Trojan Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 2)

Trojan Crown: Chapter 11

I’m minding my own business, walking back to the game room, when a hand grips me by the wrist, the force whirling me around and pushing me up against the wall.

“Why was he here?” Austin’s hard body is pressed against mine, the contact knocking all air from my lungs.

“What? What are you talking about?” His words don’t make sense. I’m gone, lost in vivid pools of emerald as his strong hands hold mine above my head.

“Your husband,” he snarls, spitting out the last word as if it personally offended him.

I’m blinking, my mouth suddenly as dry as the Sahara. This is so wrong—his muscular body is flush against mine, his hard breathing sending his chest into mine with every exhale. God, it’s so wrong. But it feels so good.

It takes everything in me not to moan out in pleasure, my starved body craving his touch. I should push him off. Tell him this is inappropriate. But I don’t. Instead, I just play dumb. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Austin.”

His grip around my wrists squeezes, but I stare on, unwilling to elaborate.

Just when I thought I had no breath left, the man presses his body harder into mine. “Talk.”

Damn him and his one word commands. Who does he think he is?

Out of sheer stubbornness, I hold out, refusing to answer.

Austin clenches his jaw, the tension making his cheek jump. “Answer me, Anaya.”

Unable to look him in the eye, I turn my face, his warm breath tickling my neck and making me shiver in his hold. It’s clear he’s not dropping this, so I finally sigh and give him a little of my truth.

“He came to take me home.”

I’m thinking that my answer will appease him, but it seems to have the opposite effect. He’s visibly angry, pulling something akin to a growl out of his chest, the hard expanse reverberating against my body.

Austin’s possessive eyes narrow before he leans in, his warm breath dancing across my lips. “No, baby. This is your home.”

My head whips back as much as the space and his embrace allows. Is he serious right now?

Blinking up at him, I try to make sense of what’s happening. This entire time, he’s been nothing but silent and cold, so at odds with the look in his eyes and the fire in his tone. It all screams ownership with one little word—baby. The term of endearment wasn’t lost on me, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t threaten to take my knees out. It’s only because he’s holding me upright that I didn’t fall.

I respond after finally recovering my wherewithal. “I was only supposed to stay until Penelope came back.”

Austin opens his mouth, his jaw shifting from left to right before he takes in a deep breath and finally releases me. I know it should relieve me, but the lack of his warmth has me feeling bereft.

He’s pacing now, both hands in his hair, looking every bit unhinged as I feel. “About that. Penelope and Jack…”

His words hang in the air, the pained look on his face palpable, as if it hurts too much to finish that sentence.

Oh, God. This poor man.

Not wanting to make this any harder for him, I reach my hand out and grab a hold of his, trying to bring him some semblance of comfort in what can only be an uncomfortable situation. “It’s okay. I know.”

He pulls away, his eyes sharpening. “What do you know?”

“That Jack and Penelope are a thing.”

His face contorts into one of disgust before he gives me his back. “How long have you known?”

“A couple of hours.” I swallow hard, deciding to give him a pass on the accusatory tone. The man went through literal hell on earth to get back to his kids, only to find out his family was the real-life version of a taboo love story.

“Right. Well, I don’t know if Jack already told you, but we’re going to need you to stay on a bit longer. The situation is a little tense now and I don’t know how things will play out. Don’t think Pen would be up for babysitting if I suddenly castrated my brother.” He’s turned back toward me, letting me see his eyes, all wild and full of violence.

His words should scare me, give me pause, but they don’t. Now that his body is fully facing mine, I can see past the anger and through to the hurt and what he really is. A brother who feels betrayed.

My eyes greedily take him in, allowing me the pleasure of cataloging all of his features.

His dark brown hair is disheveled, a few strands reaching forward toward his breathtaking eyes and strong nose. As if all that weren’t enough, the gods deemed him worthy of full lips and a chiseled jaw—my fucking downfall.

My vision is trained on his stubble when a hint of green catches my eye.

A design is peeking out from his collar, the vivid jade contrasting against the crispness of his white dress shirt. Oh my god… he has tattoos?

“Anaya,” Austin says my name and I realize I’ve been caught ogling.


The corner of his mouth twitches, but it was so fast I doubt my vision. “I know my brother hired you, but I need you to stay on. Say you’ll stay.”

My breathing picks up and my heart pounds heavily in my chest. Not because I don’t know how to answer, but because I’m afraid of what my answer will bring.

I’ve been at the ranch for a little over a month, and a great part of that time has been spent having inappropriate thoughts toward this cranky Crown. Saying yes can only lead me further down this path of temptation and sin. Dare I let myself?

“Enough.” The indecision must show on my face because a resolve settles over Austin, his large frame stepping toward me before his hand lifts toward my face. There’s a loud sigh and I’m unsure who it came from. Before I can figure it out, Austin makes a statement that has my heart doing the two-step. “You’re staying. This is your home now.”

The vehemence in his voice has my brows lifting. “Oh, and why is that?”

“Besides the fact that you’re amazing with the kids and that they love you, you’re safe here. Nothing will hurt you. I promise.” His words come out choked, the pain evident on his face.

My chest squeezes, feeling the magnitude of his statement but not fully understanding it. Why is it so important to keep me safe? He barely knows me.

Austin takes another step forward, his hands wrapping around each of my biceps, his fingers lightly squeezing. “I don’t know what he’s done to you in the past, but I know what he won’t be doing in the future.” His words stop, but his thumbs keep stroking my exposed flesh, the pads rubbing and making my skin tingle from his touch. “As long as I’m alive, that man will never lay a hand on you.”

He sounds so sure, his statement leaving no room for doubt. It makes me shiver as I take in his promise, letting it envelop me like a warm blanket on a chilly night. It feels so good to finally feel safe, that I never want to leave this embrace.

Austin’s eyes bounce back and forth between mine, searching for an answer. Something must click because his face becomes fierce, his hold on me tightening further. “Fuck. He hurt you, didn’t he? He’s a dead man.”

This shakes me out of my stupor. “No. No. He didn’t hurt me like that.”

Austin is staring into my eyes, the orbs I love so much narrowing into tiny slits. “How did he hurt you?”

“Just my ego. No big deal.” God. I really don’t want to talk about this. “Anyway. I’ll think about it. Staying on, that is.” Wiggling out of his hold, I slide off to the right. “Better get back to the kids. Last time I left them alone, Alex was trying to get Amanda to glue her hands to the table.”

His eyes go wide at that, and I realize I’m not doing a very good job of painting myself as a capable caretaker.

Nervous Chatter 1- Nanny 0.

I’ve started walking, but his words halt me. “Anaya, his name. What is it?”

Chewing on my lip, I slowly turn back, debating whether I should tell him.

He sees the warring thoughts on my face, turning his own a bright shade of red. “Don’t be stubborn. It’s not just your safety I’m worried about.”

The kids. Of course he’d want to keep a potential threat on his radar. Letting out a small breath, I tell him, “Ray Garcia.”

Austin bristles, his face flashing with shock before he quickly schools his features. What was that about?

Doesn’t matter. I high-tail it out of there, practically running out of the hallway. This brief encounter has left me all out of sorts. Lord knows I can’t handle any more broody alpha energy.

“ANAYA!” Amanda gets up from in front of her dollhouse and runs toward me. “You have to play with Pen and me.”

I look behind the little blonde ball of energy, seeing her big sister. She must’ve snuck in when I was in the hall with Austin. Oh damn. Did she see anything?

I’m mortified! God. That’s her stepdad. Her dead mom’s husband! She basically saw him pinning me to the wall and if my panties are any indication, a very willing me panting beneath him.

“Hey.” Her warm eyes reach mine, a small smile playing on her lips, not giving anything away. “Alex is working on his next airplane model and Amanda has just been showing me the dresses you’ve made for her dolls. I’ve got things covered here in case you have some business to handle… you know… with Austin.”

My face flushes red and I’m pretty sure I resemble a damn tomato. So much for her not seeing anything. Lord, she must hate me. I know I would if I were in her shoes. The nanny home wrecker. Such a cliché.

Clearing my throat, I step forward, unwilling to let this stop me from doing my job. “No business to handle. He just had some questions for me. They’ve been answered. We’re all good.”

She smirks. “If you say so.”

I lower myself between her and Amanda, leaning slightly so I can whisper, “Penelope, I’m so sorry. It isn’t what it looks like. Promise.”

Her smirk turns into a genuine smile. “First, call me Pen. Second, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t see a thing.”

Pen’s words bring me peace. With all the drama we have going on, the last thing I need is rumors spreading about me and the much older cranky Crown.

My thoughts float back to my friend who’d warned me about Ray. ‘Older men are nothing but heartache. You’d do best to stay away.’ She was right about my soon-to-be ex, and I’m sure her warning would apply to Austin too. Not only is he broody as hell, but he’s got so much emotional baggage it makes mine look like a small pocketbook.

I’m about to pull out the box containing all the doll clothing when the door to the game room flings open.

“I told you to leave her alone, brother.” Austin is trailing a wild looking Jack, his eyes immediately falling on Pen.

“Pen. My study. Now,” Jack booms, rendering the entire room speechless. Seems like these one-word commands run in the family.

Austin steps in front of Jack. “She’s not going anywhere with you until I’ve talked to her. I gave you fair warning. As soon as we stepped foot on American soil, all assurances were off.”

“God, Austin. You’re making it sound like this is something I forced on her. Like she doesn’t want to be with me.”

I feel Pen bristle next to me as my eyes seek out the children, their small faces in clear distress. Standing up, I approach Austin and place my hand on his forearm. “Perhaps this is something that can be discussed outside?”

I make a face, shifting my eyes toward the kids, trying to get my point across. This isn’t a kid friendly conversation.

Austin’s eyes look panicked for a second before he clears his throat. “Pen, can I have a word with you?”

She’d been frozen in place as soon as they arrived, but Austin’s words move her into action. “Um, sure. Of course, Austin.”

“Over my dead body,” Jack growls, but his words stop as soon as Pen is next to him, shooting what are clearly mental death darts.

“I think this is a conversation that needs to be had, Jack.” Pen raises a brow, daring him to argue.

Jack releases a strangled noise, but nods. “Fine. But I’m going to be present.” He turns to me before his eyes flit to the children. “You good here, Anaya?”

“Of course she is. Haven’t you heard? Monroe is the next Mary Poppins.” Austin rolls his eyes before heading into the hallway, giving his back to the room.

Monroe? What the—?

My mind is a jumbled mess, eyes still trained on the trio heading toward Jack’s study, when a small hand fits into mine.

Amanda’s big eyes are looking up at me, worry riddling her pretty little face. “Is papito mad at Pen?”

Crouching down, I look her in the eye. “No sweetheart. He’s just being a good dad and watching out for her. It’s nothing you need to worry your pretty little head over. Promise.”

She nods, her face settling into one of peace. In that moment I’m so grateful to have known what’s really going on behind the scenes, because lord knows what I would’ve said had I been clueless.

I give Alex a reassuring smile as we head back to the dollhouse, but he doesn’t seem at all bothered by what’s just transpired. Either he already knows, or he’s just that lost in his project.

Either way, that’s something I’ll tackle when he asks. I’m sure there’ll be more if Austin’s face was any indication.

I just hope he doesn’t follow through with his threat from earlier. I really don’t think Pen will take it well if he castrates her future baby daddy.

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