True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 36: Engagement

Lunch at the seafood place was delicious. Quincy marveled at well she took to crab. Talking about her upcoming classes. How she would like to start helping with the cooking so she could learn. Asking shyly about a possible flower garden she could tend. With daisies and tulips and roses.

After the lunch he took her around to some of the shops. A white dress with daisies caught her eye and he bought it for her. His phone buzzed in his pocket as he was leading her back to the car with her dress.

Moms are waiting. Where in the hell are you. William.

On our way be there in about an hour. Quincy replied to the text. She bent over the back seat to put her bag there and he amended the text. Make that an hour and a half.

He needed to take her to Walmart anyway for feminine supplies as was his main objective for shopping today. He stayed out of her way to let her choose. She picked up two boxes right away and joined him.

He almost breathed a sigh of relief. Females could be picky about such things. "You alright?" she asked.

"Yep. That all you need?" He asked eyeing the two small boxes.

"Yes." She laughed and led the way to the registers. She was reading the side of a box not watching where she was walking. Quincy however was watching closely behind her. He grabbed her arm gently and maneuvered her to the side of him. His arm protectively around her. His body between her and the males headed their was. They did not seem to be menacing but he was taking no chances. He steered her into the checkouts and she rang up her purchases. Quincy watching closely as the males kept walking toward the side he and Alexandria had just come from.

"They were human. What is wrong with you?" She asked as they left the store.

"Nothing is wrong." He said as he opened her door. "I did not want a collision is all." She met his eyes and shook her head but got in. What the hell was wrong with him? She would have to think about this later. The tension. His behavior. The ritual. It was adding to something she was missing.

Quincy drove for a bit and then took a turn unfamiliar to her. He stopped the car overlooking a bluff. The lake and sun beautiful against the summer sky. He leaned toward her and took her mouth. Gently at first then with increasing fervor as his blood thickened and pushed through his veins.

"I felt rather left out yesterday." He said lifting his mouth a fraction from hers. "They got to taste all of you." He opened the driver side door and pulled her gently down so he could still get to his goal. "This is all I want for now. I forgot to put protection in my wallet." He pushed the hem of her dress up and began to kiss her lower ribs and her stomach. She sighed and gasped every nerve ending coming alive. He hooked his fingers into her panties pulled them down as he worked his way to his goal.

The heady scent of her arousal was intoxicating. Who needed alcohol when they had this? He licked just right and she moaned perfectly. "Mmm. Yes, honey. Let me know how you like it."

William, Rick, and both sets of parents were seated around the living room when the door opened allow a very flushed and satisfied Alexandria into the house. Followed shortly by Quincy. "Take your bags upstairs, honey I am in trouble." Quincy said softly to her with a quick kiss on her mouth.

"From the look of her not as much as you might think." William smiled. "I take it a secret means nothing to you?"

"She deserved a heads up." Quincy shrugged. "Find me guilty and let the punishment commence or move on."

William shook his head. Quincy was so melodramatic. Alexandria was back down the stairs in short order. "Mother," she said kissed Andrea on the cheek. " Father." She greeted John likewise. "What is going on?"

"The Alphas are changing game plans on us and we are wondering why." John replied kissing his daughter's cheek.

"As am I." Alexandria replied. "Quincy said nothing."

"First." William said rising from his chair. "Rick, Quincy, and I went and picked this out for you yesterday while you were napping. They finished it earlier than anticipated which I think was a bonus." He pulled a ring box out of his pocket.

Rick joined William's side as did Quincy. William opened it and inside was an engagement ring of epic. A small diamond sat in the center. Three daisies surrounded it. Each center was the color of the brothers' eyes.

"We wanted you to have a token of our love." Rick said. "The other rings will be done by the ritual."

Alexandria laughed through her tears of joy. She nodded and put out her left hand. Rick and Quincy took her hand and William slid the ring on her finger. Each pressed a small kiss to her palm. John and Marcus exchanged proud looks. Margarette and Andrea wiped a tear from their eyes.

The moment over John spoke again. "I am happy for you daughter." He embraced her. "I am still concerned with why the Alphas are upping the timeline they were adamant about just a few days ago."

Marcus folded his arms across his chest and eyed his sons with a meaningful look. "As am I."

"We are still sorting through the information we have." Rick answered. He pulled Alexandria to his side and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "There is not much to go on. Therefore no sense in raising alarm."

"But there is enough concern to rush the ritual?" Margarette asked eyeing her sons' reactions closely.

"Better safe than sorry." Quincy answered. Alexandria shot him look past Rick and William. Safe than sorry? Was she being threatened? By who? No one from the facility would be looking for her. They would assume she was dead. Which was fine by her. She had died. The part of her that had wanted revenge for the wrong reasons. That part that had believed the lies.

John glanced at Alexandria. "This is what you want, daughter?" He asked.

"Yes, Father." She said firmly.

"And pups?" Margarette asked skeptically. "Please tell me you have not upped the timeline on that."

"No. That is the same. We need a bigger pack house for one. And two we really want her to have a career and find purpose before that." The three said at once. Margarette looked to Marcus who nodded.

"Very well." She said and reached for Alexandria's free hand. "Your mother and I will see you at seven." Despite her huge boots she walked softly to the door and Marcus opened it for her. John ushered Andrea to the door after they said their goodbyes to Alexandria and their Alphas.

"So you are not going to say shit to me about what is going on with you three?" Alexandria's voice held hurt.

"No, love. Not yet." Rick said gently. He kissed the back of the hand he held.

"Fine." She said. "I would like a nap." Rick released her hand with a smile and nod. She started for the stairs.

William followed in her wake. Caught her hand and turned her gently to cup her face. He brushed his lips gently across her hers. "Do not be angry or hurt. We do not have enough information to really say anything. That is the truth of it." He let go of her hand and pulled her hard against his body. Her arms went around his waist. "As soon as we know, you will too." She rested her head on his chest. Listening to his heart. She nodded. She loved it when they held her. She let the negative go. Pushing it aside.

"I understand." She said softly. "I would like that nap." She said on a yawn. William chuckled. Quincy and Rick had joined them on the stairs.

"Let's get you in bed then." William said and scooped her up in his arms to carry her to her bed. Quincy and Rick following as William carried her the rest of the way to bed. Her head snuggled in the perfect spot on his shoulder.

Rick fluffed her pillow. Quincy pulled back her covers. William laid her down on the bed. Rick and Quincy removed her shoes. "Sleep well, sugar." William kissed her ever so lightly on the corner of her mouth. Rick covered her with the blankets with one of his own. Quincy was the last and tucked the blanket around her. She watched them disappear down the stairs and closed her eyes. Comfortable and happy for the first time in her life. As she had been so often these last few days.

The brothers breathed a sigh of relief. Then Rick and William turned on Quincy. "The bluff? Really?"

"Better than a parking lot." Quincy grinned. "She looked too damn hot in that dress. Besides you two got a taste. Why not?" Rick and William eyed Quincy questioningly. "No. I forgot to put a condom in my wallet before we left. She got all the pleasure she could stand." He paused and thought about how she looked when they pulled into his space in front of the house. "And then some since her color had not gone back to normal before we reached here." Quincy added with a self-satisfied smile. "Just keeping the score even."

William nodded and headed to his drawing board to work a bit on the house blueprints. He had finished the first two bedrooms and the bathroom on the third floor. Now he needed to finish the last bedroom and start on her floor.

Rick grabbed his new laptop and stepped outside. He had rearranged his sessions for the early parts of the afternoons and the later parts of the evenings so he would not be distracted while Alexandria was needing attention.

Quincy went to his computer to tally in everything he had spent. The pictures from the steamboat on his bed. "She needs picture frames. I would like to have more pictures of us with her. Mom has that huge table in her bedroom with all the memories we made growing up. I think that is the only thing she ever got sentimental over."

"You are right." William replied. "But instead of them in her bedroom I would like to see them displayed throughout the house or even on a table in the living room." Quincy nodded.

"Did you ever take offense that she never displayed our pictures in the rest of the house? Did not even put any real pictures on the walls?" Quincy asked.

"Nah. Mom is well Mom." William shrugged. "She has always been odd. But that is what makes her who she is. She did not drown you at birth so she must love us." William turned and grinned at his brother.

"Me? You were the one who always cried first. Setting off the two of us." Quincy grinned back.

William chuckled and they fell into a companionable silence listening to the whisper soft breathing upstairs and Rick's low voice outside in one of the rocking chairs. "A porch swing. That is what I will have added to the new house. A couple of porch swings. One for sunrise. One for sunset." William smiled as he thought of them sitting on the porch with coffee mugs in the morning. And with iced tea in the evening.

"That is a good idea." Quincy agreed. "I like it." William pulled out the outer part blueprint and made a note at the bottom of it. "You haven't shown her yet?" Quincy asked.

"No I want to finish it before I do." William replied measuring out the bathroom for her on the fourth floor. He wanted a huge jetted tub up there for her. A walkup that had pretty pillars and places for her to put candles. Romantic and soothing. "So what did you two talk about today?"

"Not you thank the Moon." Quincy replied exasperated. "That was aggravating." William turned to quirk a brow at him questioningly. "Yes the steak lunch that she talked me into was spent with you as the main topic." Quincy grinned. "I am glad I am not a jealous male, or that would have been awkward." Then went on. "She spoke of learning to cook with us. Apparently she has never had to touch a pan in her life." William raised his eyebrows in astonishment. "She asked about a flower garden." Quincy was still wondering why she had asked that one so hesitantly. "Funny the way she asks for things. Like she thinks whatever she wants will be an automatic no or worse yet that one of us will get angry for her even asking."

"She does not understand that part yet. That her every desire is our command." William replied. "I think we can make that flower garden happen sooner rather than later. How big do you think?"

"I am not sure." Quincy replied. "What are you thinking?"

"Miniature botanical gardens." William replied with a smile to himself. Already thinking of the dimensions and the rabbit and deer fencing required to keep her babies safe. Because they would be her babies. Watching her love over it would be adorable.

Quincy too was imagining her smiling in a sundress while watering her plants. Bent over in a pair of cut off shorts that barely covered her cute heart shaped ass to pull weeds. The house filled with vases of sweet smelling bouquets. Her own feminine touch. He had to stop before his balls started to ache again. It had been painful when he had gotten back with her earlier. Pleasing her in his car had been wonderful. Watching her eyes darken and her expressions. Hearing her soft moans. Her soft giggles. Dammit.

Williams thoughts had taken a different turn as well. Laying her down on a blanket. Wild flowers and soft grass under them. Her jasmine and coconut scent mixing to make an intoxicating aroma that just the thought made his blood heat and his head tangled. He wanted to touch her. To kiss her. To hold her as she straddled his hips. Taking him deep into her. Son of a bitch. He forced himself to focus.

Rick came in and looked at the two stiff postures of his brothers. "What's your deal?" He asked though he grinned knowing at one and then the other.

"Flower gardens." They said together. Rick's grin turned confused.

"She wants a flower garden." William expounded. His voice still a little thick from desire that was still pulsing through his bloodstream.

"Yep." Quincy added. His voice not much better.

Rick grinned as his own thought went to the same places theirs had gone. He groaned. "I hate you both." The other two grinned satisfied.

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