tails into them, shattering them completely.

I turn to find Celes still fighting Selene only be caught by the hand and kicked away. I turn and step back in, slashing at her. She smirks and instantly attacks me with a barrage of sword slashes.

Her speed is right back to where it used to be, moving faster than a normal human. It sort of reminds me of when I fought Irina. We dodge and parry each other’s attacks, still trying to find her true rhythm.

A few of her attacks manage to slip past my defenses and strike my sides and slice into my exposed upper arms. I wince slightly from the cuts, countering with pelting her with foxfire bullets. She staggers as hundreds of tiny spectral fireballs hit her.

She growls, reaching for my arm and pulling me into her, kicking me in the gut. I spout up air and water. She then follows up with a lightning fast thrust aimed right for my head. I manage to regain my stance and parry it away, only for it to slice right into my upper arm.

I cry out in pain which brings a gleeful smile to my opponent’s face. I glance over to see Celes and the wolves fending off more undead with my sister trying to reach me. Fenris and Athena both drag and skewer the soldiers with shadow and fang, tearing them to shreds. However those that remain just keep coming.

I turn my attention back onto Selene and bat away her blade. I take a breath and rest my sword hand over my arm, quickly healing it. She huffs, and then thrusts at me again, with her speed now growing yet again, now landing consecutive shots to my body. Thankfully most slide harmlessly off of my armor.

I parry another strike and twirl in the air, distracting her with my tails, to then land a series of spinning kicks to her chest and head. Upon striking her temple, I feel her grabbing my ankle and kicking me squarely in the back of the head. I land some distance away.

I flip back onto my feet and slap my tails onto the ground, sending a few orbs and kitsune-bi into it. She charges at me again, to which I leap back and snap my fingers, summoning the previously set spells. I watch as a pair of orbs slam into her followed by bluish balls of flame. She recovers from the orbs and counters my flames with her own felfire.

While she is distracted for the moment, I leap in and grab her with my tails, pulling her towards me as I slam my knees viciously into her face. She staggers for a moment as I then twirl and slash up towards her chest. She slams her fist into the top of my head, knocking me away.

She lunges at me again, however I’m now beginning to catch onto her speed as I increase my own. We twirl and dance, with swords flying through the air in swirling patterns. I roll my blade over my back and forward, catching her strikes.

When I finally match her rhythm, she quickly pelts me with felfire, knocking me off of mine. I stagger, struggling to regain it as her assaults seem endless. She then fires several larger balls of felfire at me.

I easily slice through them but is hit in the face by one, distracting me. I feel a swift and heavy kick into my stomach. Selene carries me through the kick and slams me into the ground. I gasp for air as I watch her slamming her sword down into me. I move quickly enough to parry it, but for it to slice into my shoulder.

I cry out in pain as she sadistically twists her blade grinning deviously. I wrap my tails around her and blasting her with kitsune-bi. She snarls as the flames engulf her, only to then slam her fist into my face. My head rocks back, hitting the stone street.

Fenris tries to run over to me after dispatching several more undead soldiers only to be blocked by a pair of living knights.

Stand aside,” he growls, ordering them.

While they tremble at the sight of him, they stand firm and refuse to move. “We…shall not, lord wolf.”

He snarls again, attempting to shadowwalk, but is hit by Selene as she launches several balls of felfire at him.

Celes slashes through a set of living knights while Athena tosses away several more, yet struggles against the undead. Both soon break through their captors and charge towards me. Selene however quickly overpowers my sister by grabbing her by the wrist and slamming her into the ground.

She then tosses a tag onto the ground. I watch as red magical chains spring up and wrap around Athena, pulling her violently to the ground. Fenris bats away the living knights only to also be caught in the same spell. Both wolves thrash and struggle as the chains twist and bind them tightly.

The woman grins, “This is a similar spell that I heard Aria used against Critias. The difference here is that this spell isn’t so nice. In that it restrains them violently, causing pain. In fact, we designed this specifically for the wolves.”

I struggle to free myself as I pan over to see knights pin Celes to the ground, placing her arms around her back.

Selene smiles, “Your little rebellion has come to an end, dear Celestine.” She then twists her blade again, causing me to groan. “Traitors deserve death in defiance of Nethune. I personally shall enjoy what is to come.”

More knights arrive, carrying iron bonds with crystalline inlays. Others walk towards our struggling wolves as the growl and beat against the magical chains with ice and shadow. I try to move but is restrained as Selene presses her boot to my throat. I can’t even phase into my spirit state in this condition.

Celes looks to her, “You betrayed your wolf by killing and then resurrecting him. How could you even do such a thing? He was your bonded, your family.”

She sighs, shaking her head, “Oh dear sweet, naïve Celestine. I never loved Critias, nor thought of him as anything but a nuisance. His jarring pride and morality sickened me. So I silenced him.”

She stares at Fenris and Athena. “The wolves have outlived their roles as guardians. The ancient pact is no longer needed in the coming age. However, they will instead become great sources of magic that shall fuel our forthcoming expansion.”

She then grins, “We now have a new army, one that shall never tire, never questions orders. The wolves will also become our new soldiers, unwaveringly loyal to their eternal masters. A power so incredible that even the great nations of the west shall bow before.”

Selene peers to Fenris as she struggles to free himself. “A black,” she chuckles, “having a 'king' will be useful in leading our forces.” Both Fenris and Athena snarl at the woman. A barrage of crimson lightning erupts from the chains, causing them to growl in agony.

She then kneels down, twitching her sword, causing the same chains to erupt and bind me to the ground. I groan as she pulls me up by my ears, baring my fangs at her.

She huffs, placing her blade to my throat. I start to have flashbacks of when Diana had me in a similar spot.

“So, even spirits bleed. That is good to know,” she says. “I do have plans for that lovely little Aria. When I destroy Shyair, I will ‘lovingly’ take her into my home and make her mine.” She grins, “I have found that little girl intriguing and quite lovely. In the coming years, I shall mold her in my image. Such is the way a good ‘mother’ shall be.”

I feel like throwing up, but I fight back the growing bile. Is that why she’s been so interested in me? She’s been scouting me? Now I really wanna puke in her face.

“First,” she continues. “I must deal with you, little fox. For once you are dead, your bond to the black wolf shall be severed. A fate that will befall dear Celestine and Athena as well.”

She grins, “After that, both of your wolves shall finally be of use to me.”

I groan as she presses her blade to my throat and slowly starts to slide it against my skin.

Celes and the wolves struggle to free themselves as they watch helplessly.


A whoosh of wind followed by a sword slices through, causing Selene to pull off of me, ripping her sword out my shoulder. I cough, regaining my breath. I pan over to watch in utter shock to see Serasfall fighting Selene.

I flex my arms, finding movement again. I peer down at the binding chains. If this is the same as my spectral chains, then all I have to do is nullify them with using kitsune-bi.

I flare my tails around me, sending translucent blue flame into the chains, dissolving them. I then shift into my spirit state and perform a Rush, lifting me off of the ground and shattering my bounds as I twirl through the air.

I then rush over to Celes and our wolves. I blast the knights holding my sister and fire kitsune-bi at the tags beneath Fenris and Athena, freeing them.

The knights carrying the collars quickly run in panic, dropping their items.

The wolves forcibly shake their bodies free of any remaining chains. All three smile to me but we don’t have the time for pleasantries as we resume our battle against the undead soldiers and the few remaining living knights.

As I fend off another knight, I pan over to watch Serasfall fight Selene. I watch in awe as she easily, and quite handedly, beats back her opponent. Even when she is surrounded by undead and knights, Serasfall is a force of nature. Slashing and blasting anyone that comes near her.

One step slash, parry, blast with magic, all in a singular, unbroken manner. Nothing is wasted, either movement or magic. You can’t help but be in awe of her.

Serasfall instantly dispatches another group of undead while parrying a barrage of attacks from Selene.

Soon more knights begin to surround Serasfall and Selene, slowly encircling them both. Serasfall merely slashes at them, knocking some away while others continue their march.

“Go and aid her,” says Celes. I turn to her. “The wolves and I can manage matters here. Now go.”

I nod and rush towards Serasfall, blasting a pair knights closest to me.

I slash, burn, and freeze my way through wave upon wave of undead that again continue to emerge from out of nowhere. While I am making some progress, it’s slow.

I look up, still watching in awe as Serasfall adeptly fights Selene. Their swords elegantly arc through the air as though dancing on water. Sparks fly about, appearing as fireflies in summer.

The more I watch, the more I eye the level of skill I only hope to someday obtain.

Selene is pushed back again as Serasfall spins and strikes the ground. Lightning arcs from the ground, hitting her opponent and anyone dumb enough to come near. She then slays more undead and even a few living knights.

My ancestor then turns to Selene. “Where is the rest of your house?” she asks.

Selene merely chuckles, wiping blood from her lips. “They are already poised to subjugate the rebellious houses. But first, we shall strike against your residence and slaughter all that reside there.”

Serasfall’s eyes grow wide as her attacks then become more frantic. She fends off more attacks from Selene and undead, easily slaying them.

I spin and knock back another pair of knights in front of me. I look up just in time to see a knight preparing to stab Serasfall from behind.

I look around to find a water fountain. I hold out my hand and summon the water within and hurl it at him. I then pull him towards me, stabbing my sword into the stream, freezing him. I finish him off with an orb, knocking him away.

Serasfall is then struck in the face by a soldier as she is distracted by yet another knight. I watch in horror as she falls to her knees. I Rush towards her just as Selene begins to round her.

“Shyair’s end is long overdue,” she says. “I shall savor flaying your daughter and ‘comforting’ that little ward of yours.” She then run her rapier through Serasfall’s back. This isn’t a death in battle, this is an execution.

Tears fall down my cheeks as images of my mother flood back into my mind. “NO!!!” I scream painfully as I leap over soldiers, tails slamming down and incinerating them in sapphire fire.

I blast into Selene and fight her away from Serasfall. More and more tears flow down my cheeks as we clash, with me now frantic. Not again, I think, not this again.

We clash and dance, staying close to Serasfall. I blind her for a moment as I twirl my tails around before charging my sword with foxfire. The edge of my blade glows bright blue as I slash down across her chest, cleaving through her armor, and shattering her sword. While Selene is stunned from the strike, Serasfall reaches up in one last act of defiance and stabs her blade deeply into my opponent’s chest.

Selene staggers, dropping her sword. She places her hand over her gaping and bleeding wounds as she pulls out Serasfall’s sword. Blood pools around her as she glares at us. I stand in front of Serasfall, sword at the ready.

Selene sneers at us, gasping for air, eyes flaring with rage. “Filthy fox,” she says, “you are nothing before me.”

I lower my stance, still ready to defend my family.

Selene coughs up more blood, glaring at us. “I will not die here,” she says. “I shall return to exact my revenge upon Shyair. For I know he is waiting for me.”

I glare at her, only knowing one person she might be referring to. Regulus. It’s mind-boggling to think they’ve known each other for this long.

She then pulls out a small crystal and holds it to her chest. I watch as it glows brightly and then as she teleports away.

I turn just in time to watch Serasfall collapse to the ground. Blood spatters around her.

“Serasfall!!” I cry out, attempting to catch her, yet not completely. I start to cry, holding her hand, summoning healing magic, trying to save her. I pull off my mask as I look to her.

Hot tears stream down my face as Celes and the wolves finally make it over to us. I cry more and more, calling out her name. I look up to see my sister kneeling beside us with tears in her eyes as she too tries to heal her mother.

I turn back to Serasfall, pouring more and more magic into her, trying to heal her. “Please,” I desperately plea, “please don’t die on me.” Yet no matter how much I pour into her, the wounds are simply too deep and just don’t seem to heal.

Celes looks to me, “Nei’shy,” she says chokingly as she pulls away. “I…fear the wound is fatal.”

My heart shatters in my chest, looking to her and back to Serasfall, crying even more.

She smiles to us, reaching up and cupping both our cheeks. “My precious daughters. Oh, how I love you both.” Her eyes glimmer softly as she looks to us, feeling as gentle as any other day.

My heart aches painfully as he calls me her daughter. I hold onto her hand, feeling her slowly fading heartbeat. Please…please not this again.

Serasfall looks to Celes. “Complete the task I gave you.” She then motions to a pouch on her hip. Celes leans over and opens, it, finding three small crystals that look similar to one Selene used.

My sister nods, holding them, “I shall, Mother.”

This wasn’t part of the plan,” I hear Celes mutter.

Serasfall smiles, looking to me. My tears drop onto her face as I stare into her eyes. “Why…why did you come?”

She strokes my face, “As a mother, I will gladly sacrifice myself for my children. For it is the greater purpose that I do.” Her fingers gently caress my cheek, “I shall always protect you, my beloved girl. Never a day goes by that I am not thankful for you coming into our lives.”


My grip tightens around her hand, not wanting to let her go. I don’t want to lose yet another mother. I brush her hand with my cheek, still feeling her slowly fading heartbeat.


She smiles to us both. “I love the both of you, and am forever proud of you.” She then slowly closes her eyes. I can feel the warmth of her body slowly going out as I hold onto her. I shake my head, praying this isn’t real, that I’m just having a nightmare.


I clench her hand tightly as I feel her heart go silent. I look to her, shaking her slightly. “Serasfall?” I ask her.

“Serasfall?” I say again, with no response. I feel the growing lump in my throat finally burst as I cry bitterly into her chest.


Not again…oh dear God please not this again.

Next to me I hear Celes crying as well. Fenris and Athena then rear back and howl in sorrow. Their voices wail painfully as they echo off of the buildings.

My cries wail and carry on like a child, feeling the cold of the body before me. I don’t know how long I cried, but it seems to be forever. This can’t real, it just be can’t.

I then feel a hand resting on my shoulder. “We…we need to go.”

My body shakes at the touch. “We must send her body home to be laid to rest.” I shake my head, refusing to let go of Serasfall’s hand as I bury my head into her chest.

“Aria!!!” she yells. I look up to her, seeing long, streaming tears roll down her face.

I don’t want this to be real, and as much as I hate it, it is. I nod, knowing we can’t just leave her body here. I pan over and find her sword, placing it onto her chest. I then fold her still warm but lifeless hands around the hilt.

I look to her, remembering the loving woman who took me into her home, gave me a family and treated me as her own daughter. She gave me so much love, a place in this world that wasn’t my own. I can still feel her arms as they held whenever we had a quiet moment together, hearing scolding remarks after doing something stupid.

I can still see her smiling face as we ate meals together, listening to her stories of my ancestors and her time as a little girl. I want to smile right now as I replay these memories, but I can’t. I simply just can’t bring myself to do it.

Celes then places one of the crystals she was given onto Serasfall’s chest. She then stands and steps back. “Come over to me, sister.”

I nod, leaning over and kissing Serasfall on the forehead, trying to bite back even more tears. I slowly pull back and gather up my sword. I stand and swipe it down before sheathing it and the round her body and joining Celes.

We watch as the crystal begins to glow and activates, teleporting Serasfall away.

Celes and I stand there for a moment, feeling the wind catching our hair along with it. Its howl against the buildings is filled with sorrow as we stare off in the direction of the estate.

I clench my fists, still feeling her last heartbeats against my hand, her blood still dripping from them. I held her life as it faded away, and that is unforgettable feeling.

Celes looks to me, “We need to go…and finish this.”

I nod, summoning my mask and place it onto my face, hearing it click into place. We then turn and head towards our wolves, climbing onto them.

I take one last look towards the estate before I tap on Fenris. He solemnly nods, turning and running after Athena and Celes.

The palace awaits, and with it…our final objective.

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