True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 47: Pray for Peace

Alexandria found a routine she liked with her schooling as her mates delved into finding the traitor. While they ran through hours of footage of each day that was in question she sat relaxed and comfortable in the corner of the couch she had deemed hers. Them surrounding her on all sides.

Margarette and Andrea were helping her with the plans for the ritual as well. The males were bogged down enough with the traitor and the rebuilding of the pack house that she just asked them if she could plan it with Margarette and Andrea on her own. The three were more than happy to let her do just that.

Her appointment with Dr. Kaitlyn went well. Though a little uncomfortable. She had never been examined like that before. Basic care like shots and height and weight measurements were what she was used to. When asked if she wanted her mates to stay she said yes, absolutely. Not sure what to expect.

Dr. Kaitlyn was pleased with the results of her exam and instead of giving her a pill she had to take everyday asked how long they wanted to hold off on pups. The brothers said at least four years. The doctor smiled encouragingly and pulled out a pamphlet for a insertable option. "Read that really quick. I will be back in a few minutes." She exited the room.

The brothers were uncertain about the device but she thought it was an excellent idea. No daily pill to remember and she was not fond of shots. This was small though the procedure was a bit invasive it would be worth it. And it was good for five years. Perfect. The doctor came back and Alexandria gave her consent for the device.

The ritual was set to happen in three days. Andrea and Margarette had shown her the dress and shoes she would be wearing. A pretty yellow dress with matching flats. "Heels and woods do not agree. The ground is soft you will get stuck." Andrea had explained when Alexandria asked. "Trust me. I took no advice though it was offered."

Alexandria laughed and nodded. "Alright then."

"Are you prepared for what will take place?" Margarette asked concerned. "We have gone over it but I know it is more than the adoption ritual was."

"I trust them." Alexandria assured Margarette. "And truthfully it was not my own cuts that had me concerned. It was the knife in my own hand that worried me. I am not as proficient as others." She sighed. "But now I know that I had nothing to worry about in the first place."

"Absolutely." Marcus said stepping into the room. He crossed it to put an arm around Margarette and kiss her forehead. She fingered one of the scars on his neck with loving fingers. "Do not let Margarette fool you. She had a flash of fear in her eyes when she realized where I wanted mine." He smiled. Alexandria felt her knees weaken a little. "Yep that same look." Marcus laughed. "It seemed fitting she would get the one side since Diana got the other." He pointed to the older almost faded scar on the right side of his jugular.

"Have they said where they had chosen?" Alexandria asked her breath catching.

"No. That is only for Colin, you, and them to know until after." Marcus smiled. "It will be fine though. Do not worry. As you have already witnessed the knife cuts easily. It does not take much."

William and his brothers were beyond frustrated. No camera footage they could find for the days in question gave a clear view of the suspected traitor. It was like they knew where the cameras were so they could avoid them. It was one night before the ritual and they still had no answers. He slammed his laptop closed with anger and sat back in his chair brooding.

Alexandria was curled up in her spot on the couch. Quincy at her feet and Rick next to her. She sighed and closed her laptop placed a hand on Quincy's shoulder to indicate she wanted up so she did not step on him and rose to her feet. Without having to say a word William moved his arms to the side so she could sit on his lap and wrap her arms around his neck and finger his longish hair. "Have you tried the camera on the back porch?" She asked. "That one was one your father had installed separate from the rest."

He lowered his gaze to her and kissed her soundly. "How did you know about that one and I totally forgot?" He asked relief in his eyes. He had truly thought that there was no way they were ever going to find the threat. That she would have no peace.

"I asked your mother about it when you three were making no headway with other cameras. That camera fed to this house. The recordings are stored in the basement." She smiled. "I do not like seeing this," she traced a fingertip over his brow where a V formed when he was upset. He took that hand and slipped her finger into his mouth. She sighed and desire shot through her as his wet tongue swirled around her finger. Liquid pooling in all the right places.

William watched her eyes darken and caught the subtle change in her scent. Though he had woken her up this morning to make love he was ready for her again. Marcus had come by a few nights ago while she was at Andrea's with Margarette. William had asked the question that had been on his mind for weeks. "Is it normal to not seem to get enough of her?" Marcus had laughed and nodded his head.

"Yes. Very normal. And no, my son, that does not change with time." Marcus had said. "The only advice I can offer there is to be mindful of her cues. Listen to her."

These words rang in his head. Her fingers at the back of his shoulders tightened as her desire heightened. There was no fear. No pain in her eyes. Just desire and love. The need for him soft in her emerald eyes. He slid her finger out of his mouth with one hand while with the other he brushed the backs of his fingers against her cheek and down to her neck. Her breath caught just as he expected. "I thought you got enough this morning, sugar." He stated as he pulled her gently down to him.

"I would say the same, darling." She giggled.

"Seriously though." He kissed her cheek and then her jaw. "You would tell us if you had enough for a day."

"Yes." She said. Then caught his face in her hands. Making eye contact. Hers dark with want of him. "Deliciously sore is one thing. Barely able to walk is another."

"How are you with the memories?" He asked softly.

"To be honest. They do not trouble me as much as they did when I first got here." She said as she twirled a finger in one of his locks of soft thick hair. "Then again I try not to think about anything but my classes and you three."

"And the ritual tomorrow." Rick said in her ear behind her. "Father is picking up the rings for us so we do not have to go to town." He nibbled her ear and she moaned softly. His hands on her shoulders. Gently massaging.

"Mm. Yes. And that." She smiled she shifted on William's lap. The evidence of what he really wanted against her pelvis. She was wearing her dress today. Easy access. He thought as he slid his hands up her silky smooth thighs. She sucked in her breath at the feather light touch of his fingers. Quincy was watching from the floor with a huge grin. This was his favorite thing. Watching his brothers make her squirm. Hearing her soft moans and seeing the expressions on her face.

"Quincy, towel." William growled has her pelvis thrust into his zipper. Quincy ran up the stairs and got a towel and returned taking the steps two at a time down. Handed it off to William and retook his position to watch the sparks fly.

Quincy and Rick had shared females over the years. But William never allowed them to do anything but watch. This was going to be good. William slid his hands up her dress and over the front of her panties. She moaned and squirmed against him. Her head fell to his shoulder and her lips tasted the skin on his neck. Then she started to nip as she came around to the front of his throat from the side. He growled low and slid the barrier garment down and out of the way.

Rick balanced her on the chair as William slid them off her feet her standing above him on the chair. Rick slid a finger along her thigh and then to her entrance. She was already so wet. He slipped a finger in then out. She moaned again softly. Rick and William helped her return to straddling William's hips. His pants already open. He was ready for her. Rick was right behind her as she slid William into her as she came back to her position. The towel underneath him. He sucked in his breath as she took him into her. She sighed and moaned.

Her head back against Rick's chest. He reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head. She started to move her hips as Rick unhooked her bra so he would feel her breasts in his hands. His pants tight and his blood pumping. His hands slid over her breasts and then down her sides to her hips. His mouth at her ear. Telling her exactly where he was going before he went there so she would not panic. There was still that little bit of tension if one of them grabbed her hips or touched her bare ass. But if they told her exactly what they were up to she relaxed.

She knew Rick wanted to go there. He hinted at it often. Same with Quincy. But they did not push. They never would. Letting her get comfortable with the way they touched her there. She shifted her weight just enough to allow Rick to do what he would. The feel of William deep pushed her over and she shuddered and cried out. Rick took that moment to drop to his knees and kiss her bare bottom. One cheek and then the other. She did not break her rhythm. Wanting more. She felt Rick behind her but only took the pleasure he was giving her. The sweet sensations of his lips and tongue and teeth. She gasped and cried out.

William was entranced. Her muscles squeezed tighter around him. His hands were over Rick's on her waist. "Get all you want, sugar. You are in control." William said as he slid his hands around to her back. Her hands were under his shirt her fingernails scraped across his chest as Rick played with her at the other end.

She shuddered and cried out again. Sensation upon sensation driving her mad. She could not form words anymore. Just sounds. Rick and Quincy had explored with her what it was to have two at once. But this was so far beyond that. "That's right, love." Rick said at her ear. He had gotten to his feet. His mouth that had been doing such wonderful things to her now on her shoulder kissing nibbling. Her neck doing the same. She shuddered and cried again. William's lap and the towel underneath him now soaked with her. "We love to hear those sounds from you."

Quincy was counting that was ten. She should be reaching her limit. He was itching for a turn though he was enjoying the show. Rick was still dressed but the way he encouraged her. As she shuddered and shifted forward. Yep she was reaching her limit.

"Finish, William." Alexandria whispered in William's ear.

"Alright, sugar." William replied on a soft growl and watching her eyes tightened his hold on her hips. He slid down just a little to give himself some leverage. Three thrusts and he growled her name. His head on her collarbone.

Rick was still behind her. His mouth at her ear. "How you feeling, love?" Rick asked. Alexandria shifted off her knees carefully. And stepped to the floor. Her body and mind not really communicating.

"Mmm," Alexandria replied taking his hand and resting it on her hip. "Really good." She added. Her hands slid up his shirt. Then back down to his waistband. "I could feel better though." She smiled up at him.

Quincy had disappeared and returned with yet another towel for the couch. Rick backed her up slowly his hands keeping her senses alive with gentle caresses up her sides and over her hips. Quincy spread out the towel. William had gotten to his feet and was adjusting his pants. Ready to go and check the camera footage in the basement.

Rick guided her to the couch. "Trust me?" He asked in her ear.

"Yes." Alexandria replied.

"Turn around," Rick said gently. "Yes, love." She took put one foot on the couch as he indicated. Quincy was seated next to them. "Perfect, love." He kissed her shoulder then down her back as he lowered his own pants. Whispering words of love and what he had planned.

Alexandria relaxed under his hands and words. Concentrating on him and only him. Sighing with pleasure when he finally did what she wanted. She was sore but not overly so. Quincy slid over to cup her breast as Rick started to move inside her. He was so deep. Her muscles gripping him. Guiding him as he moved.

William felt a smile tug at his lips as Rick's name was heard in her voice down in the basement. She was coming along well. Helping with the chores. Asking questions. Learning how each of them was different from the other.

He found the room he was looking for and there was the monitor with the recordings. Pulling out a tape that was marked for the day he was looking for he started to watch. And was completely flummoxed. He rewound and started it again truly confused by what he was seeing.

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