Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 36: The Challenge

My eyes open as I feel something wash over me. I sit up, now feeling my bed shaking. I look around, noticing my room also shaking. Over by the balcony doors I see Fenris already up and snarling. I roll out of bed and walk over to him, stroking his fur.

I peer out the window. It’s not even light out with the skies still dark. “Something’s wrong,” I say. “Even this far from the citadel.”

He settles down, nodding, “I agree, daughter.” His massive body shifts slightly on the rug. “We have felt this before, yet here its source remains hidden, elusive. However it feels different than before.”

I nod. This does feel different, a festering sickness yet still newer, as though just given birth. As a kitsune, it weighs on me, death, yet life. I know what happens and my experiences from the future, however this still is completely new to me. I just can’t tell.

The feeling soon disappears as though it were never there. In its absence is nothing but an endless void. I tilt my head, thinking of reaching into the leyline itself but holds back. This is a massive intersection of two critical leylines. The power overflow alone might hurt me badly, so no.

Fenris remains vigilant, ears twitching as he scans the deep darkness. His body rises and falls with each breath.

I hear my bed rustling as I pan over to see Nelly and Leto stirring and whining a bit. I smile as I hop back over and crawl in with them, stroking their little bodies. Nelly then rises up and crawls into my lap, nuzzling me as she whines a little more. I giggle, knowing why.

I lean down, “It’s time to wake up you two.”

They groan in protest but slowly do. I smile, stroking them more as they rise on my bed and stretch out their bodies, yawning squeakily.

I give them both a scratch on the top of the head and look over to Fenris. “Think you can take them out?” He nods and carefully picks each one up and sets them gently onto the floor.

I smile as they look back at me with floating eyes. “I’ll be out soon you two,” I say. “I just have to get ready."

The pups nod as they head over to the door with Fenris opening it. I smile, watching them head out into the hallway.

I roll off the bed again and hop into the bathroom to get ready.

I dodge and block an incoming strike from Piotr as he slashes at me with his twin swords. I spin and slash at him with my bokken, only for him to block with his own. We smile, dancing around the circle, swords slicing through the air.

When I came out to train, I asked the knights if they felt anything earlier in the morning. Each said they hadn’t, however did note the slight earthquake.

I still wonder about what Fenris and I felt. It’s still hard to pin in all down due to how buried and hidden it is. It’s familiar yet unfamiliar, old yet new. If this is Nethune, they’re doing a really good job at hiding it.

I sigh, thinking I might ask Serasfall about it. But if I do…won’t that be changing history? I really don’t have any hard evidence, only stories from my time. Legally speaking, that’s really not enough.

Maybe I should let it go for now, just wait and see what happens.

I leap and twirl through the air, easily missing Piotr’s strikes. He in turn lunges forward and tries to slash upwards while I’m still in midair.

I grin, kicking my legs outward, spinning further in the air and batting away his attack. I land and counter with a strike to his chest with the pummel on my bokken. He smiles broadly, catching the strike with the broad side of his swords. A clever move if I’m honest.

He then pushes back with his swords, tossing me away. I flip backwards and slide to a halt, bearing a massive grin on my face. We’re both having fun in our match.

I peer over to see Fenris lying under a tree. I grin as the pups hop and pounce, trying to mimic my moves. My gaze then catches the sight of Athena as she strolls in under the tree. I smile as they nuzzle and greet each other and then lies down beside him. I giggle to myself, thinking how much they look more and more like a married couple.

I look over to see the knights all gathered around, also enjoying the show. It’s become a known fact that if the two of us are sparring, everyone watches.

I launch myself back at my partner, leaping from point to point as we resume our dance. Swords fly through the air, wood clashing against metal yet never nicking or breaking. Wooden weapons crafted by dryads are tougher than steel, a fact I’ve proven time and time again.

As he slashes down again with his swords, I deflect them away with my Han Kote, watching as they slide down against the armored plates. I roll around and slash at him, actually striking his chest.

He coughs slightly before shrugging it off. I flip back and crouch low, carefully watching each before resuming our session.

“That’s enough, you two!” shouts Kayle. “You both have gone on long enough.”

We smile to her and turn and face each other. “Thanks for the match,” I tell him.

Piotr smiles, bowing his head, “It was a pleasure, my Lady.” We nod and sheath our weapons and walk out of the ring. Oh yeah, Serasfall actually made me a belt sheath for my bokken. It really feels good to properly put it away when not in use.

I lean up against a pillar and drink from my water bottle. Heh, something else that was buried in my bag. I cross my arms as I hold onto my ice-cold bottle.

“Well fought, my Lady,” says Norick as he strolls over to me. “However while your technique is superb, your footwork is still not quite as it truly should be.”

I giggle, bobbing my head, “My sword master used to love telling me that.”

He smiles, “The valkyire, correct?”

I nod, “Yep, Lyra. Great friend, hell of a teacher.”

He smiles, turning and watching as the next two matches begin.

I sigh; it’s been months since I had to flee my home. I still remember fighting alongside Lyra during both battles at home, watching her rain down magical sword-like bolts onto the oncoming hordes of enemies during the second battle. She really was a great friend along with the other combat maids. Marie the prankster, Bianca the silent and shy one, and finally Miss Abigale, their leader.

We were all incredibly close, always training or joking with one another. We could speak openly with each other. Heh, Miss Abigale sure loved to whack me with her tail if I did or said something stupid.

God I miss home.

I peer up to see Serasfall talking to woman I don’t recognize. She has long, dark hazel hair with a multi-layer outfit meant for traveling. As I watch them speak, it's obvious Serasfall isn’t all that happy she’s here, but is putting on a front to mask it.

I can’t really hear what they’re saying, given the distance and the sounds of weapons clashing and combatants grunting. I watch as Serasfall’s eye twitches, apparently something the other woman said struck a nerve.

I lean over to Norick, “So who’s that talking with Serasfall?”

The knight looks up and sighs half-angrily. “All of those within this city to visit us.” He taps his arm with a finger, “That, would be Axana Shalaz Nethune, sister to Selene and wife of the king. It is said, that where Selene brings misfortune, Axana brings disaster.”

He glances to me. “I have heard rumors how she enjoys utilizing one of her family’s favorite tactics to get that which they desire in order to gain advantage.”

I grip my bottle tightly as I continue to watch both women talk, knowing of one such tactic personally. I glance over to see Kayle joining us while Anarius steps over to Piotr. The spear knight smiles, holding onto me from behind as she stares up at upper terrace. I smile in return, watching them.

We’ve become rather close since our first meeting, not like I am with Celes as in a sisterly way. I think more along the lines of a dear, loving friend who does dote on me a little. If anything I would equate our relationship to that of me with Lyra and Miss Abigale. Close and deep, loving friends.

“Nethune doesn’t often visit us,” adds Norick. “However, it never bodes well whenever they do. I often recall times when both houses nearly came to blows during such visits, only to quell after a fashion.”

I nod slowly. This already sets off alarm bells in my mind. I tilt my head, is her being here connected to what happened the other day?

“There’s an old saying, my Lady,” chimes Kayle. “If Nethune bears you a smile, run.”

I nod softly.

Axana then turns and looks to me, which instantly unnerves me as she bears a devious smile. Both she and Selene just seem to be able to give me the creeps.

I make glance over to Fenris, knocking my eyes upwards. He raises head and looks through the branches. He nods, shading his fur to match Athena. I am really glad he chose to rest under that tree. He then lowers his face and seems to speak to the pups who both nod and stay close to him and Athena.

I then watch as Serasfall and Axana both turn and walk down the stairs. All of the knights instantly stop their sessions and turn, bowing to both women as they walk into the circle. Both Kayle and Norick each keep their eyes on Axana while still staying close to me.

Serasfall looks to me, hands moving in a way that shows frustration, yet is only visible from the front. She approaches me first, with Axana still in the center of the yard, now accompanied by a group of five people. Serasfall shaking her head while holding it. Norick and Kayle slowly each take a half step back, with the latter releasing me from her embrace.

I look up at her, “You okay?”

She looks to me, “Not really, my darling. It seems Axana took an interest in you while you sparred with Piotr.”

Uh oh. I really hope this isn’t leading to something really unpleasant. Now I’m really glad I chose to train as a human today.

“So…what’s going on then?” I ask.

She sighs, “Axana has...‘requested’ an exhibition match. Namely, you would be fighting her son.” She then motions behind her.

I pan around to see a rather handsome young man, possibly in his early to mid-twenties standing next to Axana. I look up to Serasfall, who is clearly unhappy.

“Did you accept?”

“No, my dear,” she replies. “I wanted to ask you before I did.”

I look around her at him again. The young man stands confidently next to his mother. I glimpse something resting against his left leg, a handle or hilt of some kind with a wiry guard, a rapier maybe?

“So…what are the stakes?” I ask. “Even if this is an exhibition match, there has got to be something at stake.”

“No stakes,” she says. “No honor, reputation, or wagers made. It is merely a show of skill between two people.”

Okay…that’s odd. There has to be something at stake. A challenge like this always has something hidden. But if not…then okay.

I smirk, leaning up against the pillar. “Well…at least it’s not Seraskor.”

Serasfall looks to me with surprise. “How do you know of the trial?”

I smile to her, “I’ll tell you later.”

She sighs, “You better, young lady.”

I grin. Yep, I know all too well of that stupid trial, being on the receiving end of it and the ramifications afterwards.

“The question is,” she continues, “are you willing to fight him?”

I shrug, “Why not? If there’s no honor at stake, or any wagers made, then where’s the harm?”

She leans over, staring me directly into my eyes, “You better not be being overly confident or merely boasting.”

I smirk, looking to her. “I’ll be fine,” waving my hand.

She sighs, flicking my forehead. “Aeria korl slytha,” (Troublesome little fox).

I giggle. Nope, I’m not being overly confident or being a prideful brat. I know my abilities and trust in my training and experience.

Serasfall then turns and faces the woman and her party. “Very well, Axana. We accept the challenge.”

The woman smiles, “Excellent, I am so happy that you have.” She then walks closer, slightly sidestepping Serasfall. She peers into my eyes, with me staring directly into her deep hazel with bits of green mixed in.

“You truly have wonderful eyes, my dear,” she says, only to then tilt it slightly. “Strange, according to Selene, you possess golden eyes.” She shrugs, “Perhaps my sister was mistaken.”

I swear to myself in not transforming them before they arrived.

Axana’s smile never falters as she turns and motions to the young man to come forward. “This is my son, Fennec Bolssi Nethune.” He smiles, bowing his head to me. I bow mine in return out of courtesy.

The woman then smiles, examining me further. “You truly are beauty, my dear,” she says. “My husband spoke of you, touting how your guardian has kept such a true treasure locked away from the world.”

I curl my toes, trying not puke. If anyone else were to say that to me I’d blush, but not here. Not with these people. The moment she had walked over, my arms were around my back. My right hand had been clenched tightly around the hilt of my bokken. It’s the only way I could relieve some of my tension.

I then hear grass shuffling as I glance over too see the pups growing agitated with Axana being so close to me. Leto growls low as Nelly yaps beside her brother. Axana turns, growing an even greater smile.

“My, my, you had pups and you never told us,” she says. “Shame on you, Serasfall.”

A nerve twitches in my temple. Don’t you even dare go near those two. Athena glares at the woman as Fenris holds the pups back, calming them.

Serasfall clears her throat, “Let us return the subject of this conversation.”

Axana looks to her, smiling, “Yes, do forgive me.” She then turns back to me, “Good luck, little Aria.” She steps back and head for outside of the ring, leaving her son in the middle.

I shake my body, feeling grimy. As with Selene, I feel like taking a shower just from being around her. I think the entire family seems to give me the creeps.

I glance over seeing Celes running towards us. Her face seems frantic if full of worry. “I only now heard that Axana was here.” She looks to her mother and then to me, “I hope nothing terrible has transpired.”

I smile, hand still tightly gripping my sword before finally releasing my death grip, “Oh nothing, except a challenge to an ‘exhibition match’ with her son.”

My sister looks to Fennec who I see wearing a massive grin on his face. “I know of him. Belron often dueled with him on occasion. He also told me of a rumor in which Fennec’s sparring partners would surrender and soon disappear. This forces Nethune to constantly find new partners for him. Along with my brother, he became one of the city’s finest duelists.”

She winces slightly, “Even more notable duelists seem to be a match for him.”

I lean back up and smile to them both, “Like I said, I’ll be fine.”

Both women stare at me in disbelief before the each sigh, shaking their heads.

“Be careful, my darling,” says Serasfall.

“I agree, sister,” adds Celes. I smile and nod as they turn and head outside of the ring.

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