Torn between Wolves & Myths (Book 2)

Chapter 026

Hi guys,

This chapter could have a bit more errors than usual, I'm sorry about that, I will fix it as soon as possible. Still hope you enjoy the new update!

Sorry it took so long!

"You have a lot of nerve, coming here."

Pyry walked towards her as she tried to get up once more. But it was still in vain.

"Get out here now!" She linked to het pack instantly. She wasn't going to get blindsided by this motherfucker.

The Alpha put up his hands as he reached her, before he sat down next to her. "I'm not here to hurt you."

"Why do we find that hard to believe?" Malik snarled as her pack started to surround them as well as Ben and Rev.

"Oh wait, because your buddy tried to kill her." Malik added as his canines elongated.

Pyry sighed as he dropped his head and nodded. "I understand that my prescence here is not wanted, but I truly mean no harm. I'm not the one you need to be worrying about." She looked at him as he met her gaze. Sincerity shone in his eyes, and she didn't like it one bit.

"And yet, here you are." Ben commented.

"Only to warn you." Pyry said as he looked from Ben back to her. "You need to leave." Her eyebrows shot up.


"Because Rafe is going to show who he truly is and you will not like what he has planned. If you care for your pack and the ones you're working with, leave. He's not going to come after you again." Realisation set in.

"He's gonna go after the ones I care about." Her eyes snapped to Malik. He was going to take out the wolves of their pack, trying to get to her that way. Deaths would always follow in a war, but she wasn't heartless. She wouldn't let wolves die just because a maniac is trying to get to her. Pyry was right. They needed to leave.

"Starting with the border patrol you have set up." Everyone looked at Pyry again.

"Why are you telling us this?"

"Your father was a kind male and a good king. The best we could have wished for. What Rafe is doing is only going to lead to the extinction of our race. This war needs to end. And you are the only one who could get it done." Pyry spoke true.

"So, we need to believe that you are here only because you suddenly accept her as our monarch or is it because we killed your buddy?" Fare snarled.

"Stef was no buddy of mine. His ideals were the same as Rafe's while mine are nothing like it. All I want is to live in peace and have a life where I can take care of my pack and not have to bury one of them every week." Pyry snarled back. "Besides, you didn't kill him. The Margyge did."

Liv looked at Malik who briefly looked at her as well. It was no secret that the Margyge are here now, but she still needed to find out what their angle was. She just hoped she could find out before Rafe would do anything to them.

"When?" Caden's voice suddenly filled the clearing as he joined them. Her entire body tensed as she forced herself to ignore him. Something that didn't go unnoticed by the three other Alpha's, including Caden. A low growl sounded from behind her, telling her how he was feeling about her ignoring him. Yet, she didn't care. She needed to distance herself from him before things could get even more messy.

"He's planning to attack close to daylight." Pyry said as he didn't take his eyes off Liv, while holding a calculating look on his face. One she definately didn't like. "If you want to have a chance to beat him and Lycaon, you need to set up a base where you can build up your strength. But that cannot be here. You need to leave." She swallowed as she held his eyes as het mind immediately went to the only place she could think off that would be safe for them. The one place she was both dreading and yearning to go back to.

"And where do you intend for us to go. There is no place we are safe from either of those assholes." Brandon said.

Pyry looked at him and Andrew and Gerard, before a small smile spread over his face. "You truly are your father's daughter." He said to her before he got up from the ground.

"Your Alpha already knows where you need to go."

"How would you know?" Ben asked, but Pyry only looked at her.

"Because she grew up in the place that had been a safe haven for her family and her pack for years."

The shock from her pack wasn't only felt through the bond, but also against her skin as their eyes all turned on her.

"Greenland." Malik whispered.

"It might have been a safe haven once, but it's not anymore." She said as she finally got up with a lot of effort. Something that didn't go unnoticed by anyone. "Rafe is Regent, he has a claim on Greenland as well."

"Maybe in name, yes, but you haven't been back there in a long time, Kerra. A few things have changed."

"Don't call me that." She warned as her pack growled at him.

"Why not? Because it means darkness? Because Moonbloods are supposed to be light and not dark?" Pyry asked as he took a step closer to her. "The darkness in your blood is not something you need to hate about yourself, Kerra. It's a strength. One you are going to need."

"And how would you know anything about the darkness in my blood?"

"Do you really think that the Gods, who had foreseen your birth, never saw the darkness you were born with?" A muscle ticked in her jaw as she held his gaze.

A small smirk ghosted over his face. "Go home, Kerra. You will find the meaning of your darkness the moment you set foot in your territory."

"Do you like to talk in riddles or is it just something that is natural for you?"

Pyry snorted as he pushed his hands in his pockets. "You'd be surprised."

"What will we find in the old territory?" She snarled, her patience running very thin. If there was anything this asshole knew about her it was time he would come clean.

"Your father."

As if she was slapped in the face she took a step back as she couldn't hide the hurt look on her face.

"My father is dead."

"Yes, he is." Pyry confirmed. "But that doesn't mean that he's gone."

"He's an Eidolon?" Gerard asked wide eyed.

Pyry shook his head. "He's a Haugbui. A soul who remained at their burial mound to guard it." Her heart had stopped. She was certain of it as she couldn't breathe. "Although, the king was never given a burial mound, and so he's guarding his entire territory, killing anyone who venture on it."

"What?!" Her voice came out forced as her breathing suddenly returned.

"It wasn't long after everything happened that Rafe wanted to settle there, so he went back with his pack, but as soon as some stepped into the territory, the former king appeared and killed any who tried to enter. He wouldn't even allow Rafe in."

"Why, on earth, do you believe that he will let us in!?" Brandon exclaimed.

"Because Haugbui aren't evil by nature." Malik explained. "You think that we will be allowed in because of Liv."

Pyry nodded. "It's your only chance, Kerra."

She couldn't form words as the realization set in that she was probably going to see her father again. A tear rolled down her cheek. She had seen her mother in the Eidolon forest. Liv knew that her mother was still there, but she never once thought that her father would still be on this earth as well. But he was not an Eidolon, but an Haugbui.

She was sure she was going to pass out when her vision suddenly shifted and she stood in a cell.

Liv looked shocked around her, before her eyes landed on the emerald green ones of someone she had only seen once before.

He was looking straight at her as his mouth parted a bit in shock.

"Ulf." She breathed.

His eyes grew a bit wider as if he heard her, before a door behind her opened.

Liv looked back, expecting to see who was walking in when her vision suddenly showed the forest and decaying houses behind her.

She looked back and saw everyone looking shocked at her.

"Liv?" Doc asked as he took a few steps forward. "What happened to you?" Pyry looked confused at her.

Not wathing him to know that she has the Bloodcall she shook her head at Doc. "Nothing, I- It's a lot to take in."

Doc narrowed his eyes at her briefly before he nodded. "Just take it easy." He said.

"There is no way we could get there before Rafe would find out." Ben spoke up, moving the conversation along, which she was more than thankful for.

"There is no way we will find a ship that could take us there and swimming though the Strait is not something that's possible."

"Fare did it while he was still human." Liv spoke softly. Everyone immediately looked at her, before their eyes snapped to Fare.

"You were human!?" Ben asked shocked.

"Born and raised." Fare commented like it was normal.


Fare held up his hand, stopping Doc in his sentence. "We can discuss my change when we are not in imminent danger." Doc closed his mouth, but there was a twinkle in his eyes that told everyone how interested and excited he was to be figuring out how he completed the shift.

"Remember that I was nearly dead when I swam through the Strait, Alpha. It's not something I would recommend." Fare said as he met her gaze.

"No, I would imagine that, but what if we don't have to swim ourselves?"

Fare's eyes grew wide as he immediately understood what she meant. "You're kidding right? You can't ask the Margyge to help us swim to another country!"

"Liv, they are evil!"

"Then why did they kill Stef when I threw him in but never touched me or Caden when we landed in the water!?" No one reacted.

"It's basically our only chance." She added.

"How are you imagining this to work, Alpha? We would still have to go through the water." Andrew spoke up.

"Never knew you to be afraid of water, Andrew."

"I'm not."

"Then let me handle what is going to happen next." Liv spoke as she looked at Pyry. "I still don't trust you."

"Understandable, but know that what I am doing is to make sure that my pack has a future." He said before he made a small bow. "Safe travels, princess. I'm sure we will see each other again." He said before he walked away.

"You sure about this?" Malik asked as he looked out over the lake next to Liv.

No she wasn't, but they didn't really have that much of a choice anymore now do they?

She took a step towards the lake. The water created ripples as she placed her foot in it.

It didn't take long or more ripples came from the water before four pair of eyes looked at her from the water. She swallowed as she held the gaze of the one in the middle, who pushed herself a bit more out of the water.

"We need your help." She spoke.

Something moved under water towards them, before another Margyge came out of the water close to them, holding something in her hand which she reached out to Liv.

Liv bended over and took the weed out of the hands of the Margyge.


A single word sounded in her head as she looked at the one in the middle, sure that the voice came from her.

Liv got a feeling that she didn't need to voice the help she needed, the Margyge just knew and she trusted them. It was like something primal inside of her told her she could.

Liv turned to the others behind her with the weeds.

"Gather everyone. We are leaving as soon as possible."

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