Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 40: Alone with my sister

I hold onto Fenris as Celes and I ride through the city streets. Earlier in the morning Celes made the suggestion to go out for another run. It’s been a couple weeks since the last time she and I had gone out together.

Serasfall finally decided to take me out personally into the city. We toured more parts of the capital while still accompanied by over half a dozen knights. As powerful as we may be, it be really stupid to go unguarded. I didn’t really mind it at all, partly due to them hanging back just enough to not interfere without necessity.

I loved being with her, finally getting a chance to be alone with Serasfall that as I have with Celes. I still had to watch myself, as I felt Serasfall acting as a mother to me growing stronger. I do view Serasfall as a mother, but I still cannot cross that line and claim her as mine.

I also went with Valeria and her daughters who invited me to go shopping on the second tier. Oh how I was blown away by the boutiques and their wares. The dresses were incredible and I found myself getting lost in the experience. I’ve grown closer to them, loving them more and more as my family.

Valeria herself truly has become yet another aunt to me in all this time and her husband my uncle. Both have been amazing to me, loving me so dearly.

I also spent more time with Galen and Darius, loving the idea of them being like older brothers to me. We’d often meet up in the city or they’d come to us. The three of us would train or simply discuss anything really.

I pan over to Celes, seeing her atop Athena. We each smile to each other, sisters enjoying some needed time together away from home. Dangling from my back rests Astraea with Celes carrying her sword. The sheath for my new sword was specially hewed from a branch of ebony and inlayed with several loops of silver around the mid-section.

I still have no idea why people carried swords so openly during court. Maybe I can finally ask Celes about this.

I pan over to her as we pass through the second eastern district market. “Hey,” I call out to her, “where we are going this time?”

She smiles, “I wanted to take you to a few new places this time. I know we haven’t gone out together at home while I’ve been away at times. I also know there is still more I wish to show you of the city, today I change that.”

I grin, stroking Fenris who and Athena both exchange looks of happiness. No doubt loving the fact they have their girls riding on them again.

I look up and around, passing by several girls wearing uniforms that match the ones I’ve seen around the second tier as well as Veylana. I tilt my head, yep, schoolgirls. I start imagining myself in them. I grin, falling back to each time in Japan last year with the notion of attending school.

We pass by squads of guardsmen and soldiers as they patrol the streets. In the time since I arrived, barring my first encounter with them, I’ve come to love the routine of their patrols. It’s become a fact of life for me. This city has indeed become my home and I really love it here.

Several people turn and bow towards us, to which we in turn smile and bow. The people genuinely seem happy to see us, I think partly due to they know who Celes is. Also because were each wearing the crest of our house on placards. Yep, Serasfall had one made for me. According to her, since I am a member of her house and line, it’s only natural that I should. I blushed when she told me that.

We trot along the citadel hill, in fact not even turning into it. Instead we follow along the road, slowly making our way north. I look around, seeing even more dragons and elves as they sit around, with several talking to humans and other races. I smile as kids from various races run and chase each other through the streets, several in similar style uniforms as the girls from before.

I hear the calls of gulls as they fly overhead, carrying the scent saltwater with the wind. I smile, feeling like I’m at my house in Japan, overlooking the ocean. I really wouldn’t mind strolling along the docks if given the chance.

We turn again, hearing the sounds of rushing water. I look over to see long gondolas and other boats as they float along canals that no doubt empty into the sea. I look over to Celes who smiles to me.

“Why don’t we enjoy a boat ride, my sister?” she asks. “This way our wolves may also enjoy a stroll.”

I smile, nodding to her.

We come to a small ferry and slide off our wolves. I pan up to Fenris, smiling to him. He leans over and nudges my face. I giggle, stroking his muzzle.

We will be close by, little Aria,” he says.

I nuzzle his face, “Maybe you and I can have a nice father/daughter time later on.”

He bobs his nose under my chin, “I would enjoy that. Now, go with your sister.” I nod and head onto the boat, finding a seat next to Celes.

The air is soft and crisp as we travel up the waterways. I look around, seeing numerous building lining the canals. We pass by the odd greenspace with more trees seemingly reaching towards the sky as they shade us from the sun.

People stroll over bridges, with the sight of couples enjoying a leisurely stroll. A few elves run along the rooftops carrying thick leathery satchels, probably mail carriers. I smirk, thinking how much I’d love to challenge them to a race. Hey, I’m now a yokai from the village of Ashogihaga, someone’s gotta represent my home.

A few pass by several groups of harpies and even manage to nearly slam into gryphons in their human forms. I grin as the gryphons snarl at the elves for disturbing their peace.

I hear the splashing of water with fluidic chatter that I am all too familiar with. I smile, leaning over the railing to see several groups of mermaids gathered together near several large fountains. Joining them is an equal number of merman, several of whom seem to be trying to ask them out. A soft giggle leaves me as a few new couples hop off of the fountain together.

I turn around and lean up against the railing. I can’t even begin to remember the last time I’ve traveled down a waterway like this. Hell, even riding in a boat for that matter. I look to the opposite walkway, seeing Fenris and Athena as they walk together, each carrying a tail in the other’s, looking as though they are on a date.

Celes wraps an arm around me. “Enjoying yourself, sister?”

I smile to her. “I am. This city just seems to surprise me with new facets each time I go out.”

She smiles, holding me close, “Our city is truly a wondrous place. There are wonders I have yet to show you, and few more Mother wishes to as well.” I blush softly, leaning into her. She smiles, stroking my shoulder. “You do love it here, don’t you, Nei’shy?”

My cheeks blush even more, nodding. “I do. It’s as though I’ve come to a place that only exists in my dreams, yet is real. There’s no dirty air, no overcrowding of people, no horns blaring. It's nature and civilization in perfect balance with trees and buildings growing together. It’s almost like I’m in a place where my fantasies are true and what the world should be.”

Celes smiles, giving me another squeeze. “I am glad to hear those words, my sister. I know Mother would be as well.”

I smile, clinging to her. She is my sister, feeling close to her as though I were born to her. The only other person, other than my mother, that I feel like this is Marron. She was with me since the start and we’ve always been closer than blood.

Her words also seem to bear a subtle acceptance. Celes long ago stopped referring to Serasfall as her mother. It’s the same as with Tyrion and his family as my uncle and cousins. It’s as though she recognizes that her mother is becoming like my own, that we are sisters of the same mother.

However…I feel a lingering doubt forming, a lingering thorn in the bottom of my heart. Something that I shouldn’t be feeling. And it’s gnawing at me.

We soon arrive upstream towards the mouth and exit onto a dock. In front of me I see the citadel hill. I smile, watching the sacred crystal hovering in the far distance of the third tier. I smirk, thinking again that I’m standing in the shadow of Minas Tirith.

I pan over to our wolves as they slowly walk over to us. They each come close and nuzzle our faces, with Athena then turning to me, pressing her cold press to my cheek. I giggle, stroking her soft fur.

Celes smiles, looking to me, “There’s a garden near the palace which overlooks the harbor.”

I tilt my head, “You really want to go to the palace after what happened a few weeks ago?”

She chuckles, pulling me close to her. “Fear not, my younger sister, for I shall protect you.”

I smirk, “I feel oh so much better.”

She grins, ruffling my hair and then climbs onto Athena. I giggle hopping onto Fenris’ back as we both then take off towards the citadel.

We ride through the streets, watching as we corkscrew around the massive hill. I smile, seeing a few other little shops the Valera and her daughters-in-law love to visit.

Veylana actually told me they don’t always buy, but commission orders for specific items, namely the odd dress or a new coat. Nothing too extravagant. She even admitted to having a dress made for when her school does functions, which happens a lot apparently.

We soon reach the third tier, seeing the palace grounds off in the distance. I take a soft low breath, still feeling the sting of what happened the last time I was here. I still can remember my encounter with Selene. Somehow the impression that our meeting there in the crystal gardens wasn’t just a chance one.

The four of us slowly walk through the palace gates, passing the guards without issue. My usual nervousness is being drowned out by the fact that I’m now here with Celes and the assurance of not actually going inside.

We slide off our wolves again and calmly stroll through the presidio gardens located to the left of the palace. Twenty foot tall trees dot the area with grassy patches strewn about. I smile, seeing benches and gazebos strategically placed around with several people walking along the stone walkways.

Celes holds me close as we walk under the trees. She smiles, “I am forever happy and blessed that you came into my life.” She squeezes me, “You truly are my incredible younger sister.”

I blush, looking up at her. “You’ve been an amazing older sister to me. Encouraging me on, helping me become more acclimated to being here.”

In my heart I feel another, as if I’m again talking to Marron. It been awhile since the last one, that or I’ve been ignoring it lately.

She smiles, “Mother and I love you deeply. You have become a true child of this family.”

I smile, clinging to her, only to feel my heart pounding in my chest. The lingering doubt from before resurfaces as I look away.

“What troubles you, Nei’shy?” she asks.

I let out a sigh, “I feel though I’m betraying my family in the future. I’ve become so close to all of you, that I often fear that I might be replacing them.”

Celes gently tilts my head until our eyes meet. “You could never betray your family. For we too are your family, only more of it.” She then rolls her thumb over my cheek, “You will never betray them if you never forsake them.”

I nod, blushing softly. “What about your mother? I mean, you’re now my sister, and Tyrion and his family are my cousins now too. She’s become like a mother to me, but I don’t take the next step and say it.” My gaze then lowers, “I feel like I’m offending her or leaving her out.”

She stops us as we near a tree and a bench. “My mother loves you deeply, Nei’shy. I know she thinks of you as her own child. However, I understand your concerns. It is easier for me to become your sister. But for my mother to become yours truly is not in your heart. For you feel as though you were to, you would be betraying the memory of your mother in the future.”

She then leans over and kisses the top of my head. “Let not these thoughts burden you greatly to where they make you ill. Simply be a child of our house and love us as your family.

I smile, nodding slowly. I love my mother, being hers through and through. I love Serasfall, but it’s a balancing act for me. I’m always teetering on the edge of a knife when it comes to these feelings. With Yukari, she became my aunt while still giving me the same kind of love as a mother, only not in name. And I do love my family here, ready to fight for them.

We round the bench and sit onto it, with our wolves sitting off to the side in front of us.

I stare out into the Black Sea, watching as boats and ships sail in and out. I see the gulls flying about, carrying fish they no doubt stole from the fishermen. I grin softly, being reminded of the harbor in Ashogihaga. I then pull out my journal and begin writing in it, observing the goings on of the harbor below.

I glance up at my sister, “Have you ever been in love?”

She looks at me surprised, but then chuckles tenderly as she holds me close. “That I have, dear sister.” She gazes out onto the sea, “He is a merchant’s son who is also my father’s apprentice.”

I feel her stroking my shoulder, “We fell in love last year, nearly to the point of marriage. However we quietly decided to distance ourselves from one another while still carrying our feelings.”

I look to her, “Why?”

She taps her rolls her hand on her lap. “It wasn’t because of station, merely timing. It’s been nearly a year since I last saw him.”

I sigh softly, feeling a pang in my heart, “Was it because of your brothers?”

She nods slowly, continuing to stroke my shoulder, “Yes. However, if he were to return now, I would quickly wish to resume our relationship.” Her cheeks then turn soft red, “Both Mother and Father already highly approve of him.”

I smile. I’m the same with Kenji, in that Mom, Fenris, and my aunts already approve of us being together. His own mother even joked about seeing me in a wedding kimono. I keep my cheeks from showing my embarrassment as the image pops into my mind.

“What of you, sister?” she asks. “Is there someone you hold in your heart?”

My cheeks finally turn red as I slightly fold over my journal. Great, she managed to turn the conversation back onto me.

She grins, “So you do. Is it Piotr? I have seen the two of you together often. Some might suggest that you possibly share feelings for each other.”

I shake my head, feeling my heart settle down. “No…it’s not Piotr. But it is someone else. A young man I felt my heart leap the first time I saw him.”

She smiles, stroking my shoulder, “I see. However, you will have to confront Piotr before it goes too far. I know you haven’t been toying with him or playing with his heart. For that I commend you.”

I smile, “Thanks, Celes.” She smiles, leaning over and kisses the top of my head.

She is right and I will have to confront Piotr. The question is, who will make the first move and how will he react?

I peer back out onto the horizon, watching it grow darker as the sun begins to set behind in the west. I look over and see more people walking about the gardens, again carrying weapons. Mostly I see small daggers and the occasional short sword. Even Celes and I have our swords sheathed and out in the open. Again, I’ve seen even commoners carry at most a small dagger.

I look to her, “So how come everyone has a weapon? Other than defense, even commoners have them.”

She smiles, “Those of nobility are required to wear them. Although not merely for protection but to denote status as well.”

I peer down to see Astraea’s hilt on my hip. “I’m not of nobility here. At least not officially.”

Again she shakes her head, “You are, my sister. You are a part of my family and house. No one will deny this incontrovertible fact.”

I smile, leaning into her. I am of her house, of her blood. So maybe I will own this fact.

“Since we are on the topic of weapons,” she adds, “perhaps I should discuss my own.”

I look up at her, eyes growing frantic as I look around, “Should you really be talking about it with this many people around?”

She smiles, “What I am about discuss is merely a historical fact, rather than a family secret.” I nod slowly as she draws her sword.

It’s less than four feet long with the blade taking up three-quarters of the total length with it flaring out slightly at the guard and back in like Glamdring. The blade is icy-blue with its crystal running up two-thirds of the blade. The guard is small and silver with curving bevels, no bigger than a man’s billfold. The hilt is designed very closely to that Narsil is the grip went all the way to the pummel.

She smiles, “This is Mystletainn, and has served me well for years. Now, within our family there are certain times when a weapon is forged…differently, in that will be attached to its wielder even after death. The only problem is that its core will burn out and need to be replaced.” She smiles as she holds it, “My sword is one such weapon, possessing a core.”

I nod and look at Astraea. Celes smiles, “Your weapon truly is unlike any other before it. It will ever only answer to you. However, if a weapon like mine is indeed reunited with its wielder, they only need replace the core and infuse their mana into it. This will also change the weapon, while bonded to the same person, will become different to better suit them.”

I nod, smiling as I listen. She smiles, as she sheathes her sword. I then pan over to see Fenris and Athena lying comfortably on the soft grass with Fenris’ head resting over Athena’s neck.

“Those two really do love each other,” I whisper.

Celes looks over and smiles, “That they do.” She tilts her head slightly, “I wonder what their pups will be like.”

I blush deeply looking up at her. I know they won’t have any black ones, that’s for sure. That’s because the black wolves only come about during a time of great change, with Fenris being as such. But does that also relate to me?

She smiles to me, still stroking my shoulder.

The sun finally crests over the horizon, slowly becoming a dark blue as the burning amber dies. The gardens slowly begin to glow as the crystal lampposts come to life, showering us in light. Even the scared crystal shines over us. I lean into Celes, feeling as though I truly am from this city.

I grin as I close my eyes, hearing a soft song being sung as the crystals hum in the failing light. A breeze soon kisses against my face, carrying some of my hair along with it. A nice night out with my sister.

Celes gently strokes my shoulder as she begins to hum. It's sweet and gentle, feeling a soothing warms as the notes softly rise and fall. I feel as though I am on a cloud, floating away as though I weighed nothing.

Sleep…sleep, my little starlight.

Sleep and fly over the skies.

Your heart lies heavy in the night.

Let sweet soft wings carry you to new highs.

A soft pillow for your head and warm covers for your heart.

A bed of clouds and sea of gentle sight.

Now sleep, my little starlight.

Sleep and fly.

I slowly open my eyes, now recognizing the tune. It's Marron’s lullaby, a tune she always sang to me when alone together. But now I can hear the words and it cuts straight into me, now that I have full song.

Even with this revelation, I melt into Celes, feeling small.

I feel her again kissing the top of my head, “You truly are a little child at heart, aren’t you, my sister?” She gently holds me to her, “Oh how I wish you were one for Mother and I. A little girl to dote upon, to raise within our home.”

My cheeks blush even more. She smiles, hugging me closer as she resumes humming.

I stare onto the darkening horizon. “Can you tell me about that lullaby you were singing?”

She pulls me even closer to her. “It has been in our family for over ten generations, being passed from mother to daughter.”

My cheeks blush even more, feeling them burn.

She chuckles, “It’s always possessed the ability to calm and soothe children. I wager it is the same with you, Nei’shy.”

I nod slowly. Whenever Marron hummed this to me, I’d always find myself melting away and quickly falling asleep.

The sky completely turns dark as the starts begin twinkle. I feel about set to fall completely asleep, ready to drift away as I let out a yawn.

Celes kisses the top of my head, giving me another tight squeeze. “We should return home before Mother begins to worry.”

I nod and we each slowly rise from the bench. I stretch out my body, feeling my stiff muscles burning and my joints pops. I pan over to see both of our wolves standing before us. We smile and head over, climbing onto them.

I lean over and stroke Fenris’ fur. “Enjoyed some nice quiet time with Athena?”

He looks to me, smiling tenderly. “That I did, little Aria. I know you and Celestine also enjoyed your time together.”

I nod, raking my fingers through his fur, “I did, Papa Wolf.” He nods and turns, following after Celes and Athena as they leave the gardens.

As we exit out from the palace, I look over to Celes. I’m slowly beginning to put all of the pieces together, yet something else is missing. The lullaby certainly played a factor yet it’s not enough to have the complete picture.

I sigh shaking my head, putting my questions aside for now. I smile, I have a sister here, and I love her dearly.

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