Tragic Bonds (The Bonds that Tie Book 5)

Tragic Bonds: Chapter 7

After finding out that Gryphon’s parents are both in the Sanctuary and down at the Tac Training Center, I abandon my original plans of going down there to work on my training. I am a little surprised that Gryphon hadn’t mentioned that I was able to keep him out of my head, but I chalk it up to him being preoccupied.

I feel embarrassed that it hadn’t even occurred to me that his parents might still be in the picture, and I feel a little bit off-kilter about it. I consider going back to Nox’s room and climbing back into his bed with him, but I think that maybe that is what’s keeping me jittery as well.

I need to breathe, get some space, and figure out my new normal. A new normal of having all of my Bonded at my side, loving me and protecting us all, no matter who it is that’s coming after us.

So instead, I get dressed and head into the kitchen, even though it is way too early to even be thinking about food. I rummage around in the cupboards until I have everything I need to make pancakes, a comfort food for me. I’ve never been all that good at cooking, but I have fond memories of getting up early on Saturday mornings with my dad and making pancakes together while my mom slept in.

I’m not sure if talking with Nox about their deaths has rattled me, but I find myself calming down in the easy practice of making the pancakes. They’re practically foolproof to make, and as long as I can stop myself from getting lost in my own thoughts, I won’t burn them either.

I make way too many for just myself, so I chop a platter of fruits up as toppings and grab the honey and maple syrup out before I reach out to Gabe and Atlas to see if they want to join me.

By this time, it’s getting closer to five a.m., so I don’t feel quite so guilty about waking them up. Neither of them mind, of course, and Atlas is standing in the kitchen with me before his eyes are even properly open, his hands framing my face as he presses our foreheads together.

He takes a deep, deep breath before he murmurs, “Please don’t disappear like that again.”

I sigh out a small giggle that’s more breath than substance and murmur back to him, “Do you mean the soul-bonding part or the part where I slept in someone else’s room?”

He gives me a wry look without leaning away, very aware of the fact that I’m purposefully not saying Nox’s name, before he mutters back to me, “Both. All of it, everything. Let’s not do any of that again.”

I press in to him, closer to wrapping my arms around his waist, as Gabe finally stumbles out of his room, half-dressed and sleep-rumpled in all his glory. “I’m never going to tell you that I won’t do it again, because if something happens to any of you again, that is exactly what’s going to happen. I’m not sorry about it either.”

Atlas nods and then releases me with one last kiss, happy enough to share me with Gabe as my Shifter bundles me up into a warm hug. I inhale deeply, my lungs expanding with the delicious scents of him as Atlas grabs the platters of food and moves them towards the table.

Gabe doesn’t feel the need to question why I had ended up in Nox’s room or why I had been so willing to sacrifice myself for him. Instead, he tucks his head into the crook of my neck and just enjoys the embrace before we head over to the table to the food.

Eating with the two of them is a rowdy and fun experience.

They bicker with each other about building and fighting prowess, and I’m happy enough to stuff my face until I feel as though my stomach is going to explode. Using my Gift has always left me hungry, and I’ve been using more of it lately than ever before. Even as my plate slowly empties, I start thinking about what I can make for myself next, or maybe a trip down to see the chef is in order.

I wonder if I could convince him to make me some lobster rolls?

“I thought you were heading down to the training center?”

I startle at the sound of Nox’s voice, but only because I’m still not used to them being able to sneak up on me. Atlas frowns at the movement, but when I smile at Nox, he eases up a little, just enough that I don’t begin to panic that there’s about to be an all-out brawl in the kitchen.

I swallow my mouthful of pancakes and with a shy smile, I say back, “I was, but then Gryphon told me that his parents were going to be down there. He didn’t seem very happy about it. I got the feeling that he didn’t want me to be around while the debrief was happening, so I made food here instead. There’s still heaps left, if you want some?”

Nox’s face, that was as calm and placid before as he ever gets, sets into a foul grimace as he turns on his heel and stomps back to his room.

My heart sinks a little bit, but then Gabe’s face looks about the same, and I realize it’s got nothing to do with me. Atlas looks between the three of us and then says, “What’s the deal with his parents? Why haven’t we seen them before?”

Gabe grimaces and shoves the last of his pancakes into his mouth, talking around them without a shred of shame. “Gryphon’s dad is an old school TacTeam leader. He used to be in the top dog position here, but when Gryphon worked his way up the ranks, he couldn’t handle his kid having such a high position and moved to work remotely.”

I scowl, and Gabe nods in return. “He doesn’t like the Draven brothers either. He insists on starting shit with the two of them, just to prove a point. North used to be able to deal with him civilly, but the last time they had it out before he left, he made shitty comments about Nox and basically said that Gryphon used his Bonded Group as a way to move up the ranks. He completely ignored the fact that his son is the best TacTeam member that we have and deserves to be in the highest position of power.”

Gryphon had conveniently left all of that information out of his quick explanation this morning.

I swallow and glance over my shoulder at the empty doorway where Nox had stood, chewing my lip a little as I think.

“Gryphon wouldn’t have told me all of that because he would have been worried about my bond,” I say slowly, and Nox steps back into the room, now fully dressed, Mephis and Procel at his feet.

“Exactly, but I think that meeting your bond is precisely what the General needs, Oleander. Would you like to join me?”

This feels incredibly mischievous, and a smile tugs at the corner of my lips, even as Gabe and Atlas both shoot me disapproving looks.

Like hell am I going to let someone disrespect my Bonded Group. After everything Gryphon does for us all, there’s no way I’m going to have someone questioning him or undermining his authority, especially someone who should know better.

Gabe curses as I stand, but my voice is nothing but sweetness as I reply, “Sure, why not? Just give me a second to change into something a little more appropriate for the training center.”

Gabe and Atlas both insist on coming with us, though Nox has no interest in waiting around for the two of them to throw some clothing on so that they’re not running through the town in their boxers. I don’t want my Bonded being on show like that though, so I take my time finding shoes and getting my hair tied back to give them both time to get covered up. Azrael sits at my feet with big eyes and his head cocked as he huffs at me in frustration.

He is not happy about the delay.

When we finally step out of the house, Nox directs me over to one of the ATV vehicles that only has two seats, smirking as he plans to leave the other two behind. Gabe shakes his head at him and starts stripping, ready to shift into something with claws and fur that runs quickly.

Atlas just rolls his eyes at him as he steps over to the garage, opening it up and revealing another ATV vehicle for the two of them to use, rolling his eyes some more when Gabe laughs, shoving his shirt back on in a haphazard way.

I can’t help but laugh with him, surprised at how light and joyful I feel now. There’s a part of me that knows it isn’t just having Nox that has lightened my spirit.

The fact that he knows what I did and is still choosing to be with me has lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders.

There’s a part of me that believes that my other Bonded wouldn’t be so quick to forgive me for literal murder, the worst sort of crime because there was no one more innocent in that moment than my parents, and knowing that Nox wouldn’t leave me even if the others might is incredibly freeing.

I have someone who has seen all of the ugliest, darkest, and worst parts of me, and instead of hating me— continuing to hate me, even— he’s chosen to love me instead.

For the first time since I was fourteen, I can breathe without the crushing weight of my guilt and the what-ifs.

Nox drives like a maniac through the quiet streets, only pausing to let children cross the road, because he sure seems happy enough to run down the workmen and early risers that we come across without a second thought. I duck my head so none of them see me grinning like a madwoman at his antics, North and Gryphon’s disapproving faces clear in my mind.

Neither of them would care if we took out a council member or two though.

Gabe calls out apologies to everyone, ever the peacekeeper. I work hard at not looking quite so joyful because, technically, I’m Nox’s accomplice if he does ‘accidentally’ murder someone with the vehicle right now.

It wouldn’t be classed as an accident, Nox says directly through our mind connection, and I shoot him a look.

Stop reading my mind, it’s creepy even when you do it.

He takes a corner a little too quickly and my body jerks against the seatbelt, shoving me at him, but he braces at the right time, catching me and holding me in the seat perfectly as he straightens up. He answers me without missing a beat, Push me out, then. You know how to do it, so do it. You need all the practice you can get before we’re facing that Gifted again.

I groan, but he’s right.

I really do need all of the practice that I can get, and even though it makes my forehead break out in sweat, I do manage to shove him out of my head.

Fuck yes, I’m going to be unstoppable!

Well, more unstoppable than I already am with my crazed and monstrous bond, the ability to mess around with people’s souls, and, apparently, bring people back from the dead.

Just your regular Gifted shit.

I feel a little queasy as we pull up to the training center, and I’m not sure if it is motion sickness at his crazed driving or the efforts of getting him out of my head, but I take a second to breathe before I step out. He doesn’t offer me his hand or try to help me out of the vehicle, but the way that he stands and watches me so closely is enough for me to know that if I asked for help, he would.

It’s actually a small breath of fresh air to have one of my guys not falling over himself to fuss over me, though I guess Gryphon is the same way. Quietly reassuring while happy for me to do my own thing, and it occurs to me that they’re all varying shades of protective in their own ways.

As we step out of the ATV together, Gabe and Atlas park behind us, jumping out in their haste to reach us. Both of them look pissed off at Nox’s obnoxious driving, and Atlas mutters under his breath viciously as he gives me a once-over.

I’m not sure what wounds or bruises he could possibly expect to find, but I give him a reassuring grin nonetheless.

I don’t want to admit how much fun I’m having, mostly because I don’t want either of them to think that I’m laughing at their expense, but really it feels good to be on the same side as Nox, for once.

I’ve never necessarily thought that he had a poor judgment on things, just that he was overly antagonistic. He has always had a good head on his shoulders about anything that didn’t relate to me, and there’s a reason that Gryphon and his brother trust and seek out his opinion.

He’s also a walking encyclopedia on all things Gifted and Bonds.

Atlas sidles around the ATV to get to me, throwing one last shitty look at Nox as he does, but aiming for a very gentle tone with me as he says, “Sweetness, you need to stop for a second and think about this. Maybe Gryphon doesn’t want you and Draven coming here to antagonize his family. If he didn’t tell you about all of the bad blood between his family and the Bonded Group, maybe there’s a reason for that. Maybe he doesn’t want shit to be started with his family. Just because his dad has shitty opinions doesn’t mean that he needs to have his soul ripped out.”

I stop for a second to consider this.

I wasn’t really planning on killing the man, but I also don’t want to embarrass my Bonded by running in there guns blazing when his dad is just kind of a dick. I look over at Gabe, but he is staring at Nox with an accusation in his eyes, as though this is all his fault.

It kind of is.

I glance at Nox, and a smirk stretches over his lips as our eyes meet. “The General said that Gabe should have been locked up for attacking Gryphon the first time that he Shifted. He also suggested that he should potentially be put down, like a rabid dog. He had a lot of opinions on what should happen in our Bonded Group.”

Nope, not going to let that sort of shit fly.

Maybe I will tear the soul out of this man.

“For fuck’s sake, Draven!” Atlas snaps as my eyes shift to black for just a second.

My bond pushes to come out to play, but I wrestle it back until my eyes are once again blue. No one really wants a bloodbath here, or the consequences of that murder, but I’m all for putting the fear of my god in this man. The things that my bond could do to him if he ever made those threats to us again… the things I could talk the Dravens’ shadow creatures into doing, all of it more horrifying than the last.

I stride forward into the Tac Training Center, Atlas cursing behind me and Gabe quick to follow us both, but I have a pretty firm hold of my temper by the time the doors slide shut behind us all. The foyer is full of people, and I search through their faces to see anyone familiar, but they are mostly Gifted that look at me with terror, which is a sign of someone who doesn’t know me very well.

Or someone who knows me a little too well.

“Jesus fucking Christ, you know better than to bring her down here!” I startle and Atlas shifts in closer to my side, but it’s only Vivian, standing there with a grumpy look on his face as he crosses his arms over his chest at us as though we are rowdy children who are disobeying orders.

“I’ve brought Gryph’s Bonded down here to meet his parents—how is that a bad thing?” Nox says with mock innocence in his voice, and again I have to bite back the grin that wants to burst over my face.

It’s something else being on this side of his snark.

I open my mouth to send a snarky retort back to Vivian, when Gryphon’s voice filters into my mind, Why did Gabe just tell me that you’re all here to meet my parents, and why exactly can I not hear you coming anymore?

I bite my lip and try to concentrate on what is happening around me so I don’t look like a lunatic, but it’s impossible when Nox answers for me, After how many months of you and North insisting on me finding common ground with Oleander, now you’re going to have to face the consequences of that. I taught her how to keep you out of her head, and I let her know some truths about exactly who your father is.

I can feel North and Gryphon’s irritation at him, and that does put a dampener on my attitude a little bit.

We can go back to the house if you don’t want us here, I say slowly, but I’m surprised when Atlas is the one that butts in, We’re here to make sure that your father knows exactly who his son’s Bonded Group is. If he thinks that Oli and the rest of us aren’t good enough for you, then he has another thing coming.

Vivian is staring at us all as though we’re insane, but Nox steps in closer to me as he sends Gryphon one last snarky message, Would you look at that? Bassinger and I agree on something.

It makes me a little bit nervous to think about how much Gryphon might be pissed off at us for showing up, but when he steps out of the meeting rooms, he only shoots a savage look at Nox before coming over to pull me into his arms. I tuck myself into his chest and let some of his strength soak into me, the hard planes of his chest just as comforting now as they were a few hours ago back in my bathroom.

“Your bond is not going to like the way that my dad speaks to the Dravens,” he murmurs to me quietly enough that I’m sure no one else around hears it.

I let my eyes slip shut and I check in with my bond to let it know that we’re not in any real danger, that this is family politics and it’s nothing that requires death or destruction. It’s not happy about it, but I think it’s still tired enough from the soul-bonding with Nox that it agrees to sit this one out. Small miracles.

“I’ll be fine.”

Gryphon pulls back to stare down at me and scoffs a little. “You won’t be fine. I’m not fine. North isn’t fine, and in a shocking turn of events, Nox is not fine, though I think he enjoys finding ways to horrify and enrage my father more than the last time that he had to be around him.”

I smother a smile—not wanting anyone to think I’ve gone insane at how much I’m enjoying the attitude that had once driven me so close to insanity—before I shrug again. “It’s up to you. I am happy to head home if you would rather me not meet them.”

Gryphon shakes his head at me slowly, the corners of his mouth downturned. “It’s not about you meeting them. It’s about them pissing you off. I don’t want anyone upsetting you, and your bond just adds an extra layer of ‘bad idea’ into the mix. It doesn’t matter how much we warn him to keep his mouth shut, my father can’t help himself.”

Atlas moves towards us, linking his fingers in mine and tugging me towards the meeting room. “Then let’s get it over and done with so we can get Oli back to the house. She shouldn’t be on her feet so soon after the soul-bonding anyway.”

I don’t want to point out that I’ve never felt so alive or in control in all of my life, because a nap with him and Gabe actually does sound amazing.

If only this meeting doesn’t spoil it for me.

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