
Chapter Donna

Orlando, Florida

Donna stirred from her sleep, her face tucked into her husband’s shoulder as his chest rose and fell. She was sore, satisfied, hungover, and tired. They had been back home for a few days, as Roadkill had to get back to running his company, and she worked her shifts at the hospital.

Their honeymoon wasn’t what they expected, not with all the drama with Rori. She smiled as she thought back to how much things had changed in the last two weeks. Her daughter was finally happy. Donna could see Rori’s joy in her eyes and hear it in her voice. She wasn’t an unwanted crazy person that couldn’t be trusted. She was an Alpha werewolf with a Pack of her own. So many things in her life made sense now.

She let her hand drift down his graying chest hair and over his stomach. It wasn’t flat, but it wasn’t flabby either; it was the kind of body you got from hard work and harder partying. Last night’s blowout at the Club had been epic, and Three Tequila had shown her that her tolerance had improved quite a bit since she was young. The combination of fried food, beer, and shots caught up with her, and she ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

She felt her husband gather her hair back as she finished, flushing the toilet and rocking back on her knees. Roadkill handed her a cup of water, and she rinsed her mouth out with it. “You all right,” he asked.

“I feel like I’m too old to drink like that,” she said. “God, why did I do shots?”

“Because all the Ladies were doing them.” He helped her to her feet and handed her a large glass of water and two Advil. “Chug this and brush your teeth, I’m taking a shower.”

She finished up, then joined him in the shower. “How are you feeling?”

“All right. I’m a little more used to this life than you are. If you alternate shots with a glass of water, you’ll do better. More bread and less grease.”

“Those onion rings the Prospect makes are fantastic, though.” She washed his back, then he turned around and did hers. The mutual aid had predictable consequences for the newly married man, and his thick cock was soon poking her in the back. “Didn’t you get enough,” she asked.

“As if a man could ever get enough of you,” he said as he pulled her back into his chest. “I know you aren’t up for anything, though.”

“I can help you with your little problem,” she said.

“Don’t ever call that little,” he teased. Donn moved him where his back was blocking the spray, then got the Ivory Soap bar from the holder. Using her hands, she coated his shaft with soap and started to jack him slowly.

“Shit that feels good, babe,” he said. She was using both her hands with a light touch, moving up and down while she twisted her hands. Possum made sure she was keeping her hands soapy as she moved quicker, especially as she started to focus attention on his sensitive head. “Oh god…” His legs started shaking as she used her left hand, squeezing his shaft firmly as it jacked up and down, while her right palm was twisting back and forth on the head. He let out a loud moan as his hips bucked forward, and he started to shoot his cum onto her stomach. “Fuck, woman,” he said as he finished. “That was intense.”

“You like it? I call it ‘Happy Weenie.’”

“I loved it, but my dick is still tingling and sensitive. I don’t think we can do this all the time.” He kissed her deeply, then got out so she could do her hair. By the time she exited the bathroom, he was ready for work. Trucking companies didn’t do suits; he wore jeans and a company logo polo shirt. “I’ll be home about seven,” he told her. “Want me to pick something up?”

“No, I’ll make something.” Donna was starting a night run at the hospital, so she was going to get some stuff done in the morning and nap in the afternoon. After a shared dinner, she would leave about ten. “Love you.”

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, leaving no doubt whose woman she was. “I love you, Donna.” He walked out to the garage, opening it and starting his motorcycle. She got dressed and started cleaning up the bedroom again. Her stomach still wasn’t settled, and she thought about what she might be able to eat as she headed for the kitchen.

She heard the door open to the garage, wondering why she didn’t hear his motorcycle. “Baby, did you forget something,” she called out as she walked towards the room.

She saw the open door, but no one was there. She didn’t have a chance to say anything before arms were around her neck in a chokehold. She struggled and kicked, but her attacker was too strong. The blackness came, and she fell limp in his arms.


Rori was cleared by the Pack Doctor to shower in the late afternoon, and it felt amazing. Chase helped her, as her skin had closed, but the muscles and tissues were still healing. Some movements were painful. “Your washing me in the shower is becoming a trend,” she teased as he got into the shower at the Pack clinic behind her.

“Well, quit being a chew toy or a scratching post, and I won’t need to,” he teased. Rori moaned in pleasure as the warm water ran down her body. He did her hair for her, rinsing the shampoo and putting in conditioner before he clipped it up out of the way. Chase used a sponge to clean her, and he couldn’t resist a nip or suck here and there as he went. His arousal was obvious. “If you could handle it, I’d be taking you so hard right now,” he teased as he kissed her.

“If healed, I’d be begging for more,” she told him. “I’m not quite there yet.”

“I know.” He rinsed out the conditioner and quickly cleaned himself, then turned off the water. He grabbed a towel, putting it around her hair before gently drying her back and the rest of her body. She stepped out while he dried off, then he had her lean up against the vanity so he could dry her hair. When he turned it off, her phone was ringing. “Wait here. I’ll get it,” he said. He dashed out of the room and grabbed her phone from the table next to the hospital bed. Pressing the unlock code, he answered. “Roadkill? Hey, Rori’s in the bathroom.”

“Chase, I need to talk to her right now, it’s important.”

“No problem, here she is.”

Chase handed her the phone, and as soon as she said hello, he started to talk rapidly. “Rori, something’s wrong. I came home, Donna wasn’t here, but all her stuff was. Her car is still in the garage, her purse, phone, everything is here but her. Have you heard from her?”

“Not since last night. She talked to me before your party,” Rori said. Chase could feel her worry over the bond.

“I’ve called Mongo and Three Tequila, they’re putting the word out to everyone, but no one has seen her today. The house was wide open when I got home.”

“Any blood? Signs of a struggle?”

“Not that I saw.” He was close to breaking down. “Donna has work tonight. She wouldn’t just LEAVE without a call or a note. I had to call because the only people who wanted her dead were your kind.”

“Those men are gone, I took care of all that,” she said. “Once I came forward and met with the new council, it didn’t take long. There is precedent in our laws that Chase didn’t know about. Sawyer helped us with the legal aspects. There is a Pack Affiliate designation available to a human who has proven loyalty to the Pack and knows of their nature. The Alpha must designate them to the Council and is responsible for them, and they have to swear not to reveal our nature. The lawyer handling our estate got this status thirty years ago, but he was the last one in North America approved. Chase and I did that for both of you, and the Council approved your Pack Affiliate status. You and Mom are in no danger from us. You’re part of Arrowhead Pack, so we protect you as much as we do our own.”

“God, Rori, I don’t know what to do.”

“Trust the Club and keep your phone close, we’re coming,” she said as she stared at Chase with a ‘don’t even try to tell me no’ look. “I love you, Dad. We’ll find her.” She hung up the phone and walked back into the room. “Help me get dressed. We need to talk to the Council NOW.”

Ten minutes later, they were in the conference room with the Council and most of the North American Alphas. Rori recapped the conversation with her stepfather quickly, then asked for help.

“None of us were involved, Rori, and you’ll get all the help you need,” Chairman Coffey said. “Take the Council jet. We’re not going anywhere until after the Alpha challenge, so the pilots are just sitting around.”

“Are you leaving your Betas here with the Pack,” Alpha Michael asked.

“I’d like to bring Keith and Coral with me for security,” Chase said. “Rori isn’t in fighting shape yet, and I have no idea of how dangerous it will be. Can you watch over them while we’re gone?”

“Of course.”

“I’d like Charles to go with some of our warriors,” Alpha Martin said. “We still own a townhouse down there we can stay in, and some of my men are very familiar with the area.” They should be, they spent six months watching Rori and her Mom in Orlando with Ashley.

“That would fill up the plane,” Chairman Coffey said. “If you need more, just ask. Hopefully, you are back before the challenge.”

“I’ll know more when I get there. The Steel Brotherhood is already working it, and I’m the only one with status in the Club.”

“Go pack, I’ll have drivers ready in ten minutes,” Alpha Michael said. “Just keep in touch.”

They all got up, and Sawyer was first to give her a gentle hug. “It will be all right,” he told her. “Do you want Ashley to help?”

“I’m not taking your mate from you if I don’t have to,” Rori said. “We have enough, but thank you. Colletta is in charge of Arrowhead while we are gone, so help her out. If I need help, I’ll call you.” He hugged his little brother before we left the room.

“Your bags are coming down now,” Sally said. “Alpha Chase asked me to get them ready while you were still on the phone with your stepfather.”

Rori looked at Chase, who just shrugged. “Anything we don’t have, we’ll buy down there. Come on.” They loaded up two cars and sped to the airfield north of Duluth. The plane was waiting; ten minutes later, they were wheels up and headed for Orlando to find her mother.

Charles looked at the young Alpha pair from his leather seat across the small table from them. “I have a request,” he said. “We will need to be able to communicate while we are down there.”

“You and your men want to change Packs?”

“It would be an honor to be part of my Granddaughter’s Pack, even if it is only temporary. I already cleared it with Martin. He understands the need and expects it.”

“Wow.” They went through the ceremony, and Rori felt the new Pack bonds snap into place. “Welcome to the Arrowhead Pack, Gramps.”

“I love you, Charlotte, and this time I’m telling you that when you can’t run off,” he said. “Get some sleep. We won’t get much once we arrive.”

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