Torl's Journey

Chapter 21: Politics by a Master

Lia introduced each master as they entered the lounge.

There was Jin Master Sin of the Laar order a rather non-descript woman of middle years. She was very powerfully built, with shoulder length auburn hair, round penetrating green eyes, with a flat over large nose and almost no lips, but as Torl had already experienced she was very even tempered and had a pleasant personality.

Jin Master Argle of the Prin order was a smallish man in his early adulthood with a great big booming bass voice. He shaved his head, but had brown eyebrows and goatee. His small brown eyes appeared to see everything as they looked around a large bulbous nose. His small thin mouth was a great contrast to the voice that came out of it.

Jin Master Lanl of the Juul order was a mousey man with long strands of beautiful black hair around a pinched round face. His dark brown round eyes appeared almost black as they peeked out from under a protruding forehead. He had a small pointed nose above an overly large mouth with smile creases at both sides. When he spoke the sound and tempo were quite feminine, and he was clearly uncomfortable around new people, but he was quite polite and easy to speak to.

Jin Master Finkle of the Juul order, a complete contrast to Lanl, he was a huge man considerably taller than Torl who had been considered tall back on Arth. He had a great paunch that jiggled when he laughed, which was quite often. Finkle wore his blond hair close cropped but had a full beard that reached the center of his chest. He had very bright blue eyes, a generous nose, and a large mouth that constantly had a smile on it. One got the impression that Finkle was the life of any party.

Jin Master Sharl of the Prin order was a tall slender woman in her early adulthood with beautiful long red hair. Her large blue eyes sparkled as she peered intently at Torl. She had a smallish pointed nose that contrasted with her large full lips which were curved in a never ending smile. When she spoke her beautiful soprano voice carried across the room easily. Torl could believe that her sanctuary was full of young men every 7th day.

Jin Master Jen of the Miir order was of middle age and average height with an average build, and a gentle attitude, but that was where average ended with her. Her long hair was blazing red and unruly as it framed the face of a classic beauty. Her bright green eyes seemed to see right into a person’s soul, and her full rich lips beckoned to a man’s heart. When she spoke her strong alto voice flowed like honey and demanded attention.

Kre Master Lynl of the Miir order was a man in his late youth. He was of average height and average build with dark skin and black curly, almost kinky hair. His dark brown eyes had the look of wisdom way beyond his years. He had a large flat nose that was too large for his face, and a small mouth with thin lips that made him appear to be in deep concentration at all times. He was a pleasant man, but did not waste words when he spoke.

Kre Master J’Lin of the Prin order was a short heavy set woman of latter years. Her once black hair was now nearly white. She had skin the color of a deep tan with light brown eyes and a small pert nose. Her lips were full and in a perpetual smile that spoke of a very happy life. When she spoke, her voice crackled a little but retained a luster that caused one to listen intently to what she had to say.

Lar Master Flarr of the Prin order was a tall slender man in his later years. His light brown hair was now heavily infused with gray. His blue green eyes held an intensity that demanded attentiveness, as they looked out around a large pointed nose. He had a canyon of a mouth from which boomed a strong baritone that could not be held to a normal conversational volume. Flarr was extremely personable and constantly told stories and jokes which amused any within earshot, which was practically everyone within sight.

Once they had all arrived and been introduced, Torl asked them to take a comfortable seat.

“I have gathered you all to enlist your help in reestablishing the honor and dignity of the universities and their masters.”

A low hum of voices ran briefly through the room as the masters voiced their agreement with his statement and spoke among themselves of what they felt needed to be done.

“When I arrived, I identified myself and demonstrated the weaves of my mastery to an initiate on duty at the time. Clearly the politicians of this realm accepted the credentials I had presented, yet they failed to acknowledge me as an equal, much less one with the right to take up the seat on the high council reserved for one of my rank from my monastery. The fact that I also am the son of the Firsts of Tali was not even considered.

As a result, I presented my claim and proof of my heritage and have now been named the first seat of the high council. However, as you all know from your political studies, holding the position is only half the battle, you also have to establish your power base and display political savvy to be effective.”

Again there was a low hum of voices as they each voiced their agreement with his assertions and spoke among themselves of how this should be done.

“My proposal is designed to re-establish the universities and their masters as a political force, solidify my position as the first seat of the high council, and rebuild the honor and dignity of the universities and their masters.

First, we must come together and present a united front to the council. We can, we must and we will disagree among ourselves, but we must present a united front to all outsiders.

We all understand that disagreement is the foundation of growth and learning, but others see it as division and something that can be used to reduce the effectiveness of any political entity.

You have all studied this and many of you have most likely experienced it first hand, I am asking you to commit to keeping our disagreements within our councils.”

There was a brief murmur before Lar Master Flarr stood and voiced his strong agreement and commitment to the concept. He was followed rapidly by the Kre Masters and then the Jin Masters, each voicing a commitment to the concept.

“Next, we need to rebuild the full structure of mastery and grow our numbers dramatically. To do this we will need to each and every one of us commit to taking on at least five apprentices and dedicating at least 3 hours each day to their training. In addition, I will work with the most senior of you to help you attain the next level of mastery. I ask in return that Lar Master Flarr, Kre Master J’Lin, Kre Master Lynl and Kre Master Lia each commit to taking at least 3 of the Jin Masters each as students to help them attain their next level of mastery. Will you all agree to these commitments?”

There was a longer period of discussion this time, but eventually they each stood and verbally committed to his proposal.

“Finally, as a Srin Master of the Saal Monastery I am prepared to commit to the duties of head master of the universities and propose that they be merged into the Saal Monastery. By doing so, we not only acknowledge the founders of the original monastery, but we reestablish its heritage and through that we become innately a political force in the Free Colonial System with rights to a seat on the high council. I already have these rights, but I have a higher claim and have not exercised this claim. What I am proposing will strengthen this university and all its affiliates for as long as this form of government exists.”

This time there was just a very brief pause before there was a resounding endorsement of the plan and loud cheers from the masters. It took several minutes to calm them and restore order so he could continue.

“Under the rules of order, we need a roll call vote to agree to merge the universities into the Saal Monastery, and a second to elect me as the head master. Lar Master Flarr, I will turn the proceedings over to you and leave the lounge while you take the votes.”

“Yes Srin Master, I am certain it will not take long, but you are correct, we must follow the rules of order in this.”

Torl walked out of the room, followed by Seala, Irnla and Url who had been sitting in the back of the room by the door while he spoke.

Once they were outside and the doors were once again closed, Irnla stepped up very close to him.

“Sir, if I may say, that was a very bold play. Somehow I think the rulers of this Free Colonial System are about to get a lesson from a master in the forms of political power. How can you rule a system where use of the power is encouraged if the most powerful of those who use the power unite against you. The answer, you can’t. You have just united them and put them firmly behind yourself. The longer I know you the more impressed I am with you.”

“I am inclined to return the compliment, it is rare that a master should so quickly diagnose such a move, it is unheard of for one who is not a master to do so. Are you sure you are not a master of the Laar order?”

“I am certain that I have never received such a title.”

“We may have to grant you the opportunity to test for it. If you so desire.”

“I think I am happy where I am, though I would not mind an opportunity to attend this university, or monastery or whatever it will be called, to enhance my skills.”

“I’m certain that can be arranged. And it will continue to be called a university.”

Seconds later, Lia opened the door and asked Torl to come back in. He did so, and was greeted by Lar Master Flarr.

“Srin Master Torl, the unified masters of the universities on Sharing Six have unanimously approved your proposal to merge the universities into the Saal Monastery if you will accept us. How say you?”

“Lar Master Flarr, members of the unified masters of the universities on Sharing Six. As the senior surviving Master of the Saal Monastery I welcome you to our dedicated order of mastery.”

There was a great cheer from the masters as he formally accepted them into the powerful Saal Monastery.

“Srin Master Torl, the unified masters of the universities on Sharing Six, now a member of the Saal Monastery, have unanimously voted to offer you the position of Head Master. Knowing fully that this position requires an absolute commitment to excellence in education, dedication to the legal and ethical administration of the universities, a commitment to maintain the highest standards of moral and ethical virtues, and an everlasting commitment to the growth and development of all staff, students and initiates who are part of the universities, do you accept the offered position?”

“Lar Master Flarr, members of the unified masters of the universities on Sharing Six, a member in good standing of the Saal Monastery, I thank you for the offer of the position of Head Master. With full knowledge and absolute commitment to excellence in education, dedication to the legal and ethical administration of the universities, a commitment to maintain the highest standards of moral and ethical virtues, and an everlasting commitment to the growth and development of all staff, students and initiates who are part of the universities, I accept the offered position, and commit myself whole heartedly and without reservation to the duties and responsibilities of this position.”

Again there was a great cheer from the masters, and this time Seala, Irnla, and Url joined the cheer.

When order was once more restored, and everyone had returned to their seats, Torl moved to the front of the room once more.

“There is one more thing that we need to accomplish this evening. In about an hour, Councilwoman J’Irle and Councilman T’Lane will arrive to meet with me. I wish to make it clear to them that the offense given when they sent subordinates to greet me and send me on my way earlier today, is not acceptable, and that they face a united and powerful force as a result of this affront. To that end, I would like to ask you all to stay for that meeting, and stand firmly behind me as I speak to them. None among us should give them a cordial greeting. Each should speak to the council members but only briefly. I do not wish to provide direct offense to them, but I do wish them to know that we were offended as a group and we stand united in our desire to ensure this type of activity is never repeated.”

There was a small amount of discussion before Lar Master Flarr once again started the procession of agreements from the entire group of masters.

Good, the first hurdle had been leapt. Now all he had to do was implement the fine art of pressing the point and being firm without creating a lasting enemy. This was by far the more challenging of the two hurdles he had set for himself this evening. But it was the one he had the greatest probability of accomplishing.

“Well, then my friends, I believe we have accomplished a great deal this evening. We have a long road ahead of us, but I am confident we will succeed. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on such short notice. Please enjoy the refreshments and relax before our meeting with the council members.”

Torl wandered among the masters taking a moment to speak with each one individually to discuss their areas of interest and goals for themselves and their universities.

Sometime later, Irnla told him that the council members were making their way down the walkway toward the VIP lounge. Torl made a point to take Seala, Lia and Url and exit into one of the private meeting rooms off the front of the lounge. He instructed Irnla to restrict access, allowing the two council members to bring only three attendants each into the lounge. He wanted to have the room be dominated by those who supported him. They could choose any three they wanted, but were to be limited to three, due to space constraints in the lounge area. The remainder of their parties would be relegated to the terminal area.

Irnla raised an eyebrow, but acknowledged his instructions. A few seconds later, he heard the loud complaints of the council members as they were told to limit their retinues. But the complaints quickly died down and he soon heard the council members announced into the room, and curt greetings from the masters in the room. Eventually, he heard the voice of Councilwoman J’Irle demanding that Lar Master Flarr tell her what was going on, where was high councilor Torl?

Torl was impressed with Flarr’s diplomacy as he told her that Srin Master Torl would join them shortly. He looked over at Lia and saw a twinkle in her eye and a slight smile on her lips as she watched him.


“Do you intend to make her wait all evening? She is a very impatient woman who is used to command.”

“In my mind, she is a person who insulted my monastery, my heritage, and myself, and she most likely ordered an assassination attempt on me. She can wait until I decide she has waited long enough.”

“That’s what I thought you had in mind. But remember, she is the former first seat, and has a great deal of influence over some of the other council members. Unless you intend to bring charges against her for the assassination attempt, which I would not recommend at this point, you will need to have her cooperation to effectively govern here.”

“I hear you and agree with you, but I also want to make a point. She should not underestimate me going forward.”

“I rather doubt she will. J’Irle is not a fool. Don’t you underestimate her either or you will quickly find yourself asking her permission go to the privy. But then based on what I have seen, she is more likely to underestimate you than for you to underestimate her.

I have to say, I will miss being here to watch you deal with the council. My guess is that it is likely to be quite spectacular.”

“Thank you, I aim to entertain.” Torl winked at her and smiled.

“Well, I guess we should rejoin the party before J’Irle starts a war with the masters. Would you do the honors?”

“Oh, I would be truly honored. I want to see her face clearly when you upstage her.”

They went to the door, Lia opened it and let Seala out before stepping out herself.

“Masters of the universities of Sharing Six, a duely approved and sworn member of the Saal Monastery. Councilwoman J’Irle, Councilman T’Lane, honored guests; I proudly present Srin Master and First Seat of the High Council of the Free Colonial System, Torl.”

A cheer went up from the masters in the room and they all stood facing the door waiting for Torl to enter.

Lia watched J’Irle’s face as she made the pronouncement. There was a brief flash of irritation as she addressed the masters first, and there was a brief flash of surprise in her eyes as Lia mentioned that the universities were now part of the Saal Monastery. Finally, there was more irritation as the masters cheered and stood waiting for Torl to enter. He had definitely thrown her off balance, but the consummate politician hid it as well as any she had ever seen. T’Lane on the other hand was blatantly angry and made no attempt to cover it.

Torl walked out of the conference room like a king stepping up to his throne.

“Good evening everyone, please take your seats. He walked over to Councilwoman J’Irle as he spoke, brushing right past Councilman T’Lane who was somewhat between them. He did not even look at T’Lane, and the man’s face got even redder. Lia wondered if he was going to have a heart attack right there in the middle of the room. He reached a hand out toward J’Irle.

“You must be Councilwoman J’Irle; you are every bit as beautiful as I was told. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I was quite sad to hear that you were unable to make it this morning.” Lia noted he had caught J’Irle by surprise with the comment about her beauty and again when he reminded her of the slight she had given him. He was definitely scoring at will right now.

J’Irle accepted Torl’s offered hand, and smiled.

“High Councilor Torl, the pleasure is mine. I apologize for not greeting you sooner, I truly regret having allowed other priorities to keep me away this morning.”

Lia suspected that that was as close to an apology as J’Irle had ever made. But she did it with grace and poise.

“We have much to talk about J’Irle, would you care to join me for a cup of caf?”

“Certainly High Councilor, but may I first introduce Councilman T’Lane?”

Torl turned and appeared to notice T’Lane for the first time. He smiled and offered his hand to T’Lane.

“Ah, yes. Councilman T’Lane, it is good to meet you. I believe I met your son this morning. I trust he expressed my pleasure with the greeting I received this morning.” Torl smiled but he allowed his eyes to express displeasure at the same time.

T’Lane paled slightly and tentatively reached his hand out to accept Torl’s offered hand.

“High Councilor Torl, I am honored to meet you. Please accept my apologies for not being present this morning. I am truly saddened that I missed the opportunity to greet you when you arrived.”

“Think nothing of it. Perhaps we will have an opportunity to sit down and discuss future plans at some point in the future.”

Torl shook his hand, then turned back to J’Irle and raised his hand to indicate she should lead him to the refreshments. They collected a caf each and moved to a side table where they could talk in relative privacy.

“J’Irle I must apologize for the abruptness with which I claimed the First Seat. I had hoped to work with you and discuss your plans for the government and the high council before deciding whether to claim the First Seat or simply move into the council seat reserved for the Saal Monastery. Political forces kind of forced my hand there, but I would like to discuss the plans you had, and the goals you see as vital for the government and the council. Perhaps we will find common ground and be able to work together to accomplish great things.”

Torl noted once again the very brief reactions to his comments as they flashed through her eyes only. J’Irle was a very accomplished politician, nothing showed on her face that she did not want to show. The eyes were the only tell she had, and you had to be paying attention to catch the reactions there. She had been surprised by his comment that he had considered not claiming the high seat, and irritated when he reminded her that there was another open seat that he was in position to fill and control. She had no reaction at all to his reminder that she had created the situation she now found herself in, and only the slightest eagerness when he indicated he would be willing to discuss her goals and possibly work with her to accomplish some of them. He would have to be watching carefully when he ran the assassination attempts by her.

“High Councilor, I would be honored to share some of my plans with you. Most are just common sense plans that I’m sure you will have no difficulty endorsing, and I have already garnered support for them so they should sail through the council votes with no difficulty.” He had planned for this approach and showed very slight eagerness when she indicated she would work with him, and very brief and slight concern when she indicated that she had significant influence and could control many of the votes in the council. He was already aware that she had significant influence, but knew that she did not have enough influence to control the votes of the council. He also knew that she was an accomplished politician and would likely share only those things she believed she could either force upon him, or that he would agree to. He was just creating an image for her, hoping that she might underestimate him again when he needed her to. More than half of politics was making people believe what you wanted them to believe and maneuvering for advantage using what they believed to get what you wanted.

Then she made her move to try and get him out of his comfort zone.

“So, High Councilor, you have been quite busy it seems. The move with pulling the universities into the Saal Monastery is one I had not anticipated. Good luck holding these slow minds together.” He presented a very brief look of irritation at her slight toward the masters.

“I would have thought you would have gone after some easier to manage power base, like the starship coalition, or one of the outer rim systems. But it would appear that you like to push your luck and take big risks. Just remember that all gamblers eventually hit the odds.” Again he displayed a very brief, very slight irritation.

“I believe you will be surprised at the effectiveness of uniting and motivating the masters. And as for gambling, I don’t. By the way, do you know a Councilman Aarl? His name came up in discussions with some uninvited guests on our ship on the way here?” There it was, a very brief look of fear just flew across her eyes. If he had not been looking for it, he would have missed it. She clearly was involved or at least aware of the assassins being sent to take him out.

“I suspect he and I will have to have some long discussions at some point about those guests.” This time there was no reaction at all. She was very skilled.

“Well, I certainly know who Councilman Aarl is, but if you want my opinion on uninvited guests, I assume you mean stowaways, I’m afraid I don’t know much about starship law, and I don’t think councilman Aarl does either.”

Torl reached out and brushed against her mind, she had a shield up as he expected. But there was no reaction in her eyes as he brushed against it. It would appear that she had not noticed his touch. He would have to verify by trying again when she was somewhere that she felt safe. Most likely, however, she was not an esper, just someone trained to erect a shield.

“Alas, Councilwoman J’Irle it has been a very long day for me, and I suspect for you as well. I believe we should call it an evening. Contact my assistant I’lle to set up a time and we will discuss your plans for the future of the government.” With that Torl stood and waited for J’Irle to stand as well before he held out his hand and wished her peaceful sleep. She took his offered hand and wished him the same. Then she turned on her heal walked straight to T’Lane spoke to him and they turned for the door. T’Lane looked like a punished puppy as he headed for the door. He would not soon throw his weight around in Torl’s presence. In fact, he was likely waiting for the other shoe to drop. As soon as they had departed, Torl moved to the front of the room again.

“My friends, I thank you for your assistance this evening. I am certain you are all as tired as I am. I will contact each of you over the coming days and we will begin implementing the changes we need to move us toward the relevance we once had. Please have a safe journey back to your homes. I wish you all rest and peace this evening.”

Torl, Seala, Lia, and the security staff left at that point. Irnla told him that I’lle had secured quarters for them in a hotel just outside the star port and their personal belongings had been moved there. He nodded and followed her as she led them to the shuttle that would take them to their temporary home.

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