Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 26: Trip to the park

A pencil twirls around my fingers as I stare at my desk. Before me lies yet another stack of papers placed into two piles. The first, being the lesser, is full of assignments from both Mom and Serasfall. In the other, the greater, rests all of my completed work.

I glimpse at my phone, checking the time. I sigh, turning it back off. I’ve had it out a bit more frequently, even having some fun the other day with Serasfall and Celes. Both were shocked when I surprised them with what I did. Serasfall especially felt flabbergasted with me.

I lean back in my chair, hearing it creak. I sigh as I stare up at the ceiling. It’s been well over a couple weeks since I last left the estate, and I’m getting a sense of cabin fever slowly creeping in. Even when I am outside, I never actually go beyond the second level down the stairs. I let out a groan, bobbing my legs.

To put it simply, I need to get out.

I push back on my chair and stand up, stretching my arms, groaning as life returns to them. Fenris looks on from my bed, with his head held up. He gives a soft smile as his tails beat gently against the bed.

Once done, I take a breath and turn for my door, and exit out into the hallway. Walking beside me I see the typical wall of black fur. I smile, raking my fingers into his side, feeling them effortlessly glide straight through. My bonded smiles, looking at me. I grin, holding onto him.

I stroll through the corridors, passing by servants who bow to me. I smile, nodding to them, keeping my pace normal, not wanting to give off any negative body language or showing superiority. It’s just not who I am.

Light shines in through the windows, giving a soft yellow glow against the walls. It’s still early afternoon, a perfect day for going outside. I gaze out, seeing puffy clouds rolling across the sky, which is clear and a soft bright blue.

The skies here in Dewloura have always been clearer than anywhere else I’ve been. It’s probably due to being in the past and industry as I know it doesn’t exist yet.

I turn towards the study, seeing the door ajar. I knock on it before pushing it forward. Inside I see Serasfall sitting at her desk with even more papers. I smile, nearly thinking it was Mom going over business reports. Resting beside her is Athena and Rhea. Both wolves perk up as we enter, smiling softly.

“Hey Serasfall,” I call out.

The woman looks up and smiles as I enter. “Well hello, Aria. Are you requiring help on your assignments?”

I smile, shaking my head, “Nope. I actually wanted to ask if I could head out into the city. It’s been a while since I was last out and I really need a change of scenery.”

She nods, ordering a few of her papers. “You may go, my dear, and it goes without saying that you must bring along your bonded.”

I nod, “Yes ma’am.”

I wish to go as well, little Aria,” says Athena. “I have been wanting to spend time with you.”

I blush, looking to Fenris. He smiles, “I agree.”

I take a deep breath, letting my nervousness subside, “Okay then.”

Serasfall grins as she stands and walks over to me, “Good girl. Now, it goes without saying that I wish for you to remain safe while out. Even with two wolves, the city still has its dangers.” She then leans forward, “Even for a kitsune. One more thing, if by chance you are near the citadel, why not visit your uncle? I know for certain he is always eager to see you.”

I grin, “I will.”

She smiles, turning me around, and giving a slight push. “Now go, my darling. Enjoy yourself.”

I giggle, leaving the study.

I return to my room and instantly head for my wardrobe. The clothes I’ve been wearing are fine, but not really for strolling through the city. I comb through my clothes until I find the right combination of clothes. It’s a short, long-sleeved white dress with a slight beige outer layer with a sailor collar. I lean down and pull out my knee-high boots and dark tights.

I quickly slip out of my outfit, slipping on a long-sleeve undershirt, looping the sleeve ends over my middle fingers so they cover the top of my hands. I finish putting on the rest of my outfit, slipping on cuffs over my arms to help shore up the sleeves and then lace up my boots.

When done, I walk over to my three-way mirror and look at myself. I hold my hair, raking my fingers through the long dark blonde strands. I nod, parting it in two, and braiding each tail. I smile, now satisfied with my appearance.

I step over to my desk and grab up my bag. I open it up and quickly find my swords. I sigh, stroking the hilts once more. I still feel the sting of that morning, watching as each was broken.

I know I will never simply cast them aside, they mean far too much to me. However, I have no idea of what to do with them. I shake my head, carefully placing them back down deeper and gather up a few things, namely books and notebooks. When the last items are in, I close up my bag and head out.

When I reach the courtyard, I find both Athena and Fenris waiting for me. I smile, walking over to them. Both wolves step over and nuzzle my face. I smile, stroking them.

Little Aria,” says Athena, “would you like to ride on me during our trip?”

I blink softly as I look at her, then peering over to Fenris. My bonded smiles, “You may ride on her.”

I’m taken aback by this. Fenris always gets jealous whenever I ride on anyone else, be it Ember or more recently, Athena. I smirk, dropping my shoulders. “Okay then.”

Athena smiles as she lies down beside me. I smile, taking a seat upon her back. My fingers dig into her fur as she slowly rises back to her feet. I look over to Fenris, seeing my bonded smile. I nod, looking down Athena, seeing her smiling to me as well.

I giggle, “Let’s get going.” Both wolves nod as we trot towards the front gate, with Fenris donning his disguise.

As we approach, a pair of knights stroll over to us. Each bow slightly to me. “Good day, Lady Aria.”

I smile, “Hey guys.”

They smile. “What might you be doing?” asks one of them.

I smile, “The three of us are heading out into the city. I’ve been itching to explore it again.”

They smile and nod. “Would you like for us to escort you?” asks the other. I peer over them, thinking that Piotr might be around, no doubt wanting to run on over. When I don’t find him I turn my attention back to the pair before me.

“I thank you both for asking, but I’ll be fine.”

They each nod, “Please be save, my Lady,” speaking in unison. I smile, lightly tapping Athena as we turn and head through the gate.

Traveling though the city seems a lot different than even when Celes took me out the second time. Now it’s just me and the wolves, with no immediate destination in mind. I really do simply want to explore the city. As with last time, once we reached the city limits, I had Athena slow our pace to that of a trot.

I pan around, seeing people going about their daily lives. Elves and dwarves mingle with one another, listening to incoherent arguing. I see harpies and gryphons, in their half-like forms, talking as they hover in tall trees. I grin as a few gryphons cuddle human partners, both male and female. No doubt they must be on dates.

Above I see dragons, both stocky and more serpentine, fly overhead. Their forms are graceful, shimmering in the light as the sun reflects off their scales. Some even appear to be dancing as they fly together. I smile, enjoying the show.

When passing through a small marketplace, the smells of fresh food fills my nose. I look over to see steaming loaves of bread as bakers lay them out for waiting customers. I hear the heavy chopping of butcher cleavers as they cut up meat.

I also smell the sugary-sweet aroma of pastries as the chefs carefully spread icing over top. I grin as children of all ages watch with every movement the chef makes. Each waiting to purchase a pastry. I giggle, thinking I might pick up some if time allows me to.

As with last time, I again see little cafes all around me. People there are seated around several tables and drink what I assume to be coffee or tea. All around me I see people just living out their lives without a care in the world.

I sigh, thinking I know the Fall is supposed to happen, but I don’t know when it will. Do I really want to know? There are so many questions about what really lead up to it that I just don’t have any answers for.

I grumble softly, pushing those thoughts aside for now. Right now, I want to enjoy the fact that I’m here.

I do start to wonder if I’m ever going to get home to the future, where Marron and my knights are waiting for me. I pan over as we pass under the large tower tunnels, entering into another district. I know I trust Serasfall.

In the past few weeks that I’ve known her, she’s been transparent every step of the way in her research. And I know she’s managing an estate, keeping watch over its many facets, so she doesn’t always have the most amount of time to devote to other projects. Not to mention dealing with me.

I grin softly, in all this time as well I’m slowly beginning to see her as a mother-figure. Hehe, one of many. Serasfall is someone who openly showers me with love and affection, treating me very much like her own daughter. I feel sometimes slipping away into a fantasy that she is my mother.

I shake my head, trying to push those fantasies away. She is family, the closest I’ve had since leaving home or being with Marron. But at the same time, she is not my mother, as much as my wildest fantasies want it to be real.

I turn my attention forward, training my eyes on the road ahead. I smirk, peering down, I’ve really gotten used to riding sidesaddle. I then look over to see Fenris trotting close by, smiling back to me. I giggle softly, still clinging to Athena.

We stop for a moment, finding a stone bench for me to sit. I pull out my bag, unlocking and opening it. I twirl around my mechanical pencil and take the opportunity to begin jotting down my most recent observations. Both Athena and Fenris sit behind me, their soft panting can be heard overhead.

I scribble away, filling each page with more of my notes. I peer up, watching people as they stroll about. I will always enjoy the simple pleasure of people-watching. It’s the best way to watch and observe in a passive manner.

I pull out the old map Viktor gave me, slowly updating it with notes and little markers. Part of our journey had meandered into some of the residential areas. I smile as I listen to the laughter of children as they ran around. I saw women either beating out rugs or washing clothes near communal wells. I really doubt they’ve invented washing machines, given everything else I’ve seen so far.

I tap my lips with the eraser, thinking I could come up with a rough idea of one. But then quickly shunt it out of my mind. Can’t just go around adding things that probably shouldn't exist in this era.

I peer up to see a wandering patrol of guardsmen as they make their rounds through the city. I smile, while still a bit soured towards them during our first encounter. I really shouldn’t blame them for what happened.

I then look back down at my journal, making little sketches, showing them in their armor along with my notes.

I feel something nudging the back of my head. I look up to see Fenris and Athena staring over me. I smile at both of them.

Athena presses her nose against the top of my head. “Where would you like to go next, little Aria?

I smile, “Why don’t we head to the crystal gardens? Since it’s earlier in the day, the light well be much better for working on things.”

She smiles, nodding softly.

I turn my gaze back forward. You know…maybe I should take Serasfall on her advice and go visit Uncle Tyrion. I giggle softly, as I just referred to him as my uncle.

After leaving our rest stop, it takes us about fifteen minutes to reach the first tier. Our pace is that of a steady trot as we stroll through the streets. I watched as several people turn and bow to us. I blush, waving to them. While I’ve gotten used to maids and my knights doing it, seeing ordinary people bowing to me is something completely different.

If I have to be honest, I really shouldn’t think they’re actually bowing to me, but then again…maybe they are.

I tune out those questions as soon see other buildings and people as we pass by them. The higher up the road we go, the more comfortable the homes appear to be. Now, I’m not saying the residential area looked like slums. Quite the opposite in fact. I saw multi-story apartments with single unit homes strewed about. The area I passed through looked no different than Lakeline in some respects.

But here, these homes appeared to fall more in line with say the more upper middle-class homes in Chattanooga. I smile, feeling a bit nostalgic.

We pass through the gates leading into the second tier. I look around smiling, still seeing hundreds and hundreds of people walking about. I’m also able to see more than before. Tall buildings at least ten stories high dot the landscape, with several single story structures intermixed among them. I know there’s what I think is a school around here, but I’m not sure if I should approach it.

As we trot along the streets, I listen as the wind gently howls against the trees, watching the branches sway. I smile, seeing budding flowers begin to bloom, a sure sign that spring is coming.

I tap Athena to stop for a moment as I tenderly pluck a small flower, pressing it into my journal. I grin, watching it meld into the paper, becoming one with it. It’s a trick Velhemina taught me right after my first summer gathering. It allows me to preserve a plant and have a more accurate depiction of it.

I nod and tap again to press forward.

Another few minutes pass and we finally arrive at the gardens. I smile, sliding off of Athena and start walking around. The sun hangs high in the sky, yet I don’t feel hot. I actually think it must be in the low seventies, and that’s not with the breeze. Both wolves stay close to me, giving me little nudges every so often. I grin, stroking their faces as I hold onto my bag.

The smell of soft grass fills my nose with each step I take. I peer over to see dozens upon dozens of trees spread throughout the park. Trees at least twenty feet high, with branches slowly filling with new leaves. I listen to the sounds of rolling water, panning over to see numerous canals lacing the grounds.

As I stroll through the maze of walkways, I am amazed to see people enjoying the beautiful day. Children run through the grassy fields. The entire park is easily the size of the high school in Bryant, Arkansas. So a truly sprawling piece of leisure.

I tilt my head, again wondering how advanced this society is when compared to the rest of Europe or even the world for that matter. Trade, diplomatic contact, knowledge from all over Europe and even Nerazon, all of this has led to a prosperous culture centuries ahead of the world.

I pan around as another breeze catches my hair. As was on the first tier, I notice people turn and bow to Fenris and Athena. Both wolves bow their heads in return as they stroll with me at the center. My eyes widen softly as a few bow to me. Now I do know they are.

“She’s a child of the wolves,” says a woman.

“She must be of Shyair,” says a man. “The wolves watch over her with such care, and with joy.”

I blush as I listen to them. Athena leans over and nuzzles me, with Fenris keeping close. I smile, feeling happy.

We stroll through the grassy field until we come upon a large tree. I finally pull off my bag and sit down. Both wolves then lie down around me, with Fenris on my left and Athena on my right. I smile to both of them, watching the wind catch their fur. I look around, seeing that we are in a very isolated part of the park with hardly if any people around.

Seeing this, I feel myself transforming into a kitsune. My tails lie onto the soft grass, swishing them on it. This is peace, this is calm. I know I’m going against what Rhea and Serasfall told me, but the risks are low. Especially when I have a pair of Uldulvan wolves with me.

Fenris looks to me, smiling. “You seem happy, my little one.”

I nod to him.

He smiles even more, “You must remain cautious.”

I nod again, “Yes sir.”

He grins. I giggle softly as I pull out notebooks and books, spreading them around me. I even brought a sketchbook with me, thinking I might do some drawing while I’m here.

As I begin reading, I feeling tails wrapping around my own. I look up to see Fenris and Athena smiling to me. I grin bashfully, really feeling like I’m their pup.

Athena really has acted more like a mother in a way to me. She’s always nearby, giving me little encouragements, while also snipping at me if I get a little too rambunctious when playing with the pups. I know Serasfall is becoming more like a mother to me, now the same can be said with Athena.

I reach over and stroke both of their furs, digging my fingers into it.

She smiles to me, “I know Celestine has asked you this, yet I wish too as well. How are you doing after all this time with us?”

I smile, “I’m doing ok for the most part Athena.” I look around, “I feel at home here, and only after a little over a month.”

She smiles, leaning in and nuzzling my face. “I am happy, my girl.”

I blush. We talk for a moment, feeling at ease with her. In these few moments, I slowly begin to feel the same way I do with Fenris. Although not bonded with her. I feel a connection, albeit a weak one. Maybe it’s because she’s in love with Fenris or something else, I just don’t know.

I look over to Fenris, who seems to share my feelings, perhaps even welcoming them. I smirk softly. I peer back out onto the city below as I tighten my grip around their tails. God I really wish I didn’t have to hide that I’m a kitsune.

I turn my attention back down to the notebooks before and begin scribbling within them. I definitely made the right call in coming here. The scenery really is helping me study as the sun filters through the branches above, casting little shadows on me.

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