Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 32: Reveals

I wake up early, yet still groggy from what I did the previous night. I guess I was just too overly eager to convert everything to the Orkona. That little project lasted until 3:00 in the morning, I know because Fenris returned and finally dragged me into bed.

While my sleep was brief, lasting about six hours, I still feel refreshed enough for today. I’m also excited for this. I know I love to learn and train, but know I get to learn from someone who everyone says is incredible when it comes to magic. In all honesty, I haven’t been this excited since Mom began my training a couple years ago.

I quickly throw on me training clothes and boots, tying my hair back into a high ponytail. I look over myself, wondering if I should also bring my bokken. After a few moments of thought I decide not to and head out my door.

I walk out onto the terrace overlooking the training yards. The closer I get to the railing, the sounds of muttering can be heard from beyond the balcony. When I finally reach the railing, I discover that not only Serasfall and Celes along with their wolves standing there, but also a large number of the knights. Everyone is gathered around the main circle.

Over to my right I see Fenris standing by the steps leading down. I smirk as he walks over to me. “You knew this was going to happen?”

He smiles, “No daughter, I did not. Rhea and Athena were also unaware of this.”

I sigh, reaching up and stroking him behind his ear. “Well…I know I’m excited. I can’t wait to see what Serasfall has in-store for me.”

He grins, groaning happily. “Then you should not keep her waiting.”

I nod and hop onto the railing and leap down, much to the dismay and concern of everyone. I grin as I walk towards the circle. The knights bow their heads as they part, allowing me through. I look up at Kayle and Anarius, smiling to them.

The spearwoman grins, as the shield bearer smiles. I then look to Piotr who bears me a smile I know from anywhere. I nod to him as I look to Norick. The master archer gives me a welcoming smile and teacher’s gaze. I smirk as I enter the circle.

I look to Serasfall, “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”

She smiles, shaking her head, “No my dear girl, you have not.”

I smile, stopping right in front of her and my sister. She looks to me, “Now, before I begin your instruction, I wish to see a full display of your abilities. For I am curious as to what you have learned from your mother.”

Fenris smirks as he steps beside me. “You should perhaps erect a barrier if you wish to witness her full abilities.”

She looks to him confused, but nods. Serasfall and Rhea then walk past me, with the former gently tapping my shoulder.

I smile and look to Celes. A grin rises on my face, “Ready for a show?”

She smirks, “Don’t overdo it, Nei’shy. Mother and I still enjoy your company at dinner.”

I grin, transforming into a kitsune. “Then you better get on the outside of the ring.”

My sister leans over and flicks my forehead, “Silly fox.” She smirks, turning and heads towards the outer ring.

I look to Fenris, who smiles to me. Since I fled my home, he’s stayed with me, trained with me, fought alongside me as well and kept me from going insane. I reach over and stroke his fur. He nods and starts for the ring followed by Athena. I smile to them both as they exit and sit beside Serasfall and the others.

A soft, bluish glow rises from the edges of the circle. It ripples softly like water as it enclosed around me. I take a few steps towards the center and take a few breaths. While giving displays of my abilities is nothing new to me, given how I fought in two tournaments during my coven’s summer gatherings. I just never expected to have a surprise audience.

After a couple more deep breaths I slowly open my eyes. Magic swirls as I gather it. Kitsune-bi erupt from the tips of my tails as I begin to twirl them around my body. I slowly exhale and leap into the air, channeling dragon ice as I butterfly kick and hurl it down onto the ground, sending massive ice shards flying upwards. I land on one and fling several fireballs into them. The ice shatters and melts, sending torrents of water rushing around me.

I start juggling the remaining kitsune-bi between my tails as I direct the gushing water. My tails then begin to hurtle several more fireballs into the water, causing it to fizzle. I then use my tails to condense the rising steam and freeze it. With subtle movements of my hands, the water flows into little patterns and shapes as the rest of the water flows around me.

I smile as I slip into a slight daze, conducting the water as though a symphony was playing in front of me. My eyes then open as I twirl and leap around the ring, summoning fire from my tails. I direct the fire to loop and encircle the flowing water. The fire splits and forms into small loops around the water, creating dozens of dark crimson rings.

When it comes to fire and water magic, I’ve always had to maintain absolute control. Each can flow like the other, yet the opposing elements often clash readily if worked in concert with the other. I know I’m putting on a show, but I still have to control myself. It’s been a while since I’ve let loose, and not during a battle.

I suddenly halt the flowing ring of water clasp my hands tightly, instantly freezing it. I hold up the floating ice sculpture and start to reshape some of it. The rest I break off and form into a half dozen seven-foot tall pillars and hurtle them around me. The ice I was reshaping begins to take on the forms of faceless human-shaped beings.

I slow my breath again, pouring even more magic into them as I pull out little dolls from a pouch on my waist. I throw them to the ground as they began to gather dust and dirt from the stone tiles, mixing water, forming into four-foot tall pudgy faceless men. I smile knowing I’ve always kept these mud golems when I came back to my old apartment three summers ago.

The mud golems and icemen begin to run towards me. I leap back and summon Orbs with my hands and tails, firing into their ranks. The icemen dodge the initial assault only for me to shatter the orbs into dozens of smaller ones. I leap onto an ice pillar, grabbing hold with a tail and swing around, kicking several icemen away only to be pelted by the mini orbs as they make their return trip.

The mud golems toss one of their own at me. I flip in midair, generating a platform of ice and kick off of it and spin, wrapping my tails around it. Flames erupt starting at the bases of each tail as I flip and slam the golem into the ground, sending a blast of clear bluish-white flames outwards, catching the other golems and icemen.

I leap from pillar to pillar, swinging around from one to the next. With me either dragging a golem into another or pelting my opponents with magic. I’m constantly changing my direction in order to keep them off balance. I spin through the air, raining down Kitsune-bi onto them from my tails, soon landing on another pillar.

I glance over to my audience. Everyone seems transfixed with my display. I smile slightly at the awe in their faces. Piotr gazes directly at me, becoming more enamored as time goes on. I nod to myself, noting what he’s thinking.

The icemen and golems soon rise from the flames as the former sends the melting pools from a fallen iceman to squelch some of the flames. I smile as I leap back into the fray, running through my katas, both magical and physical, dispatching them.

I then summon more tags and toss them. Two perfect clones of myself emerge from puffs of smoke and join in. I wave my hands, directing the remaining flames and my clones summon ice and flames, causing them to clash into each other.

The opposing magicks then erupt as we set ourselves against the other’s backs. The swirling maelstrom then crashes down around us, sending up torrents of steam and the resulting shockwave slams into the barrier.

When the fog settles, I smile to everyone as I finish. The crowd looks on stunned and mouths agape. Fenris, of course, remains straight and stoic. Yet an approving, fatherly smile stretches across his face. I peer slightly to his right to see Athena sitting close to him. I blush softly as she bears me a motherly smile.

The barrier quickly comes down as Serasfall and Celes come running towards me. I smile softly as I curl my tails around my feet.

“That was spectacular, Aria,” says Serasfall. “I never could believe that a young girl your age has this level of control over two opposing elements.”

I tilt my head, “Shouldn’t the kids from Laevatain also be this proficient?” They are the city’s leading family in magic.

“Some are,” she replies, “however the ones your age have not experience actual battle. It was evident during your demonstration.”

I nod, sighing. In the several battles I’ve been in, I’ve had to push myself, exploring the full range of my knowledge in order to survive.

She smiles, “For a child your age that was astonishing. Your mother has truly taught you well.” She then looks to my tails, “I even witnessed magic I never thought possible.

I smile, “Thanks. It’s taken me years and countless hours of training, not to mention combat, to reach this point.” I then sigh as I look away, tightly coiling my tails.

“How many battles have you seen, Nei’shy?” asks Celes.

I cross my arms over my chest, “Seven, with two nearly killing me.” Each battle also left its own unique scar on me.

I quickly feel two pairs of arms engulfing me in a tight embrace. Hands stroke my hair and back. I sigh into them, wrapping my tails around their bodies. Both Serasfall and Celes each plant kisses onto my cheeks, which cause me to giggle.

Serasfall pulls back and looks to me, “You truly are at you best with a smile. A smile that lights and warms as the sun.”

I giggle even more. They smile, giving me another tight squeeze. Again I feel like I truly am their girl, and while I want to fight against the notion of falling into the idea, for the moment I just let myself go and let me be theirs.

I look up to them, “There’s…something else I have to show you both. Or rather, we have something to show you.” I glance over to Fenris who nods and starts trotting over to us.

Both women look at me curiously. I nod as Fenris rounds me, nuzzling my face. “What I’m about to show you is only meant for you and your wolves.”

Celes and Serasfall look to each other for a moment, as if having an unspoken conversation. They then nod and look to their wolves. Rhea and Athena each then rise and walk into the circle, taking their seats by their bondeds.

I nod and step back a few paces and turn. “Oh, you might want to re-erect the barrier.” Serasfall nods, snapping her fingers as the barrier once more covers the circle.

I then pull out four more tags and toss them out, watching as they land at each corner of the courtyard. The tags then glow a soft red, forming a second barrier as well as turning it pitch black, obscuring the view from the outside. The inside is now darker yet everything around us is still visible as if we were standing in the bright sunlight.

Celes looks at it, “Why did you that, Aria?”

I twirl my tails softly against the tiles. “Because the last time we did this, it shook the area around me, even rattling the house I had been living in prior to us coming here.”

“What…do you mean by that?” she slowly asks.

I smile, looking to Fenris who nods to me. I face forward and slowly close my eyes, taking in several deep breaths. My ears then begin to hear a second heart beating as if it were my own. A rhythm and tone I have felt and clung to for two years. A heart that is bonded to me and me to it.

“Fenris,” I whisper.

My bonded lets out a mighty, billowing howl as I feel him flying into my shadow. Power surges as we fuse together, his power mingling and combining with my own. I feel my body maturing, growing taller, my hair grows longer, now reaching to the backs of my knees.

As with each time before, once the process is complete, a shockwave of energy rushes out of me as my aura explodes. It slams heavily into the barrier, rippling it. My ears listen as it strains and buckles before settling back down.

I slowly open my eyes to see all four staring at me in utter shock. Their faces are held long with jaws appearing to nearly touch the ground beneath them. My tails swish around me, once more matching that of Fenris’ fur.

I form a soft smile as I look to them.

“You…fused with Fenris,” says Serasfall.

I nod, “Fenris and I fused one night during a terrible battle.” I blush softly as I listen to my mature voice once more. I really should have recorded this back in Japan. “In that fight, I was in really bad shape from a previous battle. He then told me the only way could when was to merge together, saying it was the purest form to the bond.”

Serasfall’s eyes widen, “That is why you asked me about it.”

I nod, “Yep, during an experiment with our bond, I became lost in it after delving too deep. Fenris said the true fusion came from knowing who I really am. So…I quieted myself and declared who I am in my heart. After that we were able to fuse.” I then giggle, “It’s also how I grew my ninth tail.”

She slowly nods, “What you have said is completely true, my dear.”

I look to Celes who is either still in shock or is now looking me over. I smile softly, remembering Marron did the same thing.

I turn back to Serasfall. “I know you said the bond between wolves and those in the line of Shyair is strong, but have there been others who obtained this form?”

She nods, “Yes, however it is extremely rare. I have only seen records of this occurring only a few times throughout our history.” She walks closer to me, “The first written dates back to Shyair himself and when he first bonded with his wolf…a black female.”

I tilt my head. That can’t be a coincidence. She also said the legends state he wasn’t human. So are there any corollaries between me and him?

Celes finally steps over and looks at me. A warm smile forms on her lips. “You look beautiful as an adult, my sister. A true mature, young woman, fit for royalty.”

I blush, “Thanks, but even now I can feel the strain of this form wearing on me. I feel heavy, other than for the obvious reasons.”

Serasfall nods, “Your form is the result of your body compensating for the extra power due to the fusion.” She grins, looking to me, “You also appear to look more and more like your mother. Even your voice reminds me a little of her.”

I blush, nodding. “Can this be refined?”

Her smile warms, “That it can. Now, can you show me what you can do in this form?”

I nod and step again. I close my eyes, trying to remember everything I did the night I fought Diana. I smile, summoning kitsune-bi fused with fire, ice and shadow. I hurtle them around me, freezing and burning the remaining ice. I perform shadowwalking, slipping into one shadow, only to appear behind Celes and then onto Serasfall.

Rhea and Athena both look on in surprise as I perform each feat. With every shadowwalk, they never once lose sight of me. I grin softly as I appear between them, only to disappear again.

This goes on for a few minutes, with me feeling the strain mounting with each passing moment. Yet it feels like I’m pushing beyond my limits.

“That will be enough, my dear,” says Serasfall. “I do not wish for you to hurt yourself.”

I stop in front of them. I look down at myself, feeling as though I’ve been in this form longer than when I fought Diana, while also not being severely injured. I turn and take a deep breath, feeling Fenris and I separating. The moment he leaves my shadow I drop to my knees, panting heavily.

Both women and their wolves rush over to me, slowly helping me back to my feet. Hot sweat runs down my body as I look up to everyone. I smile, “Thanks.”

I peer over to see Fenris looking at me. He too shows signs of fatigue. This is a two-way street for the both of us, sharing the same body and power. It takes a toll on both parties. I reach up and stroke his face. He groans happily into my hand, his eyes never looking away.

I feel a hand stroking my hair, looking up to see Serasfall smiling to me. “I will not only help you both refine this form, but also expand your knowledge of magic. Not to say I am belittling your mother’s teachings. I will be merely offering you a different perspective.”

I smile softly. “Thank you.” This is perfect, and I really can’t thank her enough for this.

I then hear Celes chuckling. “Perhaps we should now lower the barriers. I have no doubt the knights have grown worried through all of this.”

I giggle, nodding. We then each retract our barriers, lowering them. As they come down, we see the knights all sigh in relief. I giggle nervously as I look to them.

Fenris then nudges against me. I smile looking to him. “We can finally move forward with this.”

I agree, little Aria,” he replies. “We are ready.”

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