True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 39: Desire and its Effects

The soft sound of humming and a whisk against a metal pan had her awake. She disentangled herself from Rick's arms. Making sure not to wake him and padded first to the bathroom for her bladder's sake and then down the steps to the main floor. William was in the kitchen humming something. His baritone was beautiful with whatever it was. "Go back to be, Alexandria." William said not unkindly. "I have breakfast in hand."

She paused for a second but decided that if she was going to learn to cook she should not shirk the responsibility she had asked for. "No." She said a tinge of defiance in her voice. "I said I wanted to learn to cook and so I shall."

"And if I said I did not want your help?" He asked. He had not turned to face her. She was hurt by that. She had done nothing to warrant this treatment. If he was pissed about her taking Rick to bed with her then he should have said yes.

She refused to answer. Whatever his fucking problem was this morning he could just get right the fuck over it. With no shoes and no robe she turned on her heel, marched to the front door and reached for the knob. His hand was on the door behind her in an instant. Barring her from exiting. His other hand grabbed her wrist and brought her hand to his issue this morning. "That has been my torment all fucking night. Go back to bed or I am going to fuck you on that couch." His voice had dropped. She did not hesitate. Her hand wrapped around him in through the fabric of his sweatpants. He groaned and stepped closer to her.

She turned so her back was to the door. Her other hand went to the waistband of his sweats. His other hand caught her wrist. "I am not sore today." She looked at up into his eyes. "This door seems sturdy enough."

He had been tossing and turning all night. Kicking himself for not taking her offer. For not joining her. Holding her soft body close to his. She removed the hand that had slowly working him and pulled on the drawstring of her pajama pants. "Right here, sugar?" He asked. His voice a guttural growl in his chest. His need and want of her so thick in his veins. He had finally managed to get his body to obey right as her scent had preceded her down the damn steps.

"Yes, William." She said. Her eyes dark pools of desire. "Right here." Oh sweet Moon. He released her other wrist. Pulled her pants down to a pool at her feet. Both of his huge hands on her perfectly rounded cheeks.

"No, sugar." He kissed her and carried her to the stairs. Careful with each step up. He reached his bed and nightstand. He would take no chances. Her feet hit the floor and he gently pushed her onto his bed. Grabbed a small foil package from a box and dropped his own pants. William tore the package and rolled the cumbersome thing over himself. Watching her as he did. There was no fear. She trusted him not to hurt her.

She had not seen much that first afternoon. Her brain had been mush her body sensitive. Every nerve craving the brothers' touch. He was magnificent. Her mouth was dry and she felt wetness in another area. An ache building. William joined her on the bed pulled her across his lap so she was straddling his thighs. Then lowered her down on him. Sucking in his breath at the first feel of her tight, moist heat around the cold encasement. "Take what you want. You are in control." He said softly against her lips. Took her mouth with his as she took him inside her. Then with his help found a rhythm they both liked.

Quincy rolled to his side and cracked his eyes open at the sound of heavy breaths and squeaking bed frame. "The shower up stairs would have been better," he said and rolled back over to go back to sleep. William did not even acknowledge the words. Her soft moans and the feel of her skin on his hands were all he knew.

The feeling of him inside her. Of her complete control over him. Hands on his shoulders for leverage. Her knees next to his thighs. He was not deep enough though. She wanted more. More of him. She spread her knees a little more and found it. Taking him deep. He gasped and his hands on her butt moved to her hips. Helping her. Her moans got higher as the muscles inside squeezed him tighter. His control was by a thread. She screamed her release in his mouth. As he groaned his back in hers. Trying not to make too much noise.

"I told you I did not have that much control right now." He said feeling awful that she only got the one. His hands slid up the back of her little top to her pajamas. Loving the feel of her soft skin. Her hands explored the feel of his hard chest and muscular back then slid slowly up to his face.

"Am I complaining?" She asked with a smile. "Now I am hungry." She raised herself up on her knees and with his help gained the floor with her feet. Then went in search of her pants.

"If you were needing that bad. You could have woken me," Rick said from the top of the stairs with a grin to her. Then to William, "Next time the shower muffles better."

"Yes, Quincy already mentioned that." The gave his brother an abashed look as he pulled his pants back up. "Sorry. That was not what I had in mind when I started breakfast."

"No worries. This just means I get a little more time with her this morning." Rick grinned. "Keeping things even and all." Rick then glanced at her pulling up her pants by the door. Confusion crossed his face then a huge grin. "Unless..?" He asked his hand out.

"Would you at least make it to the shower this time. Last night kicked William's ass and mine." Quincy grumbled from his bed.

Alexandria took Rick's hand and he led her back upstairs. William went back to breakfast. "Why be quick?" Rick said as he led her to the shower. "Wait right here." He left her in the bathroom to grab a condom from his stash. He was right back with in a matter of seconds. Quincy having thrown the whole box at him. Now wide awake. Grumpy.

Rick started the water in the huge shower. "I was thinking we could do this when we got back. But I don't want to wait. Do you?" He asked his large warm hands covered her shoulders. His thumbs hooking in the thin straps of her shirt. She shook her head. The ache inside her only slightly less than it was. He smiled and then kissed the side of her neck. Down to her shoulder. His hand moved lower with his mouth. "You taste so good."

He licked and kissed his way to one of her now bare breasts. Taking the nearly hardened peak in his mouth. Then moved to the other. Working slowly down her body. Her soft gasps and murmurs encouraging him. Holding her last night had been the sweetest torture he could have ever endured.

Her hands played over his hands. Up his strong forearms and massive biceps to his shoulders and around his neck to his back as he worked his way down slowly worshipping every inch of her he exposed. He paused at her juncture and took a taste. She was so sweet and wet. "Just as good as the other day." He said and tested her with a finger to make sure she was still wanting more. She gasped and dug her fingers into his back. Then moaned as he worked his finger on the sweet spot just within. "Good girl." He finished helping her remove her pants and then dropped his own.

He helped her into the shower and closed the door after climbing in behind her. He turned her slowly. "Don't panic on me, love. This is going to be nice. Tender and slow. Put your foot on that ledge." He opened the wrapper as she did what he asked. Her back to him. She was a little nervous. Uncertain. Once he was ready he spread his hands over now wet skin. The spray off his back splashing onto hers. His mouth following his hands. She gasped and relaxed. Her head falling on his chest as his hands roamed her body. "That's right, love." He chuckled and then lined himself up with his initial goal.

"Yes," she said wanting it. Needing him. "Please, Rick." He gritted his teeth and slid home. Nice and easy. Slow and gentle. His hands stopped on her hips to get it just right. Her gasp and sigh heightening his need for her.

Once inside as far as he could go without hurting her he started to move slow and gentle at first. "This is me loving you, Alexandria." He said in her ear. Picking up his pace as her moans became higher.

"Yes, love me, Rick." She said on a moan. He pushed her higher. Pushed her further over the edge. She cried out. But for more. She wanted so much more. He gave her what she wanted. Until she finally screamed his name. At that he lost his control and rested his head on the side of the shower so he did not squish her with is weight. She was a total of one ten maybe. He knew that he was two fifty no sense in drowning her. He kissed the back of her shoulder and then climbed out to dispose of the condom and let her clean up if she chose.

"I will be downstairs." He said with a grin. She grinned back at him. His heart soared. The light in her eyes so beautiful the green depths so vibrant with satisfaction and love. He left the bathroom to find Quincy leaning on the wall by the doorway.

"She want more?" He asked. Straightening as Rick walked out. Rick shrugged.

"You will have to ask her." Rick said grinning. Then slipped past his brother and down the stairs. Stopping to change on the second floor. A soft sigh was barely audible over the running water. Apparently she was still in need. His jeans, polo, and hikers on he went down to the hall closet to find the picnic basket.

William was finishing the mixing of the pancakes he was making. Feeling much better. "Quincy up there with her?" William asked as he poured four perfectly round slats of batter onto the griddle pan.

"Yep. Poor fucker keeps getting last." Rick grinned.

"Yeah but she is well warmed by then. I am glad you two stepped in. That was kind of a poor showing." William said self-deprecatingly.

"I completely understand. You did not have her ass rubbing all over your junk all night." Rick grinned. "I thought I was going to revisit my teens."

"Are we ever going to sleep again?" William asked flipping the pancakes the top side now a golden brown.

"As soon as we work everything out. Once things really fall into place. She knows now that all she has to do is ask. That should make it easier." Rick said and pulled out all the fixings they had for sandwiches. The blanket he wanted had also been in the closet. This was going to be wonderful.

"Do not forget precautions, brother," William warned. "We have no idea what is out there waiting."

"That's part of why I chose this place. It is my favorite and I know it well." Rick said giving his brother an exasperated look. "We will return safely no later than one." Rick smiled. "So we have insinuated you and I but have you told her yet?"

"No I was going to last night as we walked from Mom's house but then she decided to go dark and there was no way I was going to pour my heart out after that." William replied. "She slept well after you came down and got your sweatpants."

"She was in tears. Terrified. The pain and fear in her eyes last night was unbearable. Be glad that you did not take that shift." Rick replied knowing how sensitive his brother was. William would still have not gotten any sleep. Imagining all the ways to dismember the males who had put that look in her eyes.

The bathroom door above opened and the water shut off a few minutes later. Quincy came down with a satisfied smile. "I am still exhausted but at least my balls aren't ready to burst." He said as he joined his brothers in the kitchen for a cup of coffee. "A picnic. You are taking precautions right?"

"Yes. I am taking her to a place I know well. This will be fun for her and relaxing. Should be back no later than one." Rick repeated what he had said to William with a higher note of exasperation in his voice. "You two going to start packing and getting the furniture out?"

"Yeah Dad already messaged and said a crew will be by at ten to help us." William replied. "So while you are having fun with her, we get to work."

"Do you need us to stay and help?" Alexandria asked from the stairs. She had changed into her black capris with her hikers and white tank under one of the yellow shirts. It was tied around her middle. All three brothers had to take a deep breath.

"No, sugar. You go and have fun. This is the last weekend before your classes start and we want you to enjoy it." William said then asked Rick. "What the hell is the refractory period for a newly mated wolf?"

"Fuck if I know. Ask Dad later. But it has to be short." Rick said refraining from using the word 'fuck' again. Quincy just grinned.

"Depends on the bond and if she is a true mate," Quincy replied. "In our case. Instantaneous wood whenever she walks into a room whether she is in a nun's habit or naked. Whether we just satisfied that or not. Craving Moon be damned." Quincy stepped to exit the kitchen with two cups of coffee. "You look beautiful as usual, honey." He kissed her cheek and handed her coffee to her.

"Thank you, Quincy," She smiled. "Refractory period?"

"Generally there is a time between being able to perform again." Quincy stated as gently as he could. Embarrassed a little that he was explaining this. "For males. We um. Yeah, just delicious." He stammered and slipped past he to go to his computer and drown his misery in coffee and video games.

"Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. There was no way to tell you." William said. "I hope I did not scare you."

"No but a simple dealing with morning wood would have sufficed." Alexandria replied. "I did learn a few things. Refractory not really. What happens to male in the morning. Yes." She smiled. "Open communication?"

William smiled back, "Right. I will remember that." He served her two pancakes on a plate. "No ceremony today. It is going to be busy for all of us. Quincy and I will be expecting you to pitch in when you get home." He said to Rick.

"And me?" Alexandria asked. Wondering at the snub.

"I expect you will want a nap. We will make sure that your bed is left last." William said with a little bit of the domineering male in his voice. She nodded understanding.

"Your mother does not have much to move does she?" Alexandria asked standing at the partition with her plate in one hand a fork in the other and shoveling pancake into her mouth. She was starving.

William watched her and added two more pancakes to her plate that was already almost empty. "No. She keeps the one in town furnished at all times. She was just being a brat. She does not even have to pack clothes. A full closet is waiting for her." William grinned as he watched her devour the second set of pancakes. "Hungry today?"

"Can't imagine why." She replied meaningfully. Rick and William laughed.

"Better pack her three sandwiches, Rick." William said as he put a fifth pancake on her plate and she smiled in delight the remnants of butter and syrup being soaked up by the high carb, high calorie food.

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