Trouble no. 2 RavenCroft Collection

Chapter 6

Vortigern Black here again.

I know, I know. You’re probably getting tired of hearing from me, eh?

No worries. I’m not going to take you out of this story any more than necessary because I know it’s starting to get good. Our Ms. Sareena Davis turned out not to be who we thought she was. It seems her real name is Ariana Davis. She took up her sister’s name in order to get away from her stalker. Technically speaking what she did was illegal but honestly, can you blame her? The police department back in Massachusetts wasn’t having any luck in figuring out who her stalker was, and Ariana’s roommate had been murdered by him. Up to that point, the stalker had been more of a nuisance than a real threat. But then for some reason, his tactics had escalated and no one seemed to know why.

Eventually, Ariana will have a bit of a mess to clean up because of assuming her deceased sister’s identity. Bank accounts and even her lease, for that matter, were all created in Sareena’s name. Only her trusted long distance employer was aware of her deception, or so she’d thought.

Fortunately, Kalabernus showed up at his brother’s office when he did because he pointed out a potential danger to their friend Angela that the others hadn’t picked up on yet. Oh, they would have eventually figured it out but Kalabernus’s protective instincts were on high alert after what had happened between him and Ariana the night before. You could say he was extra vigilant now for it occurred to him that the stalker hadn’t intended for Ariana to get a ride home with him. That likely meant he may well have angered a murderer. Angela was not only a college friend of Ariana’s but a long-time friend of the RavenCroft family. Learning that Ariana’s former roommate had been killed simply because she moved in with her, Kalabernus was determined to make sure Angela’s safety was seen to. He knew he couldn’t keep track of both women, and he wanted to try and protect Ariana from this stalker if it was at all within his power. He felt it was the least he could do under the circumstances and besides, he was looking for a little payback himself.

There was a phone ringing. Yet the lethargy Ariana was feeling as she slowly came to a waking state prevented her from investigating its source. Her eyes felt heavy, her throat dry and pasty.

The phone stopped ringing.

Ariana swiftly slipped back into a restless sleep.

What seemed like mere moments later, but was in fact over an hour, Ariana woke with a start. The phone was ringing again only, this time, her head didn’t feel quite so foggy, though it throbbed with each ring.

Lifting from the living room floor where she lay, the afghan slipped down, tangling around her legs. Naked, she stumbled her way towards the incessant ringing. Locating the phone hanging on the wall between the bedroom and the kitchen Ariana grabbed it up without thinking, merely trying to get the incessant ringing to stop. Summoning every ounce of energy she had, Ariana managed a weak and groggy greeting as she attempted to regain her senses.

“Hello? Hello, Ms. Davis? This is Sheriff Kalturek RavenCroft of the Loveland Sheriff’s Department. May I have a moment of your time?” he asked, sounding both awkward as well as a bit concerned.

Clearing her throat Sareena managed a thick sounding “No,” then swiftly hung up.

The phone rang again before she could move down the hall. Not thinking straight, she answered it again.

“Sheriff RavenCroft here. I really need to speak with you Ms. Davis, about last night.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

She hung up again.

Moments later the phone rang again, its incessant piercing sound jangling her nerves every time it resonated throughout the cabin. This time, she didn’t bother picking it up.

Bastion stood on the doorstep of his son’s cabin, observing the woman before him who had seconds before grudgingly opened her door to him. He noted she appeared to have just come from a shower. Her lustrous black hair hung in damp messy waves down her back and her face was free of makeup, not that she needed it.

“Ms. Davis, my name is Bastion RavenCroft. Might I have a moment of your time?”

“I’m sorry. What did you say your name was again?” Ariana inquired. Her hand reached up to shield her eyes from the bright piercing sunlight streaming through the doorway. The very large good looking man before her was a bit intimidating both in size and stature even after having removed his black Stetson from his head the moment she’d opened her door. His short hair, salt and pepper in color, made him appear in his fifties. Sporting a long black duster and cowboy boots he appeared to have just stepped out of a western movie, or at the very least, off a ranch.

“Bastion RavenCroft, at your service,” he replied cordially, bowing slightly at the waist.

“RavenCroft,” Ariana mumbled suspiciously, instantly on her guard. “You’re related to the Sheriff and…”

“Kalabernus. Yes, ma’am I am. I’m their father.”

Ariana inhaled sharply. She stared at him, her face flushing with embarrassment. Recovering quickly her temper flared.

“I suppose he sent you here to deal with me?” Ariana asked, sounding more than a little peeved.

“No, actually. Kalabernus has no clue. And when he finds out I came to see you I’m likely not going to hear from him for the next year or so.” Bastion said frankly. “That particular son of mine has a rather unforgiving nature, unfortunately.”

“I see,” she said quietly. Her expression became troubled. “So, I don’t suppose he’ll likely be accepting an apology from me anytime soon then, will he?”

Twin creases spread along Bastion’s forehead as his brow rose in surprise. “Now what, Ms. Davis, would you possibly need to apologize to my son for?”

“It seems he was an unwitting victim of backlash from my stalker. He’s been after me for five years now, and that’s his way, you see. Hurting people around me for fun.” Ariana’s hand clamped around the door handle uneasily as she fidgeted before him. The way he was staring was making her nervous. “People I love are forever suffering from the repercussions of his wrath.”

“Why do I get the feeling they’re not the only ones?” Bastion said evenly, giving the woman a calculated look. He could see why his son might have had difficulty controlling himself with her. She was very beautiful indeed. Imagining that was likely the reason she’d drawn the attention of her stalker in the first place, he pursed his lips. Feeling almost a pulsing sensation around them, as though the air had been shifted in some way then abruptly returned to its normal state, Bastion came to a revelation which confirmed his suspicions. Her stalker had been following her a lot longer than she likely realized.

“Ms. Davis, do you intend to stay here?” Bastion inquired, nodding his head toward the cabin.

“I… well, I signed a lease. Why wouldn’t I?”

Bastion frowned, his brow furrowing further as he stood before her in her doorway, deep in thought. “Considering the nature of your situation, I wonder if moving closer to town might not be more prudent?”

“What do you mean?”

“This cabin is pretty far removed from town. Loveland county Sheriffs are known for their speed but even they have their limits. Chances are they might not make it in time should you find yourself in real trouble.”

“I appreciate your concern Mr. RavenCroft, but even if I wanted to move, I’ve signed a lease for a year. And no offense, but I’m not sure any of this is your concern,” Ariana replied, his observation making her anxious.

“That’s where you’d be mistaken. Aside from the fact you’re a single woman in trouble, you also happen to be renting a cabin on my property which makes you my tenant. I’d just as soon not have any further incident occur on my land. Particularly when my hope is that one day my son might actually be able to live here again.”

Ariana was stunned. Mouth agape she peered up at the RavenCroft patriarch in dismay. Tilting her head, a random thought popped into her mind as she stared at the same crystal clear blue eyes she’d seen in Kalabernus and his other sons the night before.

“Wait, how old are you anyway?” she asked, oblivious to the semi-impolite line of questioning. Her suspicious nature had returned giving her cause to question whether the man was truly who he said he was. There were familial similarities but he appeared way too young to be their father.

Bastion smiled easily, the slight crow’s feet near his eyes becoming momentarily more pronounced, which helped signify his aging state.

“I turn sixty in March if you must know.”

“Bull crap.” The words flew out of Ariana’s mouth before she could stop them. Covering her mouth, her eyes widened in alarm for having spoken so rudely.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” She hadn’t meant to be disrespectful.

Bastion laughed, amused by her genuine personality and unintentional, but much appreciated, compliment.

“You flatter me.”

Managing to recover from her humiliation she cleared her throat and finally asked. “Mr. RavenCroft, am I to understand that you’re my landlord?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And one of your sons used to live here?”

“You’ve got good ears.”

“Wait, Mr. RavenCroft…”

“Bastion, please. No need to stand on ceremony,” he said waving his hand in the air dismissively.

“Bastion then. Which son are you referring to?”

“Why, Kalabernus of course.”

“But of course!” Ariana exclaimed in further dismay, wondering how she could have such rotten luck. Shoving her fist in her mouth she bit at her knuckles as she attempted to think through her dilemma. “When you said ‘any further incident,’ am I to understand you’re fully aware of what transpired last night?” she inquired, somewhat horrified by the notion.

Sensing he needed to tread carefully, Bastion took an extra moment before responding. “I do understand the awkwardness of this situation for you. And rest assured Kalabernus has been quite thin-lipped over the matter. That being said, I have been made aware of what may have occurred here last night by other parties and seek merely for answers to a few simple questions.”

“Which are?” Ariana inquired, as anxiety flooded within her anew.

“First and foremost, are you okay? Please tell me, did my son hurt you?” Bastion asked urgently. “He is a very big man, as you well know, and I would hate to think any further harm might have come to you over this situation this stalker of yours created.” He gazed at her intently, concern evident in his expression and tone.

Surprised by the initial query Ariana did a double take. Her response immediate, but quiet. “I am as well as I can be expected, but no. No, he didn’t hurt me, that I recall.” It was becoming quite clear to Ariana that Bastion RavenCroft was simply attempting to ascertain whether she’d been harmed.

“And do you still feel safe here? I would happily allow you out of your lease, should you desire to move closer to the town where you could gain quicker assistance if it became necessary. Please understand, I’m by no means kicking you out, just worried for your safety out here. If this stalker of yours can reach across states and into public bars to get to you, then he most certainly could reach you here.”

Leaning against the door frame for support Ariana gazed around her surroundings. There was a chill in the air which led her to believe the temperatures would be dropping soon. More of the golden and burgundy leaves would soon litter the lawn and she’d so looked forward to raking them up just to fling herself into them. She’d chosen the cabin because she’d loved the freedom and wide open space it provided and it had a fireplace. The outdoorsy feel and somewhat rustic living appealed to her. Having lived in the city much of her life she’d been excited at the prospect of having a home in the quiet solitude of the woods. When she’d viewed the cabin for the first time, Ariana had known instantly she had to have it for her home.

“I appreciate your offer. It’s very kind of you. But if it’s all the same to you, I think I’d rather stay here.”

“Do you truly think that’s wise?” Bastion asked, not liking her response one bit, yet knowing instantly he wouldn’t be able to change her mind.

“Wise or not, I will not be run off from my home again. I appreciate your offer to allow me out of my lease, Bastion. But what has become painfully obvious to me, is that I can no longer run from this,” Ariana explained as emotion caused her throat to tighten. She hiccupped and her eyes filled with despair. “This person followed me all the way from Massachusetts. If it has to end, I’d rather it be here with me then for the stalker to go after someone else.”

Sighing with regret, Bastion nodded his head in understanding. He turned to leave.

“Please tell Kalabernus that I’m truly sorry that he got sucked into this, as well as for any pain I may have caused him,” Ariana called after Bastion, giving him reason to pause and turn back toward her.

“And why, Ariana, would you think you caused him pain?” Bastion asked quietly.

“He just…” Inhaling deeply Ariana fought back the tears attempting to spill forth anew. He had called her by her real name. It was clear that they all knew everything - even who she really was. “Well, he just seemed so tortured last night when he left,” she finished sadly with her head bowed.

“Tortured,” Bastion repeated softly, staring at her intently. “My dear Ariana, tortured doesn’t even begin to cover his forty years of existence. I’ll have a new lease drawn up for you with your corrected information. I trust everything else will stay the same?” Turning abruptly, he walked away, got into his vehicle and drove off moments later.

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