Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 25

Thanks.” I spoke softly as I made my way over to her. I pry the bowl away from her hand gently while her eyes continued to
scrutinize my mom like she was an undercover cop
Growing uncomfortable by her sudden interest which was leaking with suspicion, I place the bowl down on the bedside table and
turn to her. “Is that all? ” I asked with an impatient edge in my voice while tugging the ends of the oversized shirt covering me
until mid thigh.
Her green eyes drag towards me slowly as if afraid to move her eyes away for just a second. They stared at me questioningly a s
I pinched the ends of the cotton fabric.
A quick flash of understanding flares in her eyes before she moves them away from my face and gives me a silent nod.
“Yes, that’s all.”
My stomach chooses this moment to let out a growl. Mother smiles, which was
Ermal Mother miles, which was
” Might want to hurry eat that to leed the monster.” She mudges her head to the bowl I had settled on the table.
I stood quiet for a while, utterly stunned by y her rare smile. It wasn’t huge but it was still very noticeable. It wasn’t the ones she
forced to just put up a front. This one finally reached her eyes after years, Something that was a miracle, well at least for me.
A light banging sound brought me out of my shocked stance and made me think quickly as mother’s eyes snapped to my closet.
“Well I have a lot of assignments to get done by tomorrow so I guess I’ll get to them now.” I spoke a little louder than normal
seeing that another light thud came from the closet.
“Is there something in the closet?” The dreaded question I didn’t want her to ask slips past her rubbed-off lipstick lips. She looked
skeptical and by her tense form, 1 knew she was without a doubt making the worst scenarios in her head.
ASHT dont have her walk to the cent
Astepilomward and my heart dropping has my machith uttering words didn’t
Her head snaps to mine and her eyes narrowed slightly.” What?

I let out a breath and forced myself to calm down to not raise any more suspicion.” Gwen and I saw a stray kitten by the side of
the road on our way here. I couldn’t leave the poor guy all alone..... o I took him?” I finished off with a nervous question knowing
fully well that mother despises those creatures.
One of her eyes twitches which is one of her habits when she is extremely irritated. “Toss him out before your father gets here.
He wouldn’t be too happy to hear that you let in a stray cat which might have fleas.” Her face scrunched up in disgust as she
sends a
Get rid of it. She grumbles and stets over to my opened door.
Her fingers latch on the door, slowly tugging it on her way out before she stops. After a couple of heartbeats and heavy
uncomfortable silence later, she tums around much to my displeasure.
“Do you need anything to stop the menstrual pain? I have some painkillers
and – – –
“No! No it doesn’t hurt anymore. I’m good.” I rushed out feeling the heat of embarrassment crawl up my neck to settle on my
cheeks knowing that Haiden might have heard
She nods and softly closes the door and leaves. I swiftly run to lock it, not wanting a repeat of what just happened. I was
definitely running out of excuses and my lies were embarrassing enough to be buried in dirt and never to be talked about again. I
was a terrible liar and most people knew that.
A Perks of having her not knowing me
Instead of ferling ved bry the revelation lily felt the heavy weight of
ily. Inned arm , mi that all shocked to ste Hai len cut of the closel. His bod cyes prodided me from where he stood, haunting me
with a knowing look.
I felt naked, bare in front of him and that alone was enough to push back my earlier anger to the front
Icrossed my hands over my chest not trusting myself to be near him. Not after the intoxicating kiss that nearly ruined m y sanity.
Everyone was right. Haiden Cross ruins everything he touches.
And he touched me.

“What are you still doing here? Get out.” I spoke faintly while nudging my head to the opened window I assumed he entered
from. Scratch that, trespassed through.
He cocks his head to a side and looks at m e intently. After a few silent seconds, he spoke up. “Are you that mad I kissed you?
I suched in a sharp breath, not exactly
House I wasn’t sure I’d answer it
The way his eyes pick up every inch al my emotions was alamning. He was reading me like an open book and I hated it. I
mended to throw myself back into the dark claset that lacked away the realme, the one that didn’t have to hide.
My answer was curt and straight to the point. I didn’t care if I lied to myself or him. Truth was, that I needed to stay clear of
Haiden but I feared it was already too late
Something flashes in his eyes before he quickly conceals it. He was good at that, almost as good as me. ” It was just a joke
I narrowed my eyes at his face. Haiden was very handsome, like panty-dropping handsome. I guess that was one thing
“Friends or We’re mer friends remember?
My words must have struck him more than I realized because his facade cracked a little where his emotions played out. quickly
He looked upset, almost lost. But instead of acting upon those emotions he sealed them back in with worn-out tape and gave a
single vague nod.
He did not say much after that, just went on his way. Which was technically out through my window
He only left the lingering scent of minto n my bedsheets and pillow that night. The scent that lured me into the most calming
sleep I ever had in days.

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