True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 33: Second Chances

"New rule when that new house is built."Quincy stated after their father left. "No holes in the walls." He examined the indentation left by Marcus's knife. "I have not seen him that angry since I got into that wreck."

"Can you blame him?" Rick asked. His eyes on the door. "Do you think the other will be here shortly?"

"Shit. I hope not. Our own father is one thing. The father of our mate is completely different." Quincy replied. They both looked at William.

"How the hell should I know?" William asked. "I said I will fix it. I thought I had at least started to." He said defensively.

Light steps on the porch outside announced her return home. The brothers willed the door to open but her steps stopped to the left of the door. A couple rocking chairs were there. One of them creaked and a slight rhythm was heard as she started to rock.

Quincy narrowed his eyes at William. He pulled out his phone and messaged. Groveling starts now, asshole.

William read the message and rolled his eyes. Then nodded. He opened the app for the lineup at their favorite movie theater. Grabbed his wallet and knife from the bedside table and his keys hanging with the other four next to the door. She needs to get her car registered. He would take her to do that when it was his day.

He opened the front door and stepped out. She was sitting in the rocker with her feet on the seat. Arounds around her shins. Chin on her knees. This side of the house had a bug zapper. He turned it on in case she told him to go fuck himself and stepped toward her. She did not even look up.

He sighed. He deserved this. Getting angry with her for reacting was counterproductive. "I was going to catch a movie. I would like it if you joined me?" He tried to make is a question. She could say no.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" She asked. Her own tone indicating the she did not give a shit one way or the other.

"Asking?" He treaded carefully. She unwrapped her legs and unfolded herself. Standing.

"Very well." She said.

"Very well, yes or very well, go fuck myself?" William asked.

"Very well, yes." She replied a touch of surprise in her voice at the vehemence his. "I am sorry."

"For what?" He asked as he led the way to his car.

He opened her door for her as he had done so many times before. "For making your father angry with you."

"It is always an interesting view. He does not lose his temper regularly so it is kind of epic when he throws a knife and it lands a hair's breadth from Quincy's computer. He was not just angry with me. He was angry with all of us." William clarified. He moved around to the driver's side of the car. "But while we are on the subject." He took his seat and met her eyes after closing his door. "I never meant to make you feel unworthy. Whatever I said or did to make you feel that way, I am sorry."

"So pretty much that whole first day." She said. "Fine. Second chance." He started the car and backed out of his space between Quincy's and Rick's cars.

"The whole day?" He asked. He replayed it in his head.

"The video, your grandfather's Dojo, the lingerie store," Alexandria started ticking off on her fingers.

"Okay but after the lingerie store I straightened up because you kicked my ass verbally." William grinned. "And up to that point I was still pretty pissed."

"Which I understand." She said. Was about to reach for her purse and paused. "We are not going to see an R-rated movie are we?" She asked.

"No, why?" He asked curiously.

"Because I look like I am twelve and my purse is at the house." she replied folding her arms under her breasts. Which propped them up. He swallowed audibly and waited for a second before answering.

"Sixteen. You look sixteen. Not twelve." William replied. "I thought a comedy or a romance might be better." He handed her the phone with the showings and showtimes pulled up. "You choose. Follow the prompts to purchase the tickets." An older romantic comedy was showing. She followed the prompts a notification for the email confirming his purchase flashed across the top of the phone.

He took the phone from her when she offered it back and glanced at the title she had chosen. He stifled a groan. Sleepless in Seattle. He had hoped for Must Love Dogs or Bed of Roses. He had told her to choose. She watched his reaction, "Did I choose wrong?" She asked.

"Not at all," he assured her. "That is a good one. Mary Stewart Masterson does a good job in Bed of Roses with Christian Slater. One of my favorites to be honest."

"And Sleepless in Seattle?" She asked curious.

"Tom Hanks is awesome with Meg Ryan. Those two do so well that they team up to do another one a few years later called You've Got Mail. Which is a movie version of a romance novel called 'The Little Shop Around the Corner' can't remember who wrote it though." He explained. "Impressed?"

"Your mother?" She asked with a grin.

"Nope. Dad. Mom is not all mushy in case you hadn't noticed. At least not unless it has to do with Dad. Nor are there TVs anywhere. Mom is a music person. Movies not so much. Dad decided that my brothers and I needed a little extra in the romantic education so anytime we got a chance he would take us to the movies and make us sit through them." He grinned. "A box of tissues split between us."

She smiled at the image that conjured. All four big men bawling like babies. "Your kidding."

"Not in the least." He assured her and pulled into a gas station. "I will be right back want a water or something?"

"No thank you." She said. He got out and locked the car with her still in it. She sat there staring out the windshield. He had not taken her hand or reached for her face. He had barely looked at her.

Inside William got a small couple boxes of Puffs with lotion. "Hey Will." The young cashier said when he put the boxes on the counter. "No gas?"

"Hello, Ruth. Not tonight." He replied and pulled out his wallet.

She glanced out the window to his car and then at him questioningly. "When do you date?"

"Since Saturday." William replied. He pulled out his wallet and stuck his card into the machine. "Found anyone new?"

"That can match the three of you. Not a chance." Ruth smiled. "I am happy for you though. Is it serious?"

"Yes." William pulled his card out and put it back in his wallet. Then took the receipt carefully from the girl. A touch was all she needed as a sign he was available. That was how they had communicated over the last five years. Whenever the brothers were in town.

"Wow. Alright." She said when he avoided the usual touch.

"See you around, Ruth." He said and grabbed the boxes heading to the door.

He put a box under his arm and fished out his keys to unlock the car. Her hands were in her lap. Her black capri pants tight across her thighs. She had decided to wear the plaid shirt and had it buttoned all the way down to her hips. The short sleeves showed her slim upper arms. The soft skin begging for his touch. He remembered how her skin felt against his. How it tasted. He set the boxes down on the floor board at his feet. "While starting completely over is not possible after this afternoon. An open line of communication should be established." He said. "I will start." He started the car and pulled back onto the highway. "Hurting you in any way is impossible. So stop thinking that. It is hurtful." He kept is voice even and strived for patience and calm. "If one of us does or says something to upset you, tell us. There should be no reason anyone should not be able to be honest." He paused to let that sink in. "Your turn."

She smiled at the mention of this afternoon. "I suppose I owe you a thank you for this afternoon." She started by saying. A blush blooming on her cheeks. Even now she was still wondering at the gentleness and control he had exhibited. The tenderness with which he had brushed the tear from her eye.

"I was thinking more along the lines of 'that was good' or 'can we do that again?'" He chuckled.

"Therein lies the problem," she said softly. Her blush becoming more pronounced.

Confusion replaced the humor. "Speaking in riddles is not an open line of communication, sugar." He pointed out. He was not going to play guessing games. She needed to be open and honest.

She sighed and fidgeted her hands. "Was that for Quincy and Rick's benefit?" She asked. His hands tightened on the steering wheel but kept his eyes on the road. What the hell did that mean?

"Not entirely." He replied. While and Rick and Quincy would have been nervous as hell to take the lead. They could have. Taking the lead though did offer some benefits he had not counted on. Being able to take his time and really feel what her body could do had been amazing. "Watching you had been amazing. Knowing that I was giving you that look of pleasure in your eyes. I want to do it again." He admitted. He pulled the car into the movie theater parking lot. It was nearly empty with the lateness of the hour.

"You do?" She asked surprised. He had made no move to even touch her. Not taking her hand to lead her from the house. Not touching her hair or her arm. "I didn't." she started and her face was almost all red under her complexion. "I didn't think you." She tried again and failed again. He turned his head so his eyes now met hers. His curious and intense. Hers questioning and confused.

"Open communication, sugar," he reminded her. "You didn't think I what?"

"I didn't know if you enjoyed it." She said the words coming out in a rush.

His eyes gentled and a smile played at this lips. "Yes. I did." He slowly raised his hand to brush his thumb across her lower lip. Her heart sang at the touch. "Why would you think otherwise?"

"I," she started to say and he kissed her. Cutting off any further silliness that she was about to say. His lips so gentle on hers. Her breath caught and then she sighed at as his hands cupped her face and then weaved themselves into her hair. Pulling her closer. Their wolves nuzzling. Hers still tentative and low. Uncertain. She hesitantly lifted her arms and slid her hands over his shoulders and around his neck. Tangling themselves his hair. He groaned and slid his hands down to her shoulders and around her back in a quick motion that had her crushed against him. His mouth coaxing hers open for him. She did not hesitate and his tongue explored mouth. Wanting some part of himself inside her moist heat.

His warm, strong hands on her back and his tongue ravaging her mouth melted her against him. She wanted more of him. Moved closer to him. His heat pulling her in. He tightened his embrace around her and pulled her fully onto his lap. He slid over so his legs straddled the center console. He turned her so she straddled his thighs. His hands roaming everywhere. He released her mouth and moved to her jaw and down her neck. Her hips ground down against his and he groaned. His hands found the hem of her shirt slid under to touch her soft skin. His heart pounding blood through his veins to the sound of her gasps and moans.

She was not just submissive but exploratory this time. Her mouth hot and wet kissed and licked down his neck. Her hands under his shirt exploring his abs, chest and sides. Marveling at the solid muscle and sleek feel of his skin. His scent changed from woods and rain to a heady, intoxicating scent that made her insides liquify and her body quiver. There was still some soreness but she did not care.

He had to stop. Their second time should not be in his car. "We need to stop, sugar." He said gently. Taking her mouth gently with his with small, enticing kisses. "It is too soon." He dropped his hands from her so she could move. "Tomorrow night at the earliest." She blinked several times.

"Why?" She asked as she slid off his lap to her side of the car. Her body alive. Her thoughts tangled.

"Because I know you are still sore from this afternoon." He replied. "And if we are going to fuck in my car I would rather us not be in a parking lot." He opened his door and went around to collect her. Adjusting the bulge now in his pants. What had he been thinking? That was really stupid.

"Grab the tissues and the blanket that is the in the backseat, sugar." He said as he opened her door. She did as he told her. The slim line of her back killing him further. She handed them to him and he took her hand.

"The kitchen is closed but we have popcorn and candy still available." The theater concierge informed William as she checked the tickets. William looked down at Alexandria who was looking at the huge display of candy behind glass.

"Thanks," he said and led her to the case. He had slid her arm through his as they had entered the building since he would need his hands. The feel of corded muscle under her hand sent a thrill through her. Sore or not she was willing. Sore or not she wanted more. "What do you want, sugar?"

"You," she said almost inaudibly wondering if he could read her mind. She had been looking at, but not seeing the display of chocolate and fruity candies. She had been reliving the kiss in the car.

His heart skipped a beat and his wolf nuzzled hers affectionately. "Good to know, sugar." He grinned down at her. "But I was referring to the concessions." He ordered a large Coke and a large popcorn with extra butter. Her face red she ordered a medium coke and two boxes of Raisonnets.

In the auditorium he found their seats and settled her in hers then took his own. Once she was hands free again he handed the the blanket as he whispered in her ear. "It gets cold in here." She shivered but not from the chill in the room but from the huskiness still in his voice. Once she was completely comfortable he handed her the box of tissues and settled himself as best he could.

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