Torl's Journey

Chapter 23: Exile

Torl read the opinions rendered by his legal and political teams. The legal team indicated that commuting Lia’s exile was well within the authority of the First Seat of the High Council. They referred to three precedents established by the last two first seats. Clearly from a legal perspective they believed that he could commute the exile with impunity. The political team, however, pointed out several political implications in doing so. Notably, since she had broken the law to assist him, it could be perceived as the First Seat feeling he was above the law. Also, since he had taken custody of her, it could be said that the entire thing had been planned from before anyone else knew he existed. Lia might be the one pulling the strings, and he just a puppet in her hands. On the other hand, it could be spun as his desire to open the borders and begin working to bring down the realm of the witch hunters. Perhaps Torl was a loyal friend who would defend those who defended him. It could be spun that the connection was Seala, and that he was unwilling to give up this girl who had become like a daughter to him, by sending her off to exile with her mother. In all cases, they recommended that if he commuted the exile, he immediately cut his ties to Lia as completely as possible to allow him to deny any implications of impropriety as a cause.

Apparently, it was their opinion that he could protect her and stay in contact with her only if he allowed her to be exiled. If he commuted the exile, he should have no further contact with her.

Both cases would have considerable political risk. But then anything he did had political risk these days. The ultimate question remained was he willing to take the risk to grant the wish of someone who had had saved his life at the expense of her career, who was the mother of a child he had come to love like a daughter, and who had become a friend in her own right?

He made his decision. He signed and sealed the appeal, then contacted Lia and asked her to come to his office for a brief meeting. No, she should not bring Seala; this was a matter they should discuss first.

Time seemed to crawl as he waited for Lia to arrive. It was really only a few minutes, but it seemed like hours as he struggled to maintain his calm and regain his center. Finally, there was soft knock at the door followed by Lia entering the room.

“Sir, I’m sorry it took so long to get here, Seala did not understand why she could not come to see you with me.”

“Come on over and have a seat Lia. I would like you to read the opinions I received from my staff on your appeal of your exile.”

Concern flashed briefly through her eyes as she came over and sat down so that she could view his vid screen. She read through the legal opinions quickly, and then the political opinions much more slowly, doubt showing briefly in her eyes. Torl studied her as she read. This was indeed a beautiful woman, and it was clear that she was also very skilled in politics. He could see her consider the political arguments and some alternative approaches, coming finally to an opinion of what she thought his decision would be.

Torl reached over and laid his hand on top of hers, drawing her attention away from the vid screen. As she looked into his eyes, he could see that she was resigned to accepting the decision she though he had made.

“Lia, I wanted you to read the opinions so that you could see that I have been advised of, and have considered the implications of this decision. I want you to know that I am eternally grateful for your aid, without which Seala and I would have died on the way here.

I also want to say that I believe you are an outstanding mother, and Seala needs you as much as you need her, and I would never consider separating you two. But I love her too and could not bear to be separated from her for any extended period of time.

In addition, I have come to rely on your advice and stability. I value your opinions, and know that they are always well founded in reality.

For all these reasons, I have decided to ignore the advice of my councilors and grant your appeal, on the condition that you allow me to provide you with security and visit you and Seala often.”

The look of complete shock and utter disbelief on her face was priceless. It lasted for only a second, but Torl would treasure it just the same. Then she smiled broadly, and kissed him without warning. Now he was the one with a look of shock.

“You are always welcome in my home, and I could not separate Seala from you if I wanted to, which I don’t. I accept your terms. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I must tell Seala, please excuse me.” She nearly ran out the door and down the hall. Torl smiled to himself, there might be consequences, but he had done the right thing today, he was certain of it.

What was that kiss, just gratitude, or did he feel something more in it? He would have to explore that further at a later date. He filed the appeal decision, and logged out for the evening.

Torl sat in his office and contemplated the tasks he had set for himself, and knew that he would be very busy for a very long time but he was optimistic that he would eventually be able to rebuild the nation that had once existed. His parents had done well planning for a future where they knew it would be necessary to rebuild; now he had to finish their work.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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