
Chapter Nuts.

Connie clung to Steven’s arm as they walked from the room after leaving the hearing. “If you die out there, I won’t survive it,” she said. She had marked him, and even though the bond wasn’t complete, the loss would be enough. She wasn’t recovered enough to take a shock like that, not with everything else she had been through. “I wish you didn’t have to do this.”

“We both know I do,” he said as he pulled her into her arms and kissed her. “I can’t let Alpha Theo live another hour, not after what he did to you. My wolf wants his blood coating his teeth, and I won’t hold him back.”

“I know,” she said. “He might hurt you.”

Steven just laughed. “I’ve sparred against him for years, I know him well. What he doesn’t know is that I was holding back. It wouldn’t be right for me to beat my Alpha in front of the others, but I pushed him to his best to beat me. Add in that I am mated, and he is not, so I have all the motivation I need to return to you.”

“About that mating thing,” she said. “We haven’t, you know, done it wolfy style.” He looked at Connie, his eyes clouding over with lust as he scented her arousal. “You will be stronger if you are fully mated, and I need you strong,” she said.

“You will feel my pain over the bond when we fight,” he warned.

“Yes, but I will be able to take some of your pain, share some of my strength. I don’t want to wait any more, Steven. My wolf and I need you. I want to complete the bond.” She pulled him towards the woods. “Please?”

“It will make it worse if he kills me.”

“He won’t, you promised me you would win, and I’ll join you anyway if you don’t return to me.”

He turned towards the woods with a smile. “It would be my honor,” he said. They walked into the trees far enough to be hidden, then stopped and stripped, placing their clothes over a branch. “I can’t knot you up, we don’t have time,” he said.

“Don’t give me much of a head start then,” she said as she shifted into her wolf. He watched her take off, counting to ten he shifted and tore off after her. It only took him a minute to catch up, reaching out a paw he swiped at her legs and caused her to fall and roll in the snow coating the forest floor. He was on her in a second, his jaws grabbing her scruff as he pushed her front down. She fought off the panic; she wanted this, and she raised her back hips to him. Her wolf was positively giddy as she moved her tail aside. He mounted her, pushing home in a single powerful thrust as he howled in triumph.

I will make it better for you next time,” he said as he locked his front legs around her hips and started to pound her hard and fast.

Oh, Steven, this is wonderful,” she said and the bond between them confirmed it. He reveled in the feel of his mate. His wolf was happy to be dominating her and his human side was happy she was accepting the mating. It was only a few minutes before he felt the tightness in his balls as he got close; he started to move even faster as she grunted and howled under him.When he came, it was like he’d been hit in the ass with a cattle prod; his whole body stiffened up and he pushed as deep as he could go. His teeth clamped down on her neck and drew blood to complete the mating ritual. She howled in pain and pleasure as she started to break around him, her body squeezing him, not wanting him to pull out an inch. The bond turned the pain to unbelievable pleasure as it opened fully, allowing him to feel her emotions and love.

He released her neck and licked the blood clean as his body relaxed over hers. They moved to the ground, lying side by side, neither wanting the moment to end. A few minutes later, they uncoupled and he licked her clean. “I love you, Connie,” he said.

I love you, Steven. Come on, we have to get back,” she told him as she got up. They trotted back to the Pack House area side by side, and Connie shifted and changed back before taking his clothing. He would be shifting again for the challenge, so there was no point in him changing now.

The noise from the crowd started to build as they got closer to the challenge field. She saw Alpha Chase standing behind Rori, who was sitting in a wheelchair at the far end of the circle. Her brother Sawyer was to her left and her mother-in-law Colletta was on her right. They walked towards them as this would be their home ‘corner’ for the fight. The other Alphas were all gathered near them, along with almost all of the Casper Pack. The Council was in the middle, and the opposite side was noticeably thin behind Alpha Theo as he trotted into the ring. If there was any doubt as to what the Casper Pack felt about Theo, it was obvious by where they stood around the ring.

The Oxbow and Arrowhead Pack members, along with guests from all the other Packs, filled in around the outside of the circle marked in the grass and snow. The former Council members and Daniel Forrest stood together behind Theo, Enforcers separating them from the angry crowd.

Steven glared at Theo, his growl backed by the crowd. Theo’s eyes got big as he saw Connie stroking his ears to calm him, the mating bite on her neck fresh. Their combined scents blew to his nose, and he shook realizing what that meant. He had hurt his mate, and nothing enraged a wolf like that.

Theo growled back, determined to take back his Pack from the temporary Alpha the Council had appointed. He stared down the members of his Pack, noting the few who met his glance and the many who glared back or avoided him. He would have to kick some ass when this was over.

Chairman Coffee walked into the ring and raised his hands, causing the crowd to go silent. “This challenge between Theo Waterman and Steven March is for the Alpha position at the Casper Pack. The Council’s temporary Alpha will step aside immediately after a victor is declared.” There was a roar of applause at this. “Rules of the challenge are simple. Submit the other or kill them. If you run from the ring, you forfeit the challenge and will be torn apart by the Packs surrounding you. If the other submits, their fate- death, banishment or punishment- is up to you alone. Retreat to your corners.”

Steven went back, standing before his mate. He was almost four feet high at the shoulders, so she was able to hug him without bending down. “Make it painful,” she told him as he licked her cheek. He turned and moved a few feet towards the center.

“Challengers ready….. FIGHT!” A roar went up from the crowd as the two ran towards the center of the circle. The ring was about thirty yards in diameter, so they were moving fast when they met in the middle. Steven gathered his back legs like he was going to jump up, and Theo committed to meeting him in the air. Steven didn’t jump, though, and Theo’s wolf jumped over him. Steven reached up, his jaws catching Theo’s back-right paw and he bit down. Theo yowled in pain as the bones in his paw were crushed.

The weight and momentum of the big wolf pulled Steven around and twisted his neck, but Theo ended up slamming hard into the frozen ground. Steven released him and they both scrambled to their feet, with Theo keeping his weight off the injured paw.He got a swipe of claws in, leaving furrows on the right side of Steven’s muzzle before he moved out of range.

The paw hanging uselessly created an opening, and Steven started to circle him towards that side. Theo was snarling, upset at the early injury and determined to even the score. He lunged at him, but Steven was fast for his size and avoided the teeth, then his counterattack tore a flap from Theo’s shoulder. The fight settled into a pattern; Steven moving and dashing in to do damage, and Theo staying defensive.

Steven was winning, and the blood-matted fur on Theo showed that clearly. In five minutes, he had opened up cuts and gashes faster than his wolf could heal them. His reflexes were slowing, and that lulled his opponent into taking a chance.

Steven bull-rushed him, hoping to knock him on his back, but Theo was able to get above him and grab on to the back of his neck. It was too low to kill him, but he bit hard as Steven howled in agony. He spun, trying to throw him off, but it only tore the skin open farther. Steven twisted, his claws raking across Theo’s ribs and opening deep furrows until his teeth finally let go.

The two circled each other, both limping and breathing hard. Steven raised up on his back legs, forcing Theo to meet him, but Theo only had one good leg. Pushing forward, he knocked him on his back. Theo used his front legs to try and hold him off his neck, not expecting Steven to turn and grab hold of the upper part of his front right leg. He crunched the bone, pulling hard on it as he shook his head violently from side to side. His teeth cut deep, and a few seconds later the limb came off in his teeth.

With both of his right legs gone, Theo struggled to get back upright. Steven ignored him, trotting over to his corner with the leg in his mouth and dropping it at Connie’s foot. “Such a good boy,” she said to him before he went back to his victim.

There was no way Theo wouldn’t bleed to death in wolf form and everyone knew it. The snow around him was colored blood red by the arterial spray. Steven stood over him as Theo lay back, exposing his neck. He was hoping for a quick death.

Steven was not about to give him that. He lashed out with his claws, ripping through his scrotum and spilling their contents onto the frozen ground.

It took a few seconds for the pain to hit, both for Theo and for every male who was watching. Most men in the audience reached protectively for their own balls as Theo howled in agony. Steven’s wolf smacked one of the testicles like he was playing with a tennis ball, but since it was still attached, it didn’t go far. He grabbed it with his teeth, carrying it over and dropping it at Connie’s feet.

Theo’s howl had ended, only his pained breathing remained. Steven ignored it, sitting in front of his mate he waited until the last rasping breath was taken, the last heartbeat sounded, and it was over. Reaching his head back, he howled his victory to the sky as his friends surrounded him. “Get him to the clinic,” Chase said as he looked at the blood soaking his back.

Steven shifted, letting out a scream of agony as his body realigned and the wounds were stretched. “Shit that hurts,” he said. One of the Pack Doctors was already there, placing a battle dressing on his wounded back.

Chairman Coffee came over and carefully raised his right arm as Connie wrapped her arm around him from the other side. “The winner and new Alpha of the Casper Pack, Steven March, and his Luna Connie!” The assembled crowd cheered as the Pack Bond formed with the new Alpha pair. When they could stand again, they walked off, the other Alphas following them on a path that took them past a clearly terrified group of men in protective custody.

Steven stopped in front of Theo’s father, who was shaking with rage after watching his son be killed in front of them. “Mr. Waterman,” he said.

Royce stared at him, hatred in his eyes. “I will kill you,” he said.

“I doubt that.” Staring into the men’s eyes, he finished back on Royce. “You are no longer a part of the Casper Pack, Royce. You are banished forever and made rogue.”

His face went white. “You can’t do that!”

“I just did. All the other Alphas are here. If you don’t want to be rogue, ask them if they are willing to take you, you piece of shit.” Royce got a panicked look on his face as the reality of the new situation hit him. Looking at the Alphas, they all turned their backs on him.

All except Alpha Michael, whose land he was now on. “Rogue, I’ll give you a five-minute head start to get off my land or my men, and anyone else who wants to join in the fun, will hunt you down and tear you apart.”


Erich Gruber stepped in front of him, hands out, hoping to defuse things. “The Council granted us protective custody, Alpha.”

Michael turned to the Council Enforcers who stood around them. “Gentlemen, what does the Council say now?”

The leader linked, then a smile cracked on his face. “The Council will not interfere with any decision the host Alpha makes regarding rogues on his land. After all, rogues can be dangerous.”

Michael looked at his watch. “Let’s make it more sporting. If you can make it into the Safe Room of the Arrowhead Pack House, I will spare your life and grant you free passage to anywhere in the continent. Anywhere else, my land or unclaimed, you’re a rogue and will be killed on sight. Sound fun?”

“You can’t do this.”

“I can, and I will. I’d get going if I were you, it’s a good twenty-minute run to the Arrowhead border.” Royce glared at him, wasting precious seconds, then pulled off his fancy suit and shifted. His wolf was big, but not as strong or fast as it once was. They watched it disappear over the hill as it raced west.

“PACKS!” His call stilled everyone in their tracks. “Royce Waterman is rogue and fleeing my land. If anyone would like to join in the chase, feel free to shift and go after him.” There was a roar, and many males and females started to pull their clothes off and shift. “HE GETS ANOTHER FOUR MINUTES AND TWENTY SECONDS OF A HEAD START. I WILL GIVE A CASE OF STEAKS TO THE WOLF WHO BRINGS ME HIS HEAD. HAPPY HUNTING.”

The old Council members and Daniel were literally shaking in fear as the Enforcers led them away. Each of them knew what was going to happen, and it wasn’t going to be pretty. The Packs were outraged at what they had done and were out for blood. Throw in some friendly competition and a run, and it was going to be a good afternoon for all but one doomed wolf.

The Alphas walked back to the house as the Doctor took Steven to get patched up. The Omegas had snacks and drinks waiting for them, all were smiling as they could see two of the bad men getting what they deserved. Michael looked at his watch, counting it down to zero, then he and the other Alphas sent to their Packs that the hunt was on. “He’s still ten miles from my border, much less getting to Arrowhead,” Michael said with a laugh. “He should have paid more attention to the map, that’s not the fastest way.”

“Wouldn’t matter, it’s not like he can make it to the safe room,” Chase said. “You’re an asshole, you know that? The safe room is under six feet of gravel and frozen dirt.”

“I know,” he said with a chuckle. They enjoyed their drinks and talked about their families as they waited. It wasn’t long before a chorus of howls went up, signifying the hunting party had caught up to him. Michael listened in to the Pack Link, the men weren’t in any hurry to end his suffering.

It took another fifteen minutes before another howl signaled his death. “Now the fun really starts,” Chase said.

“What do you mean,” Rori said.

“Well, it isn’t the wolf who kills him who gets the case of steaks, it’s the one who brings Alpha Michael the head,” he said with a laugh. “There will be more injuries from the fights on the run back than any of the fighting with him.”

“He’s right,” Michael said. “I better warn the Doctors to expect more.”

Twenty minutes later, it was like a game of keep away, played by huge wolves with no rules, had spilled out of the woods and into the clearing. The head was there, barely; the constant battles for possession had torn the ears and fur away, and the lower jaw was gone too. One of the Betas dashed in and grabbed it from a smaller wolf, taking off for the house before the others could react. He ran up on the porch, but instead of going to Alpha Michael, he stopped in front of a terrified Omega who had spilled her tray of drinks. The Beta got down on his stomach, dropping the head at her feet and nosing it towards her as she curled up in fright. “It’s all right, Tammy,” Rori said from her chair. “He wants you to have it.”

All the other wolves were gathered around, none approached the pair as she looked down at the bloody skull at her feet. “That him,” she asked weakly. The wolf nodded, then looked over to Alpha Michael. The Omega grabbed a towel from her pocket and dropped it over the head, wrapping it up. “Thank you, but it’s kind of gross,” she said. She picked it up and handed it to Alpha Michael as the crowd cheered and howled in victory. The Beta licked her face, causing her to squeal, then he trotted back off the porch.

Tammy was glowing as people shifted and congratulated her, and another Omega brought out the case of steaks for her. She pulled out a knife from a cabinet behind her and opened the box. Moving to the railing she started to unwrap and cut the steaks into big pieces and toss them into the crowd. The wolves were going nuts, fighting to catch them like fans over a foul ball. She was almost done when a barrel-chested man in a pair of shorts walked up next to her and took her hand. “Don’t throw them all to the wolves, save one for yourself,” he said with a grin. “I’ll even cook it for you, beautiful.”

“Okay,” she said shyly. It had been a good afternoon.

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