Traded (Blood Ties Book 5)

Traded: Chapter 6

London paled in front of me as he lowered the phone in his hand.

“What?” I whispered, lifting my gaze.

“London?” I heard his name come from the other end of the line.

But he didn’t answer. He wasn’t speaking at all. Just pressed his thumb against the screen and ended the call. Those dark eyes fixed on Daniels. I’d never seen a look so…murderous. Daniels felt the full force, taking a slow step backwards, past Jack and deeper into the darkness.

“You’re to keep him in your sight at all times,” London said slowly, his tone devoid of emotion. “I don’t want a damn hair on his head harmed. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, sir,” the guard murmured behind him.

One slow nod and London responded. “Good, because I want to be the one who makes this motherfucker scream and beg for his life. If anyone robs me of that, I’ll gut them where they stand.” He glanced at Jack. “Jack, we’ll have you out of here and back in your own room as soon as we can get the mess cleaned up and the problem fixed.”

Jack’s stare was stony, never once taking his eyes off me as he answered. “Take your time.”

I licked my lip and winced. My damn head was pulsing and howling, but it was nothing compared to the punishing agony in my eye.

“You should get that looked at,” Jack spoke, his voice full of concern.

I lifted my head, finding him through the slit of my eye. “Yeah, maybe,” I answered as London turned, glared at Jack, then shifted that stare to me…and winced.

“Let’s go.” He nodded, lifting his hand to the middle of my back.

I stole one more glance at Jack, lingering for a second. A tremor tore through me, stealing my breath. Was it the fact he was my only contact with Ryth that nailed me to the spot? Or was it something else…some kind of ache that fluttered in my chest.

“Vivienne,” London urged, his hand forceful on my back.

I didn’t have time to put into words the chaotic mess inside my head. I let London guide me out, taking one last look over my shoulder at the man who watched me with a careful stare, until the guard closed the door, locking Jack Castlemaine inside once more.

“Are we going home?” I asked, my steps fast under London’s guiding hand.


I scowled. No? “Then where are we going?” I demanded as we went back along the hallway to the foyer of the storage yard.

“To see a goddamn doctor,” he growled.

He never spoke to the guards again, not even a bark of a command. Just…nothing. I resisted, pulling away with a jerk the moment we were out of the building. “Hey!”

London kept walking, the heavy thud…thud…thud…of his steps echoing in the night.

“HEY!” I barked. He stopped, freezing with his back to me. Anger burned as I closed the distance. “You don’t get to do that…not with me.”

He spun and leveled that dangerous stare on me. “I don’t get to do what, Vivienne?”

“Freeze me out.” I stepped around him until he had no choice but to give me his undivided attention. “You don’t get to do that, London. You don’t get to be all up here.” I tapped my finger in the center of his forehead hard. Hard enough to shove his head backwards.

I doubt he’d ever been stabbed by a finger in the middle of his head in his entire goddamn life. But he had now…

His brow creased as his lips twitched. There was a flare of anger, one he quickly swallowed. Because it was me, right? Still, I waited for the bark of anger, or for him to grab me and haul me inside the car. He did neither. Just stared down into my eyes and said carefully. “What would you like me to say?”

“Oh, I dunno,” I growled, wincing at the goddamn sting in my lips. “How about, are you okay? How about we start with that? I mean…Jesus, London. You could show me you at least care a little bit, can’t you?”

That fucking twitch came at the corner of his eye. Christ, he was a cold sonofa—

“You think I don’t care that you’re hurt?” he said carefully as he took a step forward, then another, forcing me backwards until I hit the rear of the car. “You think I can look at your face and not want to destroy the whole fucking world?”

My breaths were hard, my pulse even harder, shuddering. This wasn’t what I—

He leaned down, those bottomless eyes staring all the way into my soul. His tone was low, husky and unmerciful. “You think I wouldn’t love to turn around, walk back in there, and put a bullet into that lowlife motherfucker?” Torture crossed his face. “I want it so much I can’t think straight. I can’t — I can’t get it out of my head. I want to tear him apart. I want his blood on my hands. I want all their blood on my hands. I wanted to tear the entire world apart when they took you from me. I would if I could. I’d torch it all until there was only you, me…and the sons left.”

I tried to swallow the lump in the back of my throat, but it wouldn’t go down.

“So when you ask me if I care, then the answer is yes, Vivienne. I care very much. I care…too much.”

Too much?

That tremor in my chest was full of shudders. Did London St. James just tell me he loved me?

“So right now, we’re going to get into that car and drive out of here. Because if I’m here a second longer, that’s what I’ll do. I’ll walk back in there and make good on my promise. I’ll kill Daniels…I’ll kill him and then I’ll start killing all of them and I won’t stop. We all will. There will be no end to this carnage, you understand that, right? You understand that once we start there is no stopping and, once we do, then we’ve lost the opportunity to find them. All the men who run Orders of their own. All those daughters out there. Ones who have no protectors. Ones who have nothing but terror and despair. Those are the ones who stop me from unleashing all the wrath I have burning inside me. They are the ones who keep me from ending it all right now.”

My heart lunged, slamming against the confines of my chest.

“So, now you know,” he murmured, his gaze boring into mine.

“Now I know,” I repeated.

Some part of me reeled with the level of his aggression…and obsession with me. And, another part—the part that had needed that level barely an hour ago, howled with satisfaction.

“Are you ready to leave?” he asked and even that sounded awkward for London.

He asked no one. But he asked me…

My chest swelled with the heady rush as I nodded. “Yes.”

“Good.” He stepped around me, headed to the passenger door, and opened it. “Then get in, so we can get the hell out of this place.”

I did, sliding slowly into the seat and waited for him to lean down and tug the seatbelt across. Dark seduction washed over me. I inhaled the scent of him, letting it flow through every inch of my body. What if what Daniels had done changed me? What if just the thought of London, or Colt, or even Carven, touching me was too much to bear? Would they discard me? Would they take me back to The Order?

I closed my eyes, letting the fear ripple and find a hold as the belt clasp went click.

“Vivienne,” London’s deep, throaty tone hit me like a sledgehammer.

I opened my eyes to find his stare and I didn’t know why I’d even thought I’d feel anything different as the tsunami hit me so hard it snatched the air from my lungs. An ache bloomed in my chest as I met his stare. “Yes?”

“You’re mine, Wildcat. Never forget that.”

Then he pulled away, leaving me aching for the brush of those hard lips on mine, and closed the door. I watched the movement as he headed around the car and climbed behind the wheel. The car started before we backed up and made our way out of the gate. London reached into his pocket and pressed a button, letting it ring through the speakers of the car.

“You’re alive, how disappointing,” came the voice on the other end of the line. My breath caught at the snarl, watching London as a roar of agony came from the background, loud enough to boom through the car, before it slowly died away.

“Where are you?” London growled.

“Why…don’t think you’re bringing anymore of your goddamn mess to my door.”

London’s hands clenched around the wheel. “Address, doctor,” he forced through clenched teeth, staring at the road ahead. “Don’t make me ask twice.”

“Fine,” the dead man snapped. Because if he wasn’t before, he was about to be. No one spoke to London like that. “I’ll text it to you,” he muttered as those screams of agony came once more in the background.

I fixed on that howl as I realized. That was Guild…that was Guild. I snapped my focus to London as the call went dead. Two seconds later a message appeared on the screen.

London hit a button, turning the address into a map on the screen. I was pushed backwards into the seat as he punched the accelerator, taking us through the city streets as we followed the directions.

“Stay close to me.” I turned my head and met his gaze. “I don’t trust anyone who isn’t us,” he added. “Not tonight.”

I gave a small nod as he pulled into the driveway of a small brown brick house at the end of a cul-de-sac. I barely saw the damn thing, let alone the streets that led us here. Second by second, my eye was closing, leaving me without a good eye and a thumping headache.

London pulled the car up against the house and climbed out, taking his time before opening my door.

“We’re heading around to the back,” he urged as he watched the street before turning back. “Take my hand.”

I did, sliding my fingers between his like it was the most normal thing in the world, until a flare of jealousy rose. How many other women had he held like this? How many lovers had he taken care of?

My steps stuttered, pulling away from him. Please don’t tell me it was her…that fucking bitch, Ophelia.

Anyone else but her.

Anyone else—

“What is it?” Panic deepened his snarl as London turned to me. My heart thundered so fucking much, my whole chest hurt. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake that consuming wave. I doubled over, unable to catch my breath as thick tears slipped from one eye and oozed from the other.

A cry tore free.



Like someone had reached into my chest and ripped my heart free. “Y-you…you and h-her,” I blubbered like some love-struck teenager and lifted my head. “You…you and her.”

Torment filled those eyes, just a taste of the pain he gave me.

“That’s all behind us.” He dropped my hand to cup my face with both hands and gently tilted my gaze upwards. “You hear me? That was done before this night existed. There’s only us now. Only us.”

I tried to hear the words.

I tried to swallow it down.

But I couldn’t seem to let it go, even when my knees buckled.

London was there, catching me before I hit the cold concrete path. Strong arms lifted and carried me around the edge of the building toward the back door. Thump! He kicked the door and the sound of heavy footsteps followed. The door was yanked open. I barely caught the darkened, blurred outline through the sheen of my tears before we were striding inside without an invitation.

“Jesus Christ,” the doctor muttered. “In here.”

London never said a word, just followed the guy into a room that was toward the back of the house and eased me gently onto a table.

“What the fuck happened to her?” The bark came with a tiny click.

Bright light blinded me. I let out a moan and shied away, hiding the tears that ran down my cheeks.

“You really are a bastard, aren’t you, St. James?” he snarled, turning off the light. “Easy now. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m a doctor.”

“I know,” I answered, then slowly turned and lifted my head until I found him through the slit in my eye. “And this wasn’t London, so you can stop the tirade.”

He stilled, then slowly straightened, his focus fixed on me. “Okay, want to tell me what happened?”

“Would you believe I slipped?” His lips flattened and his jaw clenched, the muscles flaring. “I guess not,” I muttered. “Let’s just say London didn’t do this. He saved me from the assholes who did.”

There was a second where I didn’t think he was going to believe me. But then he slowly exhaled and his tone became a little softer. “Then how about we lay you back so I can get a good look at you?”

My body trembled, shuddering with the quakes that gnashed my teeth. Still, I gave a nod and gripped the edge of the table. The doctor helped me, easing me down until I lay flat. London’s jacket rode up, revealing Colt’s t-shirt I wore.

The doc took one look at that and froze for barely a second before he turned around and grabbed his stethoscope. “Want to give us a little privacy?” he sort of ordered.

“No,” London answered, forcing the doctor to meet his stare.

He fixed those dark eyes on mine. All I saw was loyalty and pain…and a dangerous desperation that made a shiver tear through me.

“Not a request,” the doc pushed. “Besides, you can see to your buddy.”

“Guild?” I turned toward the hallway.

“Don’t you worry about him,” the doc urged. “Right now, your focus is on yourself. London will check on Guild. God knows it looks like you both have had a helluva night.”

“You can say that again,” I muttered, licking my lip at the fresh sting.

London’s phone gave a beep. I knew instantly it was one of the twins. “Go,” I murmured. “I’ll be okay.”

He didn’t want to leave, I knew that, knew it by the stubborn scowl that settled on his face until a low moan came from out in the hallway.

“London,” Guild called.

“Go,” I ordered. “I’ll be fine.”

He left reluctantly, but not before he gave the doc a look that spoke volumes…volumes of violence, that was.

“Looks like you have a fan,” I groaned, shifting against the hard surface under me.

“Lucky me.” The doc turned and went to work, shining the light in my better eye once more, before forcing my other eye open and pressed his fingers against the agony until I hissed. “It doesn’t appear to be broken. But you have some pretty severe hemorrhaging.”

“Lucky me,” I repeated.

He didn’t flinch, didn’t stop. Just started from the top, finding each gash in my scalp before he worked his way down, lingering on the bruises on my arms before asking. “Do you feel okay with me pulling up your shirt?”

I gave a slow nod. His fingers didn’t linger, his focus was fixed on my injuries alone. I waited for the revulsion of his touch. But the man was so damn respectful, only probing what he needed to check my injuries. I turned my head as he probed my belly, crying out and stiffening when he found the deepest of my pain.

“I need to ask,” he breathed, his tone commanding my gaze. “Were you sexually violated?”

My pulse thundered, smothering out the sound of advancing steps. But I held his stare and slowly shook my head.

I don’t know if he believed me. I didn’t have a chance to find out. The doc pulled the shirt down, covering me as best he could as London entered the room. Those dark eyes missed nothing, fixed on the doctor’s hand as he moved from my thigh to around my back, helping me to sit up.

“When can Guild leave?” London’s voice was threatening.

“A gunshot like that? A week. He needs medical care, London.”

“He needs to get back to work.” London fixed his stare on me. “Can you give her something for the pain?”

The doc didn’t like the intrusion one little bit. “Of course.”

He moved, stepping to a counter on the other side of the room and reached into a glass cabinet, rifling through it to pull out a vial. Not once did London look away from me. There was no softness in his stare, no flicker of embarrassment. Just that savage glare that turned to the doc as he handed me a couple of white pills. “These will help the pain. They might make you feel a little drowsy, but a good sleep is what you need right now. That’s if she’s safe…” He aimed that last part at London.

“Vivienne,” London said carefully. “How about you wait outside for a second while the doctor and I have a word?”

“How about no,” I answered, knowing full well only one man would make it out alive if I did that, and it wouldn’t be the doc.

“It’s fine.” The doctor held London’s stare while I slipped from the bench and my feet hit the floor.

I left them to their pissing contest and headed out with the pills in my hand. I didn’t search for a drink. Instead, I slowly made my way along the hallway to the doorway of another room…and to the man who’d risked his life to save mine.

Guild glanced my way. His eyes widened for a second as a look of anguish hit home. “Jesus, Viv.” He shoved upwards, rising with a wince and a guttural snarl.

His chest was bandaged, his arm strapped across. I stared, then slowly lifted my gaze. “Will you be okay?”

“Better than you, by the looks of it.” He reached up, yanked the electrodes from his chest and cast them aside, before he stumbled toward me. “Fuck, they did a number on you.” He gently grabbed my chin, tilting my face.

“It looks worse than it is,” I mumbled.

“I doubt that.” He released his hold, the concern in his eyes hardening. “Are they dead?”

“All but one.”

He scowled. “Who?”


He swore under his breath and took a step. “Where the fuck is he?”

I grabbed him when he wobbled. “Wait. He’s…he’s in London’s storage unit.”

Guild stopped, grabbed hold of the doorway and met my stare. “He’s keeping him alive?”

I nodded. “He needs him.”

He searched my gaze, fixed on the swell of my eye. “Not that fucking much. I’ll kill him myself.”

“Like hell you will,” London barked from outside the door as he stepped into the room.

He took one look at me before turning to Guild. “Good, you’re up. We can get back to the house.”

God, he was an unfeeling bastard. So fucking cold, all the way to his core. Still, he held out his hand for me. “Vivienne.”

I shook my head, but it was useless fighting him. It was useless fighting either of them. Guild followed with a steely determined stare as London took my arm and led me to the rear of the house.

“Wait!” The doc pushed through the door behind us.

His expression was thunderous, narrowing in on London. “You can’t do this.”

I watched him over my shoulder as London dragged me out of there, never once stopping.

“Think of the goddamn complications!”

“I am,” London growled as he rounded the car to the passenger side, opened the door, and ushered me in.

Guild climbed into the back, grunting with pain.

But it was the doc’s stare that gripped me as London climbed in behind the wheel. Because he wasn’t staring at London anymore…he was staring at me.

“What complications?” I asked as London started the Mercedes and backed out of the driveway. “London.” I jerked my gaze to him. “What complications?”

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