Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 41

Arabella Rivera
“Where the hell have you been?” I hissed as I felt a familiar arm sling over my shoulder and the strong scent of floral overpower
my senses.
Gwen’s lips neared my ear as she whispers. “Sorry, had a quickie with Sami n the janitor’s closet.”
She pulls away and clenches her brows in contemplation. “Well, I guess it wasn’t that quick. He couldn’t get me off.” She pouts.
I cringe, gritting my teeth as I move her hand off my shoulder. “Did you wash your hands afterward?” Gwen was very bold and
daring which meant that she loved to explore whatever she could.
I knew this because the preppy blonde never shuts her mouth about her experiences. Which was absolutely disgusting and
repulsive to hear. I wouldn’t admit it to her but half of the time, okay most of the time, I shut her out the moment she starts
speaking about sex.
Dout sex.
“Squeaky clean.” She smiles showing me her damp hand.
“Could you not have at least waited for break time? Mr. Boyd gave out the papers today and you missed it. God only knows what
he’ll tell you when you go to him.” I pointed out.
“Oh who cares, I know I pass that shit with flying colors.” She waved off. Then her eyes snap over my head and they twinkle with
She bends her head and whispers. “Okay, who is that unknown hottie following
Christian. I embarrassingly had forgotten he was here. It didn’t help that he was unusually quiet. Come to think of it, he hadn’t
uttered a word from the moment w e came out of class and got brushed by Haiden again who was heading down the hall likely
going to another class.

“That’s Christian, he just transferred here and I’m assigned to show him around.” I began to speak, turning to stare at Christian
who’s curious eyes snapped to mine when he heard his name.
snapped to mine when he heard his name.
“Christian this is my best friend Gweneth. “I nudged my head towards Gwen who scowled sourly when I said her full name. She
outstretched her hand towards Christian.
“Just Gwen.” She mumbles while shaking Christian’s bigger hand that engulfed hers.
“Nice to meet you just Gwen. Your best friend has been the best tour guide to ever walk this earth.” His voice held the hued of
amusement as he spoke.
I rolled my eyes. “Shut up, I’ve only shown you to your locker and one class.”
Christian snorts, his mood changing from mere seconds ago. “Exactly.”
Gwen whispers beside my ear. “He was being sarcastic babe.”
“I knew that.” I argued while the two laugh.
“Guys I have bad news. ” Samantha moaned as she places her lunch tray on the table and plops down on the chair.
the table and plops down on the chair.
Her head soon follows as it bonks on the table with a harsh thump. “Ahh.” She gasped, quickly rubbing the ache on her
forehead. Christian’s amused eyes flicker to me as it was now very visible that he was holding in his laughter.
I shrugged in response, biting my lip to stop my own self from chortling at the redhead
Her misty eyes lift to stare at Gwen. “My parents canceled their gateway for next week so that means no party today. All m y
plans have gone down the drain.” She wailed, hiccuping as she rest her head back on the table.
“It’s not the end of the world.” Meredith mumbles as she fixes herself on an empty chair. “Woman up and shut the fuck up.” The
mutter was irked with a tone that sounded heavy with annoyance.
“You don’t get it, Meredith. This means the party is postponed until next week Friday.” Her voice is muffled by all the wails that
came out.

The more time I spend with those girls, made me realize that they were strangely
de me realize that they were strangely unique in their own ways. Meredith was a twenty four seven bitch, Gwen was a sex
crazed teenager and Samantha was a bubbly weeping baby with an addiction to parties.
When has my life come to this?
Meredith’s eyes connected on Christian and they swam with curiosity. “Who do w e have here?” Her voice was airy but not flirty,
just curious and confused.
Hearing her words, Samantha snaps her head up, out of wonderment. Her misty eyes overlook everyone until they stop on
Christian. Her mouth parts in shock and she quickly reaches for the napkin on her tray and wipes at her eyes. It only proved t o
wipe off the thick mascara on her lashes.
It appears that Samantha had not seen Christian earlier. Perhaps she had been too caught up with her postponed party t o
acknowledge someone else was sitting
Gwen winces. “Oh, hunny let me fix that for you.” She reaches over the table to wipe off the messy mascara.
wipe off the messy mascara.
“This is Christian Hayes. He just transferred here today. He’s a certified genius I suppose.” I shrugged picking at my salad.
I honestly should start bringing my own food seeing as the new cooks in this school suck at making a simple salad. The taste
was rancid and had brought on an imagery of eating a fungal toenail.
Yeah, that had me pushing the plate away from me swiftly.
“The question wasn’t directed for you to answer, but okay.” Meredith stabbed at her Mac and cheese before bringing the fork to
her red painted lips that part in welcoming. I rolled my eyes, knowing that it would be useless to answer her.
“Nice to meet you Christian.” Samantha squeaked as Gwen furiously rubbed at the corner of her eyes in a desperate way to
remove the mascara.

Christian was about to answer only to be interrupted by a loud commotion. The cafeteria swarms with shouts that set “unease in
I snap my head to where the commotion came from, my heart dropping painfully when my eyes focus on Haiden’s intimidating
form looming over his supposedly friend
With everyone’s loud chattering, it makes it hard to hear a word he says. My suckish reading lips skills wouldn’t work too. But
from how tense and verbal he appeared, I could tell he was spitting out nothing but anger.
His friend whose name I couldn’t quite remember stood up quickly, in the process knocking down the chair. He was tall and
definitely worked out too, judging by his muscles but even that didn’t compare to Haiden’s alarming dark aura.
The deadly look in his eyes, set a cold chill that run down my spine and that’s when I knew he was far too gone. One word came
out of the guy’s mouth and a loud cracking sound competed against the ringing gasps that resonated through the area as
Haiden’s fist collides with a jaw bone.
The guy stumbles back, shocked with
e guy stumbles back, shocked with pain emanating from his eyes as he cups his jaw. But before the situation could escalate
further, another boy from Haiden’s friends’ group, pulls a brooding hissing Haiden away.
It was probably a good thing considering that he’d get expelled if the principal were to come here.
“You’re a fucking cunt Cross. Getting all worked up for a bitch!” The guy whose jaw looked a sickening shade of red yelled.

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