Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 28: Uncle Tyrion

We ride up through the stairs leading to the third tier. I smile as we come to the gates, seeing it manned by guards. A few step over from their posts as we land onto the next level. I lean down and hold onto Fenris, he nods as we come to a stop.

The guard looks to me. “Good day, young lady,” he greets.

I smile to him, “Hello sir.”

He smiles in return, “Business at the citadel?”

I nod, “I do.”

He nods, looking to the wolves, bowing his head to them. “Greetings, Lord and Lady Wolf. It is good to see those of Shyair returning to us.”

I tilt my head, and then realize that Athena is known to several people. “So you know I too am of Shyair?”

He smiles, looking to me. “Not anyone rides with the Lady Athena. Only those of Shyair are blessed as such. You young lady, must be either of the house or close to them.”

I grin, blushing softly, “You…could say a little of both.”

His smile widens, “We shall not keep you from your tasks.” He then steps back, “Be well, young lady.”

I nod, “And to you as well, sir.” I then lean over and tap Fenris again. He nods and turns and trots through the gates. I sigh a little, not really know why I felt nervous.

Our pace is slow, keeping at a steady walk as we wade through hundreds of people as they walk about. I look around, again taking in the sights. I really wish I could take out my camera or phone, but here it’s a bit tougher given the sheer concentration of people around me.

I instead take out my journal and begin logging in my surroundings, making little sketches. I grin, having really taking to it in the last couple weeks.

In fact, my journal has been filling up rapidly with little sketches. I grin, thinking if I ever get back to the future, I’m going to be bringing so much with me.

I pan up towards the palace, seeing beyond the gates as stairs lead up into the massive structure. Again, the security around it is tight with scores of soldiers patrolling the gate and grounds.

A light then shines onto me, forcing me to cover my face. I look up seeing the massive crystal as it floats over the palace. Its deep ocean blue shimmers against the sky. I tilt my head, wondering not only about it, but also why crystals are so prevalent throughout the city.

I reach up and grab of my necklace, staring at the ice-blue crystal. I know the two are different, yet still. Even Nerazon has crystals lighting the streets and even are embedded into the buildings themselves. Just more questions to ask.

Athena looks over to me, smiling. I grin, leaning over and stroking her. The wolf groans softly as she comes closer to Fenris, wrapping a tail around me. She then nuzzles Fenris, who also wraps one of his tails around me. My bonded nuzzles her in return, groaning happily, I blush softly, again feeling like a little child with her parents. My gaze then lowers as I sigh, missing my mother even more.

I then look up and smile softly as a few of the people bow to the wolves, and few more to me. I blush, waving to them. This is so vastly different when compared to when I saw Drakthul the day I arrived. Here, it’s just the wolves walking in open view, simply being natural. No collars, no grand parade, just a pair of wolves and their girl. I think Fenris and Athena both wanted to enjoy a simple run with me

After a few minutes of strolling around, we arrive at the Shyair residence. Outside near the main gate, I see a pair of knights I often train with. The pair turns and smiles, slowly walking over to me.

“Good afternoon, Lady Aria,” says one.

I smile, “Hey guys. So I guess the knights also rotate between here and the estate?”

“That we do, my Lady,” says the other. “There are at least eight in total on this day. The others must either be home or performing their other duties.”

I nod.

The first knight looks to his companion, “I believe Norick is teaching at the military academy this week.”

The second nods, “I believe so as well.”

I tilt my head, so Norick is a teacher huh? Nice.

The pair then looks to me. “Here to see Lord Tyrion?” asks the second knight.

I nod, “I am. I felt a little cooped up at home and needed some time away and explore the city.”

They smile and nod, stepping back and opening the gates. “Have a wonderful day, my Lady,” says the first. “I hope to see you at training soon.”

I smile, “I look forward to it.” The knights then bow as we enter through.

We step into the courtyard, feeling a gentle breeze as it blows through grounds. I smile, hearing the rushing of trees as they sway in the wind. I feel at peace here, simply enjoying the scenery.

Our trek then comes up the front door of the main house. Fenris kneels down, letting me slide off more easily. That and I can’t simply hop off like I normally would.

“A lady must be prim and proper when not at home. She must not allow her typical practices to give an unrefined impression unto others.”

I blush and smile, recalling Mom’s words to me during those early months with her.

The door then opens as a servant then exits out. He bows to me.

“Good day, young lady,” he greets. “Might I ask of your business here this day?”

I smile to him. “I’m here to see my uncle.”

The servant looks to me with confusion, before disappearing back into the house. I stand there with both wolves, clinging to them. Athena leans over and nuzzles me. I grin, stroking her face. Fenris looks on, watching us, smiling gently.

The servant then returns. “Forgive my tarry, Lady Aria. Lord Tyrion says he will meet with you soon and I am to escort you inside.”

I nod as we are lead into the house, hearing the doors shut.

I look around, knowing this is only the second time I’ve been here. I smile, remembering how nervous I was back then. I look around, seeing more and more of the house. Several servants run through the house, cleaning and carrying indiscernible objects in their arms.

A few vases rest on columns with more artwork hanging from the walls. I reach and wave my hand over a vase, sensing that it’s been rooted into its mount, which in turn is rooted to the floor. I grin, thinking it’s in case a child were to accidentally bump into it.

The house itself is bright with simple white painted walls and windows above me. I pan up to see a couple skylights built into the ceiling. I smile, remembering my house in Bryant having a pair in the living room.

We finally arrive at a door and are ushered inside.

“Lord Tyrion will not be long, my Lady,” says the servant.

I nod and look around. I smirk, shaking my head, knowing this to be a parlor. Books line the walls with couches and tables strewn about. I pan over seeing a fireplace in the wall across from me. Windows above the fireplace give the room a soft white glow as the light shines on the walls.

I nod, feels like home.

I walk around, strumming my hand over the wooden back of a couch before rounding and taking a seat. I place my backpack next to me as I relax a little. A pair of shadows soon hang over me. I look up seeing both Fenris and Athena having sit behind me. I smile up at them.

The door then opens again as I see Tyrion enter. He smiles to me, “Hello Aria. I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”

I smile to him, “Hey Uncle Tyrion and I wasn’t. I really just sat down.”

His smile widens, “I’m surprised you referred to me as your uncle just now.”

“It just feels right,” I giggle. “Even though this is only the third time we’ve seen each other.”

She smiles, walking over and sitting on the couch opposite of me. “Regardless of that, I am truly happy to hear you say that.”

I grin, and then look to the door. “So where is everyone?”

He nods, “Veylana is currently handling matters at school while her brothers are off training with the army. My wife and daughters-in-law traveled to the second tier to do some shopping.”

I giggle, “I must have missed them while there.”

He smiles, “Your cousins will be overjoyed to see you again. I know for a fact Veylana wishes to take you around. Galen and Darius would either love to spar or debate you on various topics. Now my wife and daughters-in-law would love nothing more than to dress you in various clothing, while showering you in affection.”

I giggle more, blushing. Yep…lots to do and people wanting to do it with me.

He shifts in his seat, “How long will you be staying?”

I shrug, “I have no idea. I really didn’t have much of a plan after coming here.”

He grins, “You can always spend the night with us. We have plenty of room to spare.”

That’s actually not a bad idea. Like he said, my cousins will be thrilled have me around. Plus I’ll get to be with them again. I never really was that overly close with John and David, so this is really something special to me.

I smirk. “Well…it might give Serasfall a break from having me around so much.”

“What do you mean?”

I grin, “I’ve been around her so much, learning and studying from her, that it might do some good to simply have me away so she can recuperate.”

He chuckles, “Serasfall has indeed been teaching you a great deal, and all adults require rest from dealing with their children.”

I blush softly.

He smiles, then looks up at the wolves. “Greetings to you both,” he says. “I do hope you can forgive me for not greeting either of you.”

Fenris smiles, “No need to apologize, Tyrion.”

My uncle nods, “If you wish to, you can visit the pack here.”

I tilt my head, “There’s another pack?”

He smiles, “Indeed there is, my niece. No doubt Serasfall informed you of the history of the wolves.”

I nod.

“Well,” he continues, “there is in fact a second pack under the care of Shyair. This pack is a separate line from the one at the estate. Complete with its own leaders.”

I nod, looking up at Fenris. He smiles, nuzzling my face. I reach up and stroke his, smiling to him. I then feel something hot and wet lapping the side of my face, turning to see Athena smiling to me. I grin, now stroking her face as well. Both wolves then lean in and nuzzle me, groaning softly. My cheeks blush and burn even more. I once more feel like a little child in between doting parents.

Tyrion smiles, “Master Fenris, if I may, I would like to speak with my niece.”

My bonded looks to him, nodding, and then back to me. “Behave, little Aria.”

I grin, “Yes, Papa Wolf.”

He smiles and turns for the door. Athena nudges my face once more before following after him. I blush, again feeling my heart drawn to her, the same as it does with Fenris. I take a deep breath and look to my uncle.

He smiles, “So what Serasfall spoke of was true, in how Fenris is like your father.”

I giggle, nodding, “It’s been that way since we bonded.”

Tyrion nods, “And it shows. Now I also see Athena acting in a similar manner. I have only seen females act that way towards their pups.”

I blush softly as I look towards the door, wondering what it means really. I know Fenris and Athena have gotten extremely close in the last few weeks, and now I feel that pull. After a moment I turn my attention back towards my uncle.

He eyes the door, “Would you care for some refreshments?”

I shake my head, “No thank you. We had lunch a while ago.”

He nods. “Now, since I have you, I wish to know how you have been faring. Serasfall has kept me apprised of your progress in regards to your studies along with your acclimation to our city and era.”

I smile, nodding softly, “I’ve been doing okay for the most part. As you said, Serasfall’s been keeping me busy with lessons and now I’ve been training with the knights and my sister.” I then look down, holding my hands in my lap.

“What’s wrong, my niece?” he asks. “What troubles you?”

I sigh, “I just don’t know what my place is while here. I’ve never liked the idea of being some spoiled, locked away, princess. I’ve always wanted to know what my purpose is. And here…I’m completely out of my element and lost.”

He smiles, “Your place here, my beloved niece, is being a daughter of Shyair. You have a home and family with us.”

I blush, smiling to him, “Thank you.”

His face softens and warms, “I know of how much Serasfall loves you. She and Celestine both simply adore you, with my sister constantly worrying over you.”

I blush deeply. I know I’ve come to think of her as a mother-figure, but does she think of me as her own? I twiddle my fingers in my lap, just asking more questions.

I look to him, “Think I could ask a little about her?”

He smiles. Tyrion goes on to explain how there was once four families which comprised House Shyair, all living either at the estate or residence. All four were proud people, each being distinct in their own right. I nod, recalling how Serasfall spoke of the same in regard to the wolf packs. He laments how two of the families tragically failed, leaving the other two.

In time, one of the remaining families decided to leave. Not due to disgust or disagreement, but merely to reconnect with the world and the wolves beyond the city. He smiles, saying after two hundred years, they returned. Records state how the reunion was met with joy and adulation, lasting for over a week.

He grins, stating how Serasfall was among the returning family. She and Aurelian quickly fell in love and were married a couple years later.

I grin as I listen. My continues to smile, saying the other family also returned with their wolves, which is how Cronos and Rhea too became mates, ushering in a new start for the packs.

He sighs, looking to me, “Now, I will say that Serasfall herself is a wildcard in the city. There has been speculation on what might have happened if her, or a woman like her, were born into any of the other great houses. As you may have been told, my sister is a true force of nature, be it either wits, martial prowess, or magical ability. All three traits she passed onto her children.”

I nod slowly.

He gazes up, “If Serasfall were to have been born into Drakthul, her abilities with the sword and on the battlefield would make the house unstoppable. If born to Laevatain, her magical abilities and intelligence would have brought them to unfathomable heights.”

His face then turns sour, if not sullen. He looks to me, “If born into Nethune, I fear her or someone like her would have brought disaster to this city.”

I nod slowly.

He sighs, “As I told you, or you may have learned this already, but Nethune emphasizes ambition as a key virtue. For them, nothing is without limits. Now this ambition has at times brought prosperity to us, while others, bringing ruin.”

I nod slowly. I know he’s not insulting her, nor do I sense he’s being suspicious of her. However, any person, if you change one thing about them, can alter the world around them. The idea of Serasfall being from Nethune does give me chills.

When it comes to ambition, I’ve seen firsthand what that can do. I lost my home and mother because of one man’s ambition.

I then wonder about Serasfall’s side of the family. How come none of them are around? Surely if they were, I’d be surrounded be even more family, yet nothing. I look to Tyrion, thinking either disease or war must’ve claimed them. A chill then runs up my spine, contemplating assassination. With only one party coming to mind as the culprit.

Tyrion then smiles to me, “Seeing how you are our descendant, you must know that Shyair and Nethune would often switch places upon the throne.”

I look to him, “I have.”

He smiles, nodding, “Good.”

I grin, having long since pulled out my journal and have been writing all of this down. Ever the student, delving deeply into lore.

My uncle grins, “Ah, the famous journal my sister has been speaking of.”

I giggle, “It’s always with me.”

He nods.

“So what about your brother?” I ask. “What can you tell me about him? I really haven’t asked.”

He smiles, “Again, Aurelian is the elder of us.” He leans back slightly in his seat, “My brother is one of the strongest and most revered men in Dewloura. Like his wife, when angered, can cause the city to tremble to its very foundations. A single command from him could even overrule the king, rallying support from all of the lesser houses in an instant.”

He then grips his hand tightly, “I miss his voice in court. While I am not weaker or less respected than him, I, along with Serasfall, endeavor to maintain the sanctity of the city.”

He then sighs, “I simply miss my brother, still wishing he wouldn’t travel as much as he does.” My uncle shakes his head, “If I have but one fault with my brother it's his choice to be away on his journeys. I know his returns often herald with wealth beyond measure for us, however I wish at some point he would end his trips and simply come home.”

I nod, my birthfather used to travel a lot in my old life, same as my birthmother. So I understand wanting to have the entire family home. I sigh, playing more thoughts in my mind as I lean back against the couch.

Tyrion looks to me, smiling, “You have something else on your mind, my niece.”

I look to him, nodding slowly. “How do I fit into all of this? I know it sounds conceited on my part to ask, seeing how I’m just a descendant of this family.” I look away. “I was born humbly, and then adopted into a world I had no real idea existed.”

I look to him, “Now I’m here, and I really don’t know what my place is here. I’m also worried sometimes if I’m ever going to return to the future.”

I smirk, “And here I go, repeating myself.”

Tyrion smiles and walks over, kneeling before me. I watch as he takes my tiny hand and places it into his massive ones. They feel coarse and callused, no doubt from countless hours of sword training. Yet they’re also gentle, showing the love of a father.

He looks up at me. “I know of your worries, my niece,” he says gently. “Serasfall has spoken of them to me.” He rubs his thumb over the top of my hand. “You should know Serasfall always keeps her promises.” He lifts my chin, “As was said before, you are a child of this house, and your purpose is to live a happy life with us until that day comes.”

I nod slowly.

He grins, “I nearly wanted to call Serasfall your mother. I guess it’s possibly out of habit or it simply feels right to call her as such for I know she loves you dearly.”

My cheeks burn instantly as a chill ripples up my spine. So even Tyrion is thinking the same as me? I really shouldn’t be surprised seeing how much the pair talks to each other. However, as much as I truly love Serasfall, that’s still one boundary I will not cross.

I’m forever loyal to my mother, even if she is gone. I feel as if I do, I’ll be betraying her memory by simply moving onto a new mother. I just can’t do that, not ever.

I sigh, taking a deep breath, trying to settle my beating heart. I peer towards the door as another question enters my mind. “I’m starting to feel a connection with Athena, like I have with Fenris. It feels like the Bond.”

I then sigh softly, “Whenever she’s around me, she’s constantly showering me with affection. I’m getting worried that Celes might become jealous of me.”

Tyrion grins, “Fear not, for your sister will never become jealous of you. She knows Athena loves you dearly, and so does she. Now as for the Bond, I believe that to be a question best left between you and your sister.”

I blush softly, “It’s still weird that she is now my sister.”

He grins, “I know for a fact that Celestine is overjoyed to have you as her sister. Serasfall often speaks of reveling in how close you have become with each other. However my niece, she is your sister, and you are hers.”

I smile, nodding. He smiles, patting my hand before rising and returning to his seat.

Just as he’s about to sit down, we hear the door opening. I turn to see Veylana walking into the parlor. Her face glows as massive smile spreads across it. “Hello, Aria.”

I grin, “Hey Veylana.”

She grins, walking over, “I hope you’re not causing too much trouble for your sister and her mother.”

I smirk, “Of course not.” I then giggle, “It’s weird how we’re starting to sound like we’ve known each other forever.”

She smiles, walking over behind the couch and hugs me. “It's how this family is, my cousin. Always open and welcoming.” She then squeezes me tightly. “I for one am glad to no longer be the baby of the family.”

I blush and giggle.

“When did you arrive?”

I smile, holding onto her, “Not too long ago. Athena, Fenris, and I traveled to the crystal gardens and spent a few hours there.” I smirk, “I was starting to feel a little cooped up at the estate.”

She grins, hugging me even tighter.

“How was school?” I ask. “Your father said you were dealing with some things there.”

She sighs, “Oh, school will always be a bother, no matter how hard you work at it.” She then smiles to me, “I’d truly love the idea of you attending it with me.”

I blush, “I…I don’t know.” This conversation again…oy vey.

“We should leave that decision to your aunt, my daughter,” says Tyrion. She nods.

I look to him, “Oh, that reminds me,” I chime, “While in the gardens I ran into Selene Nethune right before I came here.” Even though it happened not too long ago, the memory of being so close to her still makes my skin crawl.

Tyrion looks to me with concern before sighing, “That damned woman. Of the two sisters of Nethune, she often brings misfortune onto others wherever she goes.”

Isn’t that the truth.

I hold onto Veylana a little tighter. “She wanted me to deliver a message to the family.”

Both Veylana and Tyrion become even more concerned with the former holding me protectively. “At least that’s all she wanted,” she says. “I am grateful you had both Fenris and Athena with you.”

Tyrion nods in agreement, before looking back to me. “What was her message?”

I take a breath. “She wants Shyair to be more careful, and not to get involved with things we shouldn’t.”

I blush deeply, feeling as though I’ve really been a part of this family from the beginning. Maybe it’s like what Veylana said, how this family is so open and welcoming that I feel so at peace with them.

Tyrion blinks softly, and then sighs heavily. “I agree with my daughter in how I am grateful you had both wolves with you.” He curses under his breath, “To do something so brazen while you are not at home,” he looks to me, “I believe she attempted to intimidate you.”

I lean back against the couch. I know Selene in the future, she’s cruel, haughty, not to mention what she and Regulus did. I look to my uncle and cousin, feeling worried about something. I know I love them dearly, but is it my place interfere? They are family, and family protects each other, but…

Before I can complete my thought we hear a knock on the door. We turn to see a servant standing in the doorway. He bows to us.

“Forgive my disruption my lord and ladies,” he says, “but a message just arrived from the palace.”

Tyrion nods, motioning him over. The servant steps over and hands him the letter. My uncle then slips it open and begins to read. Veylana and I sit in utter silence as his eyes flash across the page. Finally he lets out an exasperated sigh.

“What is it, Father?” asks Veylana.

He looks to her, “The king has decided to convene the court for a matter. The message does not specify what the meeting is about, but we are to attend regardless.” He then pans over to me, smiling, “Have you ever attended court before?”

I nod, “With my mother.”

He nods, looking to his daughter, “Why don’t you take your cousin and find her something nice to wear? Nothing formal, merely nice.”

She nods, looking to me, “Follow me.”

I smile as we leave the parlor.

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