Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
“Crap” i uttered as I send the bag utap Uwer my shoulder and knoked on the
I was late.
Taking unnecessary time cleaning my teeth in the bathroom made me lose track of time.
I pecked through the small square window through the door, surveying the little I could see
“Come in!” Mrs. Bailey’s voice pitched through the closed door.
I dragged my nail down the gap in my front teeth as a precaution. I wouldn’t want anyone else to point out that I had something
stuck between my teeth.
It was embarrassing enough that Haiden pointed it out after I thought I left him speechless. Only that I hadn’t and he had gotten
the last word.
My fingers wind around the surprising cold door handle, pushed it down then
bra . Mus Hailey’s tangled dyrde wathe heat to come into View before ilie door widlens to reveal the rest of the nom.
Herating the door creak just the slightest, Men, Bailey whips her head to face me. Her mouth parts in awe as she lets her dark
brown eyes behind thick-rimmed
lasses scan over my outfit. Her cherry red lips curl into a pleasant beam,
“You look extra bright today Arabella! Trying for a new look?” Shechirped with another flash of her teeth stained by drinking too
much coffee. My eyes glance at the coffee mug on her desk, the hot steam causing barely-there fog above the dark liquid.
The dark rich smell of the coffee was strong, like a blow to the gut. The scent reminded me of father. If I’d ever catch the glimpse
of him early in the morning i I would be with a steaming cup of that dark liquid drug and an ugly frowni marring his face.
I tear my eyes away from the mug and
directed it to Mrs. Bailey. “I guess.” I Sanswered her vaguely and urged my lips t_
were her

V ely and urged my lipst o work with me by smiline. It comes ou forced due to already having a shitty day Laut Mrs. Bailey sme
to not read between the lines
Sorry I am late-‘I began to apologize but her sweet voice cuts me off,
She waves me off with a breathy laugh. “O h, that’s fine. If I were you, I’d probably want to be late for this class too. Besides, we
were just discussing and you came just in time. Have a seat.” She pointed to the back where there was an empty desk and chair
between two girls.
Mrs. Bailey was what one would describe as an approaching forty year old wanna b e cool teacher. Only that to most, she Wasn’t
and most that came out of her mouth was belittling her very own self and teaching skills. I do happen to like Mrs. Bailey
especially her weird sense of humor, just not when she is too overly chirpy on a Monday morning
I nodded and made my way over to the empty seat. With everyone’s eyes staring at me I was beginning to think that I had a
target printed on my forehead. Until I remembered that they prohahluca
When I neared the chair, I nated a dark hoot cladded foot on top of the worn-out blue chale. My gaze flew to the owner. A brown
haired girl stared back at me with eyes the color of chocolate. She scans my features before she blows a bubble with the guin in
her mouth. It pops obnoxiously
Was this even allowed in class?
“Do you mind?” I asked gesturing to her foot on the chair my bum was supposed t o be perched on. Should I spray it with bleach
and disinfectant? The girl could have stepped on dog crap for all I know.
She siniles and complies by removing her foot off the chair. I fight the urge to rollm y eyes. I don’t bother thanking her but settle
myself on the chair. I place my bag on the desk and set my attention on Mrs. Bailey who was chirping like those annoying birds
that wake you up on mornings
Five minutes into the class a small piece o
TIe slides HTB my desk.
li dari

stand at me sherihly, brown hair Traming her ovalce. The girl i could not put a nane on murmured softly: “Can
I was about to ask her who Kate was but she then gestured to the blonde girl sitting across me. I nearly groaned aloud. Just my
luck to sit between these types of friends. The type where they send pointless paper back and forth with stupidity written on then
just to pass
Great, just great.
“Sure.” I grumble and grasped the paper.
But before I gave it to Kate my eyes had caught a glimpse of what the brown haired girl wrote. She had not bothered to fold it to
not let stray eyes see, so I figured I had the green light to peek. I later regretted it when I saw the words written on the torn piece
of paper.
I sucked Haiden’s cock last night.
, lunt it looked like
dan skills were not what I was LTinging at. It was the knowledge of HF knowing that she was probably the girl T saw climbing
down the tree last night. How coincidental
I cleared my throat, hoping she hadn’t noticed that I had peeked at the paper. I swiftly pass the torn paper to Kate who looked at
me confused. I pointed at the brown haired girl.” She told me to give it to you.” I murinur trying and falling to remove what I just
read out of my head.
Kate nods and lets her dark eyes fall to the paper. She reads what is written and giggles. Tilting her head to stare at her friend
she makes a motion of someone sucking a cock with her hand and mouth. This time I didn’t stop the cringe from emerging on my
face and quickly snap m y head to the front.
I prayed the bell would ring sooner than later.

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