Trapped with Mr. Walker

: Chapter 21

I didn’t want the last words we spoke to each other last night to be about the past.

And they weren’t.

But I can never get enough of her, so despite me fucking her in my favorite way, and the words you’re going to make me come, spilling from her lips, I wanted more.

needed more.

I kept her up until dawn broke, worshipping her. Having her in every position that allowed me to see her eyes widen and her cheeks flush as she came for me. Again, and again, and again.

And that included watching her ride me twice more. Watching pleasure bloom through her body. Pleasure I created. It’s pretty fucking spectacular to experience from below. She looked even more like an angel up there, the morning light shining in through a crack in the blinds behind her.

My girl. My beautiful, perfect girl.

I smile over at her sleeping on our sofa. We said goodbye to Della, Brett, and Rose after brunch and I drove us back to the city. Harley sat down when we got back, and by the time I’d come back from putting our bags in the bedroom, she was fast asleep.

I pick up the spray bottle and begin to mist Bruce.

My phone rings on the table and I answer it quickly, so it doesn’t wake her.

“Hey, Stu,” I answer quietly.

“Hey. What you doing?”

“Watering Harley’s Bonsai tree.” I frown and purse my lips at Bruce as I spot a small brown leaf on one of the branches.

“Water—? Is that a kinky thing I haven’t heard of?”

“Yeah. It’s called horticulture,” I grunt, grabbing the tiny nail scissors from the drawer to carefully snip off the offending brown appendage.

Stuart laughs. “Pretty sure it’s called being pussy-whipped.”

I grumble, making him laugh harder.

“Can’t even deny it, Walker. You’ve got it bad. Never thought I’d see the day.”

I cut him off before he finishes laughing. “What do you want? I’m seeing you in fifteen hours.”

“We’ve got a small problem. Nothing we can’t sort, though.” His tone turns serious, and I place the scissors down and lean back against the table.

“Define small.”

I recall Stuart’s last interpretation of ‘small’. It was when the previous mayor, Dennis Vincent, started sniffing around the candidates for this election. He turned up at the office one day to wish me luck. Stuart was wary, of course. He’s no fool. But me? I know a rat when I see one. I don’t trust that corrupt asshole any more than he should trust his ‘business associates’ not to kidnap and torture his wife should he cross them. Maybe he got dragged into the organized drug ring supplying the city with enough smack to sink a small country. But whatever his sob story is, he used his position to aid known criminals, people who destroy the lives of others. I’d cut out my own heart with Bruce’s tiny scissors before I ever allow myself to get drawn into something like that.


I glance over to check she’s still sleeping on the sofa and lower my voice. “What do you mean, Harley?”

“Or should I say, Julia?” Stuart blows out a breath. “Some jerk who’s recognized her from photos of the two of you said he met her on a night out and she told him her name was Julia. I told him he’s mistaken, that they must look alike. But he insisted. Said she was gagging for it until you showed up and said you were her boss. He’s threatening to go to the press.”

I suck in a fast breath, my nostrils flaring.

“Give me his name.” I snarl, but I already know who this asshole is.

“Now, hold on. I know that voice. I’m not letting you ruin your position as a front runner because you’ve broken some bastard’s nose.”

“I’ll do more than break his fucking nose, Stu!” I crack the knuckles on my free hand, forcing myself to take deep breaths and keep my voice hushed. Harley is still sleeping, and the thought of her hearing any of this, worrying about it, has an acrid taste spreading over my tongue. That fucker will curse the day he ever thought to use Harley’s past against her when I get my hands on him.

“Listen… I’ve thought about it. Harley said the agency doesn’t have her real name on file. Or any of the girls’ photographs. It’s all for safety and discretion, right?”

“Correct.” I look at Harley again and my heart constricts. Stuart knows about the honey trapping. It’s his job to know everything as my campaign manager. Well, almost everything. He doesn’t know about my past. I never bring it up. As far as I’m concerned, that part of my life is over. But imagining the hurt in Harley’s eyes if she were to hear this. All because there will always be some lowlife who will bring up anything to try and discredit you.

It fucking guts me.

She deserves better. There’s no way in hell I’m letting anyone judge her for something she did. Something she had to do to help her family financially. I know her personal reasons for honey trapping, and they make me even less tolerant of this guy’s shit.

“We use it to our advantage. Say Harley uses a fake name when she’s out sometimes, for her own personal safety. It leads nicely into talking about your proposals for more robust investigations and tougher sentencing for sexual predators. This guy won’t have any comeback from that.” Stuart sounds pleased with himself. This is why he’s great at what he does. He always looks at the bigger picture. He could swing just about anything in our favor if he had to.

But when it comes to someone threatening my girl… all bets are off. I’d be swinging for their head and deal with the consequences after.

“Fine. But I’ll be the one to tell him.”

“Okay.” Stuart sighs. He knows when it’s useless to argue with me.

“Give me the asshole’s details.”

I write them down on a pad as Stuart warns me not to go overboard. I don’t make any comment to appease him, but I’m not stupid. I know phone calls are easily taped. This jerk will get the message. It’s what I won’t say that will have the loudest impact. I’ll make sure he doesn’t come sniffing around again. Fucker was probably hoping for a pay-off to keep his mouth shut. Once I’m done with him, he’ll think twice about ever trying to pull a stunt like this again.

She was gagging for it.

Fucking asshole.

I make the call; pretty sure I hear him piss himself on the other end when I’m only half done. As I jab the end call button and throw my cell down onto the bed, two arms snake around my waist from behind.

“Who was that?”

I turn, pulling her into my chest and dipping my nose into her hair.

“I thought you were asleep.” I kiss Harley’s head as she yawns and burrows into me, resting her cheek against my chest.

“I was. But someone growling down the phone woke me up. It sounded serious. Is everything okay?”

She tilts her head back and gazes up at me, her blue eyes still misty from sleep. I really did wear her out last night. If it hadn’t been so incredible, and exactly what we both needed, then I might feel guilty.

“It’s fine, Angel. All sorted. Just some asshole trying to cause problems.” I brush a thumb over her cheek, my heart swelling in my chest as she smiles softly and leans into my palm.

“Graham Hutchings?”

“No.” I chuckle. “Although he’s an asshole, too. No… this slimy bastard isn’t quite as clever as Graham. Don’t worry about it, Harls. He picked the wrong couple to mess with.”

“Wrong couple?” Her brow creases as she leans back to get a clearer view of my face. “This was about us?” Her eyes widen when I take too long to answer. “This was about me, wasn’t it?”

“It’s sorted. Just some guy trying to stir up trouble. Said you’d been going around using a false name.”

“A honey trap client?” Harley visibly swallows as I nod. “Reed, I don’t want to cause trouble for you and the elections. If my past is causing problems for you—”

I silence her with a kiss.

“Your past is not a problem. I’ve told you. There will always be fuckers ready to use it against you. But he knows nothing. He doesn’t even suspect it. He’s just a jerk mouthing off. He’s probably still nursing his tiny dick after you turned him down. And you know what?” I take her face in both of my hands. “Even if he told the world about your old job, who cares? You’d have the support of all the women out there, and all the decent partners who would never cheat. People go to the agency when they’re vulnerable, maybe heartbroken. And you help them. You help give them the evidence to make the decisions they need to make.”

“You sound like a recruitment pitch for it.” Harley smiles, and I raise my brows at her.

“It’s all my speech giving practice. Do I sound convincing?” I smile back at her as her eyes sparkle, setting a soothing blanket over the inferno that has waged inside me since Stu’s call.

“Yes.” She places her hands over the top of mine on her cheeks. “You convinced me a long time ago.”

I press a kiss to her forehead. “It’s all dealt with. Don’t even think about it again. I will always look out for you. You have nothing to worry about. Your past doesn’t define you, Angel. And yours isn’t even bad. Trust me.”

“I do, Reed. I do trust you.”

I move my lips down over her face, pressing kisses to her skin as I go until I reach her pink lips.

“Good. I will always put you first. Always. Don’t ever doubt for one second how far I would go to protect you. I would sacrifice myself for you if it meant no one would ever try and hurt you, especially by using your past against you. Okay?”

I kiss her, savoring the small sigh she makes as I coax her lips apart.

“Okay,” she whispers.

Then I pull her closer and lose myself in her.

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