Trouble no. 2 RavenCroft Collection

Chapter 11

Saw him he did, with his own two eyes.

The monster was real all right.

And most definitely a man.

Kalabernus sprinted across the forest. His sure-footed steps barely a whisper as they swiftly carried him up, over, and around the bushes, brush and trees in his way. Most thought with his massive frame and height that he’d be clumsy and slow, oafish even. But it was exactly the opposite. Well accustomed to his own size and how to maneuver his body quickly, he was more than capable of keeping the dark figure in sight. The only problem was catching up. He’d had a bit more of a head start then what Kalabernus cared for him to have.

Likely surprising Ariana’s predator with how close he’d gotten, the man pelted from the patio decking where he’d been spying on her. His dark brown coat snagged on the wooden decking when he leaped over its side and landed with a soft thud. Their eyes met over the expansive yard before the dark figure whirled about and took off like a shot. Kalabernus had been chasing him now for the past ten minutes.

Recognizing that the figure was beginning to gain distance on him Kalabernus finally skidded to a halt, accepting the inevitable. Paying careful attention to the direction he was going Kalabernus grunted in frustration, his glowing penetrating stare following the man’s shape as it grew smaller and smaller.

“Lost him, ya did!” Veranke jeered. Having soared past Kalabernus when he’d come to a stop, the shadowy creature appeared aggravated that he’d halted the hunt.

“Shut it.”

“Out of practice, you are!” Fallon wheezed, trying to get under his skin.

Kalabernus was annoyed. The ‘Troublesome Three’ barely looked winded, though he could see their glowing red eyes narrow to thin slits. Over the years he’d grown to understand this behavior trait. It meant they were becoming enthusiastic with the game and were anxious to see it through.

“Never gonna catch him this way. Need to hunt. Need to gain skill!” Zalman screeched loudly, his oily greenish black form billowed suddenly, becoming a floating mass between him and what lay ahead.

Problem was, they were right.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, he panned the forest for movement. Any animal in the surrounding area had likely been scared away by the sounds of the chase. Standing still and quiet he closed his eyes allowing the noises of the forest to permeate his senses completely. Long ago he’d discovered his ability to see and hear the shadows had somehow heightened his sense of sound which gave him an advantage over most. Listening intently, he attempted to hear it; the ever so slight echo, barely perceptible by most human ears which signified another living presence nearby.

A heartbeat.

His next prey.

Kalabernus knew that if he truly wanted to catch the stalker then he’d have to practice; have to become the man the shadows had always wanted him to be and had once been for a short time.

At one time, he could track his prey, just as the stalker did with Ariana. He’d get close too. So close the animal wouldn’t even know he was there till he was within a few feet of them.

Once, he had gotten so close, he’d been able to reach out and touch the animal’s snout, instilling instantaneous fear within it. But to accomplish this, he knew he’d have to let them in.

Take over even.

It meant relinquishing his will to the shadows, which he’d promised his father he’d never do again. But this time, things were different. The hunt wasn’t a game anymore but a means to an end to Ariana’s torment. She didn’t deserve to be tortured. He on the other hand…

Slowing his breathing, Kalabernus tensed.

Thuh, thuh, Thuh. Thuh, thuh, Thuh.

There it was.

The sound he’d been seeking.

Crouching low, he stood poised for flight, taking a second to gain his bearing. Shifting his head without even opening his eyes he allowed his own breathing to become still as death.

His head jerked unexpectedly to the south and he was off. Feet cradled within the soft doeskin moccasins he fashioned himself years before, he tread cautiously toward his unwitting quarry. The shadows followed, hovering above and around him. He could tell they were giddy with excitement. Their shapeless forms slipped through the air above and around him like a snake might upon the ground. Their hapless bodies seemed to tremble in anticipation of what was to come. Unusually silent, they slithered about as he moved with a cautious steady gait toward his prey, watching the forest floor for its prints, for its path.

Twigs to the right near a tree, broken from an animal moving past.

A tiny tuft of hair ensnared upon the small branch of a bush in its path.

A wolf.

They were rare in these parts.

Kalabernus lips curled. Though huge in size like a bear, his brothers had always claimed he had the instincts and stealth of a wolf. His smile came slow, his crystal blue eyes gleaming with a haunting light. It was time to see how right they were and how close he could get. And the closer the better. He knew he hadn’t much time to train.

Kalabernus could feel the darkness enshrouding him like a curtain as the shadows slowly enveloped within him the closer he came. That was the problem with this game. And it was the reason his father had insisted he stop. To get that close, so close that he could almost touch it, he had to become like one of them. Like the shadows which haunted, which taunted.

And if he wasn’t careful, if he let them take too great a hold on him, then he could lose himself completely to them. And then…

Well, then he would kill.

Without compunction or a weapon.

And that’s what really made him dangerous.

Three days later Kalabernus loped into the kitchen mid-morning. Unshaven and wearing the same clothes from the day before, he yawned loudly, stretched, then scratched at the back of his neck. The late nights were taking its toll but he was getting better and the stalker was getting sloppier and becoming more desperate. He’d nearly caught him last night, in fact. But the little devil turned out to be a bit more slippery than he’d anticipated.

And he was cheating.

Discovering the traps the stalker had made for him Monday night, Kalabernus had opted to turn the tables on him and set some of his own. Unfortunately, this monster of Ariana’s was familiar with a fisherman’s knot and managed to escape before he could reach him. Kalabernus had clearly spooked him, though because he’d left behind his night vision glasses.

Pouring himself a mug of coffee he noted the pot was still set on warm. Blinking he shifted his gaze around the kitchen, catching sight of his father at the kitchen table with the newspaper.

How’d he miss seeing him coming in?

“Because you get sloppy when you’re tired,” Bastion said aloud.

One eyebrow rose. “See now, it’s statements like that over the years, that helped me figure out you can read minds.” Kalabernus lifted the mug of coffee to his lips. It tasted bitter today, which meant Kahner had made the pot. He was always making it too strong and without the cinnamon he liked in it.

Bastion paused mid sip, peering over his mug at Kalabernus.

“Yeah, I know. Have known for some time actually,” Kalabernus continued. “You think I, of all people, wouldn’t figure it out?”

Bastion simply grunted. Shaking out the paper he folded it before him and laid it on the table. “I know what you’re doing,” was all he said.

“Do you, now?”

“Not hard to figure out. You spend what time during the day she’ll let you spend with her, then you pretend to leave. Instead of coming home, you camp out in the woods hunting her stalker till late in the night.”

“Hhhmm. Got him on edge too.”

“Knock it off!” Bastion thundered, slamming his hand down on the table for effect.

Anticipating the explosion Kalabernus wasn’t startled. If anything, it simply jarred his head where he was getting a headache from lack of sleep.

Kalabernus fixed his father with a lazy stare. “No,” he said simply.

“Are you sure she’s worth losing your soul over?”

“Was mom?”

“Was your mother what?”

“Worth losing your soul over,” Kalabernus said quietly.

Bastion heaved a troubled sigh. Wincing he rubbed his hands through his salt and pepper colored hair. He’d been afraid of this. His son had fallen head over heels for this woman in a very short time and was liable to get hurt.

“Been hurt before. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Now who’s reading minds?” Bastion countered becoming aggravated.

“No point in reading a mind when one can simply read a person’s face.” He yawned.

Swearing Bastion leaned forward against the table. Clasping his hands before him, he stared back over at Kalabernus with a dark scowl.

“Son, I just wish you would tread carefully where this woman is concerned…”

“I’m not stupid, all right?” Kalabernus said sharply, becoming irritable. He thumped his coffee mug on the table loudly, managing to slosh some out over his hand. “I know it can’t go anywhere. A woman shouldn’t have to endure mine and my shadows presence for a lifetime.”

“Then why are you even pursuing this?” Bastion inquired, becoming just as contentious.

“Seriously?” Kalabernus chuckled humorlessly. “This coming from the same man who decked Heaton just six months ago when he grabbed Angela’s breasts in front of everyone in Shenanigan’s and proclaimed them as being his property. And incidentally, he was drunk at the time, you know?”

“Drunk or not, it was in poor taste and all around bad behavior on Heaton’s part. Someone had to put that man in his place. A woman isn’t a man’s property,” Bastion insisted firmly. “And I get it. I do,” he said, shaking his hand in the air as he stood. “She’s a single woman being stalked by an unknown assailant who’s becoming increasingly aggressive in his tactics towards her.”

“Increasingly aggressive tactics?” his son’s tone was of one in disbelief. “This guy stabbed Ariana’s roommate to death simply because she existed near her. He’s after her, he’s intent on getting her, and I’m not gonna let that happen,” Kalturek declared heatedly.

“Be her guardian and protector then. By all means. But why do you have to take this so far? You can’t let those shadows into your head,” Bastion insisted, seeing Kalabernus was becoming increasingly agitated. “And what happens if you let them in long enough to get this guy, and she happens to be present at the time. Huh? What are you going to do then?”

“I would never hurt Ariana!” Kalabernus hollered indignantly.

Raising his hand to quiet his son Bastion thought carefully before speaking next. “I know you would never intentionally hurt her. But the truth here is that you could. I ask you again, why do you have to take things so far?” Bastion asked more quietly, trying to keep his son calm. “Is that what you want to happen? For her to see the darkest side of your nature? To hurt her without meaning to, because you no longer have control of your own self?”

Kalabernus tapped on the countertop with the fingertips of one hand. “No rational person does something, knowing full well they might physically hurt someone they love.”

“So…?” Bastion prompted, still wanting an answer.

“So I can’t help it all right! I’m in knots here. I don’t know how else to help her. This stalker has her freaking out. She didn’t seem the type before, but this guy… He’s got her all jumpy and hysterical. Terrified even.”

“Freaking out?” Bastion murmured thoughtfully. “You say jumpy and hysterical?” Bastion asked, finding his son’s choice of words curious.

“She’s scared to death! It’s like she’s hearing and seeing things that aren’t there.”

Bastion stared, his expression unreadable. “You know what? Tonight’s Wednesday. Why not invite Ariana to the house for dinner?” he suggested unexpectedly.

“Wait… what?” Kalabernus turned back toward him in surprise. This was an unexpected turn of events.

“Invite her over,” his father insisted with a shrug. “Why not? Most everyone’s been coming home on Wednesday evenings lately. Your sisters seem to have taken a real liking to Sable and her kids.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” he groaned. “But you really think that’s wise? Bringing her back here, that is? Around everyone?” Kalabernus couldn’t help but think it odd his father had changed the subject so abruptly.

“No wiser than you chasing some stalker through the forest at night. But hey, you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do and because you’re an adult and your own man now, I can’t stop you. At least this way you get Ariana out of that cabin for a while in a protective environment. Give her a chance to unwind and meet some new people. She is new to Loveland, after all.”

“Why do I get the feeling you have some ulterior motive with this invite?” Kalabernus asked cautiously.

“Probably because you know me so well,” Bastion responded in kind, with a slight grin. He leaned back in his chair, resting one of his booted feet on the opposite leg.

Kalabernus eyed his father suspiciously. After a moment, he nodded slowly. “All right. I’ll invite her to the ranch. But I’m not making any promises.”

“Of course, not. That would imply you could keep one,” Bastion stated bitterly, his gaze narrowing on his son with an accusatory glare as he got up and stalked away. “Just do me a favor, will you?” he called as he paused before disappearing.

“What’s that?”

“Don’t make me have to shoot you in order to save her,” he said caustically.

“Dad!” he hollered back, causing him to stop and look back. “Would you? Shoot me that is… to save her?” He fidgeted, anxious to know the truth.

Bastion hesitated briefly then spoke, his voice charged with emotion. “Yes.”

Kalabernus stared.


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