True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 11: New Revelations

Alexandria ate her fill of the ice cream listening to the males speak. Quincy and Rick came down and took up places in the living room one with a book the other with a set of earphones on. Quincy was in blue jeans and blue polo. Rick was in grey dress pants and a grey polo. So that was how to tell them apart. They each dressed in their favorite colors. Quincy had a ball cap with a Q embroidered on it in white. Rick had one with an R. Both in their respective colors, blue and grey. Nice to see they made it easy. She picked up the ice cream and took it back to the kitchen and opened the freezer to put it away. She rinsed her spoon and put it in the dishwasher.

Quincy was right there at the partition when she looked up. He had not made a sound. She started a little and jumped backwards. "Sorry. We walk light."

"I see that." She said with a tentative smile.

"Would you like to walk with me?" He asked a smile playing at his own lips. "I am feeling restless. The bustle of classes and study groups for four years it will take me time to get used to the slowness of pack life."

"Not fair Quin. Will got all day with her and you get tomorrow." Rick whined from his chair pulling off his earbuds. Quincy winced then winked at her.

"She did not even agree." Quincy turned to look at his brother. Then turned back to Alexandria. "Well?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "Dinner is with the parents and grands tonight. It's a Saturday night tradition." Alexandria nodded and walked out of the kitchen. Quincy took her right side and Rick took her left. Each laced her arm through theirs.

Each had a knife in a scabbard at the small of their backs. William sighed and put down his pencil and ruler. Turned off the light of his drawing board and followed after them. He had two weeks to finish before it was due for the board of investors.

The three walked her through the compound. It was bigger than she had imagined. The main compound was all residences. Outside the main compound that was walled in was a town. Small but cozy. A gas station and post office. A small school and a library. The school's playground was open in the off season for parents to bring their young pups to play. There was a group of six to ten year olds playing a round of kick ball in the field just beyond the playsets.

The four of them walked along the main road. The males told her the history of the pack and how it had been formed before the first settlers even made it to Springfield. They were refugees from Europe who had made their way here in the 1600s. When settlers moved in they made a stand and kept the land they currently sat on. All total it was six hundred acres. The residences were on only two hundred fifty of that. The rest was for them to run on the full moon. Their parents had spent the better part of the last twenty three years building a wall around the main portion to protect the residences.

Alexandria felt safe and warm with the three surrounding her. She noticed as they had walked that some of the pack were giving her side eye. Some even pulled their children back. She supposed she deserved their caution and animosity. "So there is not fear of a human being attacked?" Alexandria asked.

"Of course not. Even during hunting season our land is easily marked and noted." William replied. "In the history of our ancestors here there has never been a human or wolf attack. We live in harmony with them."

"Is that something you were told?" Rick asked curiously. "That when we shift we become dangerous?"

"Yes. That the animal instinct to kill took hold and we did not know friend from food." Alexandria replied.

All three brothers stiffened at this. "And when was the first time you shifted?" Quincy asked cautiously.

"I have shifted every full moon since I was of age." Alexandria replied. "Under the main facility is a huge underground area with cells."

"So the other night was the first night you have run free?" All three asked in unison.

"Well yes." She replied. "I mean whenever I shifted I kept a part of my human self. Logic reason. I do not think he understood that."

"Didn't want to." Rick spat out. He released her and walked away trying to understand. The psychology did not add up. If that madman thought they were dangerous why breed and raise them? It just made no sense. And what did he do with the mothers?

"I didn't mean to upset him," Alexandria said her eyes dropping to the ground.

"You didn't he is trying to find logic where there is none." Quincy answered. He shifted his arm to go all around her waist. The hard muscles of his arm so like William's had been. "He will give himself a headache and then take some advil before the dinner with the folks."

"I do not understand though. Why send you to kill us. Did he not know that you were truly our mate?" William asked also trying to find the logic in it.

"I am not sure. My instructions were to mate and kill. I did not know exactly what he meant by the mate part until I caught your scents. The wolf in me fully awakened." Alexandria replied. "Is that what it is like?"

"Well that puts a new spin on things." Quincy said in response. "So either he knew somehow which is creepy as hell since to us the Moon makes that decision. Or he figured out a way to manipulate it. But if that is the case then your personality would not align with ours so well. And yes it does. The shift happens at eighteen. But the wolf does not come fully awake until the mating bond."

"For the most part we just run with the pack or in family groups. The sense of freedom there, but not fulfillment. The mating bond is two halves finding each other and becoming one." William continued. "Even during the Craving Moon unmated males and females feel the call but do not get fulfillment out of it."

"What is the Craving Moon?" She asked though she did not think she wanted the answer. They all stopped and Rick was heard cursing in the woods some yards away.

"The red moon every three months is when females with mates are at the peek of fertilization. Kind of like a mating season if you will. Now you have your monthly courses like clockwork but that is when for three days both genders do not want anything but...well," Quincy looked to William for help.

"I get it."Alexandria put a hand up. Three days of nothing but...she swallowed.

"Easy, sugar," William caught her arm when she took a step to the side. "That is still some time off. July will be the next one. Don't panic." His hand on her arm so gentle and Quincy on the other side of her. His arm still around her waist and hand on her elbow Rick was there too. His hand on her ass. The comfort they offered. The protection. She felt her heart slow back down. Her panic subside.

"We should head back. Dinner at the parents is ready promptly at six. Mother has serious OCD. We all do actually but hers and Dad's take the cake." William said and stepped back so Rick could take his spot and they headed back up the road.

Her head was still swimming but she was managing to walk alright. "That is only if you stay. Only if you say the words and solidify the bond." Rick said in her ear. "Breathe." His hand along with Quincy's rubbed small circles on her back.

They arrived at the huge Victorian half an acre from the pack house. The smell of barbeque greeted them when they reached the pack house and then got stronger. A huge table in the back yard was set up with salad, potato salad, baked beans, and cooked meat from ribs to chicken to burgers. A glass of red wine was already in Margarette's hand while the other was on her mate's chest. She was sitting on his lap. His arm draped casually over her hips. They were kissing and she was giggling. The sound was beautiful.

"Would you please warn your sons if you are going to make out over dinner," William said behind Alexandria. "We got enough of that when we were pups."

Margarette laughed and Marcus released her so she could get up. "One day, my sons, you will not mind so much. In fact your own pups will be telling you the same thing." Her eyes fell on Alexandria. "Hello dear. I see you have found your favorite color. It suits you."

She moved gracefully, silently, to her chair to the left of her mate at the head. William took the first right. Quincy took the one next to him. Alexandria was led to the one next to Margarette by Rick who pulled her chair out for her and she sat. He took his seat next to Quincy. All four folded their hands and recited the Moon grace. Alexandria was shocked. She had never heard that before. There was so much so she did not know of the outside packs. Father's teachings did not prepare them for any of this.

"How have others fared that have come into the packs?" she asked. She knew there were more. So many more. Each time a single or group reached of age to go out into the world.

"Some better than others." Margarette replied. "The ones that have mated have had their adopted families and mates to help them acclimate to pack life and the rituals and expectations. The ones that do not either become rogue which breaks our hearts for they are found later by police and become clippings in a newspaper. Or the Main Council decides what to do with them."

"You mean they die?" Alexandria asked shocked. That was her fate now. Succumb to these three. Become their mate and thus their breeder or die?

"Easy, love." Rick said soothingly. "It is their choice. Everyone has a choice. Yes to become rogue. A lone wolf. Is to die especially if there is not education or skills to see them through. The man you call father did not see that when he sent unprepared children out into the world."

"The Main Council is trying to get this fixed. We do not like seeing our own struggle. The pack is important. It takes funds and willing bodies. Teachers and guardians. To educate and prepare." Marcus added. His deep baritone so warm like his sons. "And land. There is a pack in Montana willing to donate the land but there are few who are willing to leave their packs and families. Even for this cause."

"So the ones the Main Council decides on?" Alexandria asked cautiously. Would she become one of those if she chose not to be here. If she chose to leave.

"Those are sent to smaller packs. To add to the gene pool and perhaps to mate. They are taught the rites and educated so they may contribute to their pack. As I said we put more into pack than it would appear your Doctor does." Margarette answered.

"So love plays a key in this?" Alexandria asked watching Marcus take Margarette's hand and the way she looked at him for it. The light shining in her light green eyes. The love shining in his.

"Yes. The Moon decides the mate. But love makes the bond strong. First you have to open to it. Or have a mate willing to put in the effort to show what that looks like." Margarette answered. She looked pointedly at her sons. "They have been taught well the ways of love. Both through us and through their own trials of dating."

"I am not even sure what that looks like." Alexandria felt so wrong here. So out of place. Margarette took her hand.

"I know what that is like. That small voice in your head that spins everything negatively find it and kill it. That is not your voice." Margarette said. "I know what having doubts is like. I had them."

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