
Chapter True 24

Chapter 24 An Unexpected Encounter At University

Minutes later, Harper’s frantic call came through. “Ramona, why are you sending me money? I can carn my own!

“You’re still a student. Your focus should be on your studies. What will happen if you fail your exams and don’t graduate?” I responded, lying on my bed. “Listen, Amurica University is a prestigious institution. Don’t squander your time on endless part–time jobs, Concentrate on your studies and secure a promising future. You can repay the money after graduation.”

“…” Harper’s voice wavered.

A pang of guilt washed over me. It felt wrong to manipulate such an innocent man. Harper believed I was being generous, but in reality, I was being crafty.

Harper had managed to secure a place at Amurica University and was surviving in Amurica, but he had to work harder than most. Despite the various factors in Violet’s favor, I admired his self–improvement.

“Don’t reject my offer. If you need money in the future, let me know. Consider it a loan, repayable after you graduate and start working. If it makes you feel better, you can repay a little extra as interest.”

The money was inconsequential to me. It helped me find some mental equilibrium and assisted Harper,

Harper must have been desperate, or he wouldn’t have taken a part–time job the day before university started.

After ending the call, Harper sent a message, Thank you, Ramona. I’ll repay you in the future!”

I didn’t respond. I set my phone aside and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up early and dressed in an elegant white dress with light makeup. After grabbing my cello, I asked Lewis to drive me to Amurica University.


Returning to campus stirred up a whirlwind of emotions. Seeing the energetic first–year students, I was reminded of my own university days.

Back then, I was overjoyed. The thought of attending the same university as Henry and becoming his junior excited me more than any amount of money.

I followed the familiar route to the concert hall, a place frequented by all music students. The hall boasted transparent floorto–ceiling glass and a tiered stage at its center.

Fifty–two alumni, including myself, had gathered to perform the classic Blue Danube Waltz.

The stage was set. We quickly assigned positions and took our places. There was no rehearsal or practice; it all hinged on our mutual understanding.

Each of us was a talent from the Amurica University Department of Music. Despite having been in the real world for many years, we had retained our skills. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have dared to accept the



Chapter 24 An Unexpected Encounter At University



As the beautiful melody filled the air. I felt the passion in the music, and my body relaxed.

The crowd of student onlookers grew, and our impromptu orchestra played with increasing vigor. We performed several classic pieces in succession until noon.

Amidst the applause, I spotted Harper in the crowd, his eyes shining. Seeing that I had noticed him, he shyly but warmly waved at me.

I smiled and nodded in acknowledgment. After the performance ended, I approached him. “Hello, Harper.”

“Ramona, you play the cello! That’s incredible!” Harper praised me without reservation.

I learned to play the cello in university I carried the cello and chatted with Harper as we walked. In this

setting. I felt as if I had been transported back to my university days.

“Girls who can play music are attractive,” Harper said, his face still bearing some scars. He wore a short- sleeved shirt and radiated a sunny disposition. His comment left me momentarily flustered.

Could he be falling for me?

My fantasy was shattered in the next moment. “Violet also studied music, but she focused on vocals, not instruments.”

Just like Elly, Violet might also pursue a singing career in the future.

I sighed inwardly. Harper’s feelings for Violet ran deep. It would be challenging to win his affection, but once Henry lured Violet away, I might stand a chance. After all, my goal was to find some psychological balance, not true love.


Violet appeared in the distance. She was wearing a white dress, but her youthful aura made her appear more innocent than me,

Seeing me with Harper, she didn’t seem suspicious but greeted me with surprise. “Ramona, what brings you here??

“I was performing in the concert hall and ran into Harper,” I replied with a soft smile.

“I heard a breathtaking symphony performance in the concert hall earlier. Were you part of it? It’s a shame I had a club meeting and missed the performance, Violet lamented.

Harper said, “No wonder I couldn’t find you. I tried calling you, but your phone was unreachable.”

A flicker of unease crossed Violet’s face. She seemed a bit weary, and her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “My phone was on silent. I didn’t hear it.”

“The start of university is indeed a busy time. Would you two like to join me for a meal? My treat,” I offered with a smile.

Violet declined, “No, thank you. I have to tidy up the dormitory later i

grab something from the


12:17 Sat, Aug 17

Chapter 24 An Unexpected Encounter At University


Naturally, Harper chose to accompany his girlfriend, despite the fact that I had lent him 20 thousand the previous night.

“I’ll also head to the cafeteria. Ramona, we’ll treat you next time,” Harper said sincerely.

“Alright, I’ll take my leave then,” I said, not wanting to impose. I nodded and walked away.

Lewis was waiting for me. After getting into the car, I instructed him, “Let’s head back.”

As the car glided along the expansive campus road of Amurica University, memories of my covert pursuit of Henry flooded back. I would always contrive reasons to bump into him..

Suddenly, a silver Lexus drove past slowly. If my eyes didn’t deceive me, Henry was in the car.

Why had he switched cars and why was he at Amurica University? That car was far more understated than his fleet of luxury vehicles.

The only plausible explanation was that he was here to see Violet and didn’t want to draw attention.

No wonder Violet seemed so off and exhausted earlier. She must have been harassed by Henry over the past couple of days. No one would be comfortable with such interference, especially since Violet. already had Harper.

I wondered if Henry had seen me. But he was so engrossed in Violet that he probably didn’t notice his surroundings.

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