Trapped with Mr. Walker: A fake dating steamy romance (The Men Series – Interconnected Standalone Romances Book 6)

Trapped with Mr. Walker: Chapter 40

arrests in connection to the blackmail offenses you reported.”

I look at Maria as the detective introduces himself. Her spine is straight, and she’s perched on the edge of her seat as she watches him, her lips pressed together. Griffin moves over to her and whispers something in her ear. Whatever it is, her face relaxes, and she looks up at him as he strokes her neck and says something else before pressing a kiss to her temple.

It’s been months, but I’m sure Detective Field remembers questioning her over the thefts from The Songbird spa as much as she remembers him. That whole drama almost tore her and Griffin apart.

I bring my eyes back to Reed, taking in his handsome profile as he listens to the detective. His jaw is clenched and there’s a muscle twitching in his neck. I slip my hand into his, wrapping our fingers together. He squeezes it, his eyes staying forward.

“We’ve evidence to confirm that a Mr. Graham Hutchings purchased an unregistered cell phone. This was the cell phone that was used to send multiple text messages and one video message to Ms. Jacobs. We believe from the evidence supplied by Mr. Chambers…” Stuart lifts his chin at the detective’s mention of his name. “That the reason behind the blackmail was to ensure your cooperation in securing George Yates’ position as commissioner of the New York City Police Department. So that he could continue to work alongside the former mayor—and as recent developments have confirmed, his biological father—Dennis Vincent in their non-publicized activities, shall we say.”

Reed curses under his breath at their names.

“As a member of the force, it’s my job to simply gather evidence and look at the facts.” Detective Field’s eyes shift to Maria, whom he gives a tight smile. “However, on a personal note, I must say, myself, and all the force have great respect and owe a great thanks to you, Mr. Walker.”

“We understand they were assisted by a Ms. Bea Costello, whom you had a former relationship with. A relationship that made her privy to events she felt could be used as leverage against you. She also admitted it was her idea to target Ms. Jacobs in order to influence your decisions. During her questioning, she is the only one of the three who has shown remorse.”

“Too little, too late,” Suze snorts across the room.

Detective Field’s eyes flit to her and back again.

“Ms. Jacobs…”

Reed’s thumb strokes reassuringly across the back of my knuckles as the detective turns his attention to me.

“After speaking to Mr. Chamber’s sister-in-law, following your suggestions, we have been able to identify the hotel the video you received was filmed in. And the approximate date it was taken. That being prior to the night of Mr. Walker’s assault.”

Detective Field clears his throat, looking back at Reed.

“Mr. Walker, I have personally reviewed the original report you filed twelve years ago. On behalf of the NYPD, I extend our sincere apologies that we were unable to get justice for you at that time. But please be assured, we’ve re-opened the case and are already pursuing new lines of inquiry arising since your interview with Mr. Tom Coulter aired yesterday evening.”

“New lines of inquiry?” My head spins as I look up at Reed.

“Yes.” Detective Field pauses. “Two other men have come forward. One, whom we believe to be the man in the video. And another, who has cited an incident that occurred two months prior to the date you gave in your initial report.”

I press a hand to my mouth.

“We can’t say much more at this stage. But once we have an update, we’ll be in touch.”

“Thank you, Detective,” Reed says.


He lets go of my hand and wraps his arm around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head. “Fuck,” he breathes out softly so only I can hear.

I press into his side, taking comfort in the solid warmth his body transmits to mine as Detective Field continues.

“In the meantime, I would appreciate if you would all make time today to come down to the station and complete individual statements with me to assist us.” He looks at Maria. “Or with Officer Jones, should you prefer.”

“That’s perfectly fine,” Maria says. “We’ll both see you later, Detective, won’t we?” She looks at Griffin, whose eyes are intent on hers as he shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips.

I can tell what he’s thinking. That she’s so strong and determined. It’s what I love about her. She won’t consider speaking to Officer Jones for a second. She will walk straight into that interview room that holds so many bad memories for her, and she’ll give her statement to Detective Field.

Because she’s a brilliant friend and she’s doing it to help me and Reed.

“It’ll be all right.” I look up at him, all tense jaw, eyes focused on a spot on the wall, breathing in and out of his nose like he’s fighting to keep his emotions from exploding out. “We’ll deal with it together.”

The darkened cloak of worry that’s marring his features lifts, and his eyes meet mine, softening. “I know.” His gaze drifts to my hair and back to my eyes as he gives me a smile that’s grown wearier as the morning has passed. “I know, Harls.”

I grip his hand tightly in mine as we show Detective Field and Officer Jones out.

The door has barely closed behind them when two of the catering staff from The Songbird arrive with a brunch that looks fit to feed an army. They wheel in two trolleys piled high with fruit, pastries, granola, yogurts, eggs, and French toast.

The distraction is exactly what we need. It’s like pressing a reset button. Breaking the somber mood and injecting some lightness and activity into the room.

The Songbird caterers begin setting up the dining table, and I gaze around the room. Stuart is saying something that’s making Suze tip her head back in a deep laugh, and Maria and Griffin are talking in hushed voices, his hand resting on her hip as she sits facing him.

It’s a moment of normality.

And I couldn’t be more grateful for it.

“How do you feel?” I look up at Reed.

He takes my other hand and holds both in his.

“Relieved. Sick.” His brow wrinkles as he looks at me. “Knowing it wasn’t me in the video is a relief.” He sighs. “But at the same time, I wish it was. Because now I know that it happened to at least two other people. It was only a few months before, same city, same blonde female. Same setup. The woman in that video is the same woman who assaulted me. And knowing that she did it to other men, it…”

I squeeze his hands as I stare at him, my chest heavy at the anguish on his face.

“… it makes me feel sick. Really fucking sick.”

I nod, as I listen. I would give anything to erase the worry and pain in his beautiful eyes.

“I can only imagine, Reed. It makes me feel sick knowing it happened to anyone. Especially you. But you’re living your life. It’s not stopping you. And you’re doing incredible things as a result. You’re the mayor. You’re going to fight for justice and truth. You’re going to help provide support for people who need it. I really am so proud of you.”

He smiles, stealing my breath as his smoky-quartz eyes stare into mine.

“Bottling it up almost made me implode, Harls. People, especially men, need to know they can talk about these things that happen to them. If me going through it makes a difference to someone else’s life, then…” He looks to the ceiling, blinking rapidly, his eyes shining. “Ah, fuck. I’m not going to…” He sniffs, squeezing his eyes shut before he opens them and looks at me again, the smile back on his lips.

“It’s okay if you do.” I smile back at him.

“I know.” His smile widens further, and he lets go of my hands and wraps his arms around my waist. “I know.” He breathes. “If I can help someone, then maybe I wasn’t meant to be a Rock God having women throwing their panties at me on stage after all.”

His sudden change of topic makes me laugh out loud. I rise on my toes and snake my arms around his neck. “I would have loved you, whatever you chose to do.”

“Would you be throwing your panties at me?” He smirks.

I shake my head as I laugh harder. This is Reed. He’s so serious and in control when he needs to be. But at the same time, he’s so happy to lighten any situation when he feels like smiling again.

When he wants to make others smile again.

Make me smile.

“You have plenty of mine already.” I grin, wiggling against his suit pants and the pocket he put today’s pair in before the others arrived. “I won’t have any left soon.”

“Sounds like the plan of a genius.” He slips his hands lower, filling his palms with the curve of my ass. “In fact, maybe I should pass a new bill as mayor. Harley Jacobs is never to wear panties again.”

“Oh.” I arch a brow as I look at his lips. “I’ll remember that for the next hotel management meeting Griffin asks me to take notes at.”

Reed stiffens instantly.

“Harley Jacobs is never to wear panties while in the presence of Mr. Walker. How about that?” He grins, sweeping his lips side to side so they dust slowly over mine, making my entire body tingle.

“In the presence of Mayor Walker, you mean?” I dart my tongue out so it runs over his bottom lip, drawing a deep groan from his chest.

“No, Angel,” he growls against my lips. “In the presence of your daddy.”

I laugh more as he squeezes my ass. Trapping me in his embrace.

A trap I would so gladly throw away the key for and stay inside for eternity.

I look into his eyes.

Then his lips are on mine.

Kissing me.

Loving me.

Being everything I need.

And so much more.

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