Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 43: First Day

We soon arrive at the gates of the school on the second tier of the citadel hill. I still can’t believe I’ve known about this place since about when I arrived here and yet never went inside.

I pan up to see students hopping off of the trains and walking towards the school. I grin softly, recalling nearly every school anime in which this happens. I then think about my friends in Japan as they have to take that train to school.

I look around as we pass through the gates, seeing hundreds of students going about their pre-class activities.

The school is broken up into three smaller ones. The first school goes from ages five to ten, being like the elementary school. The second of course goes from ages eleven to fifteen, being the middle school. The last school, being mine, goes from sixteen to nineteen. Yep, the high school equivalent.

The student population stands at least a thousand. So it’s a big school as a whole. However the high school is only roughly four hundred students in size. So in truth a small school. I like that idea.

Elves and humans walk together with dwarves and goblins mulling about the grounds. A few glance over and I see them lean over to each other, no doubt whispering amongst themselves.

Overhead I watch as both the more serpentine dragons and their stockier cousins fly through the air with the former appearing more graceful as their scales shimmer in the morning light. I hear the sounds of harpies and gryphons as they chatter with each other.

On the wind I smell a familiar scent of vampires and lycans. It does make my wonder if Master Andriy ever taught here or if the Velkoz family or other vampire clans sent their children here.

The school grounds themselves are vast, encompassing at least a mile or more in total from first glance. Tall, interconnected buildings are seen in the distance, with by my count numbering well over a dozen if not more. The trademark gigantic trees are spread throughout the area, offering vast amounts of natural shade.

I see walkways snake throughout the grounds with large and small gazebos dotting the landscape. I smile, smelling fresh flowing water. There must large stream or something here. This is by far the most beautiful school I’ve ever attended.

All in all, the entire area reminds me of Ashford Academy from Code Geass only with a Dewlouran twist. It’s both reassuring and scary at their similarities. Granted the stark difference is that there are dragons and elves here rather than giant robots.

When we reach the doors to one of the main buildings, I watch as Rhea lies down, letting Serasfall slide off of her back. Fenris does the same as I follow suit. Behind me I hear the ringing of metal as the knights dismount from their horses, I pan over watching them tie the reins to a post.

Serasfall looks to me, “Come, my dear, we have to meet with the headmaster before you begin.”

I nod as we both enter the building, with the knights and our wolves following in with us.

As we stroll through the halls, I look around. The hallways are brightly lit by crystal lamps with natural light shining in from massive windows high above us, being at least thirty feet high. I guess one of the rules is that dragons have to be in their half-forms while inside. Not that’s ever really an issue from them given my experience.

The interior reminds me of Hogwarts in a way with elements of gothic architecture present yet with brighter colors, definitely more like walking through Minas Tirith again yet slightly more organic with curving lines and archways. I smile, already loving it here.

Above us are bridges that connect each side of the building with classrooms against the walls with hallways that disappear deeper in. I tilt my head, wondering what else is here. I smile however, becoming excited for the coming day.

I glance around, seeing even more students as they walk about, with several gathered into groups. Heh, high school in this era or in mine will never change.

We turn down another hallway and ascend a staircase, reaching the second floor. I see more students walking past us, with several turning and bowing to Serasfall and Rhea. She smiles, nodding to them. Again I hear whispers coming from a few others. Fenris’ ears are on his usual swivel, no doubt listening in if any pose a danger to me.

A few of the whispers I shrug off, being nothing more than gossip, while a few are laced with venom. A few are directed towards me, being rumors and questions while others are meant for Serasfall. Rhea and Fenris both passively glare at them and they quickly back off.

I sigh, shaking my head. Although I wonder what Mom would think if she knew I was here right now. No doubt she’d be incredibly proud of me. I then giggle to myself, wondering how Marron would react to me going to school.

I cling to my satchel, missing them both.

We soon arrive at the office of the headmaster who quickly walks over to us. He looks to be in his mid to late fifties with long, silvery hair and clean-shaven face. His hazel eyes are set against his fairing skin.

“Welcome, Your Grace,” he greets. He then looks to me, “I see this is the child you spoke of the other day.”

Serasfall smiles as she looks to me, “That she is, fair headmaster.”

I look to him, “Hello sir.”

He nods, he face is stern like rock, his body large yet not portly, stocky yet slightly toned. “Well, my newest student, you no doubt have learned of our rules. For I expect nothing but the best from all my students.”

I nod slowly.

He then huffs, “Well, allow me to reiterate them for you.

1. Blood and status mean nothing within these grounds.

2. All are equal.

3. No violence will be tolerated unless during combat training.

4. You are to be mindful of your professors at all times.

5. Always be on time with your assignments.

6. Wolves have their own personal place for them to go if needed. Otherwise they are to remain with their bondeds or can roam around if need be.”

I cringe slightly at that one. I know Fenris will always be at my side so no worries.

“7. Finally, you are never to be late. There will be severe penalties if any of these rules are broken.”

The rules are pretty straight forward for any school and I more than likely will not skimp of assignments or being tardy. 1. I’m always an early riser and 2. I get through my work quickly.

I nod to him, “I understand sir and will abide by them.”

He smiles, looking to Serasfall. “Your house appears to have brought yet another promising student, Your Grace.”

She smiles to me, placing her hand onto my shoulder. I smile up to her.

The headmaster clears his throat, “Well, I should show Miss Aria to her class.”

Serasfall nods, then turns, giving me another once over. I smirk as she does. She smiles, “Now, study hard and we will see you at home tonight.”

I smile, “Until then.” She smiles and hugs me tightly before turning and leaving the office.

Rhea nuzzles my face. “See you soon, little Aria.”

I smile, stroking her face before she leaves.

The headmaster then looks to me, “Now then, come with me if you would please.” I nod and we leave his office.

We walk through the hallways for few minutes, watching as students begin to file into various classrooms, with the flyers darting in from above. We soon take another turn before reaching a classroom. Inside I can hear the chatter of students, along with the soft giggles of girls.

The headmaster looks to me, “Wait here.” I nod and watch as he motions to the teacher inside. He nods and walks out. I watch the pair talk for a moment. Fenris hangs close to me as I clench my satchel.

A few moments pass the teacher and headmaster walks over to me. The latter nods and looks to me, “Have a good first day, young lady.”

I nod and he walks off. I look to my teacher who looks to be in his late thirties and with a slight receding hairline. He smiles to me, “Well, so you will in be our class today. You may call me Professor Tilhone.”

I nod, “I’m Aria, sir.”

He smiles then looks to Fenris, “And a good day to you, master wolf. I dare say I have never seen a wolf quite as large as him.”

My bonded nods to him, “And to you as well.”

My teacher nods, turning back to me, “I think a few of the others will take notice of him.”

My eyes grow wide at the idea of there being wolves in my class. Fenris already is sniffing the air, chomping his jaws. It’s a sign that I’m right.

“I will begin class and announce for you to enter,” says my teacher.

I nod, “Yes sir.” He smiles and enters the classroom.

I watch him knock on his podium, “All right everyone, take your seats,” I hear him say. “A few announcements. Your midterm reports are soon due. I want them completed and handed to me by the deadline. Next, I want you to know I have scored your last exams and some did not quite meet my expectations. I want you to do better next time.”

I hear the soft groaning of a few of my soon-to-be classmates. Heh, well if I ever wanted to live out a transfer student fantasy, here it is.

“And finally,” he continues, “we have a new student joining us.” He then turns and motions me in. “Would you now come in please?”

I take a breath and walk into the classroom. I turn to my left, seeing that it looks more like a college lecture hall. To be honest I’ve always loved this style of classroom.

Sitting in my classroom are over twenty-five other students, mostly human with a few that are not. I glimpse a green dragon, a couple elves, and even a lycan.

Sitting along the staircases to my left I see several wolves by the ends of the tables. I smile softly, noting how different they are from each other. Some have slightly darker silver fur while others have defining streaks across their heads and bodies. My heart then sinks as I see collars around their necks.

When the wolves see Fenris as he sits beside me, they quickly sit up straighter, which catches the attention of several. I listen as many begin to quietly whisper to each other.

“This is Aria,” my teacher states. “She is the ward of Shyair and will be a part of this class.”

Again I hear more whispers coming from the class, a few not so nice ones. I take another deep breath as I hold my satchel.

The teacher looks to me, “Why don’t you take a seat on the third level?”

I nod to him and head up the stairs. I smirk to myself. Yep, this definitely feels like a high school anime. However this is reality and I have to keep my head in it.

As we ascend the steps, I see the wolves bowing their heads to Fenris. He nods to them. This again catches the attention of the class.

I soon find my seat, but find something sticking up from the seat. I raise an eyebrow, finding it to be a tack. Really? I roll my eyes and fling it out of my seat before sitting down. Fenris takes his place beside me.

The row is long and the desk reaches back at least a foot and a half. This provides a small amount of shade for him if he wants lie under it. However I do notice that the row I’m on is empty. It looks as though it could easily seat a couple more. But I shrug it off as I take out my Orkona along with a couple other little doodads.

The teacher then places an Orkona onto the podium. Behind him is a large glass-like board that’s as long as a chalkboard in my era. He nods as both then light up. “Now, let us begin.”

The first part of the day the teacher flows through different subjects ranging from mathematics to history and finally onto literature. I smile as I eagerly take down the notes. The board behind him reminds me of a smart board, displaying information that the teacher can manipulate.

Most of what he’s teaching Mom went over with me, so this serves as a nice refresher. I’m just grateful I missed having to deal with Tivershmesh again.

I do find some of the history to be fascinating being that the information seems slightly newer. I know archeology won’t be a thing for a couple hundred years, but even still, it’s refreshing to hear from a different perspective.

I glance over to my classmates but tilt my head as a few shoot me dark, venomous stares. A few more look to me with curiosity yet appear to be cautious, looking to the prior group. I even catch the occasional sneer.

I simply roll my eyes and return to my note-taking. I glimpse Fenris lying under the desk, tails curled around him. I smile, reaching down and stroking the top of his head. This really feels no different than at home.

I glance over to the wolves, seeing them sit in silence. A few even appear to be miserable as they stare off into the distance. I feel my heart going out to them. I’ve lived with the pack at the estate for nearly two months and really have come to respect them. But seeing this breaks my heart. I wish I knew of a way to comfort them but don’t know if I’ll be able to.

I look up to see the teacher writing notes on the crystalline board. I smile, recalling how Mom used to use write using chalk and how soothing it was to me.

The bell rings for lunch and with it a few of my classmates pack up to head out. I do the same, watching as the teacher leaves the classroom. I shuffle around a few things in my bag as I soon find myself surrounded by a few of my classmates.

They of course begin to ask to usual questions about where I’m from and what I think about the city. I smile answering them the best I can, saying I came from outside the city and that I love being here. You know…the truth.

“So you stay with Shyair,” says one girl with sandy hair, “does that mean you sleep with the wolves?” She looks to be of nobility, with her stature looking proud and pompous to boot.

The group chuckles. She grins darkly, “I only ask because that’s what it's known for."

I tilt my head. If they mean they sleep in the same bed as me then yes it’s true.

Another girl leans in, “I mean look at her, Shyair must sleep in the same den as them. Everyone knows they only clean up when it’s time to go into public.”

This causes a nerve to twitch as I look at them, “Are you really sure you should be talking like this about a Great House?”

They group then bursts into laughter. Fenris slowly rises from under the desk but the group doesn’t even stop. I feel their jeering laughter pour into me. Normally I just brush it off or snap back at them. However, the problem is that it would look poorly on my family.

The girl who started this looks to, her eyes now stern. “Shyair is a disgrace of a house. Always hiding away from the world, or meddling in affairs they shouldn’t.” She then leans onto the table, “The wolves would be better off with the other houses.”

Hollow words and emptiness, such things really shouldn’t even be a blip on my radar. I sigh, shaking my head.

“She looks like a commoner,” I hear a boy say. “Someone they found huddled in the trash, all covered in filth. For that’s all foxes are known for.”

“I agree,” says another girl. “She looks as though Shyair is simply taking pity on you for she’s too stupid to be anything else.”

The first girl grins even more, “Or maybe perhaps she’s Serasfall’s little consort. Always sleeping in her bed only to be tossed out when she no longer satisfies her mistress or is no longer wanted.”

The twitching nerve from before grows even more as I grit my teeth as I take their insults which no one should ever say. They don’t know anything about me and to say such horrible things is beyond cruel and ignorant. I know who Serasfall is to me and what she has done for me. But it stings deeply all the same.

I slowly rise from my seat and walks down the steps, simply ignoring them. Fenris follows after me, I can tell he’s growing agitated with them but I gently stroke his fur. Don’t retaliate against them, try and brush it off, but I can’t.

As I reach the bottom floor, I hear something whisking through the air. I dodge slightly and catch whatever was thrown at me, gently placing it onto a table beside me. I look over and find it to be a crumbled up ball of paper. However when I unrolled it, I discover that a heavy rock had been placed inside it.

I sigh softly, clutching my bag tightly. When Fenris sees this, he quickly turns and growls at them, causing several to step back or even stumble on the steps. I shake my head and the both of us leave the room.

We wander through the hallways until I find the dining hall. I rummage through the line until I find a few items and snatch them up and leave.

We reenter the halls, actually exiting outside. I look around, finding covered walkways with greenspaces all around. We soon find a small, secluded grassy courtyard with a large tree at its heart.

I glance over seeing a small strean as it passes through the space. Surrounding it are two conjoining buildings. This gives is a more closed-in yet hidden feeling.

I walk over to the tree and sit under it, eating some of the food I picked up. Fenris nuzzles my face, “Let your heart not be troubled, daughter,” he says. “For they are merely words.”

I nod, leaning into him. He smiles, nudging my face again. “I will go and find so food for myself. Will you be all right without me?”

I nod, “I’ll be okay, Papa Wolf.” He looks to me for a moment before slowly turning and leaving the courtyard.

I pull my legs into my chest, replaying the morning session over and over again as the stream flows in the background. The class went well, it’s just what happened after that hurts. I feel a lump growing in my throat that I try and fail to swallow. I know they were just words, but even they can hurt a heart just as easily as a sword.

I remember when Beltrok insulted my mother years ago, even going so far as to threaten her. However this feels far, far worse. The attacks and insults from my classmates are tormenting me, eating at me. I’ve never had someone say such things to me. Even Lana and Mistral, or Diana for that matter never rose to that level. I should just ignore them but I can’t.

I’ve faced down death several times, fought against vampires and dragons. Had my home invaded twice, yet now it's petty insults that are getting to me?

I hold my legs even tighter to my chest, feeling even more alone than ever before. I miss my mother more and more. I just want to go home.

My body jolts slightly as something splatters against my face, followed by the sounds of chuckling. I look down to see a piece of stewed meat resting on the ground beside me. I pan up, only to see a piece of jellied fruit slam right at me, showering me in juices. When it slides off my face, I look to see several of my classmates all carrying food with them.

“Here, I thought you might be hungry,” says the ringleader from before as she chucks a piece of cake at me. “See, I can show compassion to my lessers.” The rest all laugh as the start to pelt me with food, covering my body in slimy mess.

I look up at her as food and other dropping drip down my face. I’ve heard this kind of rant before. Even her tone is the same. My gaze droops for a moment, she sounds like Mistral.

I resist the urge to transform and swat away the food with my tails but I don’t want to have them connect me to what happened at the palace a few weeks ago.

I simply take the barrage for a few moments before erecting a barrier, finally deflecting the incoming food. It merely splatters against the wall of magic. I really am a glutton for punishment aren’t I?

With their first form of attack rendered useless, I feel tinge of something growing as I peek up, seeing the gathered group summon forth magic. Their faces each bear a devious grin as they begin to step closer to me. Their magic flares even greater, ready to strike.

A whoosh of cold wind blows into the courtyards as several wolves suddenly appear in front of me, all growling towards my classmates. Their magic quickly snuffs out with a couple backing off as they stare at them. A couple look bewildered as to why the wolves are protecting me. I too am curious about this.

I then feel warm tongue lapping the side of my cheek. I look up to see Fenris standing beside me, having easily passed through my barrier. He pans up towards my classmates and chops his jaws, causing them to finally run away.

Fenris turns back to me, “Forgive me, Aria, for not returning sooner.”

I finally broker a smile, reaching and stroking his face. “Thanks for coming regardless.”

He smiles, returning to cleaning my face of the mess. I sigh softly, dropping the barrier as I flick some of the food away from my uniform. This completely killed my appetite as my stomach is now in knots.

The wolves then gather around me. I smile softly to them. They in turn bow their heads to me, “Greetings, our little princess,” greets several of them.

I blush softly, looking around to make sure no one is there as I clench my knees tightly. “I’m…no one to you.”

A male smiles, lowering his head towards me. “We know you are of Shyair,” he starts. “We also know Fenris here is our rightful king, with you as his child.”

My cheeks burn even hotter, so even wolves have to concept of a king. I look to Fenris. I guess while he was gone, he met up with the wolves from before and now they’re here. I stare up at the wolves, seeing some wear collars around their necks. My heart pangs heavily as I reach up to the male in front of me.

“I hate seeing these on you,” I say, gently stroking the collar. It's brass in color with metal fixtures along the edges. At the front I see a massive iron lock. It’s ornate in design, bearing the crest of Drakthul. I glance over, seeing the crests of Nethune and Laevatain on other locks.

He closes his eyes, “We bear such a burden, but it is not for you to trouble yourself over.”

I stroke the lock, feeling a powerful seal upon it. I know if I were to press enough magic into the lock I could break the seal and free them. But that might cause more issues for me.

I feel a kinship with the wolves, and not only because I’ve lived with one for the past couple years or living with a pack of them for a couple months. They too are like distant family to me.

I lower my hand, watching as the wolves then lie down around me, encircling the tree. I smile softly, knowing they’re protecting me.

I feel Fenris as he continues to preen my hair clean of food. I smirk softly, “Serasfall is going to go ballistic if she finds out about this.” He smiles, removing the last pieces from me.

I hold out my hand and summon some of the water from the nearby stream and use it to clean off my uniform. It swirls around me, soaking up any remaining juices and food scraps, finally cleansing my clothes of the mess. I remove my hairband and swirl the water into it, freeing any lingering smells. It’s not a full bath and clothes cleaning, but it does a good enough job.

I then conjure my drying spell and cast it around my body, drying myself off. I then swirl the mass of dirty water and freeze it, lobbing it away from us, hearing it land in the grass.

I sigh softly as I hug my legs. I start to think of Serasfall and what she means to me. I know their insults and sneers are petty and ignorant, but they linger, stinging deeply into me. They’ve all become my family, and I love them dearly as if I were born to them.

I press my chin onto my knees, thinking this is far worse than high schools in the future, at least there’s some measure of knowing what to say and not to say. At least I think there is.

I wonder how Jenn and the others deal with it. Okay…Mandy is the queen bee at her school, so no one would dare touch her. Heather is the fashionista, so she’s popular with girls. And Jenn…she basically rules over her school. And here I am…the odd one out.

Back in my old life I was a loner in high school. Okay, not completely. First two years I hung out with people during lunch and after school. It was during my last two years I became a loner. Always eating lunch by myself and then heading out to a classroom to be in quiet solitude.

I look over to see the wolves lying peacefully around me. I smile softly as some begin to fall asleep. I glance over Fenris as he lays behind me, curling his body around my tiny form.

I soon hear the sounds of rapid footsteps as they echo through the covered walkways. My heart sinks a little, thinking it’s more people coming to torment me or to complain about how I have all of the wolves surround me.

I look up to see Veylana running towards me. She easily slips through the gathered wolves, softly apologizing to them as she moves closer to me. When she finally reaches me, she kneels down and hugs me tightly.

“I heard from my friends about what happened to you,” she says, pressing my body into hers. “I am so, so sorry I wasn’t able to get to you faster. And on your first day no less.”

I nod, smiling to her. “Thanks for coming anyways.”

She smiles, sitting beside me. I see another wolf, this one with a silver sash around its neck, rest beside her. Fenris glimpses him, but the two merely smile to each other. It’s her bonded wolf, Vulcan. He and Fenris apparently got along really well during their first meeting and have been friends ever since.

“I heard of what happened here, but I don’t know how it all started. Do you wish to tell me?”

I hug my legs tighter, staring off into the buildings. I sigh softly. I really don’t know what to do. Should I tell her? If I do, it’ll go to her father and then to Serasfall and Celes. No doubt they’ll raise holy hell upon the school. But as Veylana said, it’s my first day. What will they say about me if I were to complain?

My cousin looks at me, still waiting for an answer. When I fail to give her one, she proceeds to rock me gently. “Everyone knows not to come after me,” she says. “Shyair is popular amongst the people and the Lesser houses. But it’s the Greater houses that despise us. Saying that, I guess they see you as an easier target.”

I nod slowly. Sometimes I really wish I could declare myself as I member of Shyair openly. I carry the crest Serasfall made for me, but I don’t know if I should show it here.

Veylana holds me tighter to her. “I am here if you need me, Aria,” she says softly. “You're my little cousin, and family looks out for each other.”

I smile, “Thanks, Veylana.” I turn towards the wolves, “I guess our secret is out with them.”

She smiles, stroking my shoulder, “The wolves all know who we are, regardless of where we are from.” I smile, watching them as they sleep.

We then hear the bell sound, signaling the end of the lunch period. We nod and rise from the grounds, brushing the grass from our skirts. I glance over, watching as the wolves all rise and stretch, yawning softly as their bodies come back to life.

Veylana looks to me, “Will you be all right?”

I nod slowly, “I’ll…I’ll be fine.” She stares at me, seemingly unconvinced. I look and turn to the wolves. I smile, “Thanks again for coming,” looks to Veylana as well.

The wolves all smile, wagging their tails happily. A female bobs her head, “May we come and join you here again?

I smile, looking to Fenris and Veylana, who smile and nod to me. I turn back to them. “I’d like that very much."

The wolves smile, bowing their heads to me.

I pick up my bag and we all head towards the covered walkway, with over a dozen wolves flanking us. Veylana smiles, “The student council room is open to you if you need another refuge. No one will touch you there.”

I smile, “Thanks.” She holds me close.

I glimpse back, seeing our entourage. I smile, finding some peace in this moment.

We finally break with Veylana and Vulcan, followed by a small group of the wolves, heading off in one direction with Fenris and I, with the other, going back towards our class.

The rest of the day went by quietly, although I do pick up the errant snide whisper coming from the class. While it stings to hear it, I choose to ignore it and go about listening to the lecture.

I really do want to enjoy school, always finding a sense of happiness in attending class. But what’s going on now makes it slowly untenable.

The day finally comes to an end. I slowly pack up my things, rolling a small ball back into my bag that I’d roll on occasions. With my last thing stowed away, Fenris and I rise from our seats and make a hasty exit towards the door.

As we walk through the halls, I hear the whispers from earlier in the day now laced with insults and sneers as many glare at me. I look over to a group of dragons who see me. They look as though they want to come over and surround me, their faces are soft and gentle as they glare back at the others. However they don’t move.

I nod to them, clutching my bag. They smile, with a couple trailing off towards the jeerers.

I pass by another group of wolves. They bow their heads to us. I smile, giving them a little wave. I really hope to see them again.

We stroll through the grounds, with other students walking past us, eager to leave and go home. We keep a slow, deliberate pace, part wanting to not go home, and part wanting this day to end.

We come up to the main gate where we find Celes and Athena waiting for us. I look up at her as they both smile to me. I sigh, keeping my head low.

Celes comes closer, noticing my dower demeanor, pulling me into a tight hug. “Did you have a good first day, my sister?”

I nod looking away, “It…it was fine.”

She cups her fingers under my chin, raising up to her meet her tender gaze. “I can tell something happened. So what was it? What really happened to you?”

I look away, biting the inside of my mouth.

“Aria,” she says more assertively, “what happened?”

Again I say nothing, clutching my bag even tighter.

Celes looks to Fenris who sticks close to me yet also says nothing. This surprises Athena who looks to him. I know he wants to explain today’s events, which would involve Celes and Serasfall rather quickly. However I think he wants to honor my decision and not say a word. For now at least.

I pull back from Celes and hop onto my bonded’s back. My sister climbs onto Athena and looks as though she wants to ask me again. I don’t give her the chance and pat Fenris, signaling to him for us to leave.

When we make it home, I quickly make a beeline towards my room, not even stopping to say hello to Serasfall as she calls out to me.

Once inside, I plop my bag next to my bed. I cast sound dampening spell and climbs into my bed. I bury my face into my pillow, crying bitterly.

Today was absolute hell, and I’m really not sure about the future.

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