Triplet Mates...

Chapter We're having triplet pups🖤

Ugh I've got a headach I open my eyes then I remember the rouges, the safe room, pack hospital, blacking out and CAMERON I sit up and look around my eyes land on Cameron who is laying next to me with needles in his arms I then gently cuddle up to him trying not to disturb the needles or hurt is body in anyway.

"please come back to me please I can't loose you, your brothers can't loose you and our pup can't loose one of their dad's" I say to him then kiss his cheek

I then look around again and I see Carter and Carson sleeping on some chairs and I laugh as they can't be comfy on them seats the seats are smaller then them they sit up fast after hearing me laugh.

"Jesus don't do that to us again baby" Carson said

he walked over and kissed me

"how long have I been out" I ask

Carter then comes and gives me a kiss

"about 4 hours" Carter said

I've been out 4 hours that explains Cameron being out of surgery and in the bed next to me.

"did the doctors say when he would wake up" I said stroking Camerons hair

"They said when he is ready but his other wounds have healed thanks to werewolf healing he should wake up but the stab wound won't heal properly untill the silver is out of his blood" Carson said

Just then to doors bang open Charlie and Mason are standing there.

"Thank goodness your awake" Charlie said walking up to me.

"The doctors going to come in and do a scan in a minute as they need to check on our pup okay baby" Carson said

I nod and give a small smile come on Cameron don't leave me fight.

Alittle while later the doctor comes in with a ultrasound machine Charlie and Mason leave as don't want me to feel over crowded

"right let's see what this pup is up to" doctor kaz said

He gets the machine all plugged in Carter and Carson come and stand by my side next to the machine.

"this gel is going to be cold okay just warning you so you don't jump" kaz said

He puts the gel on and moves the little ultrasound wand around my stomach his eyebrows shoot up.

"WOW! Well your pups are perfectly healthy here have a look" kaz says

He turns the screen around I'm 3 days pregnant but in werewolf pregnancy that's about 6 weeks I look at the screen and see 3 pups.

"TRIPLETS" I shout

Charlie and Mason must have heard cause they run back in.

"D-Did you just say triplets" Charlie said with tears in her eyes

"yes I did our luna ocean is carrying triplets" kaz said

I look at Carter and Carson they also have tears in their eyes I look over at Cameron I take his hand in mine.

"Cameron baby we are having triplets they are just like their daddies already come on baby wake up" I said

I'm not really expecting an answer I look back at the screen.

"w-what" Carson says his eyes widen

"t-that's our pups" Carter said with tears in his eyes

Doctor kaz does some more checks

"right the checks are done to you want me to print some pictures off" doctor kaz asks but I don't get a chance to answer

"yes erm about 5 please" Charlie asked I laugh.

"wow mama I didn't even get a chance to say anything" I said

she looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry okay I'm going to be a grandma 2 picture for me and Mason for our desks and 1 for your parents I'm getting something specially made for them then 2 for you guys for your offices too" Charlie said.

Doctor kaz said everything is perfectly fine with our pups but we have to have another check in 2 weeks as we are having multiples we are still waiting for Cameron to wake up he's been out of surgery for 8 hours now but I won't leave his side so I'm laying down reading a book when I notice Cameron hand twitch I lift his hand and put it in my flat stomach that will soon grow with life

"Cameron wake up baby" I said hoping my voice with sooth him.

"come on baby open them eyes" I said

I see his eyes twitch next so I mind think Carter and Carson to come back from the hospital cafeteria they come running in

"what happened baby" Carter said

"his fingers twitched then his eyes I think he's starting to wake up" I said

I don't even take my eyes of Cameron

"come on bro fight it we have news on the pups" Carter said

That did it his eyes shot open Carson helps him drink some water.

"pups as in more then one" Cameron says

I nod my head and show him the ultrasound picture

"triplets baby you and your brothers put god dam triplets in me" I said

Mason and Charlie ran in Charlie hugged him so hard

"Don't you dare panic ocean again Cameron I mean it she is pregnant she doesn't need extra stress" Charlie warned him I had to laugh at that

"he's still in shock mama we just told him about they putting triplets in me" I laughed she laughed too.

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