Torn between Wolves & Myths (Book 2)

Chapter 002

Liv stopped walking when she reached the table as Rafe sat down and gestured to the chair next to Ben. She looked at it before her eyes met his. Ben gave her a sad smile before she averted her gaze and looked back at Rafe as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“If it is more myths you are going to tell me, just say so, so I can prepare for a bunch of bullshit.” Rafe gave her another crooked smile as he leaned back in his chair. “No myths are told here, Livana. Everything you heard is the truth and nothing else but the truth.”

“Sure, it is.”

“Why is it so hard for you to believe?” Her eyes shifted to the male left of Rafe. His blond hair was braided and he had a medium beard. He had two scars close to his right eye, which was, along with the left one, blue colored. “Why would only the Greek Gods be real when there are so many others?”

“Because there is proof that they are real.”

“And we are not proof?” The other male said, his bald head shone in the fire light as his dark brown eyes bore into her own. The aura of the two males told her exactly what they were. Alphas.

“How can you be proof when you look exactly like the Lycanthropes?” The male got up from his chair as he leaned with his two hands on the table. “Oh, do I now?” As he spoke his eyes shifted from dark brown to emerald green. The same color she had seen with Ben and Caden. Her lips parted a little as she saw them and didn’t know what to say.

“Sit back down, Pyry.” Rafe said before he took a sip from his cup. Pyry did as Rafe asked as his eyes shifted back. “Do you know why Lycanthropes have amber colored eyes?” Rafe asked.

“Because of Artemis whose wolves shared the same color eyes.” Liv said as her gaze shifted back to Rafe. “Becoming supernatural made their eye color amber because of it.”

“True.” Rafe said as he leaned a little to the side and rested his head on his fist. “So, how can we have emerald green eyes?” She had no idea. At first, she only thought Caden had them and that it was because his mother was a Moonblood, but now she wasn’t so sure.

“You don’t have an explanation for that, do you?” She braided male said with a satisfied smirk.

“I don’t.” She said as he looked him straight in the eyes. “Apparently everyone has been keeping too much shit I needed to know from me, so it’s only natural that I don’t know shit about your eye color.” She didn’t need to look at Augo. The whine that left him told her that her words found their mark.

“It is.” Rafe spoke up again. “But will you believe us if we tell you about who you are and what your true part in this story is?” She swallowed before she lifted her chin a little. The movement made Rafe hum. “You don’t believe the truth about what we are, if I would tell you the story about who your father was and who I am, you wouldn’t believe it either.”

“How do you know anything about my father?” She spoke before he was barely done with his own sentence. Rafe sat up straight again as a smirk splayed over his face. “The first time you saw me, you must have had a familiar feeling wash over you. Like you knew me already.” There was no denying that. She did have a feeling she knew him, but she didn’t know when she must have ever met him.

“Have I met you before?” She asked as he didn’t elaborate. Rafe chuckled as he shook his head and leaned with his elbows on the table, grasping his hands. “No, princess. We have never met before. Your father made sure that we wouldn’t.” The hairs on her arms rose as the feeling of danger, the same feeling she had the first time she saw him in the woods, came over her.

“Why?” Her voice was dangerously steady.

“Will you believe me?”

“By the-” Losing her patience, she slammed her hands on the table. “Why!?”

“Because my brother didn’t want me to be around you.” Every sound around her died down as the words sunk in. It felt like the world had fallen away around her and the only ones living were the two of them. This wasn’t true, her father didn’t have a brother! She never-

The thought stopped before she could finish it. Of course, she would have never seen him. If her father indeed didn’t want him around her, there was no way she could have met him before.

“Half-brother to be exact.” Rafe spoke, breaking the silence which had numbed her. “We didn’t agree on a lot of things, including keeping you in the dark about who you are and what you are. Leif forbade me to ever come into the pack or look for you, but truths they kept from you would need to become known to you and I always knew that once it would, we would meet.” Liv was too stunned to speak. She didn’t even know how to react to all of this. This was her uncle! She had an actual uncle!

“Liv?” Her nails scratched over the table as she clenched her fists at hearing Augo’s voice.

“Do I even have to ask?” The silence told her enough. He knew. He had always known which means that everything Rafe- her freaking uncle- told her just now was the truth.

“Liv, I’m sor-” A scream tore from Augo as she directed her building power towards him and gave him a taste of what she was feeling inside of her. Rafe, Pyry and braid immediately jumped up from the table as Augo doubled over and fell on the ground. Blood started to come out of his ears and nose as she kept hold on his blood and directed it to his head to give him an extreme headache.

“I’m done, with hearing everyone say that they are fucking sorry.” Her voice was dangerously steady as she spoke. “I’m done, with hearing everyone say that I don’t even know who I am or that I don’t know the truth about everything.” Another scream came from Augo as he writhed on the ground. “And I am done with finding out that everyone I knew fucking lied to me!” One last scream tore from Augo before she pulled her power back and released his blood. Rafe’s eyes snapped to hers as Augo whimpered on the ground. “Liv-” She knocked the table forward, causing the three standing to fall back on their chair and the two still seated to grown as they got a table slammed into their stomach. Rafe looked at her with big eyes as she leaned a little forward. “You want me to know the truth? Then you are going to answer some questions truthfully. If I find out you’re lying, I will kill you. No matter who you are to me.” This was not what they expected to happen when they released her and she knew that as well, but she was completely done with this shit. It was time she got the answers she wanted, whether they like it or not.

“Why didn’t want my parents that I knew the truth, you claim is true?” The wolf inside of her rose. Her nails elongated, making Rafe look at her hands before meeting her eyes again. “Because they knew that you became a target for the Lycanthropes the moment you were born. They wanted to give you a normal childhood, before the time came that you needed to know.” She could tell that the wolves behind her had started to get closer to her, but she didn’t care. The way she was feeling, she was going to kill everyone in this courtyard before they could even lift a fucking paw.

“They wanted to tell you once you were old enough, but King-” A growl escaped her throat at the name. “Changed the situation. Leif wanted to tell you himself or have your Lycanthrope mother tell you and so he ordered everyone to keep their mouth shut until they told you everything. Since it never happened, you were kept in the dark for too long.”

“Why am I a target?” The next question came before he could say anything else. He swallowed again as he tried to free himself from the table and chair, but thanks to her wolf pumping power in her veins, the table wouldn’t budge. “Not a nice feeling to be held captive, now does it?” Rafe stopped struggling. A muscle ticked in his jaw as he met her gaze. “Answer my question.”

“Because you are something that shouldn’t be existing. The Lycanthropes were tasked with making sure that you wouldn’t be born.”


“Why do you suddenly believe us?”

“Answer me.” She snarled.

“You first.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Rafe leaned a little forward. “Then why these questions?”

“Fine, why should I believe the myth? What proof is there?” She asked through gritted teeth. “Lycaon.” The answer was one single word.

“How can Lycaon be proof?” Rafe looked at braid who reluctantly pulled something out of his pocket before tossing it on the table before her. She picked it up and folded it open, reading the words on it.

You may have won one battle, Ulfhednar, but you won’t win this war.

She will die, and your race with her.

Underneath the words was the royal seal of Lycaon. One that no one could duplicate as it was given by the gods. No matter how hard anyone tried, they couldn’t ever get it exactly right. But this was the real deal, erasing all of her thoughts of them having made it themselves.

“Everything we told you is the truth, Livana. The proof of it is in your hands.” Rafe spoke up, breaking the silence. “We are not the enemy here.” Her eyes snapped to his.

“Maybe you’re not or maybe you are, I’ll find out, you can be sure of that.” She said as he finally moved away from the table and they all pushed it away from them, releasing themselves. Liv turned to walk away when Pyry stopped her. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Away from you, but don’t be afraid, I won’t leave.”

“Why not?” Braid asked next with a wary look on his face. “Ask Caden.” Her eyes snapped to his as a small smirk started to form on his face. “He, partly, had the same reason to stay in King’s pack.” Braid clenched his jaw as the look was wiped from his face.

“I know there is more that you’re not telling me, so don’t worry. I won’t kill you all before I get all the answers.” Her eyes snapped to Rafe who was giving her a hard look as well. “If you truly thought that I would go all girly knowing that I still have living relatives and that my Beta is alive, you are sadly mistaken. I don’t trust you-” Her eyes met Caden’s gaze. “And I never will.” He rested his head against the back of the chair as he licked his lips and her insides clenched painfully in need. Yet, not a single muscle moved in her face as she turned and walked away. She wasn’t going to show him that he was right about her need for him, even though he already knew he was. The wolves parted as she walked past them before going into the woods.

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