Traded (Blood Ties Book 5)

Traded: Chapter 16

I stared at the bottles of vitamins the doc had given me, then lifted my gaze to the mirror. The bathroom lights bounced off the yellowing bruises along the side of my face and made them look sallow and ugly. But I didn’t really care about those bruises. I probed the fresh red marks on the sides of my throat and winced.

Those I did.

A thumb mark on one side and a mess on the other in the shape of his fingers. I grimaced and turned my head to stare at what Carven had done last night. Any other time, I’d want them to darken, just so I could shove them in his face. But not this time.

Instead, I picked up my concealer and squeezed enough on my finger to smooth it over the blemishes. The last thing he needed was a reminder of what he’d done. I wanted that as far from his mind as possible.

I spread the liquid over the middle and smoothed out the edges before I picked up a brush and set to work blending. Last night had shown me the son was far too close to the edge. One wrong move and I’d push him too far from me. But I knew there was still a kinder man inside.

I just had to hold on to the hope I’d get to him. If I couldn’t, what then?

My hand stopped before I dropped the brush to the counter. I didn’t know. Because losing him wasn’t an option, I knew that now. I could still see the pain in Colt’s eyes after Carven had stormed out of the bedroom. You didn’t just get three-quarters of a package with them…you got the whole thing. Or you got the brothers torn apart, and there was no way that was about to happen.

I titled my head to check the blended concealer before I grabbed the vitamins and made my way out of the bedroom and the east wing of this moody, gothic mansion as I headed to the kitchen. My belly grumbled with urgency, only this time from hunger. My cramps were gone and I was almost done bleeding. Thank fuck for that.

Having a damn period was a literal pain, especially now I was living with three grown men…with serious appetites. Two of them at least, the other…well, that was still up for debate. Those neon blue eyes lingered in my head. He was so fucking savage. So ruthless…so angry when it came to me. I needed to change that. No, I wanted to change that.

The clatter of a drawer came from the kitchen as I stepped inside. Guild lifted his gaze as I entered and gave me a small smile before he saw the bottles in my hand.

Then the butler turned chef but was really a bodyguard, scowled.

“I see you’re following the rules,” he muttered as he turned away.

I glanced at the gun next to the knife block. “And I see you’re not taking any chances.”

He followed my gaze and gave a shrug. “Not after last time.”

I plonked the bottles on the counter and moved around to the row of upper cabinets before I stopped.

“Second on your right.” He reminded me for the fourth time.

I pulled the cabinet open and grabbed a glass before I made my way to the refrigerator. “Still no chef?”

“Still no chef,” he answered as he scribbled a list on a piece of paper.

I poured a glass of juice and set the container down. “Maybe better that way, fewer bodies to clean up.”

He met my gaze as his brows rose. “We were almost those bodies.”

I lifted my glass in salute. “Here’s to never being one, either.”

He clinked the crystal with his pen. “A-men.” Then he placed it down before he moved back to the refrigerator. “I was about to make some pancakes. You hungry?” My belly let out a howl, which stopped him and caused a small chuckle. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

I settled against the counter and observed as he got to work, gathered the ingredients, and set a skillet on the stove. He glanced my way and watched me swallow my pills one by one before he turned back. I remembered the first real moment I’d seen Guild, right as London drove his fist into his cheek for letting me escape. I carried the guilt of that encounter with me to this day. Still, it didn’t stop me questioning everything and everyone…especially now.

The black-and-white tiles in the kitchen seemed to tilt and shift as I remembered what London had told me. My pulse spiked and thumped in my ears. But I needed more information, and right now there was only one person who I knew I could trust to tell me the truth…and he was standing right in front of me.

“Did you know King was my father?”

He froze with his back to me, his hand still pressing the ignition on the stove as the gas burner came to life. There was a heartbeat of silence, followed by another, until the emptiness strained.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” I said slowly, repeating his own words back to him.

He turned around, but looked away. I saw the truth right then. What a fucking idiot I was. Of course he knew, they all knew. Everyone but me. Deep down, I was always a captive. I nodded slowly as I finished the pills, along with a healthy dose of pain, before I chased both with the OJ.

“I’m sorry.”

My smile was more like a wince. “Why? It’s not like you could betray him, right? We both know how he reacts.”

“He’s not a bad man, Vivienne.”

“But he’s not a good man either, is he?”

Guild just held my stare. “Are any of us?”

I slowly shook my head. “I guess not.” But I had an opportunity here, maybe the best one I’d ever had to find out as much information as I could. “So I was always what, the bait?”

Panic filled his eyes as he shook his head. “That was one thing you never were to London.”

I leaned over the counter a bit. “Then what was I?”

He cracked an egg into the flour and added a dash of vanilla. The sweet smell permeated the air and reminded me of Ryth as a pang tore across my chest. Christ, I missed her. Maybe more now than ever. I hoped she was safe where she was…and happy. God, I hoped she was happy.

“An opportunity at first,” Guild answered, drawing me back as he whisked the ingredients together before plopping a cube of butter into the pan. “But that was short-lived.”

My pulse sped as he spoke about London’s feelings.

“Then you became an obsession,” he added. “And his salvation.”

That ache in my chest grew at the words. “I did?”

He glanced over his shoulder and gave a nod. “No, you are.”

Heat rushed through me as he turned back and spooned the mixture into the skillet. There was a hiss as it hit the butter, instantly searing the edges. As it filled the kitchen with that delicious scent, I turned my focus back to the questions as I carried the juice back to the refrigerator.

“So, Hale runs The Order, which is some sick breeding, trafficking facility. The girls…I mean, daughters. They’re born from the women they have there, but do they all know who their fathers are?”

He turned back for a second. “You really should ask London those questions.”

I gave a chuff and pulled strawberries, blueberries, and a canister of cream out of the refrigerator. “Do you think he’d honestly tell me?”

He had to think for a moment before he turned back and flipped the pancakes. “Probably not.”

I closed the refrigerator and set about opening every cupboard until I found the plates. “So, who else do I have to ask?”

“No one.”


There was a heavy sigh before he answered. “I don’t know about the fathers. I guess no one would know. As far as I knew, each of the founders bred with the women they initially kept there.”

“Jesus.” Revulsion hit me when I thought of Daniels and the others breeding…until I remembered London was part of that sick facility, even if it was just to infiltrate. He was still there. Had he bred with any of them?

My cheeks burned with the thought. “Like Ryth’s mom?”

He swallowed hard. “Yeah, like Ryth’s mom.”

I tried to shake away the image, forcing myself back to the information. “And her dad, is Jack involved somehow?”

“He isn’t her dad, Vivienne,” he said carefully and turned around to face me. There was a panicked glance at the doorway behind me, which made me nervous enough to follow his stare, but I found nothing.

I turned back. “Then who is?”

Tension crackled in the air. Jesus, please let it not be Daniels or London…please let it not be—

“The same man who’s yours.”

I jerked, and my eyes widened. “King?”

He gave a slow nod as memories of Ryth flooded back. Every second we’d been together I’d felt a connection, from that first moment I’d snuck into her room and pressed my hand across her mouth. Somehow, I’d known it…I’d felt it.

King was her father…and mine. I’d never been so happy to have a fucked-up bloodline. Tears welled in my eyes as my throat thickened. My voice was hoarse as I forced the word around the painful lump in my throat. “She’s my…she’s my…”

“Sister,” he finished for me as he set the plate of pancakes in front of me. “Ryth is your sister by your father. Your mom, well, we lost track of her. We suspected The Order.”

Agony bloomed at the thought of the woman who was my mother. I didn’t know her. But I knew Ryth. I knew my…sister…

I strode forward and rounded the counter to rise up on toes and plant a kiss on Guild’s cheek. He flinched, and his eyes widened with surprise. But before he could say anything, I reached out and grabbed a pancake from the top of the stack. “Oh, hot,” I winced as I juggled the searing cake between my hands. “I… owe you, Guild. Thank you.”

floated around the counter, tearing off pieces of the pancake as I went…chewed and swallowed, then I realized I didn’t know where the hell I was. I scanned the hallways and started to head down the nearest one, only to stop and double back, only to find empty rooms.

Each step felt purposeful as I ate the rest of the pancake and passed an open door. Stacks of boxes drew my gaze, making me stop and stare inside London’s new study.

This was it…

I glanced at the Mac as I rounded the desk and pulled out the chair. Excitement filled me as I sat and hit the power button. Sister, the word rose as I wiggled the mouse and brought the screen to life, then logged into the account London had set up for me.

Think, I urged myself as I tried to remember what I’d done to connect the last time. Then I hit the icon to load up the program he’d used and started typing.

Ryth, are you there?


I WAITED with my heart in my throat. Still the cursor blinked and blinked while my knees bounced and my breath turned shallow. Seconds felt like hours…I licked my lips with nervous tension. “You know what? Fuck it.”

I started typing.

I DON’T KNOW if you’re there, or even if you’re okay. But I really hope you are because I just found out the best news and I really need to share it with you.

I STOPPED, my fingers resting on the keyboard. It was now or never…now or I’d be the only one who knew this secret. The only one who knew how important we really were to each other. Important enough to fight for. Important enough to…

Come back for.

My heart kicked in my chest. Would she do that? Would she come back to this if she knew? I remembered the way she’d fought when we ran from that place. The way she’d given it all, fighting next to her stepbrothers. She loved hard and completely. She’d be tempted if she knew about us. There was no doubt about that. She’d be tempted…

And that was all that mattered.

I closed my eyes and inhaled, dragging the agony deep inside before I opened my eyes and pulled my fingers back from the keyboard. I couldn’t have that, not even in the slightest. If she even contemplated coming back here to this war, then she’d be in danger.

I stared at that cursor as my throat ached and before I changed my mind I typed.

I KNOW WHAT LOVE IS. Real love. The kind that lasts a lifetime.

TEARS SLIPPED from my eyes as I hit the key and logged out of the program. The heavy thud of my heart boomed louder until I realized it wasn’t my pulse. I quickly swiped the tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand just as London strode into the study, his attention fixed on the phone in his hand as he scowled.

He stopped and glanced my way, then his eyes widened for a second before they flicked to the darkened screen of the Mac in front of me.

“Everything okay?”

I leaned backwards and crossed my arms. “I was looking for you.”

“Really?” He tossed his jacket over the top of the stacked boxes and something hit with a heavy thud. But he didn’t stop, just turned around as he worked the sleeves of his shirt to roll them along his muscular forearms. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?”

He was wary, testing me. Maybe he thought I was angry knowing King was my father? Maybe I had been before Guild spoke to me. But not now. Now was different.

You’re his salvation…

I pushed off the chair and rose to stride around the desk toward him. “Three million dollars, huh?” I whispered as I stopped in front of him.

His dark eyes flared as he pursed those perfect lips. Jesus, he was sexy, and dangerous. Dangerously sexy, that’s what he was. My pulse fluttered as I stood in front of him. I reached up and grazed those lips with my thumb. “Did you buy King’s daughter, or did you buy me?”

He held my stare, those lips moving under my touch. “You.”

My pulse quickened as I stepped closer and pressed my body against his. He didn’t make a move to touch me, just stood there, stoic and calm. So fucking calm as I looked up at him and slowly rubbed my thumb back and forth over that soft flesh. “Three million dollars is a lot of money, London, even for you. But it wasn’t just money, was it? How many deaths were there? How many men have you killed to get to me?”

He opened his mouth and allowed my thumb inside before I eased it out. Stars sparkled in his eyes. But he didn’t answer, just held my stare. I was fixed on my movement as I thrust my thumb inside again, only to have him suck it deeper. Desire slammed into me. I wanted him so much it fucking hurt.

I slowly pulled my thumb out and lowered my hands. The buckle clacked as I slipped his leather belt free. He didn’t say a word. But he didn’t need to. I saw London St. James now. Saw him more clearly than I’d ever seen anyone else in my entire life.

He loved. He loved so fucking hard it was choking.

You’re his salvation.

I might be his salvation, but he was my wet, erotic dream.

“Pet,” he warned as I worked the button of his pants. He was hard, straining against his fly I couldn’t stop myself as I slid my hand over the bulge and cupped hard.

His brow pinched with torment. I craved that reaction and continued to massage him through his pants until he unleashed a guttural groan and grabbed the back of my neck. Those hard fingers slid through my hair until they clenched.

“Just giving daddy what he paid for,” I whispered as I slowly sank to my knees.

I unbuttoned his pants and slowly lowered his zipper. His cock was already pushing through the gap in his black boxers. The thick, veined shaft twitched as I closed my fist around it and drew him all the way out.

Fuck, he was beautiful.

Thick, smooth, and all mine.

That ravenous stare found me as I opened my mouth and slipped the head of his cock inside. My lips met smooth flesh as my tongue trailed along the edge and chased that pulse, which throbbed even harder.

“Jesus fucking Christ.”

“Vivienne,” I mouthed as I slid him back out to lick the eye. “My name is Vivienne.”

That heavy stare drew my gaze. “Vivienne,” he murmured, and the sound of my name was like a drug as it tore through my veins.

I opened my mouth wider as his hold tightened on the back of my neck. He thrust slowly at first, but then I watched that spark give way to the monster inside. London wasn’t a good man…nor was he kind. He was brutal and dangerous, taking exactly what he wanted…and what he wanted was me.

“My good little pet, aren’t you?” he muttered, and thrust deep.

So deep my breath caught and built in my chest with the pressure. But it was like a switch had tripped inside him.

No, it was more like the monster was fighting to get to the surface.

The kind of monster who killed without question, who controlled, who confined.

Who claimed.

His lips curled to bare his teeth as he eased back out, let me gasp, and thrust back in once more. “My perfect little pet. I’m going to destroy you in the most beautiful, tragic way possible, and you will to crave every moment, won’t you?”

My core clenched as I worked his shaft with one hand and held onto his hip with the other.

“I’ll kill them all…” he grunted as he drove into my mouth. “I’ll kill them. All.”

He would, too.

I knew it.

Because it wasn’t a threat.

But a promise…

“Wider,” he commanded.

I opened until the corners of my mouth burned.

“Wider, pet.”

Those soulless eyes gripped mine. I let out a whimper and stretched.

He eased inside slowly, so fucking slowly until his head rubbed the back of my throat.

“That’s a good fucking girl…” his voice was husky and raw. “Now I’m going to come down this beautiful throat and you’re going to swallow it like the good girl you are, aren’t you, Vivienne?”

My thighs clenched together as the pulse throbbed even bolder between my legs as I slowly nodded. Those cruel lips curled at the edges. “I’m going to use you.” He shifted his focus to my mouth. “Then later, I’m going to take you to our room…” he licked his lips. “And fuck you with my machine until you’re nothing but a quivering, wet mess.” He thrust again, hard. “I’ll take care of you, pet. I’ll take care of what’s mine.”

I tried to hold on, even when he stepped forward and made me fall hard on my ass. His fisted hand in my hair was the only thing holding me in place.

“My. Good…little toy.” He thrust hard as he stared down at me. His pace quickened until my breaths were choked around the intrusions. Desperation creased his brow. In my panic, those words rushed back to me.

I know what real love is…

I did. It looked like this man…this man and his sons.

“Fuck,” he grunted as he drove in hard one last time.

Warmth splashed against the back of my throat as he groaned. I sucked in hard breaths through my nose. His chest rose and fell as he slowly pulled away, leaving a trail of saliva behind. I swallowed and eased my aching jaw closed.

“Wait,” he murmured as he slid his thumb along the corner of my lip. “Every drop, pet.”

I held his stare, opened my mouth, and sucked his thumb. His hold against my hair eased.

“So proud of you.” He slipped his thumb out, grazing my lip. “So very proud.”

My pussy quivered at the praise. I swear I was going to come by those words alone.

But I didn’t, just watched as he stepped away and held out his hand for mine. I took it and let him help me stand. In an instant, I was yanked forward and his hand slid around my waist to press me against him as he growled into my ear. “You fucking consume me, do you know that?”

I didn’t answer, just dropped my head forward as his hand smoothed the strands of my hair. “You asked me how many men have I killed to have you? The answer is not enough, Vivienne. Because they still tried to take you. But I plan to rectify that…I plan on teaching them a very valuable lesson. By the time I’m done, there won’t be a man standing. I can promise you that. Only us…always us.

Always us…

I eased back and found the terrifying truth in his eyes. The darkness shone as he searched mine and cupped the back of my head, gently this time, then, with the softest brush of his lips, he leaned forward and kissed me.

This man would destroy them all.

And himself in the process.

I closed my eyes gave into him, and opened my mouth once more as he kissed me until he gently eased back. Hunger roared between us. Consuming. Terrifying. Hunger. He searched my eyes before he slowly lowered his hand and fixed his pants. “I have a gift for you.”

“You do?”

He nodded, buckled his belt, and went to his jacket, then lifted it from the boxes and reached into the pocket. “Rose gold,” he murmured, and handed me a white box with an image of a cell phone on top.

“No way,” I whispered as I opened it.

“It’s already programmed with my number, Carven’s, and Colt’s. You’ll need to charge it fully tonight, but the battery should last you until then. You wanted no more track—”

My very own phone.

I stared at the thing for a moment before I lunged forward, slammed against him, and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“—ing,” he finished with a grunt. “I’m going to trust you that you won’t go anywhere unless it’s with one of us,” he cautioned. “If you get into trouble, or if you need any of us, then I expect you’ll call.”

“Or text,” I added.

“Or text,” he agreed.

I smiled, swiped my thumb across the screen, and hit the app for the contacts. They were all there, all of them…even Guild. But it wasn’t Guild’s number I cared about. I lifted my gaze to Carven’s…

It was his.

My way to get to him.

And capture a son…

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