Traded (Blood Ties Book 5)

Traded: Chapter 9

Headlights splashed along the expensive hotel’s driveway as I climbed out and glanced behind me at a dark sedan as it stopped behind us. London adjusted his jacket and glanced its way as he rounded the car and placed his hand carefully against my back. “It’s okay. They’re here for us.”

My pulse sped…of course they were.

I swallowed, trying to work some moisture into my mouth, and gave a nod. We were protected…within an inch of our lives. Hadn’t stopped them before, though, had it? London’s hand against my back guided me toward the towering glass doors as he watched the street.

No, it hadn’t stopped them.

I only hoped Guild was right, that The Order wouldn’t come for us, not out in the open like this. The trunk closed with a thud. I jumped at the sound, still hearing the boom of the metal coffin closing over me. Colt was two steps behind us as we made our way inside, the dark sunglasses dulling the sparkle of the lights in the foyer.

I tried to keep my panic under control as the desk clerk raised his head, smiled, then took one look at me. The smile died instantly. Still, he held his composure and turned to London instead, who slid a credit card across the desk. I glimpsed the name printed on the front, it sure as Hell wasn’t London’s. “Whatever you have available.”

“Sir…” he gave a careful nod but glanced my way once more before he started typing. “Let me have a look for you. It is rather late.”

“I’m well aware of the time.”

He winced at the edge in London’s tone. “Of course you are, sir. My apologies. It seems we only have one opening, the executive suite.”

“I’ll take it.”

“At five thousand dollars a night,” the clerk continued. London said nothing, just held the poor guy’s stare until he paled and reached for the card. “I’ll have someone come for your bags.”

“No need,” London murmured. “Just the key is fine.”

The guy hurried, punching London’s details into the system as he gave them. I risked a glance over my shoulder and saw Colt standing right behind me, watching the glass walls and the world outside until he turned back to me.

“There you go,” the clerk murmured as he handed over two keycards. “Please enjoy your stay at the Four Seasons. If you require anything—”

“We will let you know,” London finished for him as he slid his hand against my back once more. “Vivienne.”

I let him steer me toward the elevator, not feeling the Pretty Woman vibe at all. Instead, this felt more like The Bodyguard. The elevator doors closed in front of me and the shine of the steel triggered that panic all over again, until Colt brushed my arm with his.

The movement was subtle. With London’s sure hand at my back, it spoke volumes. I was safe with them. I was protected. Only it made me think of Carven…where was he? The doors opened with a whoosh. Colt left my side and stepped out first, one hand gripping my bag of clothes, the other a gun, one I hadn’t even seen him grab.

London waited for a heartbeat before he followed. Surely The Order wouldn’t be so fucking bold. As soon as the thought rose, I knew it was a lie. Of course they were that bold…because they were desperate.

Colt turned and met London’s gaze as we stopped outside the white double doors. One swipe of the card in London’s hand and he pushed through, urging me forward. I lowered the dark sunglasses as I stepped inside and stopped in the middle of the entrance.

“Oh my God.”

“God has nothing to do with it,” London muttered, stepping past me to head toward the wall of windows. “It’s money, Vivienne, pure and simple. Money and power, that’s all.”

Money and power. That’s what I was looking at now. The door closed behind me and I turned to give Colt a grin that stung like a bitch. “It’s stunning.”

He grinned right back and giving me a nod toward another set of closed double doors at the end of the expansive living room. Elation punched through me as I hustled forward, wincing at the pain. “I call shotgun on the master bed!”

London turned from the glittering city below as I hobbled for the doors, turned the handle, and pushed through. Colt just, stood outside and watched me, grinning like an idiot as I took in the massive king-sized bed and the surrounding room.

For a second, I felt like her.

The other Vivienne…

And not me.

I stumbled forward, clutched my side, and launched myself into the air to hit the comforter with a big oof! It was like diving headlong into heaven. I landed on a soft pillow and slowly sank down. Colt placed my bag on the foot of the bed and just watched me as London’s deep snarl filtered in.

He was pissed.




But I didn’t let that touch me, not now…not here. I rolled and stretched as far as I dared until that throbbing ache inside me grew fangs, then I pushed upwards and froze as I caught sight of the mammoth open bathroom. Even in the dark, I saw it. Hulking, dark…magnificent.

I pushed, slid off the bed, and went to the doorway before I reached inside and hit the switch. The lights didn’t just come on…they caressed. Dark amber stone, with a bathtub the size of the Grand Canyon. I stepped inside and stopped at the edge, trying to think if I’d ever sunk into something so glorious.

“I want it,” I declared. Colt was in the doorway. “I want that.”

A nod, and he came toward me, bent down, flipped the drain lever closed, and turned on the faucets. Water rushed from the waterfall spout at the end and soft lights lit up behind it, making it look like some private rock pool. I kicked off my boots, then slowly tugged off my sweater and dropped it beside the tub.

Colt watched me carefully while London’s growl continued in the other room. I tried to ignore him, just slid down my jeans, but stopped. “My bra,” I sighed. “I can’t reach—”

He stepped close. Gentle hands worked the clasp of my bra, then slowly slid the straps down my shoulder before his lips followed. I closed my eyes at the brush of his lips, listening to the cascading water in front of me. The rush and the kiss were an anchor I held on to.

My bra fell to the floor and the soft graze of a curled finger skimmed my side until his big hand closed around my hip. He was so quiet. If it wasn’t for the slide of his fingers under the edge of my panties as he dragged them down, I’d never know he was here.

I opened my eyes and turned to meet those blue eyes.

“Fine, Ares. You want to meet, then let’s meet,” London’s voice growled outside the bedroom. “You knew one day there was a damn chance of this. I told you once before I’m not here to pick sides. Fine…I said, fine.

The shine dulled.

The warmth grew cold.

Still, I stepped out of my panties onto the floor and lifted my foot to test the warmth before I stepped in and sank down. A moan tore free, soul-deep and aching, as I closed my eyes and sank back against the molded headrest. “This,” I whispered. “I would kill to have this.”

“Good,” London grunted, making me open my eyes to find him standing over me. “By the time this week is done, I’m sure we’ll kill for less.”

If it was anyone else, I’d have thought they were joking. But there was no amusement in London’s tone and after the night we’d just endured, murdering for a bath wasn’t out of the question. I held his stare as I let the warm water lick my breasts until my nipples pinched tight.

He stared.

My breath caught.

The slow rise of his chest made my pulse skip.

“Vivienne,” he murmured, then met my gaze. “I need to ask…did they, when they took you? Did they—”

I looked away and curled my shoulders as I covered myself with my arms. “No,” my voice was cold, emotionless. Christ, I sounded just like him. “They didn’t, but they intended to.”

The powerful chest sank with a sigh. “That’s good. That’s…really good.”

“No shit.” I held myself tighter as I watched him turn and walk away.

I lay there while the water lost its warmth and the hotel room lost its gleam, and all I wanted to do—all I craved to do was forget tonight ever happened. I just wanted it over…I just wanted it—

Thick tears flowed once more.

I pressed my fingers against my swollen eyes as Colt’s words rose…we don’t do that. We don’t succumb.

I may not succumb, but that didn’t mean this didn’t hurt like hell. I dragged the washcloth along my arms and watched the dried blood splatter melt away, until my skin was red and the scratches no longer stung. By the time I climbed out, my tears tasted like water and I felt like I could sleep like the dead.

I tugged on the thick bathrobe hanging behind the door and climbed into the expansive bed all on my own, robe and all. The lights were out in the living room. The tiny clink of a glass echoed. I knew he was out there, sitting in the plush lounge, drinking Scotch and scheming.

Always scheming.

My eyes closed on their own as I lay down against the soft pillows.


I exhaled, sighed…and drifted.


I jerked upwards, heart pounding, a scream trapped in the back of my throat. All I saw was the darkness. The cold, empty darkness. With my pulse thudding in my ears, I lifted my hand and reached out with trembling fingers, expecting to touch metal.

But I didn’t touch metal…I touched nothing.


I curled my fingers and my shoulders with it. I was alone…my body shuddered as grief savaged me on the inside until I saw it…the shadow at the foot of my bed. Thick shoulders, head tilted as he stared toward the quiet living room.


I slid over the side, my body shaking and fear trapped like a boulder in my chest, and stumbled around the bed to face him. Steel gleamed in the moonlight, bouncing off the shotgun lying across his lap. Silently, he stared straight ahead, then slowly turned and lifted those blue eyes that looked almost black to me now.

“Colt…” His name ripped from me. “I—I…”

He slid the gun from his lap and rose, coming soundlessly toward me. I lurched forward, slammed into him, and buried my face against his chest. His strong arms wrapped around me, but then he bent and placed the gun within reach on the bed.

We said nothing.

Because no words were needed.

I lifted my head to his, sliding my hand along his neck until he tilted his mouth to mine. I ignored the stinging of my lips as we kissed, until the memory of cold steel filled me and the bang when they’d trapped me inside the metal box followed. Panic thundered through me like a freight train as I pulled away enough to whisper. “I need you…Colt, I need you.”

His hands fell away, then he bent, lifted me, and carried me back to the rumpled sheets. My robe parted as he eased me backwards. One slow swipe of his hand and the tie unraveled, leaving me bare to his gaze.

“They didn’t…” I started before my throat closed.

He lifted his head. Shadows and sorrow were all I saw.

“They didn’t—”

He shook his head. “It wouldn’t matter,” he whispered. “You’re mine, anyway.” A quake tore through me as he lowered his head, kissed between my breasts, and moved upwards. “All mine.”

I slid my arms around him, closed my eyes, and narrowed in on the feel of his lips and his body. His big hands slid along my body. I was safe here. Safe with him…my silent protector. As that realization hit home, the walls I’d built inside me came crashing down.

There was only him.

Only this…


He lifted his head and rose to tower over me. One glance at the gun on the foot of the bed, then to the quiet living room, and he moved to drag the weapon closer with one hand and reached over his shoulder with the other to drag his shirt off.

I stared up at him, then ran my hands over the thick ridges of his stomach muscles until I touched the scars. He stiffened and watched as I stopped. The tips of my fingers skimmed the thick, raised edges that glimmered pale in the night.

“Mine,” I declared, and rose to slide my hands down to cup his ass through his jeans. “All mine.”

Pain fused us together.

Terror and The Order.

I kissed his healed wounds and took my time to feel every inch of him as I worked the button of his jeans before I reached in. He closed his eyes and dropped his head back. This powerful, deadly male was throbbing in my grasp. Even after all I’d endured, I still wanted him…

I wanted all of them, maybe more than ever.

Memories rose swiftly to fill my head. But this time they weren’t the cruel, confining terror of being trapped in that steel coffin…they were him. The way he’d launched himself over the sofa toward me. The way he’d beaten a man to death with his bare hands.

I cupped his cock and lifted my gaze as he met my stare. So silent. So utterly silent. His lips parted. The rush of his breath was loud in the space between us.

“Wildcat,” he whispered.

He spoke…this silent protector spoke…

For me.

I slid my hand free so he could ease back off the bed and push his jeans low. He kicked off his boots and shed the rest of his clothes until he stood naked in front of me, with thick, powerful thighs, the hard ridges of his abdomen, and a chest you could lay your head on and sleep forever.

Only sleep was the last thing on my mind—he stepped closer, climbed onto the bed, and pushed me back down—and it seemed like it was the last thing on his mind, as well.

He lowered his head, his mouth finding the peak of my breast. I lifted my hand and cupped his face. I needed this…to touch and be touched. I wanted to drown myself in him, in all of them. Anything to push the events of tonight back into the darkness of my mind where they belonged.

He crawled higher and bent his head to kiss me softly. Warm lips claimed me. His gentle hand pushed me backwards.

“Let me take care of you,” he murmured, his tone husky.

My body trembled as I slowly nodded, and he sank lower. I lifted my gaze to the ceiling, shoving away Daniels’s ugly fucking face when it rose.

And softly…a hum rose in the air.

The sound pulled me from the memory and made me look down.

Throaty, gentle, the faint sound drifted from him as he ran his hand over my thigh and leaned close to kiss my mound.

“What are you doing?” I whispered as I glanced at the darkened living room. “You’ll wake London.”

He stopped humming long enough to answer. “No, I won’t. He’s not here.”

Not here?

He focused again, his hand insistent as it parted my thighs. That sound continued and drew my focus to him and away from the terror in my head. I guess that’s what he wanted. My pulse skipped as I glanced toward that dark living room.

“You worry too much.” Colt grazed the back of one finger along my slit. “Do you think we wouldn’t protect you?”

That pounding in my chest grew louder as I turned back to him.

“Protection and revenge. That’s all that drives us now, Wildcat,” he insisted, and pushed my legs wider apart to kiss the top of my slit. “All there is for us now.”

Because of me.

And what they’d done.

He lifted my knee and lowered his head to lick my core. I unleashed a moan and slid my fingers through his thick hair. He licked, slid his fingers along the outside lips of my pussy, and rubbed me until that heat quivered.

His warm tongue slipped deeper and the tip danced around my clit as he rubbed and rubbed. We’d done this before, he and I, my virgin protector who’d had to be shown what to do. I dragged my teeth across my lip and this time, I relished the sting. He didn’t need to be shown now.

I lifted my head and watched as his finger slipped into my crease to follow the slick trail his tongue had left behind. His hands slid under my knees and lifted, as he tilted my hips to meet his mouth. His deep blue eyes were fixed on mine as he sucked my clit.

He liked to watch me, those ocean-blue eyes twinkling as I dropped my head back and closed my eyes. I gave in to him, his hunger, his desire…his love. Urgency thrummed in my veins, then spiked as he pulled away and rose upward, the blunt head of his cock pressed against my entrance.

I wanted this.

I wanted him.

I wanted to forget everything else existed.

As he pushed, sliding the thick head inside, everything else disappeared.

“Mine,” he groaned as he slid back out, then just barely eased in and out, stoking the fire. “Mine.”

The word resounded as my throat thickened and ached. But this wasn’t a time for tears or heartbreak. This moment was for us. Nothing touched us here. Not pain or terror, not The fucking Order. I lost myself in the rush of desire and answered. “Yours…all yours.”

And he thrust and drove all the way inside. I bucked with the force, and held on to him. My hands skimmed over the hard muscles of his arms, which flexed as he held his weight and slammed his hips against mine. Even though my eye was terribly swollen and the entire side of my face was darkened with bruises, he still looked at me like I was the most beautiful woman on Earth.

I didn’t need a movie to make me feel pretty.

I sure as hell didn’t need Richard Gere.

I had everything I wanted right here.

With them.

Colt lowered his head and kissed me before pulling out and sliding back down. I lifted my head, concern flaring. “It’s okay. You don’t—” His mouth met my clit as he sucked and replaced his cock with his fingers. “Oh my God.”

My legs widened on their own, my body trembled for a whole other reason, and it swept me away in the rush. Like a defiant reflex of its own, that desperate need for release slammed into me. I cried out and my body jerked as I came hard against his mouth.

With a threatening-sounding snarl, Colt rose swiftly, and his lips glistened with my release as he drove his cock home once more. I unleashed a moan as I pulled him down to kiss me. Slaps of flesh filled the room. He was thunderous as he threw his head back and unleashed a guttural sound as he came…hard.

Warmth spread through me. Deep breaths consumed me as Colt slowly met my gaze and eased out of me. Those dark blue eyes twinkled as he fixed me with a look that sent a charge of worry through me. “You okay?”

“I…” he started, then pulled away enough to sit on the bed beside me. “I think I might love you.”

My pulse skipped…then thundered.

“You do?”

He gave a careful nod and dragged his fingers through his hair. “Yeah. Is that going to be a problem?”

I swallowed as my heart swelled with desire. I could barely speak as I answered. “No. That will not be a problem at all.”

One thoughtful nod and my silent protector slid from the bed, grabbed his clothes, and pulled them on. In an instant, he changed right in front of me as he morphed from my lover to my guardian once more. He grabbed the shotgun from the bed and pushed his feet back into his boots as he looked down at me.

I saw that love now.

Maybe I always had.

“Sleep, baby,” he murmured. “I’ll keep watch.”

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