Torl's Journey

Chapter 5: Seala's Rescue

Seala heard the sound of a land vehicle draw near to the cave opening. Could it be the stranger, or was it the Hunters? She had been without food for one whole day now and her body told her about it as she ran to the back of the cave to hide behind a large rock. What would she do if it were the Hunters? What would she do if it were the stranger? Where could she go to be safe? So many questions, so many problems. Why couldn’t she just be a little girl like all the others? They had families, and parents, and homes. Life could be so unfair!


Seala’s heart stopped mid beat at the sound of her name being called out in a deep resonant voice. Who was it? It must be the stranger for she had given her name to no other in more than a quarter of a year. But what if it were someone else? Someone who had seen her on Vid, and knew her name...a Bounty Hunter perhaps... Seala decided to remain silent. If it were the stranger he would keep trying. Besides, if he came into her view, she would recognize him.

“Seala? It’s Torl, Seala. I’m the one who mind spoke to you. Please come out quickly, we cannot stay long.”

It was the stranger! Who else would know that he had spoken to her mind? Torl. What a name... Torl. It sounded like a stuffy office worker, not the man she had seen adeptly moving the colors back into place. He should be called Jeril or Halku or some other strong masculine name....

Seala side-stepped out into the open and saw him standing in the middle of the cave. One of his hands rested around a Plasti Line as he looked around the small cave trying to peer into the shadows.

“Torl, I’m here. What took so long? Did they catch you? Oh, of course not. You would not lead them here!”

Torl looked around at her and his beautiful smile lit up the room. He was actually glad to see her! Seala began to smile, too, as he let go of the line and walked toward her.

“I’m so glad you’re alright. Sorry for the delay, I had to take precautions to make sure I would not be followed. And arrangements had to be made to help us get away from here. Come on, I have someone I want you to meet.”

With that, he cupped her dainty hand in his and started back toward the Plasti Line. When they were back to the line, he squatted down and instructed her to climb onto his back and hold on. When she was securely on his back, he stood again, and began to climb the line back to the roof of the cave. As he climbed, he spoke to her of the events that had occurred since she disappeared from the midst of the Hunters.

He told her of the killing of the Master Hunter and the others, though he did not tell her that he had brought this to pass. He told her of the check points in town, of the star port lock down, and finally he told her that they would have to leave Earth forever. By the time he finished outlining these events, he had carried her out of the cave and they had walked over to the Limo. There he introduced her to Jelru and explained that she was going to help them.

“Jelru? Are you the Jelru who organized the Farmer’s Coop?” Seala asked brushing the dirt from her slacks.

“Yes. How do you know me child? I have been gone for what must be nearly a third of your life.”

“Mala, my friend, told me of you. He used to say that the Beuocraps would not find it so easy to steal from the farmers if you were here. Is that true? Will you help us get our land back?”

Jelru and Torl looked at one another and started laughing. This confused Seala. What had she said that was so blasted funny? After a few moments Jelru gathered herself enough to explain.

“Beuocraps. That’s the most accurate mispronunciation that I have ever heard. I’m sorry we laughed at you, but the correct pronunciation is Bureaucrats. However, I think I like your term much better...

Yes, I hope to help our people get their farms back. Maybe, someday soon, you will be able to come back here and run Mala’s farm.” she declared as she lifted Seala’s dark hair from her dirty face. “With Torl’s help, we have already done some of the necessary work. But it will take a long time and unfortunately, many will never see the return of their land.

Mala? He was a big brown man with a bright smile and a consistent sense of humor, wasn’t he? Sure he was. How is the old coot?”

“He’s dead.” Seala stated matter-of-factly. “The Land Grabbers just came by and zapped him one day. They didn’t know I was there, but I saw them.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Jelru said with sincerity. “Were you close?”

“Yes. I loved Mala.” she said fighting back tears. “He raised me after my Mother left. He was my only true friend.”

“I am sorry, Seala. I didn’t know Mala had any kin. How were you related?”

“I don’t know what you mean. But my Mother brought me here before I was old enough to know. We stayed with Mala until I was able to walk. Then my Mother just up and left. Mala said she told him it was not safe for her to stay any longer. I don’t remember my Mother but Mala told me all about her. She was called Lia.” Seala explained as she tried to straighten out her filthy blouse and comb her hair with her fingers.

“And she was tall and beautiful and light of skin, like me. Mala said she could make the sky cry for her and many other things. But I don’t know where she went or how she knew Mala. I know Mala loved her, very much, and that she did not feel the same for him.”

“Lia? She left what...about ten years back? Is that right?”

“Yes. And she had sapphire blue eyes, like mine. Did you know her?”

“Yes...yes, I did. She was a good woman. Mala was her Father’s Foreman. Lia gave Mala the farm when her Father died. She used to say that he had earned it and that she could not stay there anyway. So you are Lia’s child.” she said and pushed a curl out of Seala’s eyes. “I had heard that she was a Mother but I never knew that she had brought you here. I’m sorry, I should have checked in on you.” she said somewhat angrily. “Well maybe I can help you now....” Jelru’s voice trailed off as she obviously thought better of what she was about to say.

“Why? Why did she leave me and Mala? Didn’t she love us? Did I do something wrong?”

“No! You did nothing wrong.” Jelru corrected. “Your Mother loved you very much. It must have hurt her tremendously to leave you behind. But she went to do some very dangerous work for the whole race. If she had taken you with her, she probably would have gotten you both killed. Never believe that your Mother did not love you. She just had to do something that none of us could do for her.”

“What? What could she have to do that was so important that she could not take me, or write to me, or message me?”

Torl felt that it was time for him to step in.

“I think we should talk about it when we get to Jelru’s farm. We risk much by delaying here now.” he looked around.

“Yes, Torl is right. Seala, we must go, but I promise that I will do everything I can to see that you get your questions answered.”

In short order, they were all in the Limo and on their way to Jelru’s farm. Jelru spent the time talking about her farm and the people who were there...

“My farm is very large and we have many people working there. Some of them are okay to talk freely to but others must not even know that you are with us, Seala. First, there is my Father, Olrud. He is a very wise old man. Do not say anything to him that you do not wish to explain. He must know that you are there, as I could never hide anything of this nature from him. But I think that it would be better if he did not know of any plans we make to get you off Earth. This is more for his defense than anything.

Then there is our foreman, Fiegal. He is a very practical and reliable gentleman who has been with our family longer than I have. He will be my Liaison and is the person to turn to when I am not there. He is taller than Torl, very large of girth, and very quick of wit and action. I once saw him talk an angry mob into doing just the opposite of what they had planned to do when they arrived.

Another time, I saw him kill a Fire Cat with his bare hands. I learned young to do what he said when he said it and that he would take care of the rest. You can count on him to handle any situation that might arise.

Marqual is our Caretaker and Mistress of the household now that Mother is old and weary. Marqual, too, is reliable but not nearly as bright. Be careful what you say around her! She has a penchant for repeating things at the most inopportune times.

The other Caretakers are all relatively new and I don’t think that they should know that you are present. I will ask Marqual to set them other house duties for now.

Our Head of Plowing and Planting is probably the most dangerous person for you to come in contact with. He is a member in good standing of the Church of Norms and probably was a friend of the Master Hunter. I have already approved the plowing and planting of the northern most sectors, so Burl probably will not be around. But it is very important that he not see or hear about you. So, if you hear of Burl coming to the Headquarters go to your rooms and stay there until Fiegal or I come and get you. Do you understand?”

Torl and Seala responded affirmatively, without hesitation. Neither of them wanted to come into contact with one who hated witches.

“Good.“, she exhaled. “Now, the field help is mostly transient and we know nothing about them other than their names and what they are good at. Avoid contact with them. Most of them will be either involved in the harvest or helping with the new planting so there should be little chance of contact.

The people you can trust are our transport Handlers. I have handpicked them and I trust them implicitly. I will introduce you to them when we are settled back at the farm. Our driver today is Johnan. He is my Master of transport and he will take you anywhere you need to go. But I hope that you will not find the need to leave Headquarters until I can make arrangements for you to get off Earth.

I have made arrangements for you two to have rooms in the abandoned east wing of the main house. It is not as nice as the rest of the house, but almost no one ever goes there. We will eat there, except for dinner. You will sleep there, and for the most part, you will spend your days there. I’m sorry for the arrangements but since I have been gone for so long, I don’t know who else might be at the house and we cannot risk anyone unknown contacting you two.”

As Jelru completed her instructions, they pulled into a large complex of buildings and headed straight for the largest one. Very soon the vehicle pulled inside a building through an opening that was created as they drew near.

Once they were inside, the opening closed again and the lights came on. There were two old men there to greet them. One was very large with dark straight hair and stood like a cat at rest. The other was about Torl’s size with light brown hair and was smiling like a Cheshire cat. Before they exited the vehicle, Jelru told them that the larger of the two was Fiegal, the foreman, and the smaller man was her Father.

Then she told Torl that it would be best if he were to act like a Suitor who was just beginning to be interested. This had, after all, been her original plan. And since her Father wanted her to get hitched very badly, he just might buy it.

Seala was to be polite but say very little, as though she were a very shy young girl who had tagged along for the ride.

With that said Jelru jumped out of the vehicle and ran over to her Father and trusted friend, giving them both a big hug and kiss on the cheek. This gave the two passengers time to gather their thoughts as they got out of the Limo and approach more slowly.

“Father, this is my friend Torl. He is a comp spec class five. And this young lady,” she said clasping Seala’s arm and drawing her forward, “is Seala. Torl, Seala, this is my Father the Honorable Olrud Seals. And this big hunk of a man,” Jelru said as she released Seala’s arm and wrapped her large earthy hands around her Father’s arm, “is our Foreman and most trusted friend, Fiegal.”

Looking lovingly into her Father’s eyes, Jelru continued. “Father, Torl and Seala have graciously agreed to be our guests for a short while. Is that alright?”

“Certainly Jelru. Any friends of yours are welcome in my house any time. Seala, Torl, welcome to our home. It would appear that you have come from one of my daughter’s infamous costume parties. I think she has them just so she can dress up to try and shock me. Come inside now and get comfortable.” he said as he placed one strong hand on Torl’s shoulder and the other on Seala’s upper back and ushered them in.

“My dear ladies, you both look in need of a long, relaxing bath, and fresh clothing. Marqual,” he shouted. “Marqual, please tend to my daughter and her guest.”

As he shouted, a short stout woman of indeterminate age appeared, smiling at Jelru and Seala, and looking a little askance at Torl. She curtsied then clapped her hands in joy. No sooner said than done, the ladies were bustled off, leaving Torl alone with the two men.

“Torl, my boy, a glass of Port and a fine cigar?” As he spoke a servant appeared holding a tray with three glasses of wine and a box of cigars. Torl, wishing to impress as he played the part of suitor, replied “Just a small glass, sir. I like to keep my wits about me.”

“Good for you, my boy, good for you. So, you are a class five? We don’t see many of your rank here in the out sectors. What brings you here?” he asked as he handed Torl a glass of Port.

“Well sir, quite honestly, I had intended to catch the next flight to the Opaline System, but your beautiful daughter convinced me that I would be missing a great deal if I did not come out to see your farm first. And now it appears that I will not be able to leave for a while anyway with the port lock down.” he answered sipping the Port. “Jelru tells me that you have an independent system here. I would be very honored if you would allow me to see it before I go.”

“Yes. Yes. With a standard confidentiality agreement, that would be fine... Fiegal, would you mind getting Torl settled in. You must excuse me, my boy, but I have a bit of business to attend to. I look forward to getting to know you better. I will see you at the dinner table later?”

Torl agreed to see him at dinner as Fiegal quickly led him to the house transit system. Once inside, Fiegal, too, explained that they would be staying in the abandoned east wing to ensure their privacy. He also stated that Jelru would probably be tied up a great deal over the next couple of days, tending to business, but that he would be out to check on Torl and Seala regularly, and would see to their needs.

He told Torl that there was a terminal in his room, as Jelru had requested, and that the information he required was under the Vid station. When the transport stopped and they stepped out, they were standing in a very long hall with numerous doors on both sides.

Fiegal showed him to his room, personally coding the door to Torl’s thumb prints. Then he explained that Torl had a private clean station which actually had water facilities. Also, he had taken the hint that they might be arriving unprepared and had procured some clothing for them that would be suitable for relaxation, dining at the house, and traveling.

The rooms and hallway in this section had extensive privacy systems, Fiegal went on, but the other areas of the house should be treated as open to monitoring unless they were told otherwise. Dinner would be in two hours and he would return to guide Torl to the dining room shortly before that.

With that he turned on his heal and was gone before Torl knew it.

Torl wanted to talk to Seala in depth after dinner, he thought closing the door behind him, if she felt up to it. But for now, he had better spend some time cleaning up and getting ready for dinner.

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