Trojan Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 2)

Trojan Crown: Chapter 4

“What did those eggs ever do to you?” Mom raises a brow over her shoulder as she loads up the air fryer with bacon.

“Me? What about you? That’s enough bacon to feed a small army!”

“The Crown men love bacon, and so do the kids. Even so, you don’t see me abusing the strips of meat before I cook them.” She’s pursing her lips now, suppressing a laugh. “Don’t worry, Anaya. Austin will come around. He’s just been through a lot.”

“So, you caught that, huh?” I glance over at the kids, making sure they’re still occupied with the activity books I gave them. “The man clearly doesn’t like me, and I don’t think it has anything to do with his time in Mexico.”

“Child, he just went through some traumatic things. Cut him a break.” Mom sighs, exasperated with me, but I know this is more than just his recent trauma. I feel it in my bones.

From the moment I saw him, it’s like the air shifted—my chest tightened and breathing halted. Something in him called to me, and I’d be willing to bet the whole kit & caboodle that his attitude with me has something to do with that. Did he feel it too?

“Something smells good in here!” Jace’s cheery voice interrupts my thoughts as the Crown brothers all walk into the kitchen. Without delay, Amanda and Alex run toward their father, almost bringing him to the ground.

“Easy, easy. Dad’s balance isn’t the greatest right now.” He’s doing his best to stay upright, but it’s clear he was in the wheelchair for a reason and that walking is his own doing. Stubborn man.

“Maybe we should bring the wheelchair in,” Matt murmurs, more like in thought to himself, but it doesn’t go unnoticed by the cranky Crown.

“I said I was fine.” Austin spits out with so much venom you’d think Matt had suggested he go back to Mexico.

“Boys, settle down. First batch of bacon and pancakes are on the table.” Mom’s walking over to them with both trays, paying the glaring brothers no mind. “Anaya is almost done with the eggs, so take a seat and dig in.”

“Yes, ma’am. You don’t have to tell me twice.” Jace’s stomach grumbles as he sits down. “If Anaya’s cooking is anything like yours, I might just have to marry her.”

A low penetrating sound comes from somewhere to the left, and my eyes find Austin growling at his brother. Outright growling. What in the world?

My brows are still pulled together when I realize one of the brothers is missing. “Where’s Hunter?”

This makes Austin’s eyes snap to mine, the chill in them cold enough to freeze me on impact. “Why? Gonna make him want to marry you too?”

What the fuck? A beat passes where I’m just standing there, staring at this beastly man.

“Hunter stepped out after the kids said hello to their dad. He’s not one for emotional anything, so I bet he’s out chopping wood, or doing something else just as manly,” Matt answers, eating up the awkward silence that had descended upon the room.

That’s pretty much all I’ve been running into with the newest Crown brother. Silence that’s awkward.

Not wanting to give him any more attention, lest we fall into another uncomfortable moment, I plate up the eggs and bring them to the table. “Hope y’all like ‘em scrambled.”

I set down the massive skillet with the eggs, complete with more bacon, cheese, green onions, and tomatoes. My mouth waters and I’m dying for a taste, but you won’t catch me eating at the table with Austin.

“This smells amazing, Anaya.” Jack offers praise, serving himself as I walk out of the kitchen.

“Enjoy! Just holler at me when the kids are done eating.” Turning toward Amanda and Alex, I give them my biggest smile. “We can hit up the game room before bedtime.”

“Stay.” Austin’s gravelly demand has me freezing in place before I can leave.

Slowly, I turn to face him, only to be blown away by his rugged beauty. Deep green eyes bore into me, his brows pushing together. Seems he’s just as surprised by his request as I am.

Licking my suddenly dry lips, I take a second to gather my composure. I’m shell shocked, and apparently so is the rest of the room as everyone has fallen silent—even the kids.

Stay. It was a demand, not a request.

My chest is vibrating with rage, pushing me closer to giving him a piece of my mind. Behave, Anaya. I remind myself that I want this job. Not only because I’ve grown attached to the kids, but because I’m not ready to go back home.

Slowly trekking to the open seat across from his, I place both hands on the backrest and bite my tongue before answering. I need to give myself a second because all of the words that I’m thinking are definitely not kid friendly. Be nice, Anaya.

I’m still fuming when I pull out my seat. Who does he think he is, my father? And because I have no filter, my mouth reiterates what I was just thinking, letting the words out on a breathy hitch. “Yes, Daddy.”

Mortification sets in and I wish I could take it all back. Damn it. What was meant to sound sarcastic ended up sounding completely inappropriate.

I’m mortified, trying to keep my eyes lowered out of embarrassment when a strangled sound has me looking up. My eyes clash with Austin’s and I see something akin to pain flashing before his eyes, guilt hitting me straight in the chest. This man has been through so much, the last thing I want to do is bring him any more pain.

“He isn’t Daddy, silly. He’s papito!” Amanda’s cheery little voice breaks into my thoughts and I just about fall out of my seat.

To make matters worse, Alex puts in his two cents. “Technically, it’s Papa, or Apa for short, but Amanda has always called him papito.”

I’m choking on air as the rest of the table snickers. Thank God the kids are oblivious to my major fuck up. I try to bury my face behind my hands as a full-bodied flush takes me over. God, I hope my mom didn’t hear that. “Um…Right. I’ll remember that for next time.”

“It’s okay kids.” Austin releases a low chuckle, the sound resonating deep in my belly. “She can call me Daddy if she wants to.”

Ground, please swallow me whole. If I wasn’t beet red before, I most certainly am now.

Yup. I’m never living this down.

Just then, Mom places food and water in front of me and softly pats my shoulder. “Drink, Anaya.”

I do as I’m told because my brain can’t handle thinking on its own right now. Gah. I’m on autopilot as I bring the glass to my lips, my hand trembling with embarrassment.

Mom definitely heard my wanna-be sarcastic comment, and if anyone can read me like a book, it’s my mom. I just pray that she doesn’t dig further and leaves well enough alone.

I honestly don’t know what’s about to come out of my mouth if pushed, and the last thing I need is to mess this all up, putting me on a one-way ticket back home.

An involuntary shudder racks me as I think of Ray.

It’s been two weeks and I haven’t heard a word from him. Yes, I’ve turned off my cell, so he doesn’t have a way of reaching me, but he knows where my mom works and lives. I figure it’s a matter of time before he tries his luck here.

I need to call him, if only so he doesn’t come out here looking for me. That’s the last thing I want for this family. Tacking on my drama to theirs. They’re already going through a lot, and if this stunt doesn’t send me on a jet back home, then that certainly will.

Huffing out a breath, I poke at the food in front of me and shove a fork full of pancakes into my mouth. I’m going to make this work, even if it means biting my tongue and playing nice with the cranky Crown.


Dinner is winding down and the tightness in my pants has yet to go away. ‘Yes, Daddy.’ Anaya’s words are in a loop in my head.

The way she said them takes me back to earlier in the day, making me wonder if she has a submissive kink. Damn it. What the fuck am I thinking? That’s the last thing that should cross my mind. Yes, it’s been a long while since I’ve played in the bedroom—Blanca never being one who enjoyed the same things I did—but that’s no excuse.

My family is in shambles because of me. Hell, Penelope is still missing and my wife is dead. All because of me.

A silent rage battles within me as I try to temper my emotions. There’s no need to let my children see this ugly side of me. They’ve already been through so much. The last thing they need is a mean father on top of all that.

My thoughts drift back to my dad. The reason I went down the rabbit hole in the first place.

I need to tell my brothers what I found and offload this knowledge that’s weighing down on me like a ton of bricks. A weight that almost dragged me down and buried me alive, costing me everything.

Knowledge is dangerous, though. I have to make sure none of them will do as I did. I need to keep them safe.

I’m lost in my thoughts when a chair scraping against the hardwood floors gets my attention.

“May we be excused?” Alex asks while Amanda practically bounces in her seat.

I blink, realizing that I don’t know what their routine is here. I’ve been gone from their lives for a few short weeks, yet it feels like years. “It’s seven. What time do you go to bed?”

A melodic voice answers, “They’re both in bed by eight, but Alex gets an extra thirty minutes until lights out.”

My eyes are focused on Anaya’s beautiful mouth, her rosebud lips slightly parted as she awaits my response. I don’t have one. My mind is too busy chastising itself for the images her pouty mouth elicits.

Right on cue, visions of my fat cock sliding inch by inch into her wet hole flash before me. I shudder, imagining her warm little tongue pressing up against my heated flesh and sucking. Fucking hell, what I’d give to have her on her knees.

This is so damn wrong. She’s young, the nanny, and to top it all off, I’m basically the one who signed my wife’s death warrant. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m breathless, battling to push these selfish thoughts out of my head, when Anaya clears her throat.

Right.” Unwilling to wait any longer, she turns to the kids without my input. “You have thirty minutes in the game room before I come and collect you for bed.”

Both kids come over, giving me another crushing hug I willingly accept before they’re flying out of the room and heading toward video games and dolls. If that’s still what they play with. They’re both in higher spirits than before and I’m positive the new nanny has something to do with it.

Making a mental note, I decide to find out what it is and what the kids are into now. Yes, I’m still recovering, but this brush with death has taught me that every day is a gift, and I sure as hell won’t waste a second of it.

“What’s their bedtime routine?” Anaya was getting up from her chair but my question stops her, leaving her slightly bent over the table, her ample cleavage on full display. Jesus Christ. Is there any part of her that isn’t edible?

Anaya blinks up at me. “Um, Alex showers and changes on his own while I bathe Amanda and get her ready for bed. Once I’m done with her, we have a joint story time. We alternate and take turns on who gets to pick the book for the night.”

I nod, warmth filling me as I picture her in a role that Blanca never fulfilled, even as the kids’ biological mother. The only thing that woman did right was take time to teach them her native tongue. Other than that, she was always ready and willing to pawn off her motherly duties.

Thankfully, we always had help from Pen. She cared for the kids when Blanca was inevitably off at some charity or meeting. And sad to say, most of my days were spent late at the office. Having been the only brother to follow in our father’s footsteps, I had a lot on my plate with the family business.

Rubbing my temples, I let the realization sink in. How screwed up is it that I didn’t see how dysfunctional it had all been for the children? Absentee parents and being raised by their half-sister.

“Are you okay?” Anaya’s soft voice has my gaze lifting to hers. Worry mars her pretty face and I’m instantly hit with the need to make it go away.

“Yes. I’m good.” I attempt a smile that comes out more of a grimace based on her deepening concern. “But I’d like to be present during story time from now on.”

She swallows, her delicate throat working up and down, sending more inappropriate images flying into my head. Lord help me. I’m going to Hell.

Anaya nods, but I don’t answer, just mentally will my dick to get the memo as she gets up from her chair and walks away. It gives me a perfect picture of the nanny’s tight little ass. Fuck, it’s beautiful.

I’m so lost in the way the globes move—lifting and falling with every step—that it’s not until a firm hand lands on my shoulder that I stop, finally pulling my eyes away from Anaya’s body.

“Office. Now.” Jack’s voice cuts through my mental haze and I see that he’s peering down at me, a mixture of confusion and concern painting his face.

I let his words sink in and I know that it’s time. Our talk is long past due, and we’ve been skirting around the obvious since they picked me up in Dallas. Nothing we’re about to talk about is good, but it all needs to be said.

I nod and push my seat back, rising with a deep inhale. Like it or not, it’s time to face the music.

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