True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 50: Patience Pays

Margarette and Andrea arrived with a cluster of other females. Alexis among them. They jumped right in to begin a breakfast to feed the pack.

William had let Alexandria sleep on his lap as long as he could but the knock said time was up. He caressed her cheek and said her name softly in her ear not wanting to startle her. She snuggled closer rather than wake up. He chuckled a little and gently scooped her in his arms. Carried her upstairs and to bed. Not one of those females would judge her.

Margarette was surprised that her sons were awake. They greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "You wore her out?" Margarette asked.

"It would appear that way. She wanted to be awake but exhaustion had other ideas." William shrugged. Quincy and Rick grinned.

Margarette leveled her gaze on them not an easy feat since they were nearly a head taller than her. "I know your father has."

"Yes, Mother." The three in unison. "And we have taken that very seriously."

"Good." Margarette smiled.

Margarette and the other females began to make the breakfast while the brothers along with several males moved the backyard furniture to accommodate the large numbers expected.

Alexandria woke up in her bed. Confused and cold. She smelled cooking and fell back on the bed with a groan. Nice first day as Luna and she was already neglecting her duties. She should be down there helping. She gingerly got out of bed. Dressed and hurried out of the room. Alexis caught her in the hallway.

"Oh there you are." Alexis said. Taking Alexandria's hand as if they were old friends. "I have a surprise for you. A gift for your ritual day."

Alexandria could see something not right in the female's eyes but could not tell what it was. Alexandria nodded and followed Alexis. No one else was in the house. Which Alexandria thought was strange. Her mates would not leave her alone. She looked up to Alexis who was a half head taller than her. "I should go check on my mother and my mates." Alexandria said and tried to slip her hand free from Alexis's grasp. Alexis tightened her grip.

"Not necessary. " Alexis replied. "I told them where you are going."

"Going?" Alexandria asked.

"Yes." Alexis said leading her through the town since everyone was now gathered for the breakfast.

"Alexis?" Alexandria asked trying to understand. What was she up to? Alexis opened a gate that led out of the compound.

"Here." Alexis said leading Alexandria out the gate and relocking it with Joseph's keys. "You want the Alphas, she is the key. Though I know you are very familiar."

Alexandria had a moment of panic as she looked up at the triplets. Zeke stepped toward her lust in his eyes and a sickening grin on his face. She shifted and ran. She knew a second way into the compound. The way she had used to begin with. She heard paws behind her and knew that her smaller ones would not out pace them. She was smaller and therefore more agile. She fanned her senses letting the wolf take over. Protect her mates. Protect herself.

William felt something stir in him. Was that panic? Alexandria? Was she having another nightmare? He caught Rick's and Quincy's eyes then went to go check on her.

He caught the scent of another female as he entered the house. Alexis? She had come inside. The bathroom perhaps. But her scent led all the way to the stairs. There was a bathroom on the ground floor. He climbed the stairs two at a time. The feeling of panic turning to rage. The door to her room was open. She was gone.

Alexandria tracked and backtracked trying to find the way she had used before. Howl. Her instincts told her. Howl to let them know you are in trouble. No. Howl! The instinct became more insistent as she felt herself getting tired. She did not have the stamina. She was still sore. Howl dammit!

She finally did. A long howl of warning. Just as she found the spot in the fence her smaller wolf could fit through. The larger ones following her would have difficulty and would injure themselves if they followed her through.

She did not stop as she fit through and ran through the woods. She heard snarling and yelping behind her as the three tried to follow her through the hole. She kept running. Her legs were weak. She did not know how much further she could go when when she came rounded a tree and there was William, Rick, Quincy and the pack at their backs. William, Rick, and Quincy ran forward to nuzzle and sniff her. To make sure she was alright.

William after assuring himself she was unharmed pushed her with his head in the direction of the Victorian. She whimpered. He shook his massive wolf head. Rick and Quincy were of the same mind. She would be safe at the Victorian.

Marcus stepped forward and nodded. He would see her back and then turn around. His sons would not be alone in this fight but she needed some with her. She was weak. William looked to his brothers who nodded. He nodded and Marcus flanked her. Leading her away. She looked back love in her eyes. Then disappeared into the brush with Marcus.

Margarette was on the roof of the Victorian when Marcus and Alexandria came out of the woods around the backyard. She had her bow and arrows her throwing knives and stars and a machete with her. She breathed a sigh of relief. Until she saw a gray wolf headed their way. Alexis. Bitch. She attacked Alexandria. The smaller wolf did not even yelp when Alexis sank her teeth into Alexandria's back flank. Alexandria turned and sank her own jaws into the female's throat and tore her fur for all she was worth. No. She would not be defeated. No. She was Luna and there nothing that was going to keep her from happiness.

Margarette watched for a half second and loosed an arrow hitting her mark. Alexis yelping and falling. The arrow had hit her flank to slow her down. Margarette nodded to Marcus and he disappeared. Alexandria stood over the other female in human form. "Alexandria, my daughter." Andrea rushed out with her robe.

"I am alright, Mother. This one is going to need medical attention." Alexandria replied. "She must live so she can sing her sins."

Dr. Kaitlyn tended Alexis outside. Margarette still stood watch but she could hear every word spoken between Alexandria and Andrea as Andrea tended the bite on her leg. "The hole in the fence is just big enough for a fox or me. If they crossed it they would be hurt. It was the only thing I could think of. Shift and run."

"You did good. The males will finish this." Andrea praised. "No one should be seriously hurt on our side. Even in wolf form they are excellent fighters. The instinct to protect and fight is higher in wolf form."

"Yes. I would never have considered going for someone's throat like that otherwise." Alexandria replied sullenly. She felt bad for having hurt Alexis like that.

"Do not worry about her. She is going to wish you had killed her by the time Joseph and your mates are done with her." Andrea replied.

William and the rest of the males reached the fence line. The three trespassers were licking wounds from the fence. William, Rick, and Quincy stepped forward growling low in their throats. The three got to their feet ready to fight. William narrowed his eyes as the rest of the pack formed a circle around the three.

They did not attack. They were waiting for the Alphas. The three laid back their ears and charged William at once. Rick and Quincy cut off the other two before they could reach William. Leaving just one for William. He was angry enough to have taken all three. He wasted no time and went straight for the male's throat. His teeth sinking into the jugular. Ripping into the fur and flesh. Blood filled his mouth and he tossed the now dead wolf to the side like a ragdoll. Rick and Quincy were having fun with their adversaries. William watched in case they needed help as did the rest of the pack.

Rick got sick of the play and took down his opponent in the same way as William leaving only the one. Who looked around for his brothers and realized he was alone. He tucked his tail and hunkered to the ground. Quincy, William, and Rick surrounded the remaining male. The three shifted to their human forms and together. "Roland." He shifted and stepped forward. "Pick the head of the one you want the rest will be dealt with."

Roland smiled at the gift. He unsheathed the knife he had attached to his leg and stepped toward the one still alive. "You hurt my mate. I will take your head to her as proof that her pain is over." Roland said and removed the head of the last brother.

Joseph stepped forward limping. Alexis had been hurt. William nodded and shifted again as did Rick and Quincy to lead the pack back to the Victorian. Margarette smiled with relieve when she saw her sons leading the pack back. Her mate close behind them. It is done.

The males were greeted by their females with robes. Kisses and greetings. Roland handed the head of the male to May. She grinned with acceptance and relief. He took her in his arms and kissed her. Conquering hero. Alexandria holding the robes for her mates stepped down the steps ignoring sore muscles and the pain in her leg. She would greet them with strength. With each robe was a kiss. Soft and lingering. She said nothing. She did not need too. The look of relief and love in her eyes was enough.

William caught the scent of her blood first. "You are hurt?" He said. Rick and Quincy immediately surrounded her.

"Just a bite, my darlings. Alexis is much worse off. She bit me in the leg to keep me from reaching the Victorian. I damn near tore out her throat in defense. Margarette shot her in the flank to stop her." Alexandria replied. "Joseph needs to see her before you do." She stood firm in front of William. Whose eyes were blazing like a fire to beat hell. "I mean it. I bit her hard. She may not survive it."

"Has she said anything?" Rick asked.

Alexandria shook her head. "I do not think she can. As I said I bit her hard. I did say that self-preservation is my strength. She bit me and I reacted."

Her mates led her into the house. William at her back his hand on her hip. Rick and Quincy to her right and left holding her hand. She did not let her pain be known. She would be strong until they were alone. Alexis's eyes widened with fear when she saw her Alphas. Then burned with fury when they saw her. "You half-breed bitch. The plan was simple and you had to go and fuck it up by falling in love with them."

"How do you know me?" Alexandria asked curiously. "I have never seen you and I have been to all the facilities."

"He showed me a picture of you. Malcolm. Told me my mission. I have waited ten years for you to come. Ten years and this is what I get?" Alexis choked.

"I am curious as to how you could betray not only your mate but your pack as well." Rick replied. He looked to Joseph.

"The bond is not that strong. I had hoped it would grow, but she resisted I think." Joseph said sadly. "I am sorry, Alphas. I should have seen what she was up to."

"This was not your betrayal, Joseph. This was hers." Alexandria said. "Malcolm is dying. Cancer. Is there a successor?"

"No. This was the last chance. The facilities will fall with his death. For two hundred years his family has led a crusade against the wolves searching for this pack. And it all came crashing down because of a small, insignificant half-breed. His own child betrayed him." Alexis replied. Her breaths becoming shallow. She was drowning on her own blood from the depth of Alexandria's bite.

"No. He betrayed me and I found happiness where I was scared and miserable. I found acceptance and love where I should have been a pariah and an outcast." Alexandria replied. "You should have done the same. Now you leave a mate and a child behind." Alexandria sighed shaking her head sadly at the dying female. "And for what?"

Alexis choked and was about to say something else but the words did not come. She spasmed and her eyes dulled. Joseph did not shed a tear. Just covered her eyes and left the room, his head low, to find his son. He would not mourn her. Law dictated that he could not. She had betrayed him and the pack.

"He is going to need to talk to someone. That pain is going to eat him alive slowly." Alexandria whispered to Rick. Rick nodded. Rick and Quincy still holding her hands led her out of the room so the rites could be done. As a betrayer she would not be buried in the pack plot. A pauper's funeral would be for her. In a human cemetery. Unmarked. It broke Alexandria's heart that the female had been so delusional that she would do such a thing.

Margarette and Marcus were waiting for the four of them to come out of the dining room where Alexis had been stretched out for Dr. Kaitlyn see if she would save the female after field dressing in the yard.

"You did good." Margarette praised Alexandria. "I am proud of you dear. I know it feels awful but I want you to know you did good."

"Thank you, Margarette." Alexandria replied.

"No dear. You are fully mated to my sons. You are now daughter." Margarette wrapped Alexandria in a hug.

Marcus hugged his sons in turn. "I am proud of you. You handled that well."

The house emptied slowly. Alexandria was greeted by each female as they left. Admiration in their eyes for what she had done. For what she had said. For still being so strong despite the pain that was starting to fill her eyes. Her leg was throbbing from standing for so long.

Roland and May one the last ones to leave with their four children. The youngest on her hip while the head of Drake hung from her other hip. "Thank you. I can relax and be the mate my Roland needs." May said to Alexandria. "You are an inspiration. Never forget that. You have more strength than you think." She looked to her Alphas. "Thank you for the your gift."

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