Trouble no. 2 RavenCroft Collection

Chapter 9

Already tired after what felt like a very long day, Ariana was not in the mood to be grocery shopping. Recognizing the need to have food in the house, however, she made her way to the grocery store and began filling her cart, not particularly paying attention too much to what she was grabbing.

“If I’m not careful I’m going to wind up spending a thousand dollars on groceries,” she muttered to herself while scanning the aisle signs for snack foods and chips. Catching sight of the correct aisle she headed in that direction. If it looked like something she normally kept in the house, she tossed it in the cart. After a while, she realized her cart was starting to fill up quickly and she couldn’t figure out why. It felt like she hadn’t even started to fill her pantry yet since she’d only been through a couple aisles.

Moving along at a brisk pace she continued to snatch up her favorite bags of crunchy snacks then headed for the frozen foods section. Not paying attention to where she was going, she rammed her cart into someone who was attempting to quickly disappear down another aisle.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Guess I’m in my own little world here,” Ariana said quickly. Looking up at the man she’d run into her mouth dropped and she lost all train of thought. Staring back at her was Kalabernus RavenCroft. Wearing what looked like camouflage pants and a hunter green shirt, he was a formidable, and yet exhilarating, sight. He looked really good too, as he casually carried his dark jacket flung across his shoulder

“N… no need to apologize. Imagine you got an awful lot on your mind,” Kalabernus said quietly. His gaze flitted about the store anxiously, his crystal clear blue eyes appearing to almost glow eerily. He had such a strikingly handsome look about him and yet somehow, even in the bright light of the store, he seemed to have a brooding countenance. There was a five o’clock shadow along his jaw and chin, making him appear even more intimidating. Somehow, though, she couldn’t help think it made him that much more appealing.

“Yes, well…” Ariana’s voice trailed off, and she found she didn’t know quite what to say. “I got another note,” she said finally, wishing she hadn’t said anything and wondering why in the world she’d said that in the first place.

Kalabernus’s eyes softened on her. “Got me one too. Seems we’ve joined the same club,” he responded, shaking the crumpled card in his hand before her. Seeing her agitated and distressed reaction to it he swore aloud. “No worries. Nothing I can’t handle,” he reassured darkly.

“Your brother seemed to think the same thing.”

“My brother?” His brow rose questioningly.

“Sheriff RavenCroft,” Ariana supplied.

“Oh, right, Kalturek.”

Ariana fidgeted. Glancing away awkwardly her gaze shifted back and their eyes met.

“Do you want to…?”

“I’m sorry I…”

They spoke over the top of each other, and then each stopped at the same time. Smiling nervously up at Kalabernus, Ariana giggled. He scowled, his arm swiping over his shoulder at something. For the briefest second, Ariana imagined she saw a grayish cloud hovering above his shoulder. Her head tilted and she frowned curiously, thinking that had been a funny notion.

“You were asking something?” Kalabernus asked finally, knowing he probably looked and sounded like an idiot. The three most bothersome shadows whom he often referred to as ‘the troublesome three’ had taken it upon themselves to follow him through the store, trying to bait him at every turn. He’d been attempting to watch her from a distance, to see if he could catch sight of anyone following her. But the shadows had been hindering him in his endeavor.

“I just thought… Would you like to join me for dinner?” she asked, surprising both of them. Where in the world had that come from?

“You want… You want I join you for dinner?” Kalabernus asked in astonishment causing her to blush.

She stammered. “Well, I guess… I mean… I sort of figure it’s the least I could do, fix you dinner that is. You know, considering…” Ariana continued, unsure what was possessing her to keep talking, or for that matter, invite him back to the cabin again. The man probably thought she was nuts. She knew she should be turning tail and running but for some reason, she felt drawn to him instead. There was almost a lost, little boy quality to him that she found endearing.

Scratching at his jaw, Kalabernus eyed her curiously, dumbfounded by her offer. If anything, he figured it was just the opposite, that he owed her dinner, and so much more. Shrugging, trying to give off the appearance of nonchalance, he poked into her basket.

“Well, I guess that depends,” he said finally.


“Whatcha making?” he asked, giving her a devilish look. “All I see here are boxes of ding-dongs and ho-ho’s, bags of chips, crackers, and cookies.”

Ariana blinked. Had she just filled her cart with nothing but junk food? She never ate like that. Peering into her cart with a look of bewilderment on her face Kalturek chuckled.

“Mind you, I like me some junk food. But, you know, meat is good too. And the occasional vegetable and potato, or pasta even.”

Ariana grinned back at him and he smiled.

She melted.

Sensing someone coming up behind her she glanced back apologetically, realizing they were blocking their way.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Where’s my head?” Attempting to scoot the cart over unsuccessfully, she watched in awe as Kalabernus lifted it easily and set it down closer to the shelves with Mexican food.

“Poison, give him poison,” the shadowy demon Veranke crooned in her ear.

Overhearing the shadow, Kalabernus scowled again, then watched as Ariana rubbed the same ear harshly as if she’d been tickled.

“Mexican,” she said absentmindedly a second later.


“I… I can make tacos.” Grabbing a box of hard taco shells from the shelf next to her, she also randomly swiped a jar of salsa along with a bag of flour tortillas and a can of refried beans.

“You sure… you sure you want my company?” he stuttered in amazement, feeling a bit at loose ends. He didn’t know quite what to make of her offer.

“Better the devil I don’t know than the one I do, I figure.” She responded without thinking while pushing the cart toward the meat section of the store; she needed hamburger. Catching sight of several shoppers peering her way, Ariana noted that for some reason, they seemed to be gaining the attention of people around them. She couldn’t quite figure out why. Realizing suddenly what she’d just said and that he wasn’t following her anymore, Ariana stopped and looked back.

“Kalabernus, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to imply…”

“No, you’re right. I am a devil,” he insisted quietly. His expression was one of pain as he moved toward her. “Everybody knows it. That’s why they’re staring, you see? Cause I’m a giant, intimidating and scary. And I… well, I exude a kind of dangerous vibe. You know what I mean? Because of that, they’re wondering how you can possibly want to have anything to do with me, let alone talk to me. Frankly, I’m wondering the same thing, particularly after what I did to you last night.” He whispered the last quietly so others couldn’t hear. His hauntingly beautiful eyes searched her face.

Ariana moved towards him, standing so close she had to peer up to consider his eyes. “You ever read the Bible, Kalabernus? “

“Some.” He scratched at his jaw again. It occurred to him he needed a shave. “Never put much stock in it, though,” he answered honestly.

“So you’ve read about Satan?”

“A bit,” he responded, unsure of what she was getting at. He hadn’t read the Bible since his childhood. That was way back when he’d gone searching for answers to his cursed state, but never got any. “He was also known as Lucifer as I understand it.”

“Yes, and a devil. If you know that, then you might also know… that even the devil is an angel. Though a fallen one at that. Are you?”

“Am I what?” He was confused and she had him all tied up in knots inside. He didn’t like that. Not one bit. And he most certainly didn’t know what to make of it.

“A fallen angel.”

“I’ve never been accused of being an angel of any kind,” Kalabernus drawled humorously. “I’m too scary.”

Harrumphing softly Ariana walked back to her cart, forcing him to follow. “You aren’t scary. Trust me, because I’ve known real fear. I’d take your kind of scary any day.”

Unbeknownst to her, Kalabernus smiled.

Does that seem unnatural to you or what?

In any situation, I’ve ever come across, where a woman has been wronged by a man in an intimate way, regardless of the reasons, the woman never wanted to have any further contact with him. The usual mindset is that they’d rather not be reminded of the incident. And yet here Ariana is not only talking amiably with Kalabernus but now she’s invited him back to her home for dinner.

Or rather, his home.

No, wait, technically it’s owned by Bastion. Kalabernus only ever lived there.


Looking back, I’ve always wondered about this. But then, I’ve come to believe over time that for individuals like Kalabernus, who can see these shadowy creatures, there are very few who are likely capable of understanding them. You know? People with the tolerance, patience, and understanding of the darkness which plagues them. I’d posit to say that it takes someone who has experienced and lived with or endured such darkness to be able to be sympathetic to them.

Hhhmmm. Almost makes you wonder where this is going, don’t it?

In either event, things are about to get a little more interesting. Pay close attention to what’s about to happen next.

Following her back to the cabin in his truck, Kalabernus assisted Ariana in bringing her groceries inside. Shaking out of their jackets, he tossed them in the living room chair then began unpacking her things.

Helping to put her things away was almost surreal to him. He’d gotten groceries before on his own and had even assisted with it on numerous occasions in his father’s home. But somehow it was different doing the chore with her.

Finishing putting everything away, they both stopped and stared at each other.

“So… what now?” Kalabernus asked awkwardly.

Ariana looked at her clock. “It’s almost five. I could start dinner.”

They peered around the kitchen and laughed at the same time.

“I suppose it would have made more sense leaving out what we needed,” Kalabernus teased.

Working together they managed to pull all the required ingredients back out and began setting about preparing dinner. The conversation stemmed mostly around preparation. Before long they had a dozen ‘double decker taco’s,’ as Kalabernus called them, sitting on a long tray on the breakfast counter. Carrying tall glasses of milk around the counter, Ariana sat down on a bar stool next to him and set one down before each of them.

“Wow, that’s a lot of food,” she said, staring at the platter with widening eyes. But they sure looked good, she thought. She rather liked his suggestion of wrapping crunchy tacos in small flour tortillas spread with refried beans.

Kalabernus simply looked at her, and then laughed. The sound was rich and hearty, and she sensed he didn’t make the noise often which for some reason made her want to cry.

“That? Oh, well, that’s just a snack.” His crystal clear blue eyes almost appeared to shine as he smiled.

Returning the laugh, she became so worked up that she snorted into her napkin, inciting even more laughter on his part.

“She’s beautiful and she snorts, too. Who would have ever guessed,” he said while placing four tacos on his plate to start.

Chatting amiably about nothing in particular, they soon finished eating and began cleaning up the kitchen.

“I just realized,” Ariana said suddenly, as she rinsed their plates in the sink. “I was supposed to cook your dinner. You weren’t supposed to help me.”

He turned to her, a mischievous look in his eye. “Guess that means you still owe me dinner?” he asked almost hopefully, though he’d meant it as more of a statement.

Laughing, she grabbed the dish towel and tossed it at him. “Maybe I should make you cook me dinner.” Then suddenly her expression changed. Face draining of color she turned back toward the patio door. Standing on the other side of the glass was the faceless black shape of a man. Its posture was that of one attempting to see inside.

Scritch, scratch.

It tapped on the window, like nails on a chalkboard, or in this case, glass.

Becoming alarmed by Ariana’s horrified expression, Kalabernus followed her gaze. “What’s the matter?”

“Kalabernus?” she stammered her throat constraining from fear. “Is there a man on the back patio there?”

Scritch, scratch.

The figure continued to tap on the glass door.

“No, just shadows I’d imagine. Why? Did you hear something?” he inquired, thoroughly confused.

“So, you don’t see anyone on the patio there?”

“There’s no man or woman that I can see.” Kalabernus insisted, becoming troubled by her ghostly pallor. All he could see was the shadow, Veranke, attempting to taunt him further by scraping his long, taloned fingers against the glass. Moments later he was joined by Fallon and Zalman. They each seeped in through the door, their greenish black inky essences floating like shapeless clouds across the ceiling toward them.

Ariana jumped at the sight of the frightening creatures slipping through the glass door and coming at her. Eyes wide with fright she elicited a high pitch squeal. Shrinking towards Kalabernus she leaned into him as though for protection.

“Hey, Ariana, are you okay?” Kalabernus asked, becoming increasingly concerned. The blasted dang ‘Troublesome Three’ had to show up now, of all times, he thought. He figured, their presence was probably what was setting her off.

“G… guess I’m just s… spooked from everything with the stalker,” she stammered. The black cloudy substance hovered above her dining room table, reaching out toward her as though calling to her.

Shoving her face into his chest she huddled next to him, afraid to look back. Her eyes had to be playing tricks on her.

“Hey, it’s okay. I got you, Ariana. Nothing is going to harm you. Not while I’m around anyway.”

Tilting his head forward, he nuzzled his chin against the top of her head. She smelled of wildflowers and honey. Wrapping her with one arm he reached out with another and angrily swiped toward the shadows, trying to beg them off. If he didn’t know better, she almost acted as if she could see them. But he knew that wasn’t possible. No one could see them but him.

Feeling unusually chilled for some reason, Ariana clung to Kalabernus. He was so warm and it felt good being in his arms. For the past hour or so the feeling within the kitchen had been relaxed and homey. But now the air seemed almost charged with menace, and it was setting her on edge.

And those things she was seeing.

What were they, she wondered?

She was afraid to look back.

“Don’t go,” she said suddenly, hating that she was being such a coward.

“You want… you want that I stay awhile?” he asked, trying to understand exactly what it was she was asking.

“Just stay and hold me,” Ariana begged. Lifting her head briefly she glanced out of the corner of her eye toward the ceiling. A bright white light suddenly shimmered into view, like a flash from a camera. The black cloud skittered away, its black tentacle like wisps moving along the ceiling toward the living room.

Kalabernus captured her face in his large beefy hands. His touch was tender, his tough skin feeling strong and capable against her smooth cheeks.

“Are you sure, Ariana?” His voice was quiet, holding a hopeful note, but his clear blue eyes held a mixture of wanting and worry.

“I know I have no right to ask this of you, but I really just don’t want to be alone,” she said. “If you could just h… hold me for a while maybe…”

Kalabernus captured her lips, halting any further speech. Kissing her tenderly he groaned. Wanting so much more, but sensing she simply needed comfort, he lifted her into his arms. He moved toward the living room but she stopped him. Her hands shook against his chest as she spoke.

“No, not the living room. Please, I… I can’t.” She didn’t understand what she was seeing and didn’t want to be in the same room with it.

“All right then.”

He carried her through the kitchen and down the hall. Taking her into the bedroom, he lay her in bed and pulled off her shoes. At her gentle prompting, he crawled into bed next to her after kicking off his own shoes. Unsure of what he should do he felt her scoot up next to him, so he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in closer to him. He could feel her trembling and didn’t understand why. But for the moment he wasn’t going to ask any questions for fear of ruining his chances at more time with her.

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