Traum Junge (Dream Boy)

Chapter [56]


We are gathered here today to commemorate the life of a lost soul, saved by the graces of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christian Joshua A. Lewis, a friend, a brother to some, a motivator, an idiot who loves to cover up the things that will burden his beloved, but most importantly, a sweet companion in the midst of this journey we call life.

Chris wasn’t always a person who was born perfect. He made mistakes he wasn’t proud of. He has done some unforgivable things to both himself and as well as to those he held dearly in his heart. He made some really bad choices back then, but, recently, some good ones too. He loved to travel, yet frugally skipped meals and buying clothes to afford the plane tickets. He was a free soul, but more importantly…he was human.

Of all the people I know, Chris is a really strong person. If he wasn’t, then I wouldn’t have known who he really is. We first met when we were 12, but it wasn’t until a few years after that when I really met him. It was at a nightclub, somewhere located in the near the dark alleys of New York. He…he was a wreck when I saw him once again, drunk with alcohol, covered with cold sweat all over. However, what scared me the most was him standing unbalanced on the railings of the balcony. He was about to jump I presumed, so I held him back with all I can. It was on that night our fate intertwined.

Chris is not really a very open person, but as time flew by, my persistence finally penetrated through him. Underneath all the bags of vices and all the tough exterior, I found his beautiful soul. I found him who completed me.

To be honest, I never really knew what love really meant before I met him. I thought it were just a big dose of sweet honey, but no. Love appeared to me as a broken piece of glass. I had to patch him up and mend him to save what’s left of his soul. Chris was often a misunderstood guy, but once you really get to know him, you’ll find that he understands you the most.

If you ask me if I ever regret meeting a guy like him, I’ll tell you, no. Because he was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He has let me view life in a different way. He let me feel things that I thought weren’t even possible. He was the love that completed the emptiness that has filled itself with greedy wants, and I have to thank him for giving me the chance to love him the same way.

I will always love him, and although it hurts to part with him in this life, I know that he will always be here beside me. That he will be waiting for me on the other side.

Chris, I know you’re here right now. This is not a goodbye.

See you soon, my love.

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