Truth, Lies and Deception (the boyband series)

Chapter 15

The bus was finally on its way to the next town when all the members, complete with family, friends and bodyguards were settled in. Rick made sure he’d introduced Abigail to everyone on the bus so she’d be satisfied.

Now, Abigail sat by herself on one of the sofas on the huge tour bus while Rick spoke to a tall, huge dark-skinned man who Abigail had been introduced to as Tony, Rick’s bodyguard. Rick spotted her then and after mumbling a few words to Tony, walked over to join her.

She shifted on the sofa so he could sit and not be too close to her.

“Why are you sitting here all by yourself?” he asked, facing her.

She avoided looking at him.

“I’m just observing.” She told him looking straight ahead where some of the other group members and their friends were gathered playing a game of cards.

"What? My friends?” he asked following her gaze. “I told you, you don’t have to worry about them. I’m sure none of them are behind this.”

She did look at him then.

“Why don’t you do me a favour?” she said, “Why don’t you just be the pop star and let me do my job of protecting you?”

Instead of making him mad as she’d intended, he smiled.

“Protecting me?” he asked, “So does that mean you’re my new bodyguard, detective?” he teased.

She folded her arms as she turned towards him.

“You’ve already got a bodyguard.” She said, “And would you stop calling me that. Someone might hear you.” She nodded towards the group.

“No one’s gonna hear me.” He said, but lowering his voice anyway, “Why don’t you go over there and join them?”

Abigail gave him a surprised look.

“I can’t.” she stuttered, “I mean, I’m here to do a job, Rick, not have fun.”

“But this was supposed to be your vacation, why can’t you do both?” he asked her.

“Because it’s not my vacation.” She told him firmly.

“You’re taking this case seriously.” He said looking away from her.

“And you’re not. I have to say, for someone who has been threatened, you’re rather relaxed.”

“Maybe because I’ve realized that if I took this too seriously, I’d be too worried to think about anything else.” He stated, returning her gaze. “Besides, I have to admit, you make me feel safe.”

Abigail’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and she had to say she was taken aback by his announcement.

“I make you feel safe?” she asked. “How is that?”

He shrugged.

“I guess because I know you’re here to help me and that’s exactly what you’re doing. No strings attached and well, because you’re a friend of Jason’s, I trust you.” He said softly.

She shook her head disapprovingly.

“You shouldn’t trust anyone you don’t know. No matter what the circumstances.”

“I guess you’re right.” He agreed, “So tell me about you.”

“Excuse me?”

“You just said I shouldn’t trust anyone I don’t know.” He replied, “And I want to trust you.”

“Rick, you can trust me. I didn’t mean that comment in relation to us.” She clarified. “I just meant that you shouldn’t trust people so easily. It could get you into a lot of trouble, especially in your position.”

“I already know that. I’m not a little boy, detective.” He said softly, looking at her.

Since Abigail had more than noticed that, she didn’t comment.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re avoiding that topic?” he asked her.

“What topic?”

“Talking about yourself.” He replied.

“Because it’s not important.”

“Yes it is.” He countered.

“This is all about you, Rick. This has nothing to do with me. Why can’t we leave it at that?” she asked him.

“Because that’s not fair. You’re getting to know all about me. You’re getting to be part of my life.”

“For two weeks.” She stated.

He ignored her.

“And what am I getting in return?” he asked.

“Your life!” Abigail shot back, “Exactly the way you want it.”

Rick laughed and some of the others who were a good distance away, looked at them and smiled, before returning to their game.

“That’s something we have to talk about.” She told him.

“What? My life?” when she nodded, he continued, “What do you want to know?”


He raised his eyebrows and grinned slyly.


She caught his expression and rolled her eyes.

“Okay, just the important stuff.”

Rick was about to reply when Tony walked up to them.

“We’re almost there.” Tony informed them and when Rick nodded, he left.

“It looks like we’re going to have to continue this discussion later.” Rick said disappointed.

“I can’t wait.” Abigail replied sarcastically.

Rick smiled at her.

“Neither can I.”

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