Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 49

Arabella Rivera
My teeth were still slamming on each other in a war and my body was a mass of chills running through it incessantly. In better
words, I was fucking freezing. Yet, peering into Haiden’s eyes warmed me enough to ease my worries.
With him, I wasn’t afraid that I could potentially get hypothermia.
“You‘ll be okay.” He says lowly, rubbing my hands a little more hastily.
The brown in his eyes shaded with worry and I realized he wasn’t necessarily trying to ease my worries but his own. The
tightening of his hands around my own said it all. Haiden Cross was a hundred percent worried about my well being than his own
My heart skipped a beat then two after that realization hit me through all my freezing layers.
I watched him closely, staring at the water droplets from his hair gliding down his forehead, down to the corner of
a gums Own his forehead, down to the corner of his nose then finally on his lips. Suddenly a new spark lit inside my core and all
I could think about was how soft his lips felt against my own.
I wanted to feel it again.
Just then his brown eyes snap up to stare at me. I held my breath even though I knew I needed every bit of oxygen at the
moment.” You should probably remove the hoodie since it’s soaked.”
I didn’t catch his words properly, but that had something to do with staring at his lips for longer than required. “Bella.”
A flick to my forehead had the fog disappearing out of my vision. “Ow.” I lift a hand to rub my forehead where he inflicted pain
unto and looked at him, this time avoiding his lips. Which was shockingly proving to be quite difficult
“You’re not going to die.” Haiden rolls his eyes, fingers touching the end of the wet hoodie. His actions had me completely stilling.
Being as the hoodie reached above my knees and was now stuck to me because of how wet it was, made Haiden’s finger brush
my skin.
made Harden’s imger brush my skin.

I know I shouldn’t have worn shorts today. But in my defense today really did start off hot and I heard nothing of an approaching
storm. Haiden’s fingers stay motionless for a couple of seconds before he spoke.
The hoodie. Take it off.” His demand was raspy and did something to me that I would rather keep to myself. His fingers skimmed
my thigh as he tugs at the hoodie. I think he did it on purpose, there was no way he didn’t know how he affected me right now.
Wordlessly, I began to remove the hoodie. Haiden removes his hand away from my exposed cold skin but I caught his eyes
wavering over the uncovered flesh. He clears his throat and looks away when I removed the drenched clothing fully then motions
to the back seat of his truck.
“I should have an extra hoodie at the back there. It has been worn but I promise it doesn’t stink.”
The hoodie took most of the rain but my jeans and shirt still managed to get wet. Haiden twists his body enough to reach
iden twists his body enough to reach the back and shuffles around. It was like h e was digging through endless treasure. M e
being nosey, like usual, wanted to know why he was taking so long to grab a hoodie. So I turned around too.
A huge white comforter, a pillow and some snacks that were messily thrown o n the backseat blinked at me. It looked like
someone lived here or at least, slept there occasionally. “Do you sleep here?” The question cracked out of my mouth quickly
before I could swallow it.
Haiden who was busy rummaging through the mess, halts. The white shirt clang to his body so much that it looked like it was
melted into his skin. He was drenched too, even more than I was. Yet, he was choosing to give me the hoodie and not take it for
I didn’t really know how to feel about that. I just knew that my heart was refusing to let up its squeezing.
After a pending heavy silence, Haiden answered, not too chirpy I might add.” Sometimes.” He grunts, digging more until he
finally gets hold of the hoodie
until he finally gets hold of the hoodie.
This one is a light blue and didn’t look like it had been worn. The only indication that it had, was the unmistakable scent of
Haiden. He throws it on my lap and fixes himself back on the seat.
Sometimes I like to get away from it all. “His eyes burn through mine as he murmurs softly. “Even if it’s just for a while.”

Was the situation at his home so bad? Was it worse than mine?
I strained to get through the small cracks of his emotions only to be pushed out by i t filling back up quicker than I thought.
Haiden nudges his head to the light blue hoodie on my lap. “You should probably put that on.”
The heater was working because I wasn’t that cold anymore but something told me it wasn’t only that, which made me warm. It
was the calculating boy beside m
I fist my hands and that’s when I realized I was still holding the drenched hoodie. I lift it a little. “Where should I put this one?” I
asked faintly. It was like I lost my
?” I asked faintly. It was like I lost my voice and it was all because of, him. Sitting here with him inside the confines of the truck
was nerve-wracking in many ways.
“Just throw it by your feet.” He mutters. I nodded doing as he told me.
I chewed my bottom lip and peeked at Haiden from the corner of my eye. His eyes were glued outside, lips pressing together in
His hair was plastered to his forehead and his clothes were like a second skin. I try to stop the skipping of my heart and the
sudden heat I felt crawling up my neck when my eyes zeroed in on his well defined muscles.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and rip my eyes away from him. “You need it more than me.” The rain was finally letting up so
even though my voice was soft he still caught it.
Haiden tilts his head to me. “Huh?” Confusion tangles itself in his tone.
“I grab the light blue hoodie and pass it to
him. He doesn’t take it.” You’re drenched to the bone Haiden.”
His eyes narrow and he pushes my hand away lightly. “I’m fine. I can handle it.”
He sighs when he saw that I wasn’t back down.” Fine, if it bothers you that much.
I was expecting him to grab the hoodie out of my hands not remove his clinging soaked shirt. I gasp, face reddening.” What ar-e
yo-u doing?”I’m ashamed I was stuttering like one of those girls who fall at his feet.

“I’m removing the drenched shirt?” He looked at me confused until his eyes fixed on my widened eyes. His lips quirk and he lets
out a low chuckle. “Have you never seen the bare chest of a guy before Bella?”
Does the porn videos Gwen forced me to watch count?
Of course it does, it’s still a chest even though it’s through a screen.
So I nodded. “I have. You.....just caught m e off guard.....that is all.”
Haiden’s face tightens into annoyance and he breaks eye contact. “Here.” I pushed the hoodie to him but he denies it
pushed the hoodie to him but he denies it with a push of his own. “I don’t want it Bella. Just put on the damn thing.” His tone is
coated with irritation. Confusing me.
My brows furrow as I look down at his bare skin. “You’ll catch a cold if you stay like that.” I pointed out.
“And you’ll catch another ride if you don’t put it on and stop talking.” He snapped.
I flinch slightly not expecting the annoyance in his tone. Not wanting to upset him further I nodded and put on the hoodie. It
covers me like the other one. Haiden sighs in regret. “Sorry.” He apologizes with his eyes glued to the dashboard.
I took a peek at him, pressing my lips together as my eyes fixed themselves on a faint purple bruise on his ribs. “Were you in a
Haiden freezes
Why can’t I ever keep my mouth shut?
It feels like hours until I heard his answer. It comes out curt and lifeless.”
swer. It comes out curt and lifeless.”
“With whom?”

Again Bella. You should invest in duct tape so you can duct tape your mouth when needed.
“No one.” He leaves no room to ask any more questions. Even his aura seemed to have changed. I knew I should just press my
lips together and not ask any more
questions, so I did just that.
Haiden starts the truck after that and the entire ride was filled with the most awkward silence I’ve ever felt before.
Maybe staying away from Haiden was a better option. But why was I feeling so drawn to him?

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