Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 72

"No, no I am fine. I will wait here."

"But... Please, Sir. I will notify him immediately."

"I insist. There is no hurry. Please go back to your work." The pretty receptionist was worried and I felt bad for her. Robbie really did scare his employees.

"He won't be mad at you, I promise. The phone is ringing and if he gets mad for not attending the call, I am not going to save you." She gave me a happy smile before going back to her station. I shook my head and saw several heads pulling their heads back into their cubicles like turtles.

Dear God!

Another employee walked past me like a cardboard, holding an empty file. He should have at least put some papers in that transparent file and wipe off that guilty face, for me not to notice. This was getting awkward.

Headphone trick it is!

"No fucking wonder Mr. Brantley cheats on his wife to be with him. Look at him."

"I do not think I am straight anymore."

"I heard that his wife is actually a surrogate. He had to marry a woman to get the inheritance from his Russian father. So why not marry a surrogate! This guy is his real love." Someone said in a dreamy voice. "Really?"

"Fuck, are you sure he is gay? What if he is bi? I want to lick him up. What is he doing to me? Heck, he is not even looking at me but what he could do to me!"

Pretending to listen to music with headphones did not feel like a good idea, now.

"Damn, lucky guy!"


"Mr. Brantley. Look at him. I do not think he is human. A fairy? Why is his skin blemish free? I am envious. Do you think he will share his skin care tips?"

"I can't believe someone can love Robert Brantley. He is a fucking terrifying monster on a good day. I pity this kid."

"You are right. He deserves a good man... like me! I am going to talk to him."

"What? No. Mr. Brantley will fire you, if you are lucky. I heard he punched someone for staring at this guy."

"I will die of regret if I do not go and introduce myself. What if I have a chance?"

"Dude, that person is way above your league. Look at you and then look at him."

"Nobody is above my league. If I can score Lin, I can score him. Watch me. I am not married. I might have a chance."

Oh dear god! Please do not. If Robbie came and see him talking to me, he will flip!

I should have gone to his office. Why did I insist that I would wait at reception area! It was not like I would steal anything from him and take it home. This firm belonged to me, for Christ's sake. "Exactly, he is with Mr. Brantley because he is an effing billionaire. You still have student loans. Don't go... psst... stop... man, just don't! What do you think you can give to a person like him? Look at him!" "My love and my fucking unmarried status. Take that Robert Brantley! You, damsel in distress, your prince is coming."

Dear God! Save me!

I saw a shadow over me and a man was standing right in front. It was hard to ignore someone who stood this close.

I looked up and stood too. It was less creepy that way.

"H..H..Hi." He looked like a deer in headlights.

"Hello." I bit my lip to stop from laughing. Seriously, this dude was going to be the joke of the year. He sounded so confident before. I did not expect this sweating man. He looked young.

Poor guy.

" here."

I was not my fault, I giggled. I nodded anyways. Of course he worked here.

"No, not here as in here-here. I work over there. In the office. I do not work near sofa. I mean I can work on a sofa. But I have a chair there. Like real chair... the metal one? Do you know metal chair... with a cushion? A cushioned chair. But... sofa... sofa is good too."

I hid my mouth behind my right palm. I was going to lose it.


"Ace, baby, what are you doing here? What happened?" Robbie looked scared. I normally did not come here. So, it was warranted.

"I brought lunch. You skipped breakfast and you were going to skip lunch."

I walked right into his stretched arms. Home, he was my home.

I rubbed his chest, he was bewildered. "Is our baby girl okay?" I nodded. "In school. They have a field trip to park today. She will be back by five." I had reminded Robbie yesterday.

The day had started perfect. I woke up tangled with Robbie; both my hands circling his neck, while my legs were in between his thighs. It was very comfy that I did not want to wake up. Robbie pleaded five- more-minutes several times before I could escape.

It was perfect.

Then, when I went to wake up my Little Baby, she also wanted cuddles; making me lie down with her for fifteen minutes.

What a great way to start a day, huh?

But while I was busy putting our breakfast on the table, Chance came home and whisked my man away for some nonsense conference.

A conference without having breakfast was a nonsense conference in my not-so-humble opinion.

I glared at the dishes on our dining table which were left untouched by Daddy. Then at lunch I expected him to come home early because he skipped the first and important meal of the day.

Viola! The meeting was not easy and going well, that not even the first half was finished by lunch time. So guess who was planning to skip his lunch too? It was almost like he forgot I even exist. Kidding!

I just did not like the feeling of him not eating properly.

Jason was right! I was a house-husband. But mom always said we should take care of the ones who we love. She was very family oriented because hers was not and she wished for someone who cared about her hunger and well-being.

So, I put everything I made in Tupperware including the scrambled eggs from the breakfast, dressed cutely, took my Bugatti and here I was.

With paparazzi still sniffing around, I wanted to look my absolute best. At first I was worried 'Killers' would hate that I was tagged as their model when people in the internet were not favouring us in the beginning. But they asked if I wanted some casuals to go with the street look. Then they made me an app too. So, they could show me how to accessorize the clothes; not that I needed any help, because apparently I was a fashionista.


So, here I was looking cute for my man who was sniffing my hair. I sometimes wondered if he was an overgrown puppy.

"Who the fuck are you?" Robbie asked the poor guy. I forgot that we had audience... that we were in his office... or people were watching us literally cuddling.

I slapped his chest. "Robbie. Don't be harsh." The poor guy had his jaw open.

"I work over there... on a chair."

I threw my head back and laughed.

Robbie was confused. "Good for you. Then, go to your chair and work."

The guy turned around like a robot and walked, stiff and straight. I chuckled.

"Was he disturbing you?"

"Gods no. He just wanted to talk. But you came before he could."

"Well, I do not pay him to talk."

People were still staring.

"Get back to work." Robbie shouted and everyone scattered away like a flock of pigeons.

He took me to his office. Unlike his home office, this was really organized. I hoped he treated his secretary well. It was a pain to drag Robbie to declutter at home. So, it must be the secretary.

I took the Tupperware from my bag.

"Angel, this is too much. I don't think I can eat all these."

"Eat your fill. Rest, I will take home."

"Are you not eating?"

"I had a late breakfast."

Robbie was practically inhaling all the food. I did not think there would be anything to take back to home.

"Robbie, you've been hungry. Why did you not ask someone to bring you lunch? Or get something delivered?"

"I did not know I was starving until I tasted this delicious food."

I rolled my eyes. I needed to make some snacks for him to take, from now on, just in case this happened again. "You did not have to do this, Angel."

"Yeah, right! You would die without me." I pushed his hair back and pressed a kissed on his forehead.

"Yes, I would. Don't leave me." My throat felt dry. I gave him a one armed hug. "Eat."

He went back to eating like he did not make my heart a mush.

I handed him the towel after he finished brushing his teeth. He should not go into the conference hall with veggies still in his mouth.

I pecked his mouth because I could.

When he gave me two quick pecks I did not mind. But soon he was trying to kiss me and pulling me closer.

"Stop it. You have conference in less than forty minutes."

"Just a quickie."

"What?" I shimmied away from him. "Noooo."

I giggled as he tried to pinch my waist. "Leave me alone, you brute."

He tried to finger me through my pants. I shrieked and ran away from him.

"Come on, Ace. I will make it quick."

God, this man! Had he no shame? Robbie was insistent.

He finally trapped me in his arms. His office phone started to ring. He groaned. He did not let me go. He sucked on my neck as he answered the call.

"Robbie..." I whispered.

"Ask them to wait. They are early." He talked to the phone.

"Robbie, go. Do not keep them waiting." I was whispering. I did not want the person on phone to know how perverted my Robbie was.

He let go of the mouthpiece just like that.

He cupped me and squeezed. I moaned, it was hard not to.

"You have conference. I promise, you can have me at home."

"Good. I will have you then too. I want to eat you. I am hungry... so hungry for you... baby..." He tried to push his hands inside my briefs making me giggle.

"Aren't you my sweet baby? Let go now and I will let you do anything to me at home."


I agreed. "Yes, Daddy."

"I can do 'anything' to you later. I need you now, Angel."

I watched in horror as I saw the mouthpiece dangling in the air. What if the other person had not hung up?

I moaned again as he pinched my nipples. But I pushed him off successfully.

"Come here, you."

"Robbie... at home. Please. We are in your office."

"Exactly Ace! 'MY' office." After so much shrieking and moaning, I managed to put the mouthpiece in its cradle. Then I jumped to his arms giggling as he kissed my neck.

"You will not focus on your conference then." I peppered his head with kisses and he sat on his chair while I made myself comfortable on his lap. "I missed you so much. I don't like it when you skip meals."

He sighed.

"You brought me lunch."

"Of course, I did." I played with the hair on his nape. "What?" He was staring at me without even blinking. "What?" I giggled and poked his cheek.

"You are everything I did not even have right to dream about." He gulped before his eyes slipped to my lips and he leaned in slowly.

When he brushed his lips on me, I thought this was the first kiss I had yearned for... but... got tainted. I bottled down the irritation, anger and regret that pushed in my heart.

Not the time to think about that. It was the past; this was my present and future.

"Well you don't have to dream about us, you have 'us'." I rubbed our noses together.

When the door was knocked, he refused to let me up and his new secretary came in. She lost a step, seeing me on his lap like a sleepy kitten and she blushed.

How I missed Nat!

[Nat- Natalia, is Robbie's former secretary and work wife, but she is working for Jason now]

"Umm... if you w... want... to... I mean want... me to..." Her eyes frequently slipped to me. "You have a meeting and you need to prepare..."


She wanted me out.

"Get out." Robbie ordered and she smiled shyly; waiting for me to get out.

God, this was so awkward.

Should I just get up and leave to make this situation less awkward? But the bastard was busy rubbing my waist.

Finally, the silence and my lack of response got to her.

"Oh... you want me to get out?" Her eyes shifted from me to Robbie, back to me and then to Robbie. She seemed unable to comprehend.

"No. I was asking myself to get out."

"W... what? But why would you..."


"Jesus! I am telling you, Angel, Jason hand picks them just to make my life miserable."

"Robbie, babe, stop being a meanie." I scowled at him. "I have to go home anyways."

"Not so soon. Please, Angel, the meeting will drag on. I would not be able come home before celebratory drinks. I will miss you so much."

This Big Baby!

I hugged his neck and bit his ear lobe. "I will be waiting for you. Okay? And I will miss you too, Daddy. If you can wrap this up earlier, you can come home earlier. If you are a good boy, then I will make you a

strawberry crepe. And guess what?"


"You can eat it before dinner."

"But Chance and Aron will make me eat dinner at the bar... and then..." Robbie paused. "... what the fuck are you still doing here?"

"Me?" What was this lady's problem? I thought she had already left.

"Who else! Get out!"

"But... but..."

"One more second and you are fired!"

That got her running away.

I pulled his head to my chest and mumbled calming words. "Don't scare all your employees away. Now be my good baby, finish up your meeting and come home. Yeah?"

"K..." He pouted and I kissed him.

"I love you."

"Mmm... so... can I have crepe at middle of the night?"

I giggled. "Only if you behave well." I booped his nose.

The secretary was busy gossiping and whining to some employees when we came out. I had a feeling she would not thrive in corporate world.

Not all bosses were looking for eye candies and not all women were looking for a quick way up by fucking the boss. So, the competition in this field, especially in my business; we were looking for talent, loyalty

and consistency.

And I did not like the way she was looking at my Robbie. She was his secretary, not his long lost lover to look at him with betrayal in her eyes.

I hated the creepy feeling that crawled in my heart.

She came running to him holding some files. "For your meeting, Mr. Brantley." She blinked her eyes and looked at him with longing.

I took the files off her and her eyes widened before turning accusatory. I leafed through the them and was honestly surprised seeing her work pristine, compact and perfect.

The girl had talent in organization and her notes showed it.

"It is unprofessional." She not so subtly mumbled.

"Clearly." I stated before closing the file. "You are assigned to my C.E.O and partner as his secretary to make his work-life easier. Not to 'handle' him or worse, give him more services that he clearly does not


"Y... your CEO? But... this is his company." She looked at Robbie for clarification.

I appreciated very much that he remained silent.

"Yes. Ace Davidson Truscott and this is 'our' company and he is working with me. Not that it should matter to you."

She gulped.


She kept on looking at Robbie and I was losing patience.

He was fucking mine!

"Beatrice." She finally said when it was clear, Robbie did not care about the outcome of the situation.

"Ms. Beatrice. I am impressed by your work but more than annoyed at your blatant unprofessionalism and lack of proper etiquette and conduct in my business firm. Do you understand?"

Tears filled in her pretty eyes.

There was no denying it. She was beautiful and she was someone who was used to receiving admiration from all sides. But this was whole another world with people looking for more than just good looks. She

had the potential to be the person she craved to be without adding her physical appearance to the formula.

"I want him to like me." She sniffled. Robbie froze and his hand rapidly tightened around mine.

"What for?"

She had no answer. She tried to bring up a solid reason and even she could hear how platonic and ridiculous her explanation was.

In short, since he was the boss and he was indeed very dominant and intelligent, also she was pretty and helping him with work, she wanted him to like her more than just a secretary.

Umm... yeah, made perfect sense!

"You need a proper coaching and needs to know how things are done in corporate world; at least in my firm."

"You are going to fire me, aren't you? You are threatened by my beauty."

I heard a snort and then Robbie started laughing like there was no tomorrow in his life. "You are comparing yourself to him? Holy Crap! That too, in beauty? No less? Where did Jason find you?"

Beatrice was hurt and humiliated.

"Robbie... not nice."

"Don't care. She is out."

"No... not yet." I glared at the girl in front of me. "Like I said I am impressed by your work. But if this is the ethics and attitude you are going to keep, you are not going to succeed here, much less in your life.

So... I am going to assign you to someone else. You have to decide now. Are you willing to take up my offer?"

"Yes!" She shouted and I jumped back hitting Robbie.


"Angel, are you sure?"

"Nope, that is up to her. Take this as your yellow card. I am giving you another chance." Huh! Queen Bee was rubbing off on me.

[Ace calls, his best friend Liz's husband Ferrar, Queen Bee because he is a quarter back (QB).]

"I will do anything you want."

"First lesson. I don't want you to do anything I want but do what your immediate boss asks you to do, inside professional boundary. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir."


I called Jacqueline, the head of Public Relations Section and demanded her to take Beatrice as her secretary. She tried to wiggle her way out claiming she needed no secretary but I was a good persuader.

Jealous people called me manipulator, but same thing.

"Disappoint her, you disappoint me and you are fired without any warning." I told Beatrice sternly.

She vigorously nodded.

"And you Sir, I will personally hire your next secretary." I told Robbie. I was not only jealous but also he needed a healthy working environment. I wanted my man to the way he used to be; going to office like he

was ready to take over the world, not trying to hide inside my chest because people were so busy meddling with his personal life.

"Yes, Boss." The cheeky bastard had a glint in his eyes.

Dear God! Please don't make me blush in front of this girl.

I had an image to keep.

"Why am I giving you another chance, Ms. Beatrice?" I asked after clearing my throat.

"Uhh... you don't want to feel bad for me? Uhh... and I said you were threatened by me? And you want to prove me wrong?"

"Not even close."


"I am giving you another chance because you are good at what you do as a secretary. And I would very much benefit from my subordinates if you focus only on that."

She remained silent but she was looking at me like that was the best thing she had ever heard in her entire life. When she did not show any intention to talk or stop staring at me, I reminded her that she had

work to do and she had already started working for Jacqueline, started five minutes ago.

I sighed in relief when she scrambled off.

Being a boss was tough. How did Robbie maintained his 'Asshole' face?

Oh well!

He was an asshole; that might be it.

I giggled before leaning to his chest.

"Don't fall asleep tonight." He purred right to my ear.

"Robbie!" I pushed on his chest.

"You promised, remember, baby?" I gulped. "Anything I want..." He licked the shell of my ear.

"Mmm... You won't let me forget. Now let go. Meeting is in..." I checked the clock. "Oops you are already late."

He sighed. "Let me walk you to the car."

I had pulled quite an audience when they saw I was leaving. At least they had the presence of mind to look away and leaf through their empty files when Robbie turned his face to their sides.

I saw the poor man who had tried to talk to me in the beginning looking like someone had broken his favourite toy.


I noticed his colleagues making fun of him.

"Daddy, I will be back." He frowned but I pulled away from his chest and went to the man.

"Hello." I smiled at his surprised face and he twisted his face left and right expecting me to talk to someone else. "Yes, you."

He wiped his hand on his pants before extending for a handshake. "James at your service."

"Davidson Truscott. I appreciate your... enthusiasm... to make our guests feel welcome. I can expect the same from your work too, can't I, James?"

"Trus... Holy Shheeee! You are the boss! I mean yes, Sir, absolutely. That is what James do. I welcome people. I mean that is not the only job I..."

I patted his hand which was still refusing to break our handshake and he noticed it too. He pulled it right away as if he got burned.

"I know, James. Anyways, thanks again."

"Yes, Boss. I will go and do my work right now."

I appreciated him once again before giving a polite nod to everyone with their funny mouths open.

I turned around and walked to my man who was scowling.

Jealous bastard.

"Holy Fuck! Robert Brantley is the bitch. Who woulda thought!" Someone gasped and I bit my bottom lip hard not to giggle out loud.

People are weird.

Well, when the 'bitch' kissed me like I was his fucking possession, in front of my car, I thought we had inaugurated a debate on 'who is the bitch in Truscott-Brantley household'.

Who cared!

I had better things to put my mind on; like, to make the crepe, giving my Little Baby a leg massage, final touches on my new programmes...


My company was getting approved.

One morning after my virtual class for Dr. A's 'hopeless' students ?C students who had given up their passion to study ?C I was feeling so good about myself. Literally half the students were smiling and

hopeful, so I was proud of myself.

[Dr. A was Ace's mentor at M.I.T.]

Robbie came in holding whole bunch of papers that I could only see his brown hair over them.

"Sign these, Baby."

"Wow! Sure. When do you want it done?"

"Right away." He pecked my forehead and waited.

"Aww! But I want to take a nap now."

"Later. Come on, Angel. It will take only five minutes."

I pouted and glared but Robbie was insistent. Five minutes my ass, took us at least fifty minutes.

Those papers were for Jason and I's first company.

Yes! I could not believe it myself.

I wanted us to wait for some more years, given Lia still needed me around for all of her needs, Robbie was going through his messy divorce, Jason was pursuing his M.B.A along with handling Robbie's

business in France and Gabe was all over the world with his commercial and ramp modelling.

Someone had to be free and available, all the time for the family.

But Robbie was positive this was the best time. Lia was going to playschool and they had gradually increased her time being there. Ferrar had this season off and Uncle Fred was sitting this year out from any

movie direction.

Robbie also said something about boons of time which I did not understand or care about, but Jason agreed with him.

There was a lot more to go but I was doing technical and programme sides beforehand, mainly because Robbie had said we needed to put forward a power-packed, out of the world products right after the


So, in other words, I had enough things already in my plate.

Robbie as expected could not come home even after midnight. I thought his being 'broke' was still circulating around and the new investors were trying very hard to bring down his business. But with Truscott.

Co. backing him up, there was nothing they could do except annoy him by dragging the meeting.

So when Little Baby finally fell asleep at night, after telling me all about the fun she had... for the fifth time, I had climbed to our bed, missing Daddy terribly.

I slipped to a shallow sleep because my body was tired, running around behind Lia trying to feed her dinner and then later, to make her drink warm milk.

I was cold. I turned in my bed trying to find a warm spot.

I frowned when a gust of wing passed by.

Small kisses and nips were pressed on my thigh.

I was suddenly warm when a weight settled on my body and I smiled. I felt hot breath on my ears and naughty fingers on my chest. Tiny droplets of cold water fell on my lips and I shivered.

"Robbie...stop it."

I felt him smiling on my cheek and nipped my bottom lip.

I was so warm and comfy. I was falling back to sleep when he palmed my back.

"Robbie... I am tired, let me sleep."

"How do you know it is me?"

"There is only one pervert in my life."

"Mmm. Glad you think that I am a pervert." He licked my neck, slithering down to my chest and blew on my already hard nipples.

"Stop it, you Big Baby. I said no."

"I will be quick."

"We both know how slow your quick is. So, stop."

He smiled and kissed my stomach.

My hands, threaded through his hair. I yanked on until his face was back on my neck and I kissed his lips.

I rubbed them for a bit. "I love you, Robbie."

Then I frowned. This had happened before.



"Your promised me, remember?"

"Mmmm... I had a Deja vu now." I started kissing his neck.

"Good, so you know what will happen in a minute."

I giggled at his growl but as always soon I was moaning and whimpering in pain and pleasure until Robbie let me take a break.

"What did you have for dinner? I made meatloaf." I pulled his hair on treasure trail.

"We had Indian cuisine." He said guiltily.

"How could you do that to me?" I rolled away from his chest, feeling betrayed. Indian cuisine was my absolute favourite. I meant, the bastard did not even like that and he ate it... without me. If this was not the

ultimate betrayal, I did not know what was.

"Baby... baby... come on. I did not pick the place. I did not even notice until I got the smell. Come on, baby. Turn around, Angel."

"Did you have shrimp biriyani?" I twisted my head just to see his expression. I was not turning around, for this betrayer.

That gulp of guilt answered my question. I huffed and scooted away.

"Please, baby... that is the only Indian dish I know the name of because you love it so much. Sweetheart, turn around..." He pulled on my stomach but I deliberately made my body stiff. He was not turning me

around without hurting me.

"What else did you have?" He licked his dry lips afraid to answer me. "I am not mad at you, Robbie... not that you did anything wrong, I am just... hurt. Not that you care."

"Baby... Angel... Come on..." He sounded like his heart was breaking.

Good. He should feel my pain.

"I had samosas."

I squeezed my eyes shut. HE KNEW MY LOVE FOR SAMOSA. I took a deep breath.

"Butter naan... with coconut milk - chickpea curry, then shared... I don't know its name, some crispy balls with spicy water inside... with Aaron."


"I think so."

At least that did not make my top five favourite Indian dishes. But the betrayal ran too deep for me to forgive him just like that.

I felt kisses on my shoulder. "Baby... please..."

"Did you remember me?"

"Every bite, every swallow."

I pouted and turned around facing him. "You are a terrible liar."

He pulled me back to chest. "I am serious. Of course I think of you all the time. You know it."

"So, what did you bring me?"

"Everything. Samosa, shrimp biriyani, then I asked the chef to bring all signature dishes, because I am bad at their names. That kind woman had written what goes to freezer. Bless her. So, they are in our

fridge, perfectly sorted."

I hid my smile under his chin. I could not wait for the next day to come. I hated that I could not have them for breakfast; my stomach would go to spice shock.

"Forgive me, baby."



I giggled. "Nooo."

"Brat! You are purposely making me worried." I shrieked when he started to tickle me. "Let me see how you are going to sleep tonight... or walk tomorrow."

I could only bite my pillows hard, and pray that Lia did not hear the sounds from our bedroom.

"Enough." I finally pushed his face away from my thighs. He had a fetish for all of my body parts. I loved it, but too much pleasure was uncomfortable and my heart was beating crazily.

I pushed him again when he latched onto my neck. "Enough, Daddy. Let us sleep now."

"I want more."

"No, you had enough. You can sleep in tomorrow morning but I can't. Lia has playschool."

"She can stay here too."

"Then you will be annoyed you can't pull me to your bed or grope me whenever you want."

"Fuck, yeah! It is just you and me, tomorrow whole day. That makes me hard."

"A wind will make you hard." I curled myself under Robbie and ignored his attempts to seduce me again. I was dead tired.

The Bastard and his third foot.

Life was perfect like that. It was more beautiful than I ever imagined or hoped for.

His lawyers came in whenever they wanted Robbie's answers and I did not mind they cram in his office or den. I made them lunch and refreshments, occasionally even dinner.

They stayed clear off me and Lia, no doubt by the strict instructions from Robbie. I had honestly expected them to ask me questions because it was not a secret that I was the reason for their divorce.

Well, it was disputable.

But people had the tendency to ignore the real issues and blame on a person involved.

In one article, an online blogger had called me 'that thing that messed up Brantley Family'. Well, then I found out that the IP address was actually from one of Janice's accomplices, I had calmed down. Yet, the

whole article was read by a lot of people and some supported it without knowing the whole story.

I did not think anyone would side up with Janice if they knew that she faked pregnancy and blackmailed to get married, that she forged her own mother's will to keep that man chained, had pushed her own


down the stairs.

I did not care if no one believed me. I knew my kid and I knew she did not slip.

I had seen Lia slip, fall and get injured. I had seen her disobeying me and getting herself wounds and pain. But all those times she was not scared like the way she was during that time.

Well, no point in getting myself stressed over that. It was my fault. I should have been here, and I was not, causing my baby pain.

At present, my life was the best it ever was. And I missed my mothers so much. They wanted to see me happy and thriving, but they never had a chance to. I had a place in this world now. Somewhere I

completely belong.

I still did my coding all the time and people around me, especially Robbie, were happy. As long as he could sit with his head on my shoulder while I worked. Lia was okay too, as long as she could sleep on my chest straddling my lap as I typed away on desktop.

Jason was less stressed and worried about me. He had not only been focusing on his studies and business but also taking his time and effort to make it work with Gabe.

I was really surprised that my brother wanted Gabe that much in his life. Yes, I knew he was the one who stole my brother's heart and broke it. Not just broke it, he made Jason think that he was not someone to

be loved or cherished.

When I was doing my post-graduation there was a girl I was sure my Jason was going to be with for rest of his life. She was funny, charming and all-in-all the whole package. She wanted Jason to be her

boyfriend and they stayed as no-strings-attached for over half a year but Jason was aloof in giving anything to that relationship.

He would not attend her calls if he had other priorities or he would stop whatever they were doing if I made a call, but with Gabe... he was different.

He would cross check both of their schedules before making a plan. Every emergency situation was notified to Gabe. He would pick him up at the middle of night before dropping him off wherever Gabe wanted

to go. I meant all he would get was, maybe a fifteen-minute cab ride with Gabe but still Jason was content with that.

I remembered my brother calculating the amount he would spend and the time he would get to fuck, before cancelling a plan with that girl, who wanted him as a husband.

Just telling!

Then Gabe was not just receiving, he was as much hooked on my brother.

That one time, I did not even know that they were fighting. Jason was down and was permanently attached to my hip for past two days. It did not occur to me that he was staying away from Gabe.

But the said man, came running to my home, punched my brother's stomach, and kissed the life out of his mouth.

"If you ever think I am doing this because of guilt, you are fucking done, dude. Fucking done! I am not even kidding. I will punch your brains out." Then he kissed Jason again and to my utter disgust, my brother

got a boner and started kissing him back. "I don't fucking remember half the things I did because I was high as a fucking kite. So, no, I don't feel guilt. I just feel... feel... whatever the shit, man. I am not letting

you push me away one more time. You don't want to bottom, then you don't. That is it. I don't care. You are with me, that is all I care. So, fuck you, bitch, fuck you."

"Uh uh. I fuck you." Then Jason kissed him again.

Okaaay... way too much information. Didn't need to know that. Should I remind them that I was standing here less than two feet away, thankful that Lia was out with her dad for their play date.

"Next time I will punch your balls if you pull this stunt again. I am not joking, Jason."

"No, you won't, beautiful."

"Yes, I will, honey."

"Yuck! don't call me honey. I hate that."

"Then don't call me beautiful or pretty. I hate being called all that but you still do. I am a man, not a girl."

Hey! I loved being called beautiful and pretty by Robbie. I pouted.

Jason and Gabe both looked like they were ready to punch each other.

Should they punch each other? I meant, Robbie and I never did. I used to slap Robbie when I was fighting my attraction and I still pinched him when he went overboard with Robbiness, and Robbie... well,

spanking my butt was his thing, but it was never too painful. Rest of his and my pain was in our bedroom, strictly for pleasure.

But these two really looked like they wanted to fight and not the spousal fight either.

"Bedroom." Jason said.

"Bedroom." Gabe agreed.

Less than a minute later the door to Jason's room closed and I was left like air.

"Oh, hello, Gabe, welcome to our home. Please make yourself comfortable. Jason, why didn't you tell me your boyfriend was coming? It doesn't matter but looks like we will not be playing X-box. Thank you for

telling me of our change of plans."

I was too sassy for my own good. Not that anyone was here to hear my awesome dry sarcasm, because they were so busy sucking each other's tongues.

At least I hoped that was what they were sucking.

I scrunched my nose.

Was this Jason felt when I was rambling to him about Robbie?

Then Karma is indeed a bitch.

But then again it was his fault for asking about my sexual life with Robbie. I meant why the hell did he need to know if everything was painful or if I felt invalid or passive... or... what not?

So, with everything perfectly going, what could go wrong? Like everything in our whole life, Janice did.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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