True Luna: The Darkness Within (The White Wolf Series Book 5)

True Luna: The Darkness Within: Chapter 39

Hunter’s POV

She wasn’t waking up. She wasn’t moving.

If I couldn’t see her chest rising and falling at a steady pace, I would have thought that she died.

Why the fuck wasn’t she waking up?

I was on the verge of losing it completely. I marked her and I needed her now more than ever. I marked her and I needed to feel her next to me. I marked her and I needed to kiss her.

Leaving her in that room went against every instinct in my body and it was the hardest fucking thing I ever did.

I was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall and pulling the strands of my hair as hard as I possibly could. I couldn’t look at her anymore. I couldn’t stare at her, wishing she would just open her eyes. It was breaking my heart into a million pieces and I couldn’t do it anymore.

Anna and my father left to help my mom make us something to eat. I wasn’t going to eat anything. I wasn’t hungry. I couldn’t think about anything else other than my Angel.

Alpha Logan, Alex, and Mason were staring through the window. Alex barely moved ever since we left the room. Emma was leaning against the wall and she looked like she was going to pass out. Beta Andrew was next to her and he was holding her tightly. He kept telling her something, but it looked like she wasn’t even listening to him.

We all needed her to wake up.

“Fia!” Alex’s scream made me look up abruptly.

My heart raced as I jumped to my feet.

“Fia!” he screamed again as he started banging on the window.

I rushed toward him, pushing Mason aside so I could look at her.

Did she wake up?

“Open the door, Mom!” Alex screamed as he rushed toward the door and grabbed the doorknob.

I looked at my mate.

She was lying on the bed, mumbling, and turning her head from one side to another. I could see the beads of sweat on her forehead.

“Sophia!” I screamed.

“Open the door, Mom!” Alex repeated.

She was grunting and furrowing her eyebrows. She looked like she was in pain.

“Mom!” Alex screamed.

“I can’t, Alex,” Luna Emma cried out. “We don’t know…”

“This is just like when she was fighting it before!” Alex shouted. “This is Fia, Mom! She needs me! She needs my help!”

I couldn’t look away from her. She was now clenching her fists and thrashing a little.

“Sophia!” I called her, hoping that she would open her eyes and look at me.

“The darkness could still…,” Emma said, but Alex interrupted her.

“I will take that risk, Mom!” he shouted. “Let me in! Let me in and lock the door behind me!”

I finally managed to look away from her. Alex was standing by the door, pulling on the doorknob forcefully. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

“Oh, Goddess,” Emma cried out, tangling her fingers into her hair.

Alpha Logan was standing next to me with his fists clenched tight. He couldn’t look away from Sophia. Beta Andrew was holding onto Emma tightly. He was looking at Alex with a worried look on his face.

Sophia cried out in pain, making us all look at her.

“Mom!” Alex screamed again.

“Open the door,” I said as I forced my legs to move and approached Alex. “We are going inside.”

“No,” Emma said sternly, making me look at her.

She tightened her jaw and looked at Sophia. A tear fell on her cheek.

“Alex can go in,” she said. “He knows what to do. You will stay here, Hunter.”

I was about to argue with her, but she looked at me and continued talking.

“Sophia will never forgive herself if something happens to you,” Emma said. “Please, let Alex handle it. He knows what to do.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “What about Alex? She wouldn’t forgive herself if something happened to him either.”

Emma took a deep breath and looked at Alex.

“It’s different with him,” she said. “He knows how to handle her. If something happens while he is inside, I can give him my power. I can make sure that he is okay.”

She looked at me and took my hand in hers.

“I can’t do that for you and I can’t let you get hurt,” she added.

I wanted to argue. I really wanted to argue. She was locked inside the room. Her magic was blocked. Even if she tried to hurt me, she couldn’t do much damage.

But what if she woke up even stronger than she was before? What if she woke up and the darkness inside her was more powerful? What if the magic wasn’t enough to stop her?

That was a real possibility and Anna warned us about it.

I didn’t want to believe it, though. I didn’t want to believe that she wouldn’t be my Angel once she opened those beautiful eyes of hers.

I tightened my jaw and nodded. Emma gave me a small smile and looked at Alex.

A few seconds later I heard the door unlock. I had to force myself not to run in there with Alex. Alpha Logan walked to the door, locked it back up, and Emma used her magic to seal it shut.

I looked to my left and watched as Alex ran toward Sophia.

“Fia!” he shouted as he cupped her cheek. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I am here.”

He kissed her forehead and caressed her cheeks.

“Goddess, she is burning up,” Alex said, looking toward us.

My heart raced and a lump formed in my throat.

I watched as Alex rushed toward the small sink in the room. He grabbed one of the towels and placed it under cold water. He rushed back toward Sophia and placed the towel on her head.

“It’s okay, Fia,” he said softly. “I am here. Your Lex is here.”

Sophia relaxed under his touch and her thrashing wasn’t as bad as before.

That had to be a good sign, right? She recognized her brother, right?

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I watched Alex cup her cheeks. He started talking to her quietly and I started praying to the Goddess that she would open her eyes and be my Sophia.

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