Trojan Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 2)

Trojan Crown: Chapter 21

“There you are.” Ray’s voice sends bile crawling up my throat, my reaction to him now a visceral one.

“Ray, I’m busy. Now is not a good time.” I’m outside the barn, watching the kids take their riding lessons. Technically, I could spare a couple of minutes of talking since the children are otherwise occupied, but knowing Ray, a few minutes could easily turn heated and that’s not something I want Amanda or Alex to witness.

“I figured you’d say that, but I promise I’ll make it quick. Turns out they put me in the cabin right next to yours, less than a hundred feet away.”

My brows shoot up, shocked as hell that Austin would allow that. “Okay. I’m not sure what you want me to say to that.”

“I want you to say that you’ll come have dinner with me after the kids are asleep. Maybe we can get started on our own.” He waggles his brows and I just about throw up on the spot.

Gasping for air, I brace myself on the fence corralling the horses. “Excuse me? I’m not sure what gave you the impression that we are in any sort of position to be procreating together, but newsflash, we’re not. I’m not getting back with you, and the only reason I’m even okay with you staying here is so we can both get closure. It’s the least I could do after two years of marriage.”

Ray’s eyes narrow, his nostrils flaring from anger. “Anaya, you owe me more than closure. And with the way your boss was holding you, I’d say we’re more than even now.” There he is, the alphahole I originally fell for. Too bad for him, I can now differentiate between an alphahole and an alpharoll, and I much prefer the latter. “Look, I just want you to come to dinner tonight. We can talk, and if it makes you feel better, I promise to keep my hands to myself… for now.”

A sly grin spreads across his face, the sight making my skin crawl. I turn away, unable to stomach his smile. It all feels so surreal, like what we shared these past two years was fake and the veil I’d been under has finally been lifted, allowing me to see the real man that lay beneath.

Despite this revelation, I cave, coming to terms with the fact that I’ll have to face him eventually. Mom’s words ring true in my head. I can’t keep running away, and even if it’s just to end things, this needs to happen.

“Fine. But it’s just dinner, and there will definitely be no touching,” I answer Ray but keep my eyes trained on the kids, unwilling to give him any more of my time until tonight.

“Thank you, baby. I promise you won’t regret it.” Out of my periphery I see him quickly turn to leave, probably knowing that his lingering would result in my taking back my promise of dinner—something I almost did as soon as he called me baby.

My stomach turns at his term of endearment, the one that I’d gotten so used to hearing from Austin. I’m not even sure he realized the slip up, but that didn’t stop me from soaking it up every time it fell from his lips.

I know I shouldn’t compare the two men. It isn’t fair to either of them, but I can’t help it. It’s like my entire life I’d been craving Coke, only to get a sip and have it be the generic brand with Ray. The can says cola, but the taste is far from the real thing.

Now that I’ve actually tasted what real dominance and support are with Austin, it’s hard for me to go back to the way things were. Where Ray exerted his “guidance” with unfettered control over my finances, friendships, and even what I wore, Austin showed me that a true Daddy only took control when it was in his girl’s best interest.

My core clenches at the promise of his spanking, never letting me think I was anything less than perfect. God, that was so hot.

And even though I can’t be with him, for more reasons than I care to admit, it doesn’t mean that I’ll settle for less. I’d rather abstain for the rest of my life than subject myself to the likes of Ray. Even so, a promise is a promise, and I gave him my word.

I mentally brace myself for the argument we’ll be having tonight. But I know that the only way out is through, and despite how unsavory the journey getting there will be, I will make it to the very end and be free of that man once and for all.

I KNOW I’m running late as I’m tiptoeing out of Amanda’s room, but I just can’t seem to care. It’s been such a day between Ray’s unexpected visit and all the newness of my pseudo relationship with Austin that I just want to dive into my bed and sleep, not addressing any of it until tomorrow.

Apparently, fate has other plans.

I’ve just closed the door to the bedroom when two firm hands fall to my waist. Austin. The scent of sandalwood and something that’s all him envelops me. I want nothing more than to fall back into him, but I can’t.

What we had was just physical, and now that Ray is here, I’m not comfortable with even that much. Not because I want to go back with Ray, but because it just doesn’t feel right, being with another man while my husband is a stone’s throw away.

“Talk to me, baby. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Austin murmurs into my hair, the softness in his voice melting me on the spot.

Needing to nip this in the bud, I turn to face him but he fails to drop his hold. “We can’t do this, Austin.”

His eyes narrow, but he doesn’t back off. No, instead he pulls me in tighter.

“Do what? This?” Austin grabs hold of my chin, tilting my face up to his before his tongue laps at the seam of my mouth. A full body shudder wracks me as I gasp, the opening an invitation for him to do more, even if my mind isn’t in agreement with my body.

His tongue invades, caressing my own with a hungry embrace. Heaven. His mouth on mine feels like sheer heaven.

I’m mewling as his feet walk me back into the wall, his hands desperately roaming my body. Austin pulls back enough to lick a trail up the column of my neck, punctuating his assault with a nibble of my ear. “Or do you mean this?”

“Austin.” I’m going for a warning, but his name comes out sounding more like a plea.

“What, Anaya? What does my baby need?”

Damn. It’s so hard to think when he’s calling me baby, his hands and mouth owning every inch of me.

Him. That’s what I need. To feel him inside me, stretching me until I shatter, all of my troubles gone and forgotten.

But not only is that wrong, it’s irresponsible.

Reaching up a hand, I trace the line of Austin’s sharp jaw. “I’m not going to lie. I need you.” A deep rumble comes from Austin’s chest as something long and hard twitches against my stomach. “But that doesn’t mean I can have you.”

Austin lifts me, his strong hands falling to my ass as my legs wrap around him, bringing his hard length directly to my heat. “Who says you can’t have me? Tell me and I’ll set them straight.”

His eyes are wild, full of need and determination, and I know I’m about to shatter both. “I do. I say I can’t have you.”

“But why? We both want this.” His brows are pushing down as he grinds down on me, the tip of his cock nudging my clit and making my head fall back.

Jesus.” I roll my hips, unable to resist his hard length. Just one little rub up and down.

My action is enough of a green light for Austin, an animalistic growl coming from him as he carries me down the hall and into his bedroom.

I fucked up. I know I did. That swivel of my hips was a clear invitation.

But could you fault me? This man is like the finest dessert. It’s like trying to keep yourself from a piece of chocolate when you’re on a diet. It’s damn near impossible.

Austin closes the door with his foot before he takes me to his bed, ready and willing to do whatever he needs of me. God, does that make me a horrible person? What kind of woman readily fucks another man while her husband waits for her?

“Whatever thoughts you have running around in your head, stop them right now. Don’t let them into our bed.”

Our bed. Why does that sound so good?

With a predatory gleam in his eyes, Austin flings me onto the mattress, my body landing right in the center.

“We really shouldn’t,” I whisper into the dimly lit room, but there’s no fight in my words—not when he’s crawling toward me, staring at me like I’ve hung the moon.

“We should, and we will. You’re mine, and I don’t plan on letting you forget it.” Austin’s hand finds the hem of my dress, slowly lifting the cotton fabric and exposing my core. “Jesus, you’re soaked.”

He lowers his face, dragging the tip of his nose over my drenched slit, the coarse fabric of my panties making me mewl out in a needy plea for more.

I’m about to push him away when a rumble has me looking down into Austin’s possessive gaze. “Your scent gets my cock so fucking hard, baby. I could live and die between these thighs.”

How? How am I supposed to deny him access to my body when he says things like that?

“Austin.” I want to say more, tell him all the reasons we could never be, but no words follow.

No matter how much I try to deny this thing between us, it’s futile. Our bodies are drawn together, like an unspeakable tether tightening with each passing second and every inhale.

Austin climbs up my body until his eyes are on mine, flitting back and forth, his breath hitching. “I know, baby. I know. I feel it too.”

“What’s going on? What is this between us?” I whisper into his lips, his minty breath pulling me in and making me want a taste.

Austin doesn’t disappoint, his hot tongue dragging a lazy stroke across my bottom lip and making me shudder before he answers, “It’s fate, Anaya. You were made for me. You’re mine and no piece of paper or scrap of gold can ever say otherwise.”

Just then, he takes my hand in his, twisting the lone gold band free from my ring finger and flinging it across the room until it’s as far away from us as possible.

I’m gasping, my mouth hanging open as I take in what he’s just done. I’m not attached to the wedding band, and at this point I’d only been wearing it out of sheer habit rather than sentiment—but still.

Taking my jaw in his hand, he raises a brow. “That’s right, baby. Make no mistake, you belong to me and no other.” He’s nudging my thighs wider, his hand possessively cupping my sex. “This pussy is mine and I won’t stop fucking it until you’re screaming my name loud enough for Ray to hear.”

My core clenches in his hold, the sheer sinfulness of his words threatening to make me come on the spot.

Christ, baby. You like that, don’t you? Having your Daddy fuck you while your husband listens.” He’s nipping at my bottom lip, sucking it hard before releasing it with a pop. “Yes, the thought of him hearing you moan my name makes you drip with want.”

I’m panting, his words turning me on more than they have any right to. I’m so lost in him that his fingers catch me by surprise, making me yelp when he’s inserting three of them at a time, pumping and pressing into that spongy wall as my vision fades to black. “Oh, fuck.”

“So. Damn. Wet.” Austin crawls down my body, his lips biting at my nipples over the dress and soaking the material until the dusky color peeks through. “Fucking perfect, Anaya. My dirty little girl.”

It’s the last thing I hear before his mouth is assaulting my clit, his tongue flicking the tight little bundle of nerves so hard my back is arching off the bed. “Oh, god. Austin.”

He’s making obscene sounds, his mouth eating me with abandon as his hips violently fuck the mattress. Lord, he wants me as badly as I want him. That realization makes my walls pulse around his thick fingers, still busy, drawing out every single ounce of pleasure my body has to give.

Noises I don’t recognize are being pulled from my throat, my head thrashing left to right as I try to understand the sensations washing over me. Never in my life has my body felt like this, like a million sparks of light have taken residence in my body, popping off like Pop Rocks all at once.

Austin takes my clit between his teeth, applying the slightest bit of pressure, and I detonate, exploding so hard I feel myself gush as an unintelligible string of words leave my mouth. Holy Jesus. I’ve never done that before. Come so hard I actually squirted.

“What—what are you doing to me?” I’m breathing heavily, each word coming out on a ragged pant.

Austin’s deep chuckle has me shivering and my nipples tightening even harder. “Showing you who you belong to, baby.” He sits me up before his hands reverently go to my face, his touch so at odds with his next words. “But first, you need to be punished.”

“What? Why?” I’m sputtering as his large hand goes to my throat and tightens, feeling the thick swallow I’ve taken upon hearing his words.

“I specifically remember you having to scream my name as you came, but you didn’t. Seems to me like you need reminding.”

My mouth parts on a gasp as he flips me over, placing me on all fours as he trails a big hand up the back of my thigh. “Hands on the rails, baby girl.”

In a lust filled daze, I do what he says, my core already pulsing with excitement at what’s coming next. I’ve never been manhandled like this, and I love it. Like really—really—love it.

Despite my curves, I feel so small and delicate in his hold, his strong muscles flexing as he picks me up and throws me around. It’s fucking hot, and I’m already wanting more.

“Good girl.” Austin’s praise pulls me from my thoughts, the cold air hitting my freshly exposed skin as he lifts my dress up and over my ass, letting the fabric bunch at my waist. A feral growl rumbles behind me and I can’t help but look back.

My breath catches at what I see. Austin’s emerald eyes are a tempest of emotions, want and possession dancing in them in a searing gaze as he hones in on my core. “No other, Anaya. This little cunt will have no other.”

A whimper tumbles from my lips at his declaration. To be claimed like this would scare most girls off, but not me. I want this. I want him. Even if it’s just physically.

I go to touch him but he growls, “Hands.”

Austin issues a quick slap to my swollen clit, making my hands fly back to the headboard. Oh god. Why does that feel so good? My tingling little nub received a burst of pleasure from that bite of pain, and I can’t help but push my hips back, wanting more.

“Next time you do that, I won’t let you come.” He runs a knuckle between my folds, nudging the bundle of nerves with his next words. “Now be a good little girl and grind on Daddy’s hand. Use me like a toy. I want to feel your juices dripping down my fingers.”

Oh god, this filthy man has me biting my lip as I press back into him, using him like I used to hump my teddy bear when I was a little girl.

Shame washes over me as heat fills my cheeks, the memory of my swollen needy pussy pressing against the teddy bear’s nose, grinding on it and pressing my little clit on the hard plastic until the sensation exploded into relief. The act was shameful then, and it’s sure as fuck shameful now.

I’m married, my husband a mere hundred feet away, and what am I doing? Grinding on my employer’s hand like it’s my own personal sex toy. It’s wrong. This is all so wrong, but it feels so good it’s bringing me to the edge of bliss once more.

I feel a second climax approaching, the tell-tell darkness shrouding my vision, when his husky voice issues a command. “My name, Anaya. Say it.”

His hand retreats, and I whimper, only to have my body shake when his palm quickly slaps my core again. “Austin!” His name leaves my mouth on a broken sob. He’s driving me to the point of madness, taking me to the edge only to pull me back at the very last minute with that biting sting.

“That’s right, baby. It’s my name on your lips.” He’s brought his knuckle back to my slit, rubbing round and round my swollen clit. Over and over, he plays this game until I’m shaking, tears streaming down my face as my body begs for release.

“Please, Austin. I need you.”

The sound of his guttural roar mixes with the ripping of fabric as Austin tears my dress right down the middle, the white cotton falling to either side of me on the bed and leaving me completely exposed. There’s no warning. All I feel is the stretch of fullness as Austin impales his massive cock between my folds, the sensation of him in me feeling righter than anything in my entire life ever has.

This, right here and now, is where I want to be.

I know this is wrong, but right now, as his hard length slides in and out of me, his balls slapping against my sensitive clit, I give no fucks. I’ll willingly drown under this sea of pleasure and sin if it means I can have him, just this once.

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