Trouble no. 2 RavenCroft Collection

Chapter 16

Kalabernus is going “hunting?”

Uh, oh.

I’m thinking the “care package” the stalker left for them was probably not one of his best ideas. What do you think? Would you want a six foot eight-inch brute of a man who’s tortured by demonic shadows hunting you? I know I sure wouldn’t. Or would I?

Maybe I, Vortigern Black, am Kalabernus.

Could it be?

Wouldn’t you love to know?

But seriously folks, it’s times like these that I often wonder how people like this stalker of Ariana’s get to be the way they are. Because, really, what kind of sick, twisted, demented sort of individual sends a baby doll filled with bloody animal parts to someone anyway?

Sheesh, disgusting!

Some people are just too messed up for words. One thing’s for sure, this stalker of Ariana’s is dangerous. Even more so now than he was before because it’s entirely likely that he is now aware of what the RavenCroft family is capable of. That knowledge alone in the stalker’s hands could spell disaster for the whole family.

And speaking of the RavenCroft’s, they’re just full of surprises, aren’t they? Who would have guessed they knew sign language? That sure came in handy. After all, when you find your house is being bugged and you’re worried there could be cameras too, being able to talk back and forth with your hands… Can we say, bonus?

If I were Ariana – and you never know, I could be - I think I would be wondering who Bastion RavenCroft really was. Why would he have so many cool gadgets lying around, to begin with? As far as she knew, Bastion owned and ran a horse ranch. But then why would the owner of a horse ranch keep audio jammers and bug detectors on hand? Course now, if you started with the first book in this series then you know that Bastion used to work for the CIA at one point. Could be these items were left behind from his many years of service. Supposedly, he no longer had ties with them.


But that’s another story.

Right now, Kalabernus is livid and spoiling for a fight. He’s done being one step behind this guy at any given turn. After seeing the terrified expression on Ariana’s face when they discovered the doll, he was now more determined than ever to catch the stalker and put him away for good.As far as Kalabernus was concerned, her pursuer had been tormenting her for far too long.

And the sicko wasn’t just messing with the woman he cared about. Oh, no. Now he was terrorizing the woman he was falling in love with, who was pregnant with his child, and who might well be his wife if he could manage to convince her. On top of that, the knowledge Ariana’s stalker had managed to gain from bugging Ariana could not only ruin him but potentially put his entire family at risk. There was no way he was going to allow anyone he loved to be victimized.

Everything Kalabernus had been doing up to that point had simply been practice, a way to prepare for what was to come. But now… now the real hunt was on. And the stalker? Well, he was his prey.

“How do you even know he’s out there? The stalker could be back at the cabin.”

Kalabernus shook his head. “He goes where she goes. We both know that.”

“This is a really bad idea, Kal,” Kahner had said, using the childhood nickname he rarely ever used anymore. His brother’s concern had been obvious. His father’s too.

“What would you do?”

“I’m just saying what needs to be said.”

“Bad or not I’m going. I gotta catch him Kahner. She won’t be safe until I do. You know that.”

The conversation with his brother had been repeating in his mind most of the night as he moved with stealth through the forest behind the RavenCroft ranch house. It hadn’t taken him long to put together what he’d need. Kalabernus had had most of it ready for the last several days. He’d merely been anticipating it would go down at his cabin, not his father’s horse ranch.

Though quite familiar with the woods, having grown up in them, Kalabernus was at a disadvantage in that he hadn’t been hunting in this terrain in a long while. He suspected what with the baby doll being left on the front porch that the stalker had been investigating the woods for the past twenty-four hours easily.

Taking a few extra minutes to gain his bearing, he allowed his eyes to adjust to the darkening surroundings. The shadows were out in force and the excitement they were experiencing left them volatile and frightening even for him. And their presence made the nighttime appear darker than usual, even with the moon high above them.

Anxiety and fear grew within him. Kalabernus knew the demons had planned this confrontation. He knew that he and Ariana had likely been brought together just for this purpose; to see which would prevail, the stalker who welcomed the darkness or Kalabernus who fought them at every turn. And even if he managed to overtake the man who hunted the woman he loved, Kalabernus knew he still might lose. Because to catch him, he had to let them in. Question was, would he lose himself to the shadows in the process?

Refusing to think about it any further he continued forward, his breathing shallow, almost non-existent as his narrowed gaze took in every little detail. He’d picked up the little pricks trail several minutes before but he wanted to be sure it was a real trail and not a trap. The little bugger was irritatingly good at those and he’d nearly fallen for two of them within the past half hour.

His soft moccasins padded silently forward then he crouched, quickly scanning the brush filled ground before him.


How was that possible?

Doubling back to where he’d last saw the trail he touched his cold hand to the broken twig and leaf before him. The indentation was different. Shadows slithered around him, circling him like a curtain, enshrouding him.

“Lose him, again did we?” Veranke wheezed.

“Gonna lose, need to choose,” Zalman crooned, his glowing red eye flashed as if he’d blinked. Kalabernus stared into the demons frightening visage, willing his stomach to keep from vomiting from the sickening sensation churning in his gut. There were so many of them. So many unfamiliar to him and they all taunted him. Chanting in a language long lost to man.

“Where?” Kalabernus breathed, his voice barely heard above the quiet din of the forest. “Show me.”

“Show you we can.” Fallen oozed, his oily evil presence pressing closer still. It’s tentacle-like essence twisted and turned around him before him, above him.

“If within you, we were,” Zalman connived.

A cool sweat beaded upon Kalabernus’s brow. Wiping it away, his gaze shifted uneasily about the forest. He turned on the spot, suddenly feeling as though he’d been led astray. The overwhelming sensation that he’d just been duped hit him full force. He didn’t know how, but somehow he just knew Ariana was in even more danger now than ever before.

Glancing behind him, he took a close look at the trail he’d been following then peered back in the direction he’d been heading. Fear laced within his chest, choking him, strangling him with the sudden knowledge of what he’d just allowed to happen.

“Ariana, no!”

The shadows coalesced, swaying above him, around him, jeering at his stupidity. They knew - had known since he’d begun the trail. Ariana’s talker had been leading him away from the ranch house and toward the cabin, away from her. With every false trail, he’d discovered, the stalker had been directing him further away. How could he have been so stupid?

Sneering angrily Kalabernus growled deep within his throat, pounding his fist into the nearest tree trunk. Unconcerned by the blood dripping from his knuckles nor the splintering whole in the tree he turned and retreated hastily back toward the house. He’d have to start all over again. And that was only if he wasn’t already too late.

His feet flew across the forest floor, creating a trail of his own.

It was time.

He had no choice.

Dear God, help me save her in exchange for my soul.

The shadows chattered with excitement, floating along above him. The most troublesome three began circling him as he ran, their voluminous essences seemingly carrying him along, lifting him up from the ground. A feeling of weightlessness overcame him, his body propelling forward at a speed he didn’t know he had.

“Yield!” Veranke shouted next to him.

Kalabernus whimpered, a sound unfamiliar to his ears. Terror gripped him at the thought of what he was about to allow.

“Do you yield!” Zalman shrieked to his right.

Head jerking toward the snarling monstrous demon Kalabernus cried out with fright. What normally appeared as a greenish black cloudy inky essence had now been replaced with a dragon-like bat-winged creature with a scaly hide. The moon glistened across its wings and back, its pronged tail trailing out behind. For the first time in his life, Kalabernus realized he was seeing the shadows in their truest form and the sight was terrifying. The forest was filled with them, surrounding him. Stumbling as he ran they lifted him from the ground as he screamed in desperation.


A sense of foreboding overcame him as tears swam in his eyes. He was unsure which terrified him more in that moment. Losing her or losing his soul to these monstrous demons. Gritting his teeth, he firmly set his jaw and continued to run, insisting his feet touch the ground. Feeling the moccasins pushing once again back into the ground as he ran, he barreled forward around the bunch of trees near the first corral barn. He could hear the horse within neigh in fright, sensing the presence of the shadows.

The back yard came into view, the sight befalling him instilling further terror within. The bastard already had her and he was too far away.

“Do… youyield!” Fallen bellowed with an evil grin, satisfaction clear in its glowing red eyes.



She’d been so stupid.

Unable to sleep she’d come down for a glass of water. Seeing a large dark figure stumbling around in the yard she’d presumed it was Kalabernus upon seeing the coat the figure wore. Calling out to him he hadn’t responded back and she’d become afraid. Had he been hurt? Had her stalker shot him? Could he not speak?

The figure fell to the ground and was still.

Ariana had flung open the patio door and rushed out to him, her oversized white t-shirt billowing out about her as she ran.

“Kalabernus! Baby, are you okay?”

Within a few feet of him, the man staggered back to his feet. She could see blood trickling down his pant leg and on his hands. Ripping off the black mask he wore the man’s face twisted with an evil sneer as he snarled at her.

“Kalabernus?” he shouted angrily. Reaching for her, he snatched her arm tightly within his grasp, forcing her to the ground as she slipped in the grass and fell. “Baby?” he sneered. “He is nothing! I am everything! You belong to me!” he roared.

Screaming like a banshee, Ariana struggled to get from his painful grasp. Though smaller than Kalabernus by a good eight inches in height and size, he was still a pretty big man and he was strong - very strong.

Terror filled her at the thought something had happened to Kalabernus. Where was he? Why wasn’t he here?

Fighting against her stalker who was attempting to drag her away from the house she screamed at him.

“Where is he? What did you do to him?” she yelled, her throat constricting with fear causing her voice to falter. She sobbed. She didn’t understand for she did not even recognize the man before her. And she had always thought she would. That she would have known him from some point in her life. But he was nobody to her.

“Where is he?” the man jeered. “Dead for all we care!” he shouted. “You would choose a vile creature such as he? A monster who sees demons over me?” the man shrieked angrily. His grip grew tighter. “No worries, Ariana. I know you’ve been deceived. I know you only want me. And we’ll take care of that freak of nature inside you. Don’t you worry, honey. I’ll cut it out myself.” Taking hold of her with his other hand he lifted her, attempting to pull her over his shoulder but she’d have none of it.

No! No!” Ariana screamed, banging at him with her fists and kicking at his shins.

Her stalker yelped in pain, releasing her with one hand as he bent to tend his wound. Things were not going as he’d planned. He’d managed to get the freak away from the house but he’d run into one of his own traps, having forgotten where he’d set them all. Normally he was much more organized but learning what he had of the RavenCroft family the night before, he’d had to speed things up and he’d been lax.

Fuming from being kicked in his sore leg he struck her, knocking her to the ground. Dazed and a bit disoriented she was much easier to manage in this state. The man lifted her from the ground, flinging her over his shoulder. Grunting in pain he turned about, watching where he stepped with his injured leg and began heading back toward the woods. His truck wasn’t too far. He should be able to get to it quickly, even with the injury.

A keening howl erupted from the woods. The man’s gaze fixed on the terrifying figure charging toward him in a rage. The haunting pale blue eyes fairly glowed within the contorting features of Kalabernus’s face.

The stalker swore. He’d never gotten this close. Dumping the woman unceremoniously on the ground Anthony Warren flung his arms across his body defensively as he was pummeled to the ground.

Head foggy Ariana watched in horror as Kalabernus punched the man in the gut. Rearing back as the man huddled in a fetal position, he struck him again in the face. His fists flew, each one barreling into the man on the ground, inflicting increasingly heavy blows with each punch. Grabbing the man’s wrist, he twisted it painfully causing it to snap and break.

“Kalabernus, wait!” Ariana called blinking back the fog. She lifted from the ground, her body shaking from being struck and from fear of the sight before her. The shadows were everywhere but they weren’t shadows anymore. They had taken on a terrifying form she’d never seen. Screaming, shrieking and nearly peeing from fright, she cowered where she lay. She was desperate to get away from the creatures hovering around Kalabernus who were egging him on. They circled him, taunting him as they instructed him to kill, to murder, to rid the earth of the man who’d dare take what was his.

“Kalabernus!” she cried, desperate to get his attention; to get him to stop.

He turned toward her then, his eyes gleaming with an unnatural light. His beautiful face twisted and he snarled at her in a rage.

“That’s right. It’s her fault!” Zalman screeched

“Blame her!”

Kill her!

“Dead! She needs to be dead!”

“And the baby with her!”

The demonic shadows flew around him as Kalabernus stood rooted to the spot, the thought of murder in his mind. Kill, to kill. That’s what he’d been born for. It’s what he was good for. He was inherently evil after all. Or so he believed.

They cackled in their triumph, their knowing evil red eyes darting between the two as Kalabernus massive form slowly prowled toward her like a hunter to its prey.

“Kill her?” came an unnatural voice from deep within; a voice sounding nothing like him.

Ariana froze with fear. The gentle, caring man she knew as Kalabernus was no longer there. Something had taken a hold of him and she feared she knew what it was.

“Kalabernus, please!” she begged while attempting to inch away from him unsuccessfully. His beefy hands reached out and grabbed her wrists. “Kalabernus don’t listen to them! They’re evil. Remember? But you’re not. Baby, please, you were born in love! And you love me, you said so yourself. Love can never hurt me.”

Tears streamed down her face as she attempted to wriggle her wrist from his grasp. She needed only one. She needed to pull her treasure from its hiding spot at her hip. But his hold was too strong, and he wouldn’t let go.

“I… I love you?” Kalabernus snarled. Body tensing, his muscles clenched and his face contorted. It was as though he were fighting an internal battle from which he was quickly losing.

“Yes, you love me! I know you do!” Ariana cried as she wept. The cold was becoming too much. It seeped within her as though the shadows themselves were attempting to invade. “No!” she yelled angrily. Why must it be in her hand, she suddenly thought? Why not just believe, have faith, and repeat what she’d been taught so long ago by her sister?

“One day, you won’t even need it, Ariana,” her sister had said. “One day the hope will be within you. And you will believe without needing a talisman to remind you.”

In her tears, Ariana began to whisper fervently that which her sister had taught her so long ago. “Those who seek the light of man shall find the light. Those who seek the light shall find protection. Those who seek the light shall find relief from their darkest pain. Those who seek the light shall find everlasting peace. As it states in John chapter one, verse five, ‘The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.’ Nor shall it ever.”

Kalabernus roared, whether in anger, pain, or fear she was unsure. The deep guttural cry resonated throughout the ranch house and grounds even as he reared back as though to strike her.

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