Trapped in Love

Chapter 164

Chapfter 164 I Can Make It Up to You
Kenny became emotional. “She is my goddess!”
Alex said, “Tell us more.”
Kenny let out a sigh “My dear Carol had a tough life. When I first met her, she hardly ate. She
managed work and studies while raising two babies. She made sure her children ate well, but she
mostly had just bread
I crossed paths with her at a fashion design contest. She offered to help me ensure a fair match
for 1,500 Murician dollars. My reputation, earned through hard work, was on the line due to the
“Honestly, I would have paid even 10,000 Murician dollars! She made some tweaks to my design
and sample outfit, causing the person who copied my work to lose the contest. From that moment,
my dear Carol became my goddess!”
Evan and Alex fell silent.
Alex eventually grasped the meaning of Caroline’s earlier comment. Evan’s suffering was minor
compared to Caroline’s tragic life.
Evan was consumed by quilt. He suddenly stood and walked to the washroom.
Caroline leaned on the basin to gargle after vomiting so she didn’t notice Evan standing behind
her. When she rose and looked in the mirror, she saw him with bloodshot eyes, staring at her.
Caroline became alert and asked, “What do you want?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Evan asked in a hoarse voice.

Caroline was confused. “What do you mean?”
Evan’s voice quivered with sympathy as he asked, “Why didn’t you let me know about your
Caroline shrugged indifferently, saying, “It’s not a big deal.”
“Caroline, I take responsibility for what happened before.” Evan’s expression was tense.
Caroline was surprised that Evan, who was usually so proud, admitted his mistake.
“I don’t get what you mean, Mr. Jordan,” Caroline replied.
“I can make it up to you by helping with your identity, finances, and status, but don’t blame Axel.” Evan’s tone was earnest. “You
can seek retribution from Daniella, but Axel is innocent.”
Caroline scoffed. “Do you think I want your charity? Evan, do you believe I’d take revenge on a child because of issues with
Daniella? Clearly, you didn’t listen to me that night. Trust has been nonexistent between us for a long time. Please, don’t interfere
in my life anymore! I never want to
see you again!”
With those words, Caroline walked away.
Evan hastily gripped her arm, asking, “How can I trust you won’t direct your anger at Daniella and
your disappointment in me toward Axel?”
Caroline was furious. “If you cared for Axel so much, where were you all this time? Is it my fault that Axel became withdrawn due
to the pain he endured? Were you too blind to see what Daniella did to him? Instead of doubting me now, you should think about
how you can get Daniella to make

She couldn’t reveal Axel was hers to Evan. If she did, Evan might confront Daniella and kill her. due to his anger from being lied
to. If that happened, Daniella’s fate would be better than what
Caroline intended.
Evan withdrew, his gaze dimmed. She was correct–his neglect had led to Axel’s current condition. It was his mistake, so blaming
Caroline for harming his son wasn’t fair.
The gathering ended without joy.
Axel brought his laptop to school on Thursday.

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