Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 14: Meeting the Pack

The return trip to the estate was much more relaxing and soothing then I initially thought. I was able to see more of the city, even visiting close to its seat of power. I smile softly, which nearly stretches into a grin. Oh how a historian or archeologist from my time would kill to be where I am.

If it weren’t for the fact we were simply running an errand for Celestine’s mother, I could have possibly asked to explore it more. However…I’d have to explain why. Not sure how Celestine would react. She might have agreed, possibly out of curiosity. But…maybe another time, and that’s if we get to know each other more.

I look up at her as we ride into the forest beyond the city limits. It’s only been a couple days since I met her and I feel more and more comfortable around her. Not to the point where I’m gonna spill my guts, but maybe in time. My smile softens, hoping to have that conversation, that and with her mother Serasfall.

I sigh. But that too I have to work myself up to. First and foremost, I still have to remain cautious. I’m still carrying this city’s most precious artifact in my bag, hidden in plain sight.

I even was but mere feet from Selene Nethune. No doubt her family would have been thrilled to have snatched my bag from me. Not to mention what I wanted to do to that woman.

I take another long and deep breath, letting my heart settle once more.

I look at Fenris, watching his feet rush in and out from under his body. I smile, stroking his fur, knowing he’s loving this run. I lean over and lay onto his back, feeling his breath with each stride. A tail wraps around my waist, letting me know to stay safe and that he’s there. I grin, digging my fingers into his fur.

Once again my bonded is loving the chance to run out in the open. The smell of pine and ash fill our noses, the distant sound of water rushing through steams seem like lullabies to my ears. I smile, wanting to simply fall asleep. Heh, wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done while riding on his back.

I feel a hand gently resting on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Celestine smiling to me. “We are close to the estate.”

I nod and sit back up on Fenris. I look up at her, seeing she and Athena are now side-by-side with Fenris and me. I give her a soft smile in return, wanting to reach out to her as I would to Marron. But I can’t, no matter what I’m feeling or sensing from her, she’s still my ancestor, who doesn’t know me. I pan forward, watching as the garden tiers soon come into view.

Both of our wolves then leap into the air, quickly pivoting and racing up the stairs. I grin, feeling us fly through the air. I know Fenris again is thrilled to be now racing back up the stairs. Athena pulls ahead of him, seeing her glance back my bonded. I hear him huff loudly as he speeds up. I tilt my head, is he wanting to race her?

Once more the trees seem to fly past us in a blur. As either at home or in Japan, I will always prefer nature over civilization, being in the middle of the vast forest such as this is perfect for me. Yet all the while I do still seeing pockets of civilization in the form of the distant aqueducts. Even those simply add to the tranquility I’m feeling right now.

I peer up to see the main gates as they soon open. I smile watching as the sentries step back into place by each door. Both wolves then each take one final leap from the stairs, bursting through the open gates, landing on the stone flooring.

I giggle, leaning over to Fenris, “Have fun?”

He looks back at me and huffs, swatting my rear with a tail. I giggle once more as I slide off of his back. I peer over Celestine, who is smiling to me.

“Fenris certainly enjoyed that,” she says, adjusting her satchel.

I walk around and leaning up against him, “He always loves to run, and now he had the chance to through the city.” I look to Athena, who smiles to me. I blush softly, smiling back to her.

I press my hands against my back and push, feeling it pop. While still on guard, I can let some of my defenses down. If only while here.

I soon hear the sounds of dogs barking. I tilt my head in confusion, wait…they have dogs too?

I turn to see two small, silver flashes of fur charging towards me. It’s only for a split second that I catch the glimpse of twin sets of bushy tails flying through the air as both forms soon leap into the air, tackling me to the ground. I grunt as I land hard on my back, with my bag being squished under me

Owww,” I groan. “Not this again.” Yep…second time in less than a month this has happened to me.

I then feel two warm tongues lapping each side of my face. I giggle, opening my eyes to see two little wolf pups standing over me, happily and gleefully licking my cheeks. Their ice-blue eyes glisten in the light, groaning as they smother me.

“Little ones!” scolds Celestine. Both quickly stop and stare up at her. “The two of you know better than to charge at a person. You could have seriously injured Aria.” Both pups stay close to me, but now their ears are lowered and folded against their heads.

She smells like us,” says the one to my left.

We wanted to come see her,” says the other.

I blush as I sit up, “Wait…do I smell bad or something?”

Celestine chuckles, “No, they must mean you smell like the pack. It’s possibly due to you being bonded with Fenris.”

I look to the pups. Both are of the same height, possibly twelve to fourteen inches at the shoulder, making them no bigger than a full-grown cocker spaniel. It’s also no wonder they were able to table me to the ground, both must weigh at least twenty pounds. That’s enough to easily knock someone as small as me over while at full charge.

I blush more as I begin to pet them. The pups plop beside me, and begin licking my face. I giggle loudly, nearly being pushed back to the floor. Their tails wag incessantly, grunting happily.

Fenris lets out a huff, which causes both of them to stop and stare up at him. Their little eyes then grow wide as his fur returns to normal. Their jaws drop in awe of him. He sits down next to me, staring down at them.

Celestine smiles, kneeling down next to me. “This is Leto,” she says, placing her hand onto the pup with soft silver fur. I feel the other, a soft silver-lavender, nuzzling me. She smiles, “And this is Penelope.”

Penelope presses her face into mine, groaning happily as she licks my hand. I grin, scratching under her little face. Leto presses his body against mine, still licking my face. I giggle, listening to his tails swish against the stone flooring. I reach up and ruffle the top of his head.

What’s your name?” asks Leto.

I smile, “I’m Aria,” peering up at my bonded, “and this is Fenris.”

Both pups look at him, nodding their heads to him. He smiles, lowering his head to them.

Penelope the lies down, placing her head into my lap, “Aya.” I giggle, thinking she probably is unable to say my name correctly. I gently continue to scratch both of their fur.

Celestine looks on in shock. “I have never seen them become this attached to anyone so quickly.” I smile, pulling the pair close to me, hearing them bark happily. I giggle, watching their ever-wagging tails.

She chuckles as she watches then stands up, offering a hand to me. I smile, taking it as she helps me to my feet. “Are you alright?”

I giggle, “Oh I’m fine.” Shaking off my skirt, “Back home I have set of twins, Micha and Luna, who love to do the same thing often when they see me.”

She tilts her head, “Wolves? You have wolves?”

I sigh, “Kobolds.” I look away, “Haven’t seen them in months. Miss them terribly.”

She nods. I look to the pups, Penelope barks, “Aya…Aya.”

She rears up, placing both front paws onto me, nearly threatening to knock me over again. I giggle, staggering back slightly to regain my footing. Athena leans over and gently pulls the pup away from me. The little wolf lowers her ears.

I smile to her, stroking her head, which causes her to remain close to me. I peer over to Leto, who is enamored by Fenris as my bonded stares down at him. I grin, “I think you have a fan, Papa Wolf.”

He looks up at me, “It is no different than the children.”

I giggle, “Nope…this is different.” He lets out a huff, but continues to watch Leto as the pup remains at my side. I smile, scratching him behind the ears. I look to Celestine, “When were they born?”

She smiles, “Less than a year ago. The young pair were born shortly before a dreadful event.”

Her voice sounds full of sorrow and pain. I look at her, wondering what could have happened to cause a time of joy to be followed by one of pain and sadness. I almost want to ask what happened, but I hold back.

Both pups then turn and look up at me, tails wagging happily. “We want to play,” says both, although not in sync. “Want to play, we want play.” Now both pups are jumping on the ground. I giggle.

Celestine sighs, “You know your parents are probably worried about you two. I can’t believe you slipped away from them. What if you wandered past the gates and into the forest?” They look at her, ears lowered again. She shakes her head, “We should return them to the den.”

Both pups quickly slip behind me, whining, “We want to stay with Aya,” they both say.

I smile and lean down, “I do have one game we can play as we take you home.”

They bark happily as I kiss the top of their heads, pulling out a reed from my bag, something I snatched along the way back. I dangle it over them, watching as they try to catch it. I giggle, waving it around as Celestine walks off. I follow after her, keeping the pups entertained. Athena and Fenris bring up the rear.

We walk around the estate for a few minutes. I grin, watching the pups continue to try and catch the reed, only to just barely miss it. I giggle as Leto leaps at one point, jaws open to snatch it. I pull it away at the last second.

His sister appears beside him, thinking she can snag it from behind me. I smirk, waving it just out of her reach. Both pups bark and growl, tails wagging incessantly as we play.

Celestine smiles as she watches us. We soon come upon a large structure, appearing similar to a cave with doors. Both are open slightly. She sighs, opening it fully and enters.

I peer up to see Fenris’ fur ruffle slightly, his eyes growing wide. I smile, know this is the same way he reacted while at the residence. My heart too is pounding. I’m going to meet the pack that leaves here at the estate, the ones Serasfall spoke of.

We follow down the lit path, which covered in stone tiling. The path leads down into the earth, feeling cooler the more we travel. My nose is then assailed by a smell I am all too familiar with, only many times stronger and yet is varied. I quickly start hearing the sounds of wolfish groans as they reverberate off of the walls.

The pups stay close to me, but are also walking behind me, whimpering softly. I smile, keeping the reed behind me.

We exit out into a large cave, filled with beds, shelters, running water and other items. I look around the room, eyes now wide as I see well over a dozen wolves, possibly fifteen or more, lying in various places. So many, so many in one place. I can’t believe it. Males and females all together.

A pair hops down from their little home and trot over to us. The male lowers his head, “Thank you, for finding our wayward children,” he says. “I pray they did not burden you greatly.”

She smiles, “They were no trouble at all, Miletus.” She then looks to the pups as they cower behind me.

The pair looks to me, seeing them smile. “Welcome, little one,” says the female.

I gulp slowly, nodding to her, “Thank you.” She smiles softly.

I then peer up to see several of the wolves also looking to Fenris and me. Many bow their heads to him, to which he does the same. They then smile to me, again bowing their heads. I gulp, bowing mine.

I take a breath, centering myself and lean over to him. “Do any of them seem familiar to you or recognize them?”

He lowers her head to mine, “No…none, little Aria.” Okay, so he’s not related to this pack. That makes things easier and yet raises more questions at the same time.

We want to play more,” says the pups, finally able to chirp up.

I look to Celestine and watches as she shakes her head. I kneel down, “Maybe later, ok you two?”

They whimper softly. I smile, leaning in and kissing them on their noses. “Be good.”

They bark, wagging their tails before their elders motion them over. I stand back up, waving to them and to the pack.

“We should go,” say Celestine. I nod and follow after her. We then leave the den, hearing the pups barking loudly.

As we exit the den, I suddenly get the feeling I’m being watched. I pan around, catching Serasfall standing on a walkway above us. Beside her is Rhea, sitting and watching. I feel a little nervous the more they look at me as Celestine and I head inside the manor.

That night, Celestine and I have dinner in the same room had lunch in yesterday. We talk about the wolves and how they are within the city. I learn that many of the great houses who have them don’t regard them as they once did.

Nethune’s wolves are rarely if ever seen, which makes Celestine more worried about Critias. Laevatain only has a dozen wolves to their name, yet are treated with some reverence. She tells me that they often are seen with the youngest of their house, keeping watch of them.

Drakthul has several as well, with me personally seeing some on the street the other day. The house of the “high general” treats the wolves like a sword, ready to be unsheathed at any time.

The thing I find the most interesting is only handful of the wolves within the city are actually bonded to those within the other houses. It’s explained that long ago this was far more common.

She twirls her fork within her cake, “I still cannot get over the fact that not only was Critias not with Selene, but is also ill. The pair are nearly inseparable.”

I lean forward, taking a sip of tea, “Are they similar to you and Athena is terms of the bond?”

She taps her plate, “Yes and no. Critias is often more like a brother yet also her watcher. A strange dynamic.”

“Watcher?” I ask.

She smiles, “Often acting like a moral guide to her. Although…I don’t believe she ever truly appreciates his advice when given.”

I nod, watching Fenris and Athena giving each other little glances. My bonded lets out the odd huff towards her, yet they sound more inviting, as those the pair are having a conversation. Athena smiles to him, doing the same. I grin softly, wondering what they’re talking about.

The more I watch them, the more I get the idea they actually might make a good couple. I sigh, thinking about Miss Abigale, how both she and Fenris were together until both called it off. Now with us away from home, I know Fenris is lonely. It’s a different loneliness than being away from me. Something I know about all too well.

I turn back to Celestine, “You mentioned how the pups were born last year, how long do they stay with the pack?”

She smiles, “Five years. This allows them to learn and mature to the point where they can be somewhat self-sufficient and possibly be given to another house.” She sighs, “An event I dread earnestly.”

I nod. One might be of the same opinion for dog breeders, watching as the pups leave to go to their new families. Yet this is different. The wolves are incredibly intelligent beings who can empathize with others and express their feelings easily. I should know, I have one who’s very much my father.

“So of you,” she continues, “Fenris seems far more than sibling. Possibly a parent?”

I grin, nodding, “Why do I get the feeling you were reading my mind?”

She chuckles, “Oh heavens no. It was quite apparent to me that he is. He’s always watching for you, no doubt has disciplined you.”

I giggle, “Oh yeah,” looking to him, “on many occasions.”

He looks up, staring straight at me. I grin, only for him to huff loudly. I laugh a little harder, only for him to swat the back my head with his tail. I giggle a little more.

I look up at Celestine, smiling softly at her. It’s only been two days and yet I feel even more comfortable each time I’m with her. The feeling of her being Marron is still present, yet also distant, as though it were a shadow or something else. I simply can’t place it or figure it out.

She smiles to me, feeling warm and gentle. Her speech is less that of being a stranger and that of something closer. I smile in return, wanting to go over and sit with her. Hey, I’m kid who loves to cuddle, sue me.

We both hear the clock chime, causing us to look at it. Celestine sighs, “Well, the night grows long. Perhaps we should retire for the evening.” I nod as I begin to stack my dishes.

We each then stand and head for the door. She turns to me, “You have a good night, my dear,” she says. “For I know you are tired from the day.”

I grin, “You too, Celestine. I’m grateful I went with you today.”

She smiles, “As am I, Aria. Now, off with you.”

I grin, “Night, Celestine.”

She grins as well, “Goodnight, Aria.” We each then turn and head to opposite direction down the hall.

I peer over to Fenris as we draw closer to my room. “So…it’s only been two days, did you find someone to be with?”

He pans his head slightly at me, only to slap my butt with his tail. I giggle softly, grinning to him.

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