Traded (Blood Ties Book 5)

Traded: Chapter 39

The headlights bounced against the ornate windows of our home as we pulled into the driveway and came to a stop in front of the garage. I couldn’t move. One arm was wrapped around Colt’s, and my other hand was clasped in Carven’s, so I was tethered between them while London shoved the passenger door open and climbed out.

He slammed the door behind him with a bang, making me jump. But then Carven opened his door and held me as I climbed out, even though he was the one wounded. Those bright blue eyes were darker than I’d ever seen before, as he turned them from me to his twin.

“Colt,” he called.

I looked over my shoulder and found my quiet protector staring into nothing, just like he had the entire way here. Pain tore through my chest at the sight. I was so tired, so…empty.

But he needed me.

I pushed all that away and lifted my hand. “Baby,” I whispered, watching carefully as he turned his gaze to mine. “Let me take you inside.”

He looked past me to his brother, then to the house, as though he’d only just realized we were here. Slowly, he scooted across the seat and climbed out, letting me take his hand to guide him.

The moment we were inside, London shoved the study door open and slapped on the light. “Who the fuck was it?” he roared.

Boots thundered as Guild rushed around the corner and stumbled into the room. “Jesus fucking Christ!” He scanned all four of us with a panicked stare.

“It was someone!” London roared, dragging his fingers through his hair. “I want them found. I want them…dead!”

Sparks detonated in his eyes as he swung around, grabbed the heavy glass paperweight on the desk, and hurled it across the room. It hit the wall with a CRASH and shattered to the floor. There it lay while we all stared, numb and empty.

“I want them found.” He turned slowly, finding Colt, then Carven. “You hear me? I want them dead. No one touches my family…no one touches—” His voice broke as his gaze settled on me. “No one touches those I love.”

We all trembled in the presence of the man.

Of his rage.

Of his promises.

Of his need.

His hand went to his hair once more, only this time I saw the tremble, until, with a guttural growl, he strode across the study and lifted me from the floor.

“I thought you were dead.” He pulled me close and buried his face against my neck. “I thought you were all fucking dead.”

My hands went to his strong arms and slid over his shoulders as I turned my head until my lips met his to whisper. “Not while I have you.”

A wounded sound ripped from him as he kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he turned and carried me out of the study, ending the kiss. “Colt…Carven,” he called.

Steps sounded behind us as together we left Guild and the study behind and went to London’s bedroom. Black, silver…red. The colors all melded together as he strode toward the massive king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

He kissed me as he lowered me to the bed, gripped the strap of my dress, and tugged it aside to kiss the top of my breast.

“Rip it,” I urged.

“What?” he questioned as he met my stare.

“I said, rip…it.”

A deep breath, and he yanked, jolting me as the expensive fabric tore. The sound shattered something inside me. Some barrier that had held me frozen was now fractured, allowing me to sit up, grab the open collar of his shirt, and yank.

All I saw was blood…

Blood that had seeped into his shirt under his jacket. I stared at the mess, then lifted my gaze to his. “London, you need a doctor.”

He shrugged off his jacket and looked down. I shoved against the bed, rising…

“No, you don’t.”

He stopped me instantly, lifted that demanding stare, then yanked his shirt. Buttons popped and flew across the room before he yanked his belt. “You’re not going anywhere.”

He was nearly crazed with rage at that moment.

But underneath that was…


It was that which made me still, that which held me transfixed as he shoved his pants low and grabbed me around the waist. “Carven,” he murmured without looking away. “Take her hand.”

The son moved, rounded the bed, and climbed up beside my shoulder.

“Gonna put a baby in your belly, pet,” London’s voice was chilling. “One way or another.”

Carven’s hand clasped mine as London reached down, slid one arm under my knee, and yanked upwards. My body jerked as my hips tilted to the side. He slid his hand along my thigh, pushing my dress up until he exposed the black French panties he loved.

“My family,” he whispered as he reached under me to yank them down. “My fucking heart.”

My pulse leaped and skipped as he dragged my panties down and tossed them aside. His hands, so warm…so familiar, slid along my skin. I closed my eyes at the contact. “Do it.”

I felt the room still.

Warm breath rushed and followed the trail of his fingers as London parted my thighs. We’d almost been killed tonight…what a better way to celebrate our survival? “Fuck me, London.” I opened my eyes as he kissed the inside of my thighs. “Fuck me and fill me with your child.”

He sucked in a shaky breath.

The hunger in his stare had roared to the surface.

But he was so gentle as he kissed me, moving along the inside of my thigh until he closed his mouth over my sex. I moaned at the contact and arched my back. My hand wrapped tightly around Carven’s.

London stopped, then turned his head. “Colt…son?”

But my protector didn’t move. He just stared at me…


He stared through me.

I kept my eyes on him as London turned back and parted me with his fingers.

He wanted them to be a part of this, any way they could. His fingers slid inside me, and his tongue followed. I grasped Carven’s hand and gave my body over to them. Heat rushed through me, making me spread my legs wider and look down as London rose. He didn’t care about the bullet in his shoulder, nor did he care about the pain.

Instead, his focus was on one thing…


He slid inside with a sure thrust that caught my breath as he dropped his head and unleashed a moan. “Fuck, you feel like Heaven.”

He pushed against me, gripping my leg higher as he drove all the way inside.

“Uh…uh…uh.” My cries jolted as desire roared to the surface.

I shouldn’t be coming…

Not this fast.

But adrenaline punched through me, driven on the tip of his cock driving inside me.

“Harder!” I arched my back, my legs as wide as I could get them. “Harder, London!”

He gave a roar, crushing me against the bed as he pumped his hips.

I was lost in the impact. Empty and full all at the same time. A vessel for him…for all of them.

Lightning tore through my body as he stretched and fucked me like a man possessed. I surrendered and let the rush sweep me away. My body clenched and pulsed as I unleashed a moan of desire.

“You. Are. Fucking. Mine,” he grunted, jerking those dangerous eyes to me. “You understand that?”

I shoved upwards, grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled him down low enough to stare into his eyes. “You’re MINE too, do YOU understand THAT?”

With a low moan, he stilled deep inside me. My leg was pushed higher as warmth spilled inside me and I released his head and fell backward.




The word resounded through my mind. He stayed there as he sucked in deep breaths and held my gaze.

I thought he was done, but he didn’t pull out. Instead, he thrust again. That incensed look was sparking as he shoved his softening cock inside, then finally withdrew. His gaze lowered and found the mess.

“You will have all of me,” he grunted as he slid his fingers through the slick to push it back in. “Every…last…drop.”

An ache tore across my chest.

He wanted me pregnant.

But did he truly want me?

“Then marry me.”

He stiffened, then jerked his gaze to mine. “What did you say?”

I released Carven’s hand and shoved upwards on my elbows. “If you want me so bad, then marry me.”

He shook his head as a look of horror crossed his face.

I tried to hide the pain, but it was too close.

It was all too close.

Agony roared as he stumbled backwards, and with that came rage. I shoved upwards, not caring about the warmth that slipped out between my thighs. “You want to fuck me. You want to put your child in my belly, but I’m not good enough to wear your ring. Is that it, London?”

“No,” he groaned.

His knees wobbled as he turned gray.

“Oh, the fuck you do!” I barked as I practically jumped from the bed when he turned toward the bathroom. “You don’t get to play me, London. You don’t get to.”

He stopped walking and spun around “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?”

I froze and flinched as though I’d been slapped. The bedroom faded. In that moment, there were just the two of us…

“What do want?” I whispered, forcing myself to move forward. “What the fuck do I WANT?”

I lunged, driving my fist into his good shoulder as tears filled my eyes. “I want YOU, YOU STUPID FUCK!” I moved closer. “I want you. Don’t you get that? I want…you.”

He stepped back into the darkened bathroom until he hit the basin.

There was nowhere for him to run now.

No one to fight.

Just me.

I moved closer, hating how desperate he made me feel, and slid my arms around him. “I just want you, all three of you.” I pressed my head against his strong chest as the words spilled free. “You forced me into your life, into your home. You forced me to love you and now that I do, you can’t shut me out.”

“I’m not…”

I lifted my head as warmth slipped down my cheeks.

He was sickened at the sight, giving me a shake of his head.

“No, Vivienne.”

“Marry me.” My voice was hoarse. “Love me the way I love you.”

His brow creased and that empty stare was a knife to my chest.

I knew then…

Knew there was no changing him.

My arms slowly slid from him. “I get it now,” I whispered. “You truly are a cold-hearted bastard.”

He jerked at the words and his eyes widened. “I—”

I didn’t wait for him to say another word, just stepped backwards until I turned. The room swayed as I slammed into Carven, who stood there, watching everything.

“Wildcat.” He reached for me.

I shook my head, tore my arm out of reach, and stumbled into the bedroom. “Don’t…just…don’t.”

I left them there, walking as fast as my legs could carry me and headed for my room.

“Colt?” Carven called. “Colt?”

I stopped, looking at his closed bedroom door.

“He was just here,” Carven growled as he tore past me. “This is all we fucking need.”

I stood in the middle of the hallway and felt London’s cum slide from my body as I listened to the heavy thud of Carven’s boots that only grew more frantic. I tracked them as he raced from the kitchen to the rear of the house and back again.

London gently pushed past me, not giving me a second look as Carven strode back.

“He’s gone.” He shook his head and panic roared in his stare. “The FUCKER is gone!”

London grabbed his phone and punched the numbers. But the phone only rang twice, then went to voicemail. “Goddamn him.” London hit end, then tried again.

Only this time, it didn’t even ring.

Not once.

Like Colt had switched his phone off…

Like he was gone.

The hallway blurred. I stumbled to the side and slammed against the wall.

“No,” I moaned, remembering Colt’s vacant stare as I’d led him inside.

My knees buckled and I crashed to the floor.

I hugged my knees as I leaned against the wall.


“No,” I whimpered. “No…”

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