Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 34

Arabella Rivera
“I told you what I want i need a favor.”
Hеr bеlу grоwѕ tense, eryosity emanating off of her like waves of the Cean.
She darted her eyes from me to the door, seeking a way out. “A favor that has to do with Haiden Cross? She whispers moret o
She then pinned me with a questioning stare. “Why?”
Like magnets, my eyebrows draw together to line in a frown of confusion.” Why what?”. The question slips out of my mouth.
“Why do you need a favor for him? Did he send you?” Her question completely took me off guard. I guess I should have
expected it seeing our current situation, but surely I didn’t think she’d ask it this soon
She read me like an open book and here I thought I was the one who had her in my
cht was
one who had her in my
De who need the favorarani Haiden. i was like she hit hiye iht in the
“He didn’t send me if that’s what you leared.” I finally melered.
She visibly sighs in relief but then straightens her spine and throws on a look of question. “So what’s the favor?” I I was like she
feared to even speak out those words. They came out so still, unclear that one could only tell that it took a lot of courage for her
to utter them.
She didn’t want to do any sort of lavar for me, it was very clear on her face.
I move off the wall and turn to her. Looking at her dead in the eye. I mutter.” I need you to stop spreading the rumor.”
Her feet shift nervously and her eyes refuse to look me in the eye “What rumor? Of course she tried to play as though she didn’t
have a clue as to what I was speaking about. But the way she gulped and the slight alarm that flicked i n her eyes betrayed her
nonchalant exterior,
“Ihan’t play the
d ark. We htlikuwa Fumor l’imalking at
Her true colars begane show and soon her face had timneda muy shade of irritation and anger. “And why sheuld I? He waste my
time in coming over i climbed a tree for him only for him to dismiss me like I’m some sort of garbage and told me he had more
important business to do.” She hissed yes burning with rage, that to me specifically.
She then shrugked, popping her hip to look like she didn’t care.”Anyway, it wasn’t me who said it first. Suite girl
“That girl was me.
Her mouth parts when the words come out of my mouth. She was startled, very. Her eyes deepening into more of a tangle mess
of confusion. “What?” She voiced out the confusion that had rooted her frozen.

I sighed, seeing how I needed to un weave myself from the tangled web I had somehow gotten myself into. I had no
choice but to falticale some of the truth. I didn’t want her to make up her own 115mption that would weave anther ihned of rum .
Rumors I didn’t want.
“The girl shouting from her window? Yeah that was me.” I started, not entirely sure as to where I was going with this. Ore stupid
mistake, one single word, could shift this entirely. I had to tread on this as lightly as possible
Sasha’s eyes gleamed with intrigue, yet still showed the shadow of skepticism. So I took it as a sign to continue. “Halden
dumped my friend the day before and I being upset about it all, lied about him having herpes. I regretted it instantly and wished I
could’ve taken it back. This was some sort of vendetta against Haiden and I’m trying to fix it.”
Honestly, I’m not that proud of the excuse I came up with instantly, but given the short amount of time to prep I think I did good,
especially seeing the -shift in Sasha’s emotions.
Her brows pinched together and her eyes
. So he don’t have herpe
Was that will she cat from thath
It was like the news suddenly had snappulher aut of her draining omotions about Halden because a bright smile stretched on her
face “So that means i still have a chance?” She whispered so softly that I got the hint that the words were only meant for her to
After all the things she could think about she’s here wanting and hoping for another chance with the boy who she spoke ill of just
a few minutes ago. Now I see why guys get confused by women’s sudden emotions and actions. They never know what they
truly want.
They’re like an enormous rubik’s cube. A darnn headache.
She then cringes and looks at me lost. “D o you think he hates me now? Do you think he’ll take me back? Crap I might have
ruined my chances with him.” The tears that blurred her vision shocked me with its sudden and unexpected arrival.
ATTOO i huwvuilterable and Troubled shelvoked, in sudden switch of illie light bulb in my head first on. I wasn’t end to think of
manipulating her emotions hit in this case, this w.. something very fieтessary.
“Of course he would.” I walk up to her, plastering a look of pity on my face.
Trested my hands on both her shoulders and squeezed them in reassurance. “But you need to stop those rumors as soon as
possible. That’s the only way he’ll forgive you and take you back. If not then I’m afraid the resentment will not wear ofl.” I
whispered, hoping to pierce through her roaring emotions to get to her.

“Wait, resentment? Heresents me?” She cried, hiccuping. The door to the bathroom opens and I prayed it wasn’t Gwen or the
other girls. I turn my head a little to see who entered and I’m relievelt O see someone other than my nosey friend.
The girl who entered spared us a look of question and rushes to an empty stall. I turn to Sasha and give her my undivided
attention. “Yes he does. But you can fix
and shithen down to her top lip.
“Well you could start ly telling the first Oh you lod, you were lying I’im sure word will get around knowing this
Shtenedd and sniffle, “I really hop this works ”
This was easier than I thought
I smiled, giving her shoulder another squeeze.” It will, but first clean up yourself, you need Haiden to see the beautiful girl he
wanted, that a weeping one” i juled.
Sasha giggles and rods while walking to the sink. “I need him to pant after me.”
The bell rings.
I breathed out a tense breath. My work was done, well sort of. But there was a sudden burn of something I had grown to be
familiar with

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